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Gripped (Prescott #2)

Page 25

by Joanne Schwehm

  Relief washed over me, but I wanted more than that. “What about adoption?”

  “After Katie is with you for ninety days, we’ll petition the court and get the process rolling.” Shannon took off her glasses and put them in a case, which she snapped shut before tossing it in her purse.

  We all stood as my mind whirled, making mental notes of everything we needed. Rose shook Shannon’s hand before turning to me and giving me a hug.

  “Thank you so much, Rose.”

  Drake walked over to us. “Congratulations.” He shook his brother’s hand and then embraced me. “If you need me, you know where I’ll be.” Before he walked away, he turned to Dane. “I’m proud of you, little brother. You and Beverly will make wonderful parents.”

  Technically, Dane wasn’t on the foster parent paperwork, but I had a feeling by the time the adoption was ready to go through, he’d make sure his name was all over it.

  “So, we’re going to do this?” I beamed up at my amazing boyfriend as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him.

  “You bet we are.”

  His low, gravelly voice made me want to devour him, but considering where we were, I refrained.

  “Want to go celebrate?” I asked, looking up at him through my eyelashes as I bit my lip.

  “You bet your ass I do.” He took my hands in his. “Come on. Let’s get out of here.”

  • • •

  We ended up at Dane’s place and didn’t waste any time. As soon as we crossed the threshold, we kicked off our shoes and began to rip each other’s clothes off. Once I was down to the red lace bra and thong I’d worn purposely for him, our lips crashed together.

  Dane swooped me up, and my legs wrapped around his waist. “God, I’ve missed you.” He set me down on his bed and let loose a deep growl as he licked up my thigh and swirled his tongue over the thin fabric between my legs.

  His touch was sensual and urgent at the same time. I lifted my hips so he could slide the thong down my legs. Our eyes locked as he ran his fingers over my sex and then up my torso until he reached my breasts.

  “Dane, I need you.”

  He made quick work of taking off my bra and his black boxer briefs. “Lay down. Put your head on the pillows.” When I did as he asked, he gently climbed up and hovered over me. “Do you feel okay?”

  I nodded. “Perfect,” I whispered as I reached between us and gripped his stiff shaft. “You feel pretty good too.”

  He smiled. “I’m going to bury myself so deep, you won’t know where you begin and I end.”

  Instinctively, my legs spread wide for him. He glanced down and ran a single finger between my legs, stopping to stroke my clit for a moment.

  “So ready,” he said. “I love that.”

  In a slow thrust, Dane entered me, and I felt as if I wanted to fly. It had been an eternity since we’d been connected like this. Our movements slowed, deliberate and careful, not at all urgent like when we first got home.

  I ran my fingers up and down his back, feeling every muscle ripple with each movement he made. His soft lips met mine and he stilled. We kissed as if we needed it in order to survive. And maybe we did, in an odd way.

  Once he moved inside me again, my legs began to quiver. His hips shifted and he pumped faster and faster until we reached our pinnacle together.

  When Dane pulled out of me, I instantly missed him until he returned holding a wet washcloth. While lying on his side with his head propped up on his palm, he gently cleaned me.

  “Can you reach my panties for me?”

  He looked behind him and grabbed a golf club next to the bed, using it as a fetching device. When he brought the club to the bed, dangling from the end were my panties. I couldn’t help but laugh.

  He smirked. “Never doubt the many uses of a 7-iron.”

  I glanced over, realizing I’d never noticed the bag of clubs in his room. “Why do you have clubs next to your bed? Surely not just to retrieve various articles of clothing.” Then I noticed most of them looked older.

  “They were my grandfather’s,” he said. “I was keeping them at my parents’ house, but before I left for my first pro tournament, I brought them here. It makes me feel close to him.”

  “I think your grandfather would be proud of you.”

  Dane leaned over and kissed my forehead before pulling me to his side. “Yeah, I think so too.”



  ~ Dane ~

  “Babe, stop fussing. If you fluff that pillow one more time, the stuffing is going to burst at the seams.” I let out a chuckle, but she didn’t find me amusing.

