Gripped (Prescott #2)

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Gripped (Prescott #2) Page 22

by Joanne Schwehm

  Tonight we stayed at her place. She fell asleep in my arms wearing nothing but my T-shirt. Spooning with her and feeling the rise and fall of her chest with each breath was becoming one of my favorite pastimes.

  Her eyelashes rested on her high cheekbones. Every so often, they’d flicker in her sleep, making me wonder what she was dreaming of. But what warmed my heart was when she’d quietly say my name in her sleep. Then I knew not only what she was dreaming of, but who.

  The quiet sounds of her breathing were the sweetest lullaby I’d ever heard, and one I hoped to hear beside me each night for the rest of my life.

  • • •

  The next morning, I glanced at Beverly. “Did you say we needed to go north or south on Genesee Street?” This area was horrible. The buildings were covered with graffiti, and trash lined the streets.

  Beverly looked out her window, then mine. “Um . . . left.”

  I laughed. “Okay, so north.”

  “Stop it!” she said with a mock scowl. “I’m not from here. I know which way is home. Plus, my car tells me which direction I’m headed, and I always use GPS to navigate me here when I’m driving.”

  The further we drove into the deprived neighborhood, the more my skin crawled. Drug dealers and prostitutes were doing business on street corners, while a group of kids all wearing the same colored clothing were huddled together.

  Gangbangers, I’ll bet.

  “I don’t want you coming here alone,” I said, giving Beverly a stern look. “Do you understand me?”

  “Dane, it’s fine. Compared to the shelters I worked in when I lived in New York, this is nothing. Plus, I carry pepper spray in my bag.” She waved me off and then pointed. “There it is.”

  The brick building she’d pointed at was large but dilapidated, and looked like it should be condemned along with the houses on the block. How could they even be standing? Some had to be uninhabited since the windows were boarded up. Others had bars on the doors, including our destination, the Genesee Street Shelter and Soup Kitchen.

  I found a spot at the curb not far from the building entrance and parked. Hesitating at my Jeep after we got out, I almost said good-bye to it since I was pretty sure it would be stolen the moment we were out of sight, but instead I set the alarm and prayed.

  Beverly had walked ahead of me, but I jogged up to catch her and grabbed her hand. Before we opened the door, an elderly lady walked out with a little girl who had light brown hair pulled into pigtails. If I had to guess, she must have been about five years old.

  When Beverly grinned and squatted in front of the girl, the child beamed at her. “Hi, Miss Beverly.”

  “Hello there, Miss Katie. How are you today? Did you eat lunch?” She reached out to tug gently on one of the girl’s pigtails.

  “Yes, I did,” the girl said, nodding with vigor. “Grandma and I had chicken and rice. It was good. I even ate my broccoli this time. I remembered you said they were delicious little trees that would make me strong and healthy, so I ate them.”

  Beverly smiled at her. “I’m glad to hear it. Did you get food to take home with you?”

  Katie nodded and pointed to the paper bag in her grandmother’s hand. As if noticing me for the first time, the girl looked up at me, then to Beverly, who stood up and moved to my side. “Is that your husband?”

  I smiled. “Hi, I’m Dane. I’m Miss Beverly’s boyfriend.”

  Squinting up at me, Katie said, “Oh. You’re cute. You should marry Miss Beverly. She’s nice and pretty.”

  “Yes, she is. Maybe one day. We’ll see.”

  Beverly’s head snapped in my direction, and I winked.

  “This is my grandma, Fiona,” Katie said. “You know, like the princess in Shrek? But she isn’t an ogre. She’s my best friend.”

  Fiona glanced down at her granddaughter before looking at me, her face lined and gray. There was a fragility about the woman that went beyond her age, an unhealthy pallor that contrasted with dark circles that had set up residence under her eyes.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Dane,” the woman said, “but we need to get going.”

  She took the child’s hand and turned to shuffle away, and Beverly stepped closer to me as we watched them head down the sidewalk. When I looked back at Beverly, she had tears in her eyes.

  Surprised, I took her by the shoulders. “Babe, are you okay?”

