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Aedan Of Highever

Page 62

by Milton Garby

  Morrigan slipped her Chasind garments and let them fall to the floor, revealing all her feminine glory to her lover. Aedan's armor quickly fell to the ground as he descended upon her. Aedan's powerful muscles grinding and enveloping the love of his life, as Morrigan's tender flesh and soft hands soothed Aedan's burning desire. Their hands, eyes and mouths explored one another, memorizing every detail of their lover, the uncertainty of what tomorrow held bolstering their lust.

  Sighs and moans of doomed passion filled the air as the two lovers basked in each other's warm, loving embrace one last time. Their bodies entwined in heated, carnal need for one another as their bodies moved in intimate motion with one another, like an illicit dance that neither one wanted to end. The dim light from the fire place danced on their glistening flesh as Morrigan held her lover close to her, sending her ecstasy to new height in the hopes of drowning out her the sorrow in the back of her mind. Aedan drove all his unbridled ardor and unending desire into the beautiful witch beneath him. There was no holding back from either of them, for on this last night with one another they poured their hearts out to each other. After several long hours into the night their passion began to reach its peak and all their corporeal desire and lust crashed down on each other like an avalanche of carnal satisfaction.

  The two lovers laid there in silence, exhausted, satisfied and full of anguish. Even this late in the night and with what they faced when the dawn came, neither one of them wanted sleep to take them. This would be the last time either one of them would ever know such contentment, to lay there in one another's warm embrace. Morrigan cuddled into Aedan's chest, her luminous raven hair cascading down her shoulders as she listened to Aedan's gentle heartbeat. Despite how strong and firm his heart resonated in his chest, she knew that it was broken, and she was responsible for it. Morrigan brought Aedan's face to look at her and saw the sorrow in his deep blue eyes. "Aedan. I know you're angry with me, and I don't expect your forgiveness. But, please, understand that this brings me no joy. And I promise you this: no man will ever take your place in my heart."

  "Morrigan." Aedan answered with forlorn. "Please, just let me hold you. One last time." Morrigan welcomed and returned Aedan's loving embrace. She laid there tearfully holding her beloved for one last night as sleep finally carried them both away.


  It took them two days to get a forced march of all their armies to the capital, the horde had already beaten them there. Denerim had already been set ablaze. Darkspawn were breaking down the city's front gate and began to pour in like a diseased flood. The city guard and militia were putting up a valiant effort to push the vile boogeymen out of their homes' but the relentless darkspawn overwhelmed them with sheer numbers and ruthless savagery. And there it was, flying above the city, spouting black fire from its maw, heralding the doom of Ferleden, the Archedemon.

  Alistair gazed upon the majestic yet putrid beast, but would not falter, he had come too far to tuck tail and run from a dragon! Nor would he let anyone else do what Loghain did at Ostagar and run. He could see the terror on all of the soldiers faces and thought now was the best time to raise their spirits and prove to himself that he was worthy of being called the son of Maric the Savior.

  "Before us stands the might of the darkspawn horde!" He called out the army they had gathered. "Gaze upon them and fear them not! Now look about yourselves, look to your fellow soldier standing next to you!" And so the soldiers looked at one another not quite sure as to why until the realized that not all members of this army were of the same race, religion mage and non-mage. "You now stand shoulder to should with all those whom at one point you considered your enemy is here with you now as your brother at arms!" The men's face began to show strength, resolve and even pride. "Regardless of our race, religion or status we are all sons and daughters of Ferelden, here in defiance of what would see our ways of life brought to ruin, united in one voice to tell the void we will not disappear into the night!" Alistair then pointed at Aedan who had donned his helmet and baring his weapons. "And it is this Grey Warden who has brought us all here, a true native of Ferelden. He has brought us all together, despite the odds and has proven that glory is in reach of us all!" At this point all of the members of the army were pumping themselves up for the bloody fight ahead. "Today we save Denerim! Today we avenge the death of my brother, King Cailan! But most of all, we show the Grey Warden that we remember and honor their sacrifice!" Now all of the native races and factions of Ferelden were cheering out and yelling in agreement to the king's speech. "For Ferelden! For the Grey Wardens!" Alistair yelled out pointing at the enemy at the gates and army charged without fear, hesitation or regrets.