  Beverly been on pins and needles as we’d waited for her to get the green light to be a foster parent, and the past week and half had crawled by. Even though the process had been extremely fast by bureaucratic standards, to her it had felt like an eternity, even though she’d been busy getting everything in place for Katie’s arrival.

  Her crankiness had reached an all-time high today, which just made Beverly even cuter in my eyes. When she whirled and glowered at me, giving me the evil eye, I practically burst out laughing, but managed to straighten my face just in time.

  “Do you understand how important today is?”

  Without waiting for an answer, she scurried across her small living room into the kitchen and rearranged the frosted brownies that she’d already arranged about twenty minutes ago. Each sweet treat was topped with pink frosting and white sprinkles. Once she placed them in the center of the dining room table, she took a step back and studied them.

  Does she expect them to move?

  I strolled up behind her, reached around her, and pretended—yes, pretended—to snag a chocolate treat.

  “Dane Prescott, those are not for you!”

  Her hand swatted mine away so fast, I never saw it coming. Even though it stung a little, I couldn’t help but laugh. She turned around in my arms with worry lines framing her gorgeous eyes.

  I cupped her face and smoothed the soft creases with my thumbs. “Sweetheart, you need to breathe. Your home is perfect, and the small den you turned into a pink palace is made for a princess. And these brownies, they look delicious. Are they your aunt’s recipe?”

  Beverly smiled, but her lips trembled slightly. “Yes, they are. I felt it was a great time to use her special ingredient—love.” She looked at me with concern in her eyes. “What if Katie doesn’t like it here, or living with me? What if she thinks I’m boring?”

  I shook my head and hugged her tight. “Impossible. That little girl hit the jackpot. Besides, I’ll be here, and I’m anything but boring.” When Beverly craned her head back to frown at me, I tried to lighten the mood. “Come to think of it, I don’t recall any female ever describing me as boring.”

  Before she could retaliate with a comment or give me another smack, the doorbell rang. Our heads snapped toward the door, and I heard Beverly swallow. Hard.

  I took her hand in mine and brought it to my lips, dropping a reassuring kiss into her palm. “Come on. Let’s welcome Katie into her new home.”

  When Beverly opened the door, Katie dropped the handle of her little pink rolling suitcase, jumped in Beverly’s arms, and about knocked her over.

  “Miss Beverly!”

  Finally, my girl laughed, a sound I’d been waiting for all day.

  “Hi, Katie. I’m so happy you’re here.” Beverly hugged Katie and joyfully rocked her back and forth.

  I glanced up at Rose, standing in the doorway with a big smile as she watched the joyful welcome. “Come on in.”

  Katie didn’t let go of Beverly’s hand as we made our way to the dining room table. Katie’s eyes turned into saucers when she saw the pink-frosted cakes.

  “Would you like a brownie, Katie?” Beverly asked, and the girl quickly nodded. “Pick out the one you want while I get plates and a glass of milk for you.” Then Beverly’s smile faded and she turned to Rose. “She isn’t allergic to anything, is she?”

  “No,” Rose said with a chuckle. “I have all her health records from the clinic, and nothing indicated any medical issues.”

  Beverly let out a sigh of relief. “Would you like coffee?”

  Both Rose and I passed on coffee, and Beverly was off to the kitchen.

  Katie stared up at me, studying me. “What’s your name again?” Her little pigtails bobbed as she tilted her head.

  “Dane.” I smiled.

  “Oh yeah. I remember now. You’re named after a dog.” Beverly burst into giggles as she set the milk and plate in front of Katie.

  My smile vanished. “What dog?”

  Katie’s fingers found the frosting, and while licking them clean, she said, “You know, a Great Dane. It’s a big and strong dog. You look big and strong too.”

  Okay. I’ll let the dog comment slide.

  “So, Katie,” Rose said. “As we discussed, this will be your new home. You’ll be living with Miss Beverly.”

  The sweet little girl’s face lit up like the sun before she looked at the sofa. “Will that be my bed?”

