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Aedan Of Highever

Page 66

by Milton Garby

  The former members of Maric's Shield were dragged out like the criminals they had become. These disgraced soldiers were once they were the proudest and most distinct of Ferelden's military. Now their names would be spat on for the rest of their days. Never again would they set foot on their native soil and would die in foreign lands, hated, unmourned, and forgotten. Unless….

  "Wait!" Cauthrien called desperately.

  "Don't try begging, Cauthrien." Aedan waved off uncaringly. "It's pathetic and insulting. Better men than you suffered and died by your hands, and you called them traitors. Now you will suffer a traitor's punishment."

  "I demand that my men and I be recruited into the ranks of the Ash Warriors as punishment for our crimes." Cauthrien's voice possessed newfound confidence and hope, but still desperate.

  The angry scowl on Aedan's face could have shattered every mirror in the kingdom. "You dare? Need I tell you how many Ash Warriors are dead because of you and Loghain!?"

  "No need." Cauthrien rebuffed. "I already know how many. Which is why I'm sure they could use us."

  "What makes you think you're worthy of such an honor!?" Aedan demanded.

  "Nothing." Cauthrien answered flatly. "But that isn't for you or me to decide." Cauthrien was gambling with all their lives, but she knew of Aedan's sense of national pride and adherence to their people's customs.

  Anger grunted in anger and smashed his fist into the granite wall and left an imprint of his fist in it. "Bring me the head abbot of The Order of The Line now!" Aedan ordered to one of the guards.

  It didn't take for Aedan's men to find Abbot Luwin. Apparently, he was looking for Aedan as well. He wanted to breed The Warden's prized mabari to refill the empty kennels around Denerim. The abbot was dressed in humble, drab clothing that had faded designs of war hounds on his robes. The most extravagant thing he possessed was an old, worn out talisman that feature to mabaris back to back against a black tome. Cauthrien remembered him and she had no doubt he remembered her. The lives of her and her men were in his hands. But she had no doubt of the creek she was in. Cauthrien remembered how Howe attempted to assassinate the abbot and steal his prized mabari like a common thief.

  Aedan angrily explained the situation to the Abbot. How Cauthrien and her men dared to want to join the ranks of heroes like the Ash Warriors and how unworthy they were of such distinction. Cauthrien thought the abbot wouldn't even bother with them, but instead he just listened with an oddly serene look on his face. When Aedan was done with his rant the old man looked at Cauthrien and her men with his eyebrow raised. Cauthrien felt her stomach twist into knots. "Very well. I will induct them into the Order myself." The abbot answered almost jovially.

  Aedan couldn't believe his ears! "What!? Abbot Luwin, these traitors defiled everything our nation stands for! They would have murdered you and anyone else who opposed Loghain! How can you allow them to join you?"

  "That is simple, Lord Cousland." The abbot answered calmly. "Much like your Order of The Grey and the Legion of the Dead of Orzammar, Ash Warriors have no past. You know that any who joins us has their records erased and the names stricken. Many of our most distinct warriors were once horrible criminals, and the only goal of an Ash Warrior is a worthy death. And besides, our ranks were devastated in the Blight. We cannot afford to turn away willing recruits if our Order is to survive into the next age."

  Aedan scoffed in anger. But relented. Abbot Luwin was right, as much as he hated to admit it. The whole point of the Ash Warriors was for condemned men to erase their crimes by seeking a worthy death. They were mercenaries whose only payment was a worthy cause. But he couldn't stand the thought of all of Cauthrien's crimes being erased as if they were nothing. In a flash like lightening, Aedan swiped his knife down over Cauthrien's right eye, leaving a long cut that went down her forhead, over her eye and ended down her cheek. Cauthrien yelled in pain as the burning cut seared the nerves and muscles of her face. "Everywhere you go, every time you look in the mirror, everyone will see that scar and know who you are." Aedan's voice was like cold steel. "And you will live with this permanent reminder of your shame, failure and crimes." Aedan motioned to the guards. "Now get this filth out of my sight."

  Despite the pain in Cauthrien's face, she walked with her head held high. She managed to save herself and her men from a punishment worse than death to them. And they would have a chance to serve their country the right way and, perhaps, one day make up for the crimes they were guilty of.