  Just as the new army made it to the gates the darkspawn had already got done butchering the city militia and seemed ready to take on this new wave. The Ferelden army smashed into horde. Tainted blades plunged into red blood, dwarven mauls crushed genlock bones, elven arrows flew into darkspawn ranks, the ash warriors proved that their rage was far greater than any ogres, and magic met magic with Circle mages sending fire, lightning and ice at emissaries who hurled poison, plague, and parasites at the forces that came to save the capital.

  The darkspawn at the gate were swiftly dispersed but just as the army cheered at clearing the city's front, the Archdemon swooped above them roaring with malignance and the army saw a new, fresh and angry wave of darkspawn charging them, they would be at their back within the hour!

  Riordan went to find his fellow Wardens to give them instruction before this new wave of darkspawn broke through the gates. He found them killing what was left of the darkspawn in the city's inner gate. The dwarf was smashing the darkspawn with his maul. The golem tossing genlock into the air and laughing as they splattered back on the ground. The qunari used his strange blue sword to cut down groups of darkspawn as easy as knife glides through butter. The Orlesian lass found a high point and rained down arrows to give her allies cover fire. The Circle mage stayed towards the back to give healing and support to the wounded. The Antivan elf used great dexterity and speed to dodge incoming hurlock blades and wedge his own knives into the darkspawn's weak points. The apostate used offensive magic which left the 'spawn seared, frozen, and as puddles in the ground. His brothers we fighting back-to-back against a group of darkspawn that sought to overwhelm them only to fail miserably; Alistair and Aedan's ability to fight as each other's extensions was impeccable.

  With the gate secured, for the moment, of darkspawn Riordan called the Grey Wardens and their entourage over to tell them what they need to do next. "We've made it through the gates. We're doing better than I had hoped."

  "That will change quickly." Sten pointed out cynically.

  "Bloody nug-runners!" Oghren cursed. "We're outnumber three-to-one!"

  "What are we to do now, Riordan?" Wynne addressed. "Surely you have some sort of plan."

  "We've managed to secure the Denerims front gates, but the horde that has broken threw is already raising the city to the ground and the army will not last long." Riordan explained. "I can sense that they are being led by two generals to destroy and hold key points in the city."

  "If we can stop those general I'm sure we can send the darkspawn army into disarray." Leliana pointed out.

  "Then we will also waste resources trying to find them." Riordan informed.

  Still if they could kill those generals and stop the contingency's that they command, they will be able to save many Denerim citizens, Aedan thought to himself. However, when the kill the Archdemon they will stop this horde period. "How are we going to fight a flying dragon?"

  "We need to reach a high point…I'm thinking the top of Fort Drakon."

  "The top of…? You want to draw the dragon's attention." Alistair observed incuriously.

  "We have little choice, but I warn you once the Archdemon encounters us it will call it generals to its defense." Riordan continued. "It will be best for us to split up. I will he'd up to Fort Drakon myself and try to lure the dragon to the gro
und. Aedan, take whom you will into the city to gather what forces of our army to meet me there. And I suggest you leave someone here to command what forces remain at the gate to stop the darkspawn from coming in on our tails."

  "Very well." Aedan agreed, thinking this strategy was sound. "Alistair will stay here, and keep the darkspawn from surging in behind us. Shale and Sten will provide support."

  "I'd rather be taking the city with you." Alistair sulked. "But I'll respect your descision."

  "That should be sufficient. Nothing you have faced before has prepared you for this." Riordan warned. "Remember, you are Grey Wardens and I know you shall do your duty. Maker be with you." With that Riordan took his leave by himself.

  Aedan looked to his sword-brother and soon to be king. "This will be one of the most defining moment in our nation's history. Are you ready, Alistair?"

  "I'm a little bit pissed that I won't be taking the city with you." Alistair answered. "I hope you're not just trying to keep me out of the fighting like Duncan did."