  My eyes met Beverly’s, which were on the verge of welling with tears. She gave me a small smile and looked at Katie.

  “No, sweetie. You have your own room. Come on, I’ll show you.” When Beverly stood and held out her hand, Katie took it and practically skipped alongside her.

  Rose’s sympathetic gaze turned to me. “I think this is the best thing for that little girl. She couldn’t stop talking about Beverly. In some cases, children can withdraw, but Fiona told me she had tried to explain that she’d be leaving and going to heaven.”

  “Did Katie understand what that meant?” I didn’t think I would have at her age.

  Rose smiled. “Yes, for as much as a little girl her age could. She told Fiona to say hi to Goldie for her.”

  I frowned. “Who’s Goldie?”

  “It was Katie’s goldfish.”

  Before she could say anything else, Katie bounded back in the room. “Rose! There’s a pink bed with a roof made out of a sheet.” She scrunched her face and turned to Beverly. “What’s it called again?”

  “A canopy.”

  Katie continued describing the room at a rate of speed Danica Patrick would envy. “Yeah, a canopy. And there’s a pretty glass light on the ceiling that sparkles like diamonds and the furniture is all white and there’s a bookcase full of princess books.” She finally took a breath and looked at me. “Will you read one to me?”

  I couldn’t help but smile like a fool. “I’d love to.”

  She turned her face back to Rose. “And there’s a picture of Grandma and me on the dresser and there’s a big closet! Miss Beverly said we’re going to go shopping for new clothes!”

  All of a sudden, Katie climbed onto a dining room chair, her eyes practically glazed over as if she were in a trance, and started eating another brownie. It was as if she had crashed from a sugar rush and was going for more fuel.

  Rose stood. “Well, I think we’re all set here.” She hugged Katie and told us to call her if we had any questions.

  Once it was just the three of us, the room quieted as we all tried to process the situation. It was almost dinnertime, so we ordered a pizza and enjoyed our first dinner together as a family.

  After dinner, Katie got ready for bed, and we went in together to tuck her in. Beverly sat on the edge of the bed and pushed the covers under and around Katie. I almost voiced what I was thinking, She’s a little girl, not a burrito, but Beverly looked so sweet and determined to make sure Katie was comfortable, I didn’t say a word. All I could do was hope Katie wasn’t the type to roll over in her sleep, because I didn’t see that happening.

  Katie let out a yawn. “Mr. Dane?”

  I smiled down at her. “You can just call me Dane.”

  She nodded, and her heavy eyelids lowered. “Will you read to me?”

  When I looked at Beverly, she was already looking up at me with pleading eyes.

  As if I’d say no.

  “Of course I will. Which book would you like?”

  “Cinderella. She’s my favorite.” Another yawn escaped her. “There’s a prince in the book—Prince Charming. You remind me of him. He’s tall and has dark hair too, like you. And he loves Cinderella just like you love Miss Beverly. He’d do anything for her,” she said, ending with another yawn.

  My entire heart swelled with a love for this little girl I’d never dreamed possible. “Then Cinderella it is.”

  • • •

  When I called my parents the next day and told them Katie was finally home with Beverly, my mom insisted that we bring her over for the very next Sunday dinner. She couldn’t wait to meet the new girl in my life, and I knew she’d be spoiling Katie in no time. So that Sunday, we buckled Katie into her new booster seat in the backseat of my Jeep, and headed for Vienna.

  “Wow! It’s like Cinderella’s house!” Katie exclaimed as we stepped onto the front porch, looking up at my parents’ home in awe.

  Beverly laughed. “It’s pretty, isn’t it?” She held on to Katie’s hand as I opened the front door.

  “Uh-huh. I mean, yes, it’s super pretty.”

  After the girls walked through the doorway, Katie grabbed my hand with her free one. Voices drifted from the family room along with the scent of pasta sauce coming from the kitchen. As soon as we crossed the threshold into the room occupied by all my family members, the chatter ceased.

  My mother smiled brightly and pressed a hand to her heart as she looked at the sweet little girl. “You must be Katie.”