  The Royal Palace….

  The palace and much of the city had been restored to its former splendor, such as it is. The reconstruction since the Archdemons death had gone wonderfully, the people were now ready to officially celebrate one the greatest victories in nation's history. And with the difficult days of recovery ahead, Alistair decided that they should take their celebrations where they could.

  All that had participated in the fight against the darkspawn or their representatives filled the throne room. Generals and ambassadors from Orzammar stood next to First Enchanter Irving and his fellow mages. Keeper Lanaya and her hunters stood shoulder to shoulder with the knights of Redcliffe, there was not a sign of hostility between the two parties. Even the Avvar managed to be…cordial. Fortunatley that was because Chief Maferath and Siobahn made sure they behaved. And all of the Warden's companions appeared were present, dressed for the occasion.

  Alistair stood before the throne in the garments of the Fereldan King, using his newfound powers of speech to address the people who had gathered. "My friends, we are gathered here today to celebrate our victory over the darkspawn, to honor those who gave their lives in the fight against evil and the defense of Denerim." Alistair's words received a quiet, emotional response. "Of those who battled the Blight, there is one who deserves…commendation. Ladies and gentlemen I present the Hero of Ferelden, the first man to slay an Archdemon since Garahel four centuries ago." Aedan silently walked forward and presented himself to the people who had gathered, receiving a roaring applause from all present. "My friend, it is difficult to imagine how you could have aided these people more. Is there any boon you would ask of your king? If it is within my power, I will grant it."

  Aedan knelt humbly before his newly elected king. After defeating the Blight and saving his homeland there was only one thing he truly wanted, his family, but that was not possible for any king. "My king. I…I ask that you give my family justice." Aedan requested sadly.

  "The Howes are hereby stripped of their lands and titles, and will be investigated about their involvement in the Highever attack." Alistair answered with kingly authority. "Highever itself is returned to your family, namely your brother Fergus, who was found safe and sound in Korcari Wilds."

  Aedan looked over to the crowd and was filled with shock and joy to actually see his brother standing amongst the crowd. His joy was quickly over washed with shame and regret, he couldn't stand to be in Fergus' sight after what happened.

  "Let it also be known that the Arling of Amaranthine, once the land of Arl Rendon Howe, is hereby granted to The Grey Wardens." Alistair continued. "There they can rebuild and follow the example that this man has set." Alistair looked to his brother-in-arms. "What are your plans now, my friend?"

  Aedan thought for a moment and knew what he was going to do. "I intend to search for Morrigan." He couldn't ignore the hole she left in his heart. Hopefully the ring she gave him would help.

  "My impression was that she didn't want to be found." Alistair waved off. "But if that's what you want, then good luck. But don't be gone too long, this country still needs its hero."

  "I will never abandon Ferelden or her people, Alistair."

  "Glad to hear it. Now go out and celebrate, damn it!" Alistair laughed. "This is a party for Andraste's sake!"

  Aedan summoned all his courage to meet his brother. Right now he'd rather be facing the Archdemon again the face Fergus. His brother smiled that charming grin that his family loved so much. "When I heard that my little brother not only def
eated the Archdemon, but was declared a hero, I was stunned to say the least." He laughed. "But can anyone expect less of a Cousland?"

  Tears of held back emotion finally flooded from Aedan's eyes as he embraced his beloved brother. "Oh, Fergus! Can you ever forgive me?" Aedan sobbed.

  Fergus hugged his younger brother as his own tears escaped. "There is nothing to forgive, Aedan. I know Oren and Oriana wouldn't have blamed you, and neither do I." Fergus said with his voice cracking.

  "I killed him, Fergus." Aedan wept bitterly. "I killed Howe for what he did. I made him bleed. I made him suffer for what he did."

  "And I wish I was there for it." Fergus said honestly. "But, please, let's not focus on the past now."

  "What…what happened to you, Fergus?" Aedan asked. "I thought you were dead."

  "I never actually made it to Ostagar." Fergus answered. "My scouting party was ambushed by darkspawn. All my men were killed and I was left for dead. I woke up weeks later in a Chasind hut near death. It wasn't until a few weeks ago I was well enough to finally leave." The look of pride on Fergus' face filled Aedan with a kind of joy he had not felt in ages. "Imagine my surprise when I heard your name being chanted like a hero. Mother and Father would be so proud of you."

