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Coins and Daggers

Page 9

by Patrice Hannah

  “Oh,” she gasped. “Please...”

  Her fingers tightened on his shoulders and Ulric drove inside her madly, guiding her hips as she rode him. “That’s it...” he breathed, groaning as sparks of fiery goodness shot up his spine.

  Audelia’s hips bucked against him as she tried for dear life to hang on. She’d never felt such wondrous sensations before and neither had she expected such feelings to ever arise from the act of coupling. All she knew was that she wanted more. So much more. Gasping, she clasped her hands about his neck as he lifted her and flipped her over so that she lay beneath him, legs sprawled wide open. Her heart hammered heavily, her throat now tight as she glanced up at him.

  She’d almost protested out loud when she felt him withdraw until she noticed that he was only removing his boots and breeches. Cracking her a sexy smile, he yanked off his shirt as well and dropped it at his feet in a heap.

  “Missed me already?” he said, pressing his lips to hers.

  “Don’t talk,” she gasped, yanking him down to her. “”

  “With all pleasure.”

  Ulric plunged inside of her again, raising her knees high above his waist and returning his attention back to her nipples. Lovely nipples, they were and he had every intention of giving each a fair share of his devotion.

  Audelia gasped, her thoughts scattering in all directions at the sensations that were currently sparking through her body. She’d never learned of intercourse until during her final days in Madame de Lucci’s company and even at that point, she’d never imagined it to feel anything like this. Ulric St. Rosso was doing things to her that she could not comprehend, making her feel things that seemed so unreal yet real and very much delightful at the very same time. She wanted him, she knew of that for certain just as much as she knew that she had never wanted another man before. His lips on her made her feel desirable and beautiful, and even though she knew that moments likes these were all he offered, she was willing to accept them for the time being. She was willing to feel for a change even if it meant losing control for a few hotly passionate minutes at a time.

  She bit on her lip as Ulric drove in and out of her, his pelvis smacking hard against her as he drove her to a climax that was unlike anything she had ever felt before. Her toes tightened as she grabbed wildly at his hips, urging him on, begging him to love her faster and deeper.

  Something swelled at the base of her abdomen, sending a whole new frenzy of tremors skittering over her body. Audelia gasped, back arching as she threw her head back against the sofa cushions. But he didn’t stop and she didn’t want him to for she had the feeling he was about to take her to a place that only he would be able to.

  “Sweet, merciful...” Ulric groaned, burying his face into the slope of her neck and shoulder as her feminine walls clamped tightly around him. He then felt her tense, going stiff as she dug her heels into his lower back and shuddered. Ulric allowed his hips three more powerful thrusts before a heavy shudder rocked his own body and he collapsed, thoroughly spent on top of her. He lay there a couple moments, carefully balancing his weight in an effort to not crush her, before he raised his head and glanced at her face. Audelia’s eyes were as round as saucers, her lips swollen from his kisses. Smiling contently, Ulric pressed his lips to hers for she looked thoroughly ravished, an accomplishment he was very pleased with, indeed.

  “Did I hurt you?” he asked when she still continued to stare blankly past his shoulder. She looked stunned, bewildered and satisfied all at once.

  Audelia closed her gaping mouth and averted her gaze to his, touching a finger to the corner of his mouth and tracing a path across his strong jawline. “I think I might need another kiss. Just one to convince me this is real.”

  Chuckling, Ulric lowered his head and nibbled on her bottom lip. Temptress.


  “There...” Lady Ryia tied the ribbons of the blue abonnis beneath Audelia’s chin and smiled. “You have rather good complexion and must protect it, you know.”

  Audelia nodded, the ribbons already itching at her skin. The last time she had worn a bonnet was about a year ago; another requirement of Madame de Lucci’s ‘infinite ways of proper conduct’. “Thank you, Your Ladyship.”

  “Come. I haven’t seen such great weather here since I was but a girl, and those gardens are calling our names.” Hurrying through the foyer, Lady Ryia tucked her lady’s-maid’s hand in hers and nodded in greeting at the doorman, who opened the front door wide open for them. Bright sunlight flooded inside, taking the cool fresh scent of spring with it. “Oh, look. There’s Gilgallon just now.”

  Audelia glanced over at the robust guard and frowned. The last time they had exchanged words was when Gilgallon had none but accosted her, daring that she had some intention of stealing His Lordship horses. The conversation had not ended well, as she was not keen on accepting wrongly stated accusations, and Gilgallon’s manly parts had suffered quite a sharp meeting with her right knee. Audelia angled her chin as he approached, daring him to look her in the eye. Served him right.

  “Your Ladyship,” he murmured, not even acknowledging Audelia. “The weather is fair, isn’t it?”

  “Very much so. I’d have thought it to be raining by now.”