  Katie, on the other hand, scooted to the side as if she was trying to hide behind my leg. She’d never been shy before, so I was a little surprised.

  I glanced at Beverly before squatting to Katie’s height. “Are you okay, honey?” Big blue eyes looked back at me, wide-eyed with wariness as I said, “This is my mom.” I pivoted on the balls of my feet as I gestured toward my mother. “Mom, this adorable creature is Katie.”

  My mother bent at the waist and offered her hand to Katie. “It’s nice to meet you. You’re very pretty.”

  Katie glanced up at Beverly, and when she nodded in encouragement, beamed and took my mother’s hand. “Thank you. I think you’re pretty too.” Then she bit her little pink lip. “Are you a princess?”

  “No, sweetie. Why do you think I’m a princess?”

  “Because you live in a castle.”

  Realization flashed in my mom’s eyes. “It’s not exactly a castle, sweetie, but you can stay here anytime you’d like. As long as it’s okay with Beverly and Dane.”

  Katie’s face brightened into a wide smile. “Thank you. Can they stay too?”

  Mom grinned and stood up, still holding Katie’s hand. “Of course they can. Now, let’s go meet the rest of the family.”


  ~ Beverly ~

  Dinner with the Prescotts was fantastic. It usually was, but having a little girl in the mix was more fun than I could have imagined.

  During the meal, Katie looked at me and crooked her finger. When I bent over and placed my ear near her mouth, she whispered, “Are they my aunts and uncles?”

  I sat up, not sure how to respond.

  She must have said it louder than we both thought because Drake chimed in. “I’d love for you to call me Uncle Drake, and I’m sure everyone else would too, except for Gretchen and Lucy, of course.”

  Katie giggled.

  Lucy looked at me with a question in her eyes, and I nodded. Giving my little girl a smile, she asked, “Katie, did you know Uncle Drake and I are getting married?” When Katie shook her head, Lucy said, “We’re going to get married on Christmas, and we need a flower girl. Do you know any little girls that would like to put on a beautiful dress and scatter rose petals around?”

  Katie’s hand shot up in the air as if she were answering a math question in school, and we all chuckled. “Yes, me! I can do it.”

  Lucy winked at me. “Then it’s settled. You’re our flower girl.�

  • • •

  After tucking Katie in that night, I turned off the light and gently pulled her door closed. Tiptoeing into the living room, I found Dane relaxing on the couch.

  He looked up from the television. “Is she sleeping?”

  “Yes, she was out like a light. Today was a big day for her. She went from having one family member to having all of the Prescotts and Whitfields.” I curled under Dane’s outstretched arm and tucked my feet under me. “I forgot to tell you, I called my parents the other day. They were shocked that everything’s happened so fast, but they weren’t all that surprised that I wanted to adopt Katie since I’d already told them about her. They were proud of me.”

  His hand softly caressed my hair. “You’re incredible with her.”

  “Thank you. So are you. She’s such a doll, and so young to have been through so much.”

  Dane’s fingers went under my chin and tilted my head toward his. He lowered his lips to mine and when our lips met, a butterfly conservatory erupted in my stomach. You’d think after all the times we’d kissed, I’d be used to him, but I wasn’t. I don’t think I’ll ever lose this feeling.

  After he broke the kiss, he leaned his forehead to mine. “I want to talk to you about something.”

  His solemn voice made the fluttering slow, and I sat up to look at him. “Is everything okay?”

  “No, not really. I mean, it is, but it could be better.” When I remained quiet, waiting for him to explain, he took my hand in his. “When you were in the hospital, my world stopped turning. I’ve never been so scared in all my life. It’s helped me a lot since then that we’ve been inseparable. Either you’ve been at my place or me at yours, but we’ve been together.”

  I smiled with a nod. “And it’s been great.”

  “It’s been better than great.” He ran his hand through his hair. “Here’s the thing. I don’t want to leave here. I don’t want to lose any time with you.” Glancing at me with questioning eyes, he said, “I’d like us to live together. One day, I’ll make an honest woman of you and buy my two girls a castle, but until then . . . what would you say to me moving in here?”


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