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Gripped (Prescott #2)

Page 6

by Joanne Schwehm

  “No offense?” I finally shot back. “Screwing around?”

  She shrugged, her cheeks turning pinker by the second. “You know what I mean. Look, all my life I’ve grown up around this sport and played second fiddle to a little white ball. So, pardon me if I’m not too fond of it. To each their own, and for me it would never be golf.”

  The jackhammer in my chest, which I assumed was my heartbeat, banged against my ribs. I took a deep breath, trying to calm down so I could explain to her what the sport meant to me.

  “Beverly, there are two things I live for in this world—my family and golf. In that order.” I raked my hand through my hair, frustrated at how far apart she and I were on the subject. “It was nice seeing you again today.” I reached out to offer her my hand, and once she took it, I gently shook hers. “Maybe I’ll see you around. If not, good luck with your move.”

  All I could do was turn and walk away. Beverly Whitfield might be one of the most beautiful and intriguing women I’d ever met, but she’d never understand my lifestyle. I didn’t even know why it mattered, but this woman was messing with my head. I shouldn’t give a rat’s ass what she thought about anything—but I did.

  “Dane, wait.”

  When I turned, Beverly was swiftly making her way toward me. With my arms crossed over my chest, I stared at her as she set down her clubs and looked up at me, her expression contrite.

  “I’m sorry.” Her beautiful eyes softened and before I knew it, she had my hand in hers. “You didn’t deserve that. It’s my issue, and I’ll deal with it.”

  All I could do was nod. When I said nothing, she released my hand and lowered her head, the silence between us uncomfortable.

  “I’ll let you get back to work.” She bent down and retrieved her bag, but not before glancing to where Hannah had been practicing. Thankfully, she had left.

  Without thinking, I said, “Go out with me.” The words were even a surprise to my ears.

  Wide green eyes stared back at me, and I tried to decipher what they were saying that her mouth wasn’t. I’d been known to render women speechless, but we were generally horizontal when that happened. I cleared my throat to attempt to bring her back to the here and now, but I’d become fixated on her lips, waiting for her response.

  “You want to go out with me?” she said, sounding as surprised as I did when I asked her.

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Why?” Her eyes narrowed.

  I studied her for a moment, trying to come up with the best answer without sounding like an idiot. “Because you intrigue me.”

  “Okay. I’ll go out with you, but on one condition.”

  “Name it.”

  “You don’t tell my parents I gave away my lessons.”

  Relieved, I smiled. “Done.”

  My brothers would be loving this shit right now since I never had to work at getting a woman to go out with me. And don’t get me started on my sister—she’d be flying a plane overhead with an I TOLD YOU SO banner hanging off the back of it. After Drake found Lucy, Gretchen had said I’d find someone too, and I’d scoffed at her.

  Once my head was back in the game, I said, “I’ll pick you up on Friday. Text me your address.”

  Beverly nodded, and before she could grab her bag, I did it for her. “Thank you.” She chuckled as I set the clubs on her cart.

  “What’s so funny?”

  She slid into the cart and gave me an amused look over her shoulder. “My mom was so happy that I was taking golf lessons with this great golfer. Little did she know I’d be going out with him.” Another giggle escaped her. “I’m just wondering if I need to stretch before our date, that’s all.” She smirked and pulled away.

  That was the quickest one-eighty in attitude I’d ever seen. The woman made my head spin. My lips twisted and my dick hardened at the thought of giving her a few lessons in my bed.

  Yeah, I couldn’t wait to show her what I really excelled at.

  • • •

  When I got back to my place that evening, I cracked open a beer, switched on the Golf Channel, and flopped down on the couch. No sooner did I let out a breath before my phone rang.

  “Hey, Jack.”

  “Did I catch you at a bad time?”

  “Nope, just got home and watching golf. What’s up?”

  “Thought I’d check in with you to see how you’re doing.”

  I took a swig of my beer. “I’m good. Actually, I had a great day today.”

  “What’s her name?”