  She took a shuddering breath and swiped at her eyes. “Fiona is dying. She told me last week that her cancer is moving fast, too fast, and there’s nothing to stop it because she refused chemotherapy.” When I frowned at her in confusion, she explained. “Fiona has to take care of Katie, and has nowhere to leave her while she had the therapy. I told her I’d take care of Katie so she could get treated, but it was too far gone by the time I learned about it.”

  “What will happen to Katie?” My heart broke for the little girl, not to mention Fiona.

  Beverly shrugged. “I honestly don’t know for sure. Fiona’s daughter gave up her maternal rights, and the father has never been in the picture. Katie was left with her when she was a week old. There’s a social worker who comes here that I’ve spoken to, Rose, and she said Katie will most likely end up in foster care.” Her green eyes glossed over with tears, making them resemble emeralds.

  I pulled her into my arms and ran a soothing hand over her back. “It will be okay, I promise. I’ll talk to Drake. Maybe he can figure something out, or at least ensure that she’ll be placed in a good home.”

  “Thank you.” Beverly gave me a tight squeeze. “That would be great.”

  The inside of the shelter looked ten times better than the outside, surprising me. It reminded me of a school cafeteria, with small rooms where people were playing cards, Ping-Pong, or board games.

  Beverly showed me the small library she’d started. “This was a closet at one point, but we added shelves. I brought in some of my books, and others I bought at a used-book store.” She ran her hand along the spines of the books. “There’s something for everyone here, even you.” She tugged at a small red book and turned it so the cover was facing me. “See?”

  I couldn’t help but smile at the sight of Harvey Penick’s Little Red Book. “That’s my favorite book. Did you know that?”

  Her eyebrows lowered as she studied me. “No, how could I have known? Did you tell me that?”

  “Well, sort of. Remember when we first met, you made a comment about me having a little black book, and I said mine was red?”

  She looked to the ceiling, trying to recall our conversation. Then her eyes grew wide. “Yes, I do. This is what you were talking about? I thought you meant you had a red book full of women’s phone numbers.”

  “Sweetheart.” I stepped closer and wrapped my arms around her. “I told you, I didn’t do second nights. There was no need to have anyone’s information because I was a one-night kind of guy.” When she tensed in my arms, I added, “Until you. Yours is the only information I needed to know, and believe me, I’ve committed it to memory.”

  Beverly let out a sigh and relaxed in my arms. “I’m glad.” Leaning up on tiptoe, she kissed me.

  The rest of our afternoon was spent cleaning, cooking, and talking to people who were less fortunate than most. I could understand why my girl liked to donate her time here, but I still didn’t want her coming alone.

  Rose, the social worker, introduced herself to me as Beverly was talking to a small boy.

  She gestured toward Beverly. “That girl’s wonderful with children, and it’s a blessing for the kids in here. Sometimes they come in without an adult because they’re hungry or cold. And they all seem to gravitate toward her.” Smiling at the little boy in Beverly’s arms, she said, “See? They love her.”

  I glanced over, not sure whether to be proud or jealous. Yeah, that little boy will be a man someday; he’s not dumb. He’s in the arms of the hottest woman around.

  “What can you tell me about Katie?” I asked Rose. “I met her when she was walking out with
her grandmother.”

  Rose’s face fell. “Poor little thing. Fiona, she’s not doing well at all. In all reality, she should be resting at home or in hospice care. The doctor told her she only had a week to live, a month at most. Honestly, I don’t know how she does it, keeping up with a little one as awful as she must feel, but I’m sure knowing that Katie needs her keeps Fiona going.”

  Sighing, Rose said, “I pray the system is kind to that little girl. She’s so smart, and oftentimes kids in the system don’t get the chance to meet their full potential. It’s heartbreaking.” When I nodded, she gave me a smile. “Anyway, I better get back to work. It was nice meeting you, and please tell your brother to run for office again. Our state needs a good man like him, and so does our country.”

  I smiled and shook her hand. “I’ll be sure to let him know. It was nice meeting you.”