  "No, Alistair. It's not like that." Aenda replied truthfully. "You are going to be king of this country, and you must fight with your men. Defending Ferelden in her time of need is the ultimate duty of a son of House Theirin."

  "I was a Grey Warden before I became a king. I should be fighting with you."

  "No. You were born a son of House Theirin, regardless of what you or anyone else may say about your parentage. Being born by that alone places certain responsibilities on you, and you must fulfill them."

  "Oh, fine." Alistair relented. Then he finally smiled that goofy grin he always did when he made a joke that wasn't funny. "Just make sure you leave some of the Archdemon left for me when I'm done defending these gates. I want at least a little of that action."

  Even with doomsday looming around them, Aedan couldn't help but laugh. "Haha-ha! I'll try, Alistair. But with Archdemons, wine and women, it's always first come, first served."

  "Well, just remember: you said you'd help me be king, and I'm going to hold you to that promise. So don't even think about dying."

  "Already killed two dragons. I can't wait to carve a third notch on my belt."

  Alistair's face became serious, and for once, he didn't look like he was going to have a heart-attack over it. "Listen, Aedan, before you go I'd like to say something. I don't know where I'd be now if it weren't for you. Maybe I'd be rotting in some field at Ostagar, or maybe I'd have been slain long ago by Loghain's men. You got me this far, and it has been an honor knowing you."

  In all their travels together, Aedan had developed a kinship with Alistair that is only forged through the hardships of war and bloodshed. That was a bond separated from all others. "It has been my honor to know you…my brother."

  "Go find this Archdemon, then. And kick its ass!" Alistair turned to his countrymen and readied himself for the oncoming battle that awaited them.

  Aedan turned to his fellows to begin their assault into the city. All had final words to say to him before they followed their leader into this last charge. Oghren approached first, and for the first time since Aedan had known him, he was as sober as a priest. "So, this is it." The dwarf sighed.

  "And so it is." Aedan confirmed. "Nervous?"

  "Nervous!?" Oghren laughed. "Are you kidding!? This is exactly what we Orzammar Warriors live for! Kicking these 'spawn bastards so hard in the arse their buttocks' go flying out of their skulls!" Oghren's emotions went from boisterously jovial to unusually emotional. "Th-thanks for making this happen, Warden. I…I owe you a lot." Torrents of emotion swirled within the stout warrior. "Ya took in a…washed up, drunken disgrace of an Orzammar sword-caste. Ya helped me get past Branka, and find Felsi so I could have someone new. The Warrior Caste showed me how to fight, but you taught me how to be a warrior."

  "Against the best of Orzammar and the best of Ferelden, these bastards don't stand a chance."

  "Yeah! Let's show 'em why!" Oghren bellowed. "When the blood of battle the Stone is fed, let heroes prevail and the blighters lie dead! Today, I'll be the warrior you showed me to be!"

  Sten approached his baas leader and, for once, had no scowl or look of disapproval on his face. He actually looked…content. "And here we are, at long last. The battlefield."

  "Have any last minute doubts that you want to tell me before we head out?"

  "No. Not this time." Sten answered respectfully. "I had so many doubts when I first accompanied you, but you quickly put them to rest. It was only by your own strength of will that we have made it here, despite the unlikeliness. You have carried us this far, do not doubt that." Sten walked away from his leader and joined with Alistair at the gates.

  Shale approached Aedan with crunching footsteps. If Aedan didn't know better he'd think that the sardonic golem had an air of…sentimentality about her. "So the Archdemon is next, is it? And I'm not going with you?" Shale almost sounded unhappy. "I never thought I'd say it but, I'm a little…apprehensive to be left behind."

  "I need you to help hold the gates, Shale. The darkspawn will hit the hardest here."

  "Well, I guess I could do better here than fighting against a giant, scaly bird." Shale chuckled in a gravelly voice. "Before you go….Aedan. Thank you for finding me. I'd much rather be fighting in the end of days than collecting bird feces back in Honnleath."