  Aedan wiped the tears from his eyes, not wanting to seem weak in front of his brother. "What are you going to do now?"

  "I think I'll…take up the title of Teryn of Highever and help rebuild. There is so much work to be done." Fergus answered sadly.

  Aedan looked at his left hand and slipped his father's ring off his finger. "Here, Fergus. You should have this. It belongs to the Teryn of Highever."

  "I thought this was lost!" Fergus marveled as he placed the ring rightfully on to his finger. "You…you'll come back with me to Highever, won't you? The castle just won't be the same with…everyone gone."

  "There are things that I have left to do. But I promise, I will, brother." Aedan swore.

  "I'll hold you to that, little brother." Fergus laughed. "Otherwise I'll hunt you down and give you a good finger wagging like mother used to!"

  Aedan felt like the weight of the Frostbacks had been lifted from his shoulders. He knew he could never make up for failing to protect his brother's wife and son, but at least he had his forgiveness. They were all that was left of House Cousland, and they would remain as brothers.

  Aedan greeted his companion one last time before he left to greet the mass of people outside the door. Leliana decided she would rejoin the Chantry. After everything they had been through she decided to make sure that the Chantry would continue to protect the innocent, and she could do that. Despite Aedan's feelings for the Chantry, he wished the bard all the luck in the world.

  Wynne was offered the position of First Enchanter of Kinloch Hold, but declined the honor. Instead, she decided to use what time she had left in the world to travel around and search for a way to restore Shale her mortality. Apparently Shale had learned the value of being flesh and blood from a stunning example of mortal fortitude. Aedan would miss them both dearly. Wynne and her kind, matronly nature. And Shale's blunt fortitude and brutal honesty.

  Zevran decided he would stay only for a little while. He knew that the Crows would eventually send more assassins after him, and he would not let them endanger the friends he had come to cherish. That bit of selflessness surprised Aedan to say the least. He never thought he'd miss the perverted elf, but he was going to. He knew how to make a laugh out of anything.

  Sten, for the first time since they had met, showed absolute humility and respect to Aedan. Aedan only had to stop a Blight to accomplish that feat. With his sword and honor restored Sten decided to return to his people with his head held high, and he would forever be grateful to the bas who became known as "kadan" to him, and would tell every qunari in Par Vollen that Aedan Cousland was "Basalit-an". Aedan didn't dismiss the significance of what that meant to Sten, but he still knew that in future the two could become enemies on the battlefield. When that day came Aedan would fight him out of respect rather than hatred.

  Oghren…was already drunk, but he wasn't plastered. Apparently, Teagan bet a whole sovereirn that Oghren couldn't down a whole barrel of pickle juice. Tegan was going to be one gold piece poorer. Turns out Oghren was offered a position in the Ferelden army, the highest rank ever awarded to surface dwarf. And he was going to make an honest woman out of Felsi as well. Was this even the same Oghren Kondrat Aedan knew? Aedan had to admit, he'd miss Oghren. Not the belching, or puking, that weird smell, the crappy jokes, the constant inebriation or the farting….Actually, Aedan was going to like not being around Oghren for a while.

  Aedan finally reached the doors, and for the first time in his life, he was nervous. His life's dream was to become a hero to his people, but the reality was much more staggering than the dream. Aedan finally opened the doors and was greeted with cheers and praise from not just his own countrymen, but from Dalish elves, Orzammar dwarves and Circle mages came to greet him as a hero. Their cheers raised made his spirit soar to height he never knew possible. It was exalting, yet humbling. As he walked through the crowd he was pleasantly surprised to see Bevin and his sister Kaitlyn amongst the people. Bevin had his grandfather's sword strapped to his back like the warrior he would one day become.

  "I told you he was a hero, Kaitlyn!" Bevin praised.

  Kaitlyn's smiled beamed through the crowd. "Of all the money that 'ere I spent, I spent it in good company." Her voice carried through the crowd as the entire city joined her.