  Jack’s tone was sarcastic, but I let it slide. Even though he was right, it was because of a woman, it wasn’t what he was thinking.

  “Beverly.” Just saying her name made me smile.

  “Old-fashioned,” Jack mused. “I like her already. I’m also impressed that you remembered her name.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I don’t know, she’s just different from the rest. She’s a lot like Lucy.”

  Jack chuckled. “Don’t let Drake hear you say that. He’s very protective of his woman, and you goading him all the time doesn’t help.”

  I let out a laugh at the memory of the day I met Lucy a few weeks ago when my family had gathered at the Outer Banks. I’d grabbed her and kissed her in front of him. Naturally, it was just a quick peck on the lips; there was no way I would do that to my brother.

  “You have to admit, Jack, it’s fun to see him get his balls in a twist.”

  “Back to Beverly,” he said impatiently. “Tell me about her.”

  Jack wasn’t the type who found fun in teasing anyone. He was the serious one, a dedicated businessman. I’d often told him he needed to lighten up, but was still waiting for that day. The only time I remember him acting like a fool over a female was when he was caught playing doctor with the girl who’d lived next door to us. They’d claimed they loved each other, and they were all of maybe ten at the time.

  “There isn’t too much to tell. I met her at a party and we just clicked. But you know me, I don’t do girlfriends, so we’ll see where this goes.”

  “What aren’t you telling me?” Jack asked. “You like her, don’t you?”

  “Why would you say that?” I drained my beer and set the bottle on the coffee table.

  “Because you’re sitting home alone and not in bed with her or anyone else. That’s not like you . . . unless you’re losing your touch.”

  “Nope, I’ve still got it, fuck you very much. We’re going out this Friday, but I just don’t know. She despises golf and everything that comes with it.”

  Jack let out a breath. “And you come with it.”

  Yep, he understood what my issue was.

  “Right, I come with it. It’s who I am.” I sighed, running my hand through my hair and along the back of my neck. “I don’t know why we’re discussing this. Shit, I haven’t even known Beverly very long.”

  “Don’t sacrifice who you are to please someone, no matter how long you’ve known them. You’re not far from achieving your goal, so keep your eye on the ball. Pun intended.”

  “Believe me, nothing or no one will stand in my way. My pro card is so close, I can taste it. What about you? Did you turn celibate or something?”

  “My sex life is just fine, but thanks for your concern. I’m just selective,” he said. “Hey, I got another call so I need to run, bro. I’ll talk to you later.”

  Like all my brothers, Jack had always attracted women, and he definitely wasn’t a saint. The problem was his bank account and success. He never knew if women wanted him or his wallet. I understood that, but sometimes I couldn’t help but wish I had his problems.

  After I watched TV a while longer, I turned it off and went to bed, thinking of all the things I wanted to do with and to Beverly before I left for the tour qualifier.

  • • •

  Finally, it was Friday. For the past few days, I’d racked my brain for where I wanted to take Beverly for our first date. All of this was a bit uncomfortable for me since I didn’t do this sort of thing. Taking her
to the country club or an upscale restaurant wasn’t in the cards, which some might think would be right up my alley, because I’d rather hang out at a comfortable, unpretentious joint like Louie’s.

  That’s when it hit me. A few of the young caddies were talking about this band that was coming to town. Apparently, they were from western New York and were stopping at a local bar as they made their way back home from the Carolinas.

  When Beverly had texted me her address, she’d told me to pull past the family’s main house to the guest house. As soon as I made the turn toward the cottage-like home, I spotted her sitting on the porch step. When she stood as I pulled up, I immediately slowed down and drank in every inch of her. The form-fitting jeans and pastel-pink T-shirt she was wearing hugged her curves perfectly.

  She started toward my car and when I’d stopped it, I got out to greet her. “You look fantastic.” I leaned in to kiss her, just a chaste kiss, and was happy she allowed it. Granted, my lips wanted hers, but she shifted her head just enough to offer me her cheek instead.

  “Where are we headed?”

  I opened the passenger door for her and replied, “The Cave.”

