Gripped (Prescott #2)

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Gripped (Prescott #2) Page 21

by Joanne Schwehm

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  The next few days were filled with the two of us reconnecting. We’d talk about our day, laugh, have dinner together when we could, and then go our separate ways. Aside from that first night, we hadn’t been intimate. We’d decided—actually, Beverly had decided—that people who date don’t have sleepovers every night.

  I hated this arrangement. Even though we were becoming closer, it felt distant to me. But there wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do to make her happy. If not sleeping together accomplished that, then that was what I’d do.

  We were lying on her couch watching a movie when I remembered I needed to tell her something. “Emmy is going to be at the meeting that I have with V1 next Friday. I’d like for you to meet her. Would it be okay if I invited her to dinner?”

  “I’d love to meet her. She’s a friend of yours, and so am I. Right?”

  A friend. Beverly had just called herself a friend. I supposed she was, but what she didn’t know was she had become my best friend. I didn’t hang out with anyone but her. If I wasn’t with my family, I was with Beverly, and she was becoming part of us, the Prescotts. Everyone loved her; I could tell. But if calling us friends made her happy, then that was what we’d be.

  “Yes, you’re my friend.” I leaned over and kissed the top of her head.

  Beverly ran her hand down my abs. “You have a beautiful body for a golfer, did you know that?”

  I looked at her and arched my brow. “How many golfers have you seen naked?”

  She giggled. “I’ve seen quite a few shirtless at the club’s pool, but none of them looked like you. Maybe if they had, I would have been more interested in the sport.” Grinning, she gave me a mischievous look.

  “That’s not funny,” I told her with a playful growl. “I want to be the only man who inspires you to play golf.”

  “Trust me, you inspire me,” she said in a low voice, giving me that sultry look I’d been waiting for.

  So much for taking it slow.

  “Get naked,” I told her, waggling my brows, “and I’ll show you inspiration.”



  ~ Beverly ~

  Things were different this time . . . I wasn’t as scared as I had been. There wasn’t any doubt in either my head or my heart. Being with Dane enriched my life and made me happy. Brick by brick, the wall I’d spent most of my life building around my heart was slowly coming down.

  When I thought back to the first night we met, I couldn’t help but smile. To think if I stayed home like I had wanted to and not attended the event my mother so desperately wanted me to be at, I would have never met Dane. It’s funny how things happened. In a way, I had my mother to thank. Never in a million years did I ever think I’d be thanking her for guilting me into going to a country club event.

  It dawned on me that anytime I spoke to my parents, I never told them I was involved with Dane. We’d talk about my new job and how happy they were that I was happy. I told my mother that I’d made great new friends, but I was referring to Lucy and Gretchen. It made me wonder why I hadn’t said anything about Dane yet. Maybe deep down I didn’t trust that this relationship would last, and my subconscious blocked it out.

  Today was the day I’d tell my mom that I’d found someone I cared about. For years, she’d wanted me to get out more, but I never told her why I didn’t want to. That was also going to change.

  For so long, I’d blamed my parents for putting their life before mine, but they really hadn’t. I suppose in a way, it was my fault as much as theirs. I’d shut my mom out, and she’d let me. My dad, on the other hand, was there when he could be, but being a doctor came first. Yes, I was Daddy’s little girl, but I wasn’t going to waste the time we had together talking about Heavy Bevy; our time was special.

  I called my mom, and our conversation went better than I expected. She was thrilled that Dane and I were together, until I told her about our brief breakup. But rather than tell me what she thought, she listened, which was a nice change. Once I explained how I’d felt insecure throughout my teen years, she felt horrible for what I’d gone through. I’d assumed she always realized it and had put blinders on, but she hadn’t.

  My dad and I spoke briefly about the fight that had caused Dane to lose his job. He said he didn’t know all the details, but if Dane didn’t punch Vance, he would have. I could only imagine what was said, but it didn’t matter. Not anymore.