  “It’s best you enjoy it then. The weather here has become unpredictable over the last few years.”

  Lady Ryia nodded, tugging Audelia along as they swept down the paved pathway which lead into the entrance of the gardens. Well-groomed rows of daisies greeted them, followed by patches and patches of sweet-scented jasmine, cornflowers and lilac. Audelia watched Her Ladyship as she smiled fondly around her, slowing her pace as they moved down the path.

  “This had all been my mother’s, you know,” she said, leaning in to sniff the beautiful white jasmine flowers. “When my father had first cleared the area for her, this space had only been neatly kept shrubberies.” She smiled and patted Audelia lightly on the arm. “Mother had insisted that she must have a garden, and father loved her dearly to make it happen.”

  “They were very much in love then?”

  “Very much so.” She adjusted her own bonnet and giggled. “Father was totally smitten. Everyone could see it. As a child, I’d prayed for a love like theirs.”

  Audelia smiled and accepted back Her Ladyship’s hand as she steered them towards a bench in the shade. A meter or so from the seating, was a small round pond, dozens and dozens of waterlilies floating gracefully on the still water surface. Audelia sighed, enjoying the calmness that was suddenly engulfing her, trying her best not to think of the time when she had last been observing a scene like this. If only she had true control over her own thoughts...

  “I feel as if I love this place more and more on every occasion that we are privileged to be here.”

  Audelia giggled, tucking her silk skirts beneath her as she sat on the edge of the waterlily pond in Lady Dextrem’s garden. “It’s so beautiful here.”

  “And soon, it will be your home,” Madame de Lucci cooed, tilting her bonnet back as she perched on the edge of the bench behind Audelia. “Lord and Lady Dextrem has declared so in far more words than one.”

  “Have they, really?” Audelia gasped and jumped to her feet, her pink bonnet almost toppling off her head in the process. “They have truly decided then?”

  “Well, a ward like you could not have been rejected at all, Audelia,” she remarked, patting the empty space on the bench. Audelia sat down, a delighted smile on her face. “You are beautiful, intelligent and very talented. Lady Dextrem has plans to launch you into society. By no doubt, you will make her very, very proud.”

  “I know I will. And I’ll be forever grateful for the opportunity. However, I only ask that I--”

  “Milady,” a voice came, causing Audelia to glance up. The short serf girl bowed gracefully. “Her Ladyship has requested your presence. She says it’s rather urgent.”

  Madame de Lucci nodded and then turned back to Audelia. “I’ve told you before. You shall
not be in need of a thing. Forget about the years you’ve had before and only think of the marvelous future just waiting to begin.” She then brushed a stray lock of hair from the girl’s face and smiled. “Enjoy the gardens some and then take a turn around the estate a bit, will you? After all, it will all be your abode very soon. I shall see you at dinner in a few hours.”

  Audelia smiled, watching as the Madame stepped back onto the pathway which lead up to the manor-house. Sighing, she inhaled the wondrous scents of the garden and almost leapt with joy. This was it. A couple weeks ago, she hadn’t thought she would have been here, to be within the company of such esteemed individuals. But she was here nonetheless and she finally understood what the Madame’s domicile was for. Perhaps, the Madame was not at all as bad as Audelia and Jocelyn had initially thought. She truly intended on helping them. Oh, Audelia could not wait to return to the domicile in the morn to give Jocelyn all the details.

  “Charming weather, isn’t it”

  Audelia craned her head and tilted her bonnet back a bit. Now striding down the pathway was Lord Dextrem, himself. Audelia quickly stood and offered one of her practiced curtsies.

  “Your Lordship.”

  “Ah, no need for the formalities, Audelia,” he chuckled, gesturing her to return to her seat. “We are soon like family, remember? By then you’ll grow accustomed to calling me ‘Uncle’ or whatever you feel more comfortable with.”

  She smiled and folded her hands in her lap. “This is a splendid garden. Lady Dextrem has surely cared for it remarkably.”

  He chuckled again, a surprising sound that echoed lightly in the silent space, and especially for someone who Audelia rarely ever heard partake in casual conversation.

  “My wife likes to think of it as her...project. It pleases her greatly to take a stroll here.”

  “Well, no wonder. The view is gorgeous.” It truly was.

  Lord Dextrem passed a glance in her direction and smiled. “I have to agree with you on that score. The view is, in fact...quite stunning.”

  Audelia glanced at him for just a fleeting moment and frowned, returning her gaze to the pond. She’d observed His Lordship countless times: at dinner, breakfast, a number of brunches and even at the local theater. To her, he’d always seemed to be a reserved individual with cool hazel eyes and a handsome face. But she’d only viewed him as an uncle or perhaps a godfather. Strangely, his presence suddenly felt a bit stifling and she could hardly comprehend the feeling.