  She looked up at me as she slid inside, her eyes sparkling like stars. “There’s a band there tonight. I saw it online.”

  We pulled out of her parents’ driveway and headed for the Long Island Expressway. “Yes, I heard they had a good sound.”

  “Good?” Her voice shot up an octave or two. “It’s Raging Urge! They’re incredible.”

  “Oh. So you’ve heard them before?”

  Damn it! I’d wanted to do something different, but also wanted to do something she’d enjoy. From the sound of it, I’d made a good choice.

  “One of my students introduced me to them. I know how that sounds, but she had headphones on in class and when I asked her to please take them off, she unplugged them and the music blasted through my classroom. Of course, I needed to be the mature teacher and tell her to give me her phone, which she did, but I caught the name of the band she was listening to and that was it. I downloaded their music as soon as I got home.”

  “So you’re one of those strict teachers,” I said with a laugh, but Beverly didn’t join in.

  “Students are in school to learn, and it’s my job to teach them. I don’t see it as being strict; I see it as my responsibility to them and their parents. Kids deserve a good education.” When I didn’t reply, she asked, “Would you like it if one of your golf students blasted music rather than listen to you?”

  “Point taken.”

  Thank God I wasn’t a student in her class. There’s no way I would have been able to concentrate. My math teacher had been as old as my grandmother, and I’d aced her class. Although, algebra would have been incredibly sexy if Beverly had explained it.

  Thoughts of her writing on the board in the front of class ran through my mind. Vivid images of her skirt rising as she leaned over to write equations on the board made me wonder what the boys in her class thought. Did they sit there with their baseball caps covering their junk so she didn’t see their adolescent excitement? Knowing boys, they probably stayed after school for tutoring. I knew I would have.

  When I pulled into the bar’s small parking lot, it was already packed. “Looks like you’re not the only one who likes this band.” I finally found a spot and parked.

  Beverly practically bounced in her seat. “I told you they were great.” She grabbed her door handle before I could do the chivalrous thing and open it for her. “Come on. Let’s go!”

  The Cave held true to its name. Charcoal-gray faux stone covered the walls and ceiling. It was a different type of place, perfect for a music venue because the acoustics were incredible. The air was cool, and there wasn’t a pungent beer smell like Louie’s place had. It had a clean scent that was odd for a bar, but nice.

  After doing a lap around the crowded room, we found a small table and claimed it before anyone else had the chance. Some tables were occupied with couples huddled together, while others were filled with girls who looked like groupies. Our table was near a speaker, so I knew it would be difficult to have a conversation without having to scream. Rather than sit across from her, I moved the chair so I was seated next to her as we both faced the stage.

  Suddenly the room erupted with whoops and shrieks, mostly from the women sitting up front as the band made its way onstage. Beverly clapped her hands and then to my delight, leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.

  Her lips tickled my ear as she said, “Thank you for tonight. I’ve been dying to hear them live.” She seemed so carefree, and I liked this side of her.

  I could barely hear her, so I yelled back, “You’re stunning!” just as there was a break in the music and everyone looked in my direction. The guitarist smirked at me and gave me a thumbs-up, and I nodded in acknowledgment.

  Beverly smiled at my remark. “Thank you. You’re not so bad yourself.”

  When the drummer started warming up, the screams got louder.

  “That’s Ryker,” Beverly said, her voice breathy. “Oh my God! He’s so hot! Look at his arms!”

  Huh. Maybe this wasn’t such a great idea. All the band members were good-looking guys, and the women in the audience made sure they knew it.

  When the waitress came by, we ordered a couple of beers. As we waited, I glanced around the room and noticed the crowd had practically doubled in size since we got here, and they were mostly women. But none of them held a candle to Beverly.

  After the first set, the lead singer, who I now knew to be Max, said they’d be taking a twenty-minute break.

  Beverly sighed. “Aren’t they fantastic? That drummer is one of the best around, and super sexy.” She took a sip of her beer, and my eyebrows shot up as I stared at her. “What?” Frowning at me, she wiped her bottom lip with her index finger.