  Today we were going to have Sunday dinner with his family. His parents were hosting, and I told Dane I wanted to stop and get flowers since they never wanted us to bring anything. We stopped at the local florist to buy a mixed bouquet for his mom, and then at the liquor store to get his dad a bottle of his favorite Scotch.

  We were cashing out when the door chimed. I glanced at the entrance just as Mitchell, the man I’d met at Juno’s, walked in. My heart raced and heat rose on the back of my neck. Maybe he won’t recognize me, I thought, and then he looked right at us. Shit.

  “Well, well, if it isn’t Dane Prescott.”


  Dane finished paying and looked up. “Mitchell Collins.” They shook hands and bumped shoulders. “How’ve you been, man? You look good.”

  “So do you.”

  Mitchell looked behind Dane to where I was standing, ducking my head a little as I edged behind him. Then Dane shifted to his right, exposing me.


  I closed my eyes for a moment and bit my lip before I lifted a hand in greeting. “Hi, Mitchell.”

  Dane looked between us, his brow furrowed. “How do you two know each other?”

  Before I could answer, Mitchell piped up. “I met her at Juno’s. How do you know Beverly?”

  Dane shifted the bottle of Scotch he was holding to his other hand in order to grab mine. His jaw ticked as he said, “She’s my girlfriend.”

  The possessiveness in his voice sent a bolt of lightning through me. Dane didn’t even hesitate, which increased his sexiness ranking by a factor of ten.

  Creases formed on Mitchell’s forehead, and then he laughed. “I’ll tell you what I told her. If things don’t work out, she could call me.”

  Dane turned his furious gaze on me. “He’s the guy?” When I nodded, he gritted out, “You never told me it was Mitchell Collins.”

  All sense of speech had apparently left the building, rendering me mute, so I shrugged. How could I have known they knew each other?

  Dane shifted his glare back to Mitchell. “As you can see, she’s mine.”

  Mitchell laughed. “Don’t get your balls in a twist. You know we always had the same taste in women. Can’t blame a guy for trying.” Lifting a shoulder, he added, “But I do apologize. If I’d known she was your girlfriend, I wouldn’t have approached her.”

  Dane shook his head. “Okay. I won’t beat the shit out of you. But now that you know, don’t expect a call from her.”

  “To be honest, I didn’t expect one.” Mitchell glanced around the store before grinning at Dane. “It was great to see you, but I need to get going.”

  They shook hands, and since I couldn’t find my voice, I gave Mitchell a halfhearted wave good-bye.

  Before Mitchell was even out of sight, Dane’s lips were on mine. When he released me, I was completely startled by his brief, yet enjoyable lip attack before we headed out of the store.

  I chuckled. “What was that for?”

  “Just staking my claim.” He grabbed my hand, and we walked out.

  As we buckled up in the Jeep, I asked, “How do you know Mitchell?”

  “We went to the same college. Actually, he dated Emmy for a bit. He hated that we were such good friends.”

  “Oh, that’s nice. He seems like a good guy.”

  “I always thought so too until he hit on you.” Dane shot me a smile, flashing white teeth that looked a little feral at the moment.

  “No worries there,” I said with a grin. “I’m taken.”

  “Damn straight you are
.” He let out a breath as he merged the car into traffic. “You called us friends, which we are, but you’re more than that to me. Thank you for saying you’re taken, because believe me when I tell you that you’re mine. The thought of another man touching you fucked with my head when we were apart. Yes, I know nothing happened other than him giving you his number, but that’s enough. You’re a desirable woman, but you’re my woman.”

  If we hadn’t committed to going to his parents’, I would have made him turn the car around. Heat pooled between my legs with each word he spoke.

  Before I knew it, we were pulling into his parents’ driveway. With flowers and liquor in hand, we walked inside the house.

  “Sweetheart!” His mom came up to us and gave Dane a hug as if she hadn’t seen him in weeks. She smiled at me and pulled me into a hug. “Oh, Beverly, it’s so wonderful to see you.”

  When I gave Dane a wide-eyed look over her shoulder, he rescued the flowers that dangled from my hand before they were crushed. “It’s good to see you too.”