  Aedan nodded his head to the animated golem as she left to the gates. Wynne approached next with her matronly smile, beaming with pride. Not many words needed to be said between them. "This is it then. All that we've been through has lead us to this."

  "Thank you for all that you've done, Wynne."

  "No, thank you for all that you've done." Wynne smile was almost accompanied with tears, "And for giving this old ruin a reason to keep living. No matter what happens today, know that I am infinitely proud to have known you."

  "So…this is it, this is the end." Leliana observed with her sweet voice. "We have come so far. It is strange to know that our fates will be decided within the next few hours."

  "My fate has always been in my own hands, Leliana. We, and we alone, will decide how we meet our end."

  "Ha. It's funny. Ever since I came to this country, I have let the Maker guide my path. And he led me to you. You may not believe in the Maker, Aedan, but you do His work. May He keep you safe." Leliana readied Marjolaine's Recurve and prepared to take the city.

  Zevran approached his former target and first friend with that arrogant stride that only he could walk. "And so now we go off to slay yet another dragon." The elf laughed. "Good! We Antivans have a special detestment for Archdemons, and I can't wait to show him what that means. Allow me to say one thing before we go: I came to this land to take your life, or lose my own, but instead you spared me and allowed me to fight at your side. I have never done anything so worthy before. Thank you."

  And finally, Morrigan walked up to Aedan. The bitter sweetness that surrounded them overshadowed the Blight that had descended upon the city. "And so we go into the city together, yes? As it should be. Once it is over, I am gone. You understand this, I hope." Morrigan's face remained cold as winter, but her eyes betrayed the sadness that was in her heart.

  Aedan gently took her soft hand and pressed it to his cheek, trying to savor and remember the feeling of her touch one last time. "Morrigan, please. Please don't do this." Aedan begged quietly. "We can still be together. Us and the baby. Please. I love you, Morrigan."

  Morrigan's cold façade melted, revealing all the emotion she truly felt. "Please, don't make this more difficult for me. I want that more than anything, to have a life with you, but it can't be. Accepting it would make things so much easier." She looked into Aedan's eyes and could see that there was truly no way to convince him to give up on her. "Allow me to say this before we go. I was….I was foolish. I knew what I had to do, yet I cannot regret ever meeting you. I cannot regret loving you. Aedan, please, understand that this brings me no joy. And no matter what happens after today, I will always love you." Aedan pressed her warm ha
nd to his face as bitter tears finally broke from his eyes and wet her hand. Then he finally released her.

  Now was not the time for weakness, not a time to mourn. It was time for action. Time for destruction. Aedan would annihilate all who sought to harm his country. Aedan took what contingencies of soldiers he could get and marched inward to Fort Drakon. With any luck they could disable the darkspawn's efforts into the city along their way.

  The Denerim City Gates...

  With Aedan and the others gone, it was left up to Alistair, Sten, Shale and the soldiers who had been left to guard the gates. Alistair looked off into the distance through the gates and saw the horde preparing for another assault into the city. They had to cut off the darkspawns supply of fresh troops into the city here. Just over the horizon came a new wave of fresh darkspawn troops, ready to uproot the very city from its very foundations. Alistair and his men would meet them head on. "Form ranks!" All the soldiers obediently made a disciplined formation, blocking the gateway from any outside attack.

  The hurlocks waved their savage blades and pounded their shields with menacing rage. Screaming like the choirs of hell, they charged forward to gates of Denerim with every intent to rundown their anything in their way. "Hold!" Alistair called. The men of Redcliffe clenched to their courage as the screaming wave of tainted wretches came closer. The screams and war cries became louder, more maddening as they approached, the knights could actually smell the ungodly stink that came from their enemies' ranks!

  "Hold! None shall pass!" The horde was so close they could see the glow of their tainted, evil eyes. There were almost there! The mighty gates of Denerim was the city's only way in and its salvation. Alistair stood within the doorway into the city, staring down the charging black horde. "Knights of Redcliffe! LOCK SHIELDS!" Every knight connected their bulwark to the soldier next to them, creating an angry wall of steel and soldiers. "FOR FERELDEN!"


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