  “I’m sitting right here,” I said dryly, scowling at her.

  A laugh escaped her and she shrugged. “I’m sorry. There’s just something about a drummer.”

  I downed the remainder of the beer and glanced around for our waitress, but she was nowhere to be found. Since we’d each had two so far and I was driving, I told Beverly I’d go get us sodas before the second set started.


  ~ Beverly ~

  My gaze followed Dane until he was swallowed up in the crowd. He truly was a gorgeous man. Little did he know I didn’t think any of the band members had anything on him. Granted, they were smoking hot, but so was he. I just wasn’t ready to tell him I thought he was better looking than the band members. He certainly didn’t need my reassurance; I’d never met a man as comfortable in his own skin as Dane.

  “He’s great in bed.”

  A female voice startled me, but not as much as when she sat down next to me, taking Dane’s chair.

  “Excuse me?”

  The beautiful blonde who looked vaguely familiar gave me an indignant look. Do I know her from school?

  “You heard me. I can repeat it, if you’d like.” She flicked her gaze in the direction where Dane went.

  Suddenly I was that overweight wallflower in high school sitting next to the pretty girl. Yes, I knew I wasn’t the same person I’d been all those years ago, but it was women like this one who stirred up my insecurities.

  This woman was gorgeous. Perfectly coiffed blond hair, and wearing skinny jeans that looked as if they were made with her in mind. Her boobs were big and her waist was tiny. I instantly hated her, and I didn’t even know who she was. Did Dane actually sleep with her?

  When she glanced back to me, I opened my mouth to say something, but no words came out.

  “Dane is pretty fantastic, isn’t he? He’s the best lover I’ve ever had, and that says a lot since I’ve had quite a few. The way he could bring me to orgasm with just his fingers,” she let out a sigh, “and what that man can do with his tongue. He’s just incredible.” A dreamy look came over her face. “Talk about multiple—”

  “That’s good t
o know,” I said curtly, interrupting her. “Thank you for telling me.”

  I despised women like her, and knowing this was Dane’s type hurt my feelings a bit since I was the exact opposite. I hadn’t had a lot of lovers. My number was two, and this chick’s was probably ten times that—at least. God only knew what Dane’s number was.

  Before she could say more, Dane was back with two sodas in hand. His eyes widened at the sight of the new guest at our table.

  I couldn’t resist, so I said, “Honey, your friend decided to join us.”

  Dane’s chest rose and his brow furrowed as he looked from me to Blondie. Looking a bit uncomfortable, he set the glasses down on the table.

  Blondie stood and gave Dane a kiss on each cheek. As she leaned in to whisper something in his ear, his eyes remained focused on mine. Creases formed on his forehead as he listened to whatever she said. Then she placed one hand on his chest and trailed it lower and lower. If he hadn’t quickly grabbed her hand, she would have hit pay dirt.

  The woman pivoted on her spiked heel and gave me a smile. “Have fun tonight and remember what I said. If you ever want me to join, just holler.” Then she walked away.

  Watching her leave, I envied her, because at that very moment I wished I were gone as well. Yes, I’d called Dane honey to try to sound as if the encounter didn’t bother me, but it did. Granted, I didn’t have a claim on him, but that didn’t mean I wanted to meet his ex-lovers. And who knew—maybe they still were lovers.

  Dane sat in the seat she vacated, but I didn’t look his way. Self-doubt coupled with jealousy didn’t look good on me, but at that moment, it was how I felt. I stared at the soda he’d sat down in front of me, feeling a desperate need to do something. Anything.

  Raging Urge stepped back onstage as I jumped to my feet. My heart pounded, and all the strength I had when I spoke to Blondie dissipated. All I wanted to do was leave before another conquest came to tell me how great Dane was.

  My inner self told me to sit down and stop being irrational, but I told her to shut the hell up.

  “Beverly?” Dane placed his hand on my arm, but I pulled away. He tilted his head, trying to make eye contact with me. “I’m sorry about that. Did she say something to upset you? Please don’t listen to anything she may have said.”


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