  The rest of the family was in the living room, chatting and having drinks. Lucy and Gretchen pulled me aside and told me they had a girls’ night planned and wanted me to join them. I gladly said yes; they were like the sisters I’d never had.

  We stood in the doorway, taking it all in for a moment. All of the men were huddled around the television, yelling at the football game that was on. It was heartwarming to see everyone together and happy. A commercial came on and Josh told a quick story that made the men howl with laughter. They were all gorgeous men, but there was something about my Prescott that made my stomach flutter.

  Gretchen and Lucy retreated to the kitchen to give Tina a hand. I told them I’d be right there, but wanted to say hello to the guys first.

  Dane’s father was the first to spot me and stood up to give me a warm hug. Then in a move purely to annoy their brother, both Josh and Jack greeted me a smack on the lips that made Dane scowl, although you’d think he’d be used to it by now. Drake, always the nice guy, gave me a hug and told me it was good to see me again.

  When dinner was served, we sat around the table, laughing and talking about everything and nothing.

  Drake cleared his throat. “Excuse me, but we have an announcement to make.” He looked over at Lucy with pure love in his eyes as Lucy beamed at him with a smile so bright, it practically lit the room. “We’ve decided on a Christmas night wedding. We’re working on the specifics now.” He leaned over and kissed his bride-to-be.

  “That’s wonderful!” Tina jumped out of her seat and hugged both of them. She looked at Lucy. “I know I’m not your mother, but if you need anything, please let me know.”

  Lucy nodded, and a tear slipped down her cheek. She had told me that she didn’t have a relationship with her parents, and even though mine was tumultuous at times with my mother, I still had her.

  We all moved into the living room, and Jack walked in with a bottle of champagne. Gretchen grabbed crystal flutes for everyone, and once they were filled with bubbly wine, Rick raised his glass.

  “To my son and my future daughter-in-law.”

  Cheers rose up, and once we’d clinked glasses, the conversation instantly turned to wedding plans. Gretchen wanted to know when they were going gown shopping, who she’d be standing up with, and all the other questions a younger sister would ask.

  Lucy laughed. “Well . . .” She looked at Drake. “We’d love all of you in the wedding.” Her attention turned to me, and she said, “That includes you, Beverly.”

  “Oh my God! I’d love to!” We hugged each other with one arm, making sure we didn’t spill our champagne as we bounced on the balls of our feet. Gretchen released a squeal so high-pitched, I thought the crystal we were all holding might shatter.

  Then Drake looked to his brothers. “I’m not picking one best man,” he said, ever the politician. “You all are my best men.”

  Lucy nodded, adding, “Josh and Jack can escort Gretchen, and Dane can escort Beverly.”

  Rick beamed with pride. “Just wonderful.”

  “Where will you be having the wedding?” Jack asked, and Drake and Lucy exchanged a glance.

  “It’s funny you should ask,” Drake said, grinning at Jack. “Would you mind if we had it at your place?”

  Jack smiled. “Of course I don’t mind. I was going to offer anyway.”

  The brothers shook hands, complete with that shoulder bump that guys liked to do. When Lucy kissed Jack on the cheek and thanked him for his generosity, he just shrugged. “It’s what family does.”

  As wedding talk continued, the guys drifted away to return to the football game.

  Lucy turned to Gretchen. “Will Scott be here for Christmas?”

  “Yes.” She smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes.

  “Are you okay, Gretchen?” I tried to get a read as to why she looked sad since her boyfriend was coming home. “Is everything okay with you and Scott?” I hated asking, but I was worried about her.

  “It is.” Her voice grew defensive. “My brothers don’t approve, but they’ve never approved anyone I dated.” She fidgeted in her seat. “I’m thinking about moving to Michigan to be with Scott if he needs to be there permanently. I can do web design from anywhere.”

  My mouth fell open. “You’re going to move?”

  Lucy sent a shocked look at her future sister-in-law. “Gretch, you can’t do that. Your brothers will flip out!” She must have realized how she sounded, because she changed tack. “At least wait until our wedding is over to make that announcement, please.”