  After Beverly and I said our good-byes, we headed out. Thankfully, my car was still where I’d left it. We drove back to Virginia, talking about how lucky we were. After just a few short hours at the shelter with Beverly, my heart went out to these kids, making me wish we could do more for them.

  • • •

  “Want to order in tonight?” I asked after we got home from the shelter.

  Beverly smiled, averting her eyes as her cheeks turned pale pink. “I can’t. Gretchen invited Lucy and me to go see this all-male revue that’s in town. She said she’s tired of not seeing a man.” She laughed as she headed for her closet, but I wasn’t even smiling. “I guess when she called Scott, he was too busy to talk, so she wants to go have some fun.”

  She shrugged as she stepped into the closet and flipped through the clothes on the hangers. Not happy one damn little bit, I dropped onto the end of the bed and glared at her.

  Glaring at her back, I said, “He’s always been a jerk, and you’re not going.”

  There was no way in hell she was going to watch men take off their clothes. I couldn’t even think about my baby sister going, but Beverly? No fucking way.

  She didn’t respond, so I said, “Does Drake know what you three have planned?”

  There, I’ll put this on him. I can’t imagine he’d want his woman there either. When she turned around and smiled at me, my heart nearly stopped. Why is she smiling?

  “Calm down. There’s no touching, just looking, and I have no idea if your brother knows or not. Don’t be a killjoy. Gretchen wanted to check it out and thought it would be fun. Like a pre-bachelorette party.”

  Beverly reached into her closet and picked out a cute little black top and a pair of skinny jeans that she knew I loved. Her ass looked fantastic in them. Shit, her ass looked perfect in the little red lace panties she revealed as she slipped out of her yoga pants and changed into the new outfit.

  Fuming, I crossed my arms over my chest. “I’m serious, Beverly. You’re not going.”

  As soon as she slipped on her shoes to finish her ensemble, I saw red—just like the color of her heels. Fuck this!

  Since nothing I said seemed to be registering in her pretty little head, I decided this called for drastic measures.

  “I have a better idea.”

  She barely glanced at me. “Oh yeah? What’s that?”


  ~ Beverly ~

  Dane walked over to the Bluetooth speaker on my dresser and turned it on. He fiddled with his phone and music began to play.

  “Sit down.” His commanding voice left me no choice as he pointed to the easy chair next to my bed. Intrigued, I did as he asked.

  “Give it Away” by the Red Hot Chili Peppers boomed from the speaker. Dane seductively strolled in my direction until he was standing in front of me. My heart stammered. The button-fly jeans that hung low on his waist drew my focus to his midsection until he lifted my chin with his fingers.

  “Look at me.”

  I swallowed hard and nodded. When the lyrics started, his hips began to move—first to the left and then the right in slow, taunting sexual circles. He flipped his baseball cap around until the bill pointed to the back. Then he reached for the hem of his shirt, hooking it with one finger and raising it just enough for me to see his tanned, ripped abs.

  Holy shit! Is he going to strip for me? My eyes went wide while my lady parts tightened in anticipation. The dull throb between my legs intensified, making me hyperaware of my own body. My nipples tightened almost painfully to hard points, and all I could think of was how much I wanted his warm, wet mouth on them.

  Dane brought his shirt up to his pecs to tease me, then brought it back to his waistband once, and then again, giving me glimpses of that tanned skin that made me want it more. He spun around, dropped his hat onto the floor, and finally lifted his shirt over his head and tossed it aside.

  My lips parted and my tongue slipped over them as I salivated at the god-like vision in front of me. Am I even breathing?

  The muscles in his torso rippled as he rolled his abdomen, flaunting his immaculate physique. His palms glided over his tight form, from the sexy lickable vee between his hips up to his pecs, and then down over his six-pack and to his groin. Locking his gaze with mine, he stroked himself through the denim while he thrust his pelvis forward, keeping perfect time with the music.

  Oh. My. God!