  And of all the harm that 'ere I've done

  Alas it was to none but me

  And all I've done for want of wit

  To memory now I can't recall

  So fill to me The Parting Glass

  Goodnight and joy be with you all

  Of all the comrades the e're I had

  They're sorry for my going away

  And all the sweethearts that e're I loved

  They would wish me one more day to stay

  But since it falls on to my lot

  That I should rise and you should not

  I'll gently rise and I'll softly call "Goodnight and Joy be with you all"

  A man may drink and not be drunk

  A man may fight and not be slain

  A man may court a pretty girl and perhaps be welcomed back again

  But since it has, so ought to be

  By a time to rise and a time to fall

  Come fill to me The Parting Glass

  Goodnight and Joy be with you all

  Come fill to me The Parting Glass

  Goodnight and Joy be with you all

  Two Months Later in the Frostback Mountains...

  It had been a frustrating journey through his country during the course of the Blight, but now it was more aggravating trying to get to end of Ferelden's borders with these new problems; citizens who recognized him as the Hero of Ferelden, all begging him to regale them with tales of his heroics or trying pawn off their daughters to him, him slapping down Chantry fools who dared to credit the Maker with Aedan's victory, and all this talk he had heard of the darkspawn rallying and causing problems in the north, his family's terynir.

  The most frustrating of all, however, was finding all these different informants who said they have seen a woman of Morrigan's description and following their advice only to find the trail had gone cold, as if she vanished into thin air. The latest bit of news he heard was of a pale, golden-eyed woman with raven hair had made it to the Frostback Mountains, an impressive feat considering some say she looked like she was with child.

  Aedan had tried to use the ring Morrigan gave him to find her and whenever he was close to her the ring seemed to…emanate his love's emotions; she too could sense he was searching for her. The ring "informed" that she felt regret and loss, but he could not use it to find her exact whereabouts. Aedan searched all he could in the mountains, hell, he even searched through Orzammar, and King Bhelen was magnanimous enough to have his spies search the city only t
o find nothing. Aedan concluded that she had already left Ferelden's borders and was probably half way to Halamshiral at this point. Aedan could've yelled at the world for the failure in not finding the love of his life so he could persuade her to start a life with him and their child, but what was the point? She had told she'd be gone and he wouldn't find her. Morrigan was many things that could be seen in a negative light, but she was no liar.

  Now here was on the surface settlement at the gates of Orzammar chugging down what was the closest thing these surface dwarves and traders passed off as alcohol and eating what looked like stew mixed with vomit and feces. Aedan didn't care, it wasn't like there was anything that could lift his spirits up and the bad food and drink was perfect for his mood.

  "'Scuse me, human…." A dwarf soldier with a falcon perched on his forearm addressed. "Yer name Aedan Kesland?"

  Aedan quirked an eyebrow. "It's Cousland actually, but yes. What do you want?"

  "Sorry to interrupt your, uh…meal, but this hawk came to our gate with a message specifically for an Aedan Cousland, describing in great detail a large human with tattoos on his face. I look out into this place and here ya are!" Aedan was waiting on this guard to get to the point so he can continue to feel shitty about himself. "Anyway message fer ya."

  Aedan took the message and on it was labeled the royal arms of the Theirin family, this message was from Alistair.

  Dear Aedan.

  I know your searching for Morrigan, Maker knows why, but we have a situation; apparently the darkspawn have forgotten that the Archedemon is dead and are overstaying their welcome here in Ferelden, more specifically the northern coast at Amaranthine. Rude of them, really. The Grey Wardens of Orlais have finally arrived to assist in rebuilding the order at Vigil's Keep, but their having problems routing out the darkspawn there and are requesting you in specific to act as the new Warden Commander. Personally I think you're the only one suited for the job and none the lords of Ferelden want a high ranking Orlesian in their backyard. I'd take the position myself, but thanks to you I get to play king instead, so lucky me. Funnies aside we need you, Aedan. I know Morrigan meant a lot to you but Ferelden is far from safe, Blight or no Blight. Until the darkspawn have completely returned to the Deep Roads we need to you to reestablish the Warden's strength in this country so that Ferelden never forgets the importants of our former Order. No pressure, right? This message contains your commission and orders with my royal seal. Go to Kinloch Hold and there will be a small party to escort you to Amaranthine, as well as give you fresh arms, armour and supplies. Good Luck.


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