  “I’m just thinking about it, and I don’t even know if he’s going to be moving. Being around all you lovebirds makes me miss him.” Gretchen shrugged. “Okay, enough about me. Let’s talk dresses!”


  ~ Dane ~

  When our meeting with V1 Sports Drinks in Baltimore was done on Friday, Emmy and I drove to Virginia together.

  Earlier, when I’d called Beverly and told her that Emmy was going to rent a car and meet us at the restaurant, Beverly had suggested I ask Emmy to ride with me, since it made no sense for us to take separate cars back to Virginia. This being Beverly’s idea made it even better. It was then I knew her confidence was back, not only in us, but in herself.

  Traffic moved well, and Emmy and I arrived at the restaurant right on time. The hostess told us that our table was ready, and that the third in our party was already at the table.

  At the reference to Beverly, my heart leaped in my chest. I couldn’t wait to tell her about the meeting, and for Emmy to meet the love of my life. A lot depended on this dinner. Both women were important to me, and I wanted them to get along. But more importantly, I wanted Beverly to be comfortable with my friendship with Emmy.

  As always, Beverly looked stunning. Her raven hair hung straight over her shoulders. When she stood, she took my breath away. She was wearing a simple red dress that hugged her torso perfectly and flared out at the hips. The slight vee in the neckline hit the top of her cleavage, teasing my eyes. But when I ran my gaze down her long, toned legs, ending in a pair of kick-ass red come-fuck-me heels, my cock came to life in my pants. Those shoes would be wrapped around my neck as soon as we got home.

  “Hey, babe.” I leaned in and kissed her before whispering, “You look fucking gorgeous.”

  Beverly smiled and looked at Emmy, who was wearing a pair of black pants and a yellow sleeveless top. “You must be Emmy.” Beverly held out her hand and gently shook Emmy’s.

  “I am,” Emmy said with a big smile, “and it’s great to finally meet you. This guy here hasn’t stopped talking about you.” Her shoulder bumped my arm.

  “All good things, I hope.” Beverly smiled back, and we all sat down.

  Emmy laughed. “Yes, all good things.”

  After the waiter brought us water and left with our drink orders, Beverly said to Emmy, “So, Dane tells me you two went to school together.”

  Emmy took a sip of her water. “Yes, w
e did, and have been friends ever since. Although, we lost touch for a while.”

  Smiling, Beverly said, “I’m glad you two reconnected.”

  I looked at Beverly, took her hand in mine, and kissed her palm. That couldn’t have been easy for her to say, especially about Emmy, but her words were genuine. That much I knew for sure.

  “He’s a lucky man.” Emmy smiled. “And he’s going to be the face of V1 Sports Drinks. So get ready, because his handsome mug will be gracing billboards and advertisements across the country.” She giggled. “You won’t be able to walk into a store and not see him.”

  I dropped my head into my hand. Heat rose, and I could feel myself turn all shades of red.

  “They couldn’t have made a better choice,” Beverly said and leaned over to kiss my cheek. “My man is the hottest golfer out there.”

  Emmy sighed. “You guys are adorable. I hope I find the right person the way you both did.”

  Neither of us flinched at the “right person” comment; we just smiled. It also didn’t escape me that Beverly had called me her man. We were definitely headed in the right direction.

  I reached across the table and placed my hand on Emmy’s. “You’ll find him too, Em. I promise, but it’ll probably be when you aren’t looking. I found this one”—I tilted my head toward Beverly—“when I dragged myself to an event I didn’t even want to go to. And I’m so glad I did. It was the best thing I’ve ever done.”

  The rest of our evening was great. When Beverly and Emmy exchanged numbers at the end of the night and said they’d keep in touch, my heart soared. I had my confident woman back. Granted, I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of guilt for making her feel any other way, but it felt as if Beverly and I had finally hit our stride, and our lives had become linked.

  Being apart from my girl wasn’t something I wanted to experience ever again. No, we couldn’t be attached at the hip, especially with my upcoming travel schedule, but if I knew Beverly would be waiting for me as I would be for her, then it would be okay.


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