  I could see his hardness lengthening as it pressed up against the denim, and I wanted to reach out and touch him. I actually considered sitting on my hands to prevent myself from ending this show early, but I didn’t. All I could do was watch and pray I didn’t have a spontaneous orgasm at just the sight of him.

  He stepped closer until he stood between my knees, and then reached out to cup the back of my head with his hand. Entranced, I stared at his waistband, watching as he popped the top button on his fly. Slowly, oh so slowly, each of the metal discs slid through the buttonholes as he released them one by one. It was the best form of torture ever.

  Instinctively, I reached out to push his pants down, but he backed up out of my reach. When his pants fell, leaving him in only tight black boxer briefs, I let out a sigh. His hardened length was perfectly outlined. Yes, this was torture of the very best kind.

  Dane bent down and whispered in my ear. “I can smell your arousal.”

  I sucked in a gasp and clenched my thighs together. I’d never been so turned on in all my life.

  But there was more.

  Dane straddled my lap and arched his back as he rubbed his cloth-covered erection on my thighs, then inched his way up to my chest. I parted my lips, wanting to kiss every inch of him, but he didn’t allow it. When I glanced up, he was wearing a smug grin.

  The moment he hooked his thumbs into his waistband and slipped off his briefs, I was sure I was done for. My breathing quickened and my bra felt too tight, as if it were going to snap off my body like a slingshot.

  With his outstretched arm, he leaned over me to grip the back of my chair while he stroked himself with his free hand. Panting, I watched his fist slide up and down his penis. His thumb circled the tip to gather the moisture there before he put it in my mouth. I sucked and licked it, pretending I was giving him the best damn blow job ever. Much too quickly, he popped his thumb out and brought it back down to his tip and continued to tease me.

  I couldn’t wait any longer. When I dropped my head and licked the tip of him, where his thumb had been, he threw back his head and groaned. His hand fisted in my hair as I continued to lick and taste him. He felt as if he grew another inch while in my mouth, and I couldn’t get enough of him.

  Dane let out a growl. “So, do you still want to meet the girls?”

  With him still in my mouth, I shook my head and mumbled, “No. I don’t want to go anywhere.” Was he kidding? There was no way I was going out.

  “Good. Now get your gorgeous ass on the bed so I can fuck you.”

  Did my legs even work? Before I knew it, Dane had scooped me up and tossed me onto the bed. Since we were no longer using condoms, he went right to work. He quickly stripped me, spread my legs, and sli
d two fingers inside me, which was no trouble at all because I was wetter than I’d ever been.

  “Christ! I guess I need to dance for you more often.” He dropped his head between my legs and placed an open-mouthed kiss right above his finger, giving my clit a gentle suck and tug. “You taste so sweet. This pussy is all mine, got that?”

  My body humming with pleasure, I opened my eyes. “Just yours, if you promise you’ll never dance for anyone else but me. Your moves are all mine. Got it?”

  His movements stopped. Dane raised his head until we were looking at each other, his eyes so dark, they were nearly black. Very slowly, he positioned his body until it was hovering over mine.

  “All of me is yours.”

  Neither of us blinked. Tender lips met mine in a gentle kiss, very different from how this had all started.

  “On second thought,” he said, “I don’t want to fuck you tonight.”

  Confusion coursed through me. I could practically hear my vagina whimper with disappointment. “You don’t?”

  “No. Tonight I’m making love to you,” he said as he brushed the hair away from my eyes.

  So many times I thought he’d tell me he loved me, but this was the closest he’d ever come. Likewise, there were times I’d wanted to blurt those three words to him, but I never had. Maybe we just weren’t there yet. In time, and when we were ready, I knew we’d say them.

  Some might think I fell too fast, or that I fell for the first man who’d wanted me, but the truth was when Dane and I were together, I was happy. The emptiness in my heart when we were apart, although brief, was like a warning alarm during a storm—a wakeup call. Dane was my person, the one I was meant to be with, and I’d never been happier.

  When Dane finally slid inside me, my body gladly accepted all of him. As our bodies rocked and kept perfect rhythm, the song finished and the music stopped, but we didn’t need any. We were on our way to composing our own song.


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