  “It is,” she muttered, making good use of a smile that, she was told many times, was also one of her winning assets. “But I fear the sun has taken quite a toll on me.”

  “You shall like to return to the house, then?” he inquired, his gaze scorching her face.

  “Yes, I would very much like that, please.”

  “Well, then.” Lord Dextrem stood and offered his arm, ever the gentleman. Audelia rose as well, lightly accepting the gesture. “Allow me to escort you. Well, would you look at this.”

  “What is it?” Audelia frowned as he reached across her face and into her hair. She feared that she had been swarmed by some terrifying insect, and highly doubted that she’d be able to contain her good manners if that were the case. “Is it a bug?”

  “Not a bug.” He withdrew his hand and grinned, holding his hand before her face. A strand of beautiful yellow blossoms, from the overhead branches, laced his fingers. “It appears your hair is blossoming.”

  Audelia smiled and swallowed tightly as His Lordship’s gaze zoned in on hers. There was something in his eyes that she had never seen before and hardly could recognize. Perhaps, she had been in the sun too long for she truly must be dazed. Jumping slightly, she felt his finger graze her cheek lightly before he rest his hand over hers in the crook of his arm...and they walked on.

  Audelia blinked a few times, now growing aware of the gentle tugging on her left arm. Giving herself a mental shake, she willed her heart rate to slow down and turned to glance at Her Ladyship, who was sporting quite a deep frown.

  “ apologies, Your Ladyship. You were saying?”

  “I was telling you of the fun my brother and I used to have here as children.” Lady Ryia touched Audelia on the arm, her countenance drawn with deep concern. “Are you alright, Lia?”

  Not at all. “Yes, I’m alright.” She pasted on a smile just to seal the deal. “I was just caught up in memory is all. You remember that friend I told you about? The one I haven’t seen in a while?”

  Lady Ryia smiled warmly. “Of course. If only you knew where she was, I’m sure you’d visit her.”

  Audelia nodded. She did know where Jocelyn was. It was the risk of running into Madame de Lucci or the Dextrems that worried her. “At the earliest opportunity. So Your Ladyship, you were mentioning something about when you were a girl?”

  That seemed to divert Lady Ryia’s thoughts rather quickly and she giggled like a schoolgirl. “Yes. I’m sure you’ve met my brother on a couple occasions.”

  Audelia’s cheeks burned hotly, lowering her head as she nodded. She’d done a bit more that meet Lord St. Rosso. Still, memories of the previous night threaded through her mind and made her blood heat with a longing that she’d never experienced until then. She had not seen him since they’d parted ways to their separate bedchambers, him to no doubt a luxurious one and Audelia, to her own just outside the servants’ quarters. And at that point she had lay curled up in her small bed, smiling like a ninny, and replaying the memories of his tender sweet strokes and warm kisses over and over and over again in her head.

  “I have.”

  “Then you know how...withdrawn he can be. Surely, the rest of the staff talks about it.” Lady Ryia shook her head. “It’s a pity though, for he hasn’t always been like that.”

  Audelia cocked her head. He hadn’t been like that last night either. “Really?” She tried to sound surprised by it.

  “You’d best believe it, Lia. When we were children, Bryce was a darling. He loved company and had many friends. We played together in this garden until Mother had promised to give us both a proper spanking.” Lady Ryia laughed, a hearty laugh that brought tears to her eyes. “I had ripped far too many gowns and he had completely worn out the seats of his trousers.”

  Audelia chuckled, trying to picture Lord St. Rosso as a boy with his beautiful green eyes and charming face. He possibly had been a pretty little fellow back then. “Sounds as if you had a great childhood.”

  “We did,” she remarked, her smile short-lived and quickly growing into a dejected frown. “I believe...everything changed when Father passed. Mother had been inconsolable. So was I, if I am to truly admit it.” Lady Ryia smiled sadly then, a thin film of tears glossing over her cool blue eyes. “I was only twelve then...and Bryce, sixteen. At that point, he’d assumed the position of Lord Chastelle and all the duties that came along with it.”

  Audelia supposed those were tender ages to lose a parent in aristocratic circles, and none at all surprising where she came from. She’d met hundreds of orphans like herself while growing up and had begun to accept that it was natural in families which sat at the lowest stages of the social ladder. At the end of the day, they were all just thrown into orphanages until they turned eighteen. In circles like this, at least the children of deceased aristocrats were left with a home they could call their own.

  “It must had been truly hard on you. Both of you,” Audelia uttered, fighting back her own tears. Audelia knew she could offer more than empathy for she was an orphan as well. Perhaps she was a little like His Lordship, in a sense. She did not know quite well how to offer sympathies. “I...I lost my parents a long time ago too.”

  A tear trickled down Lady Ryia’s cheek and she swiped it away to glance over at her lady’s maid. “You-you must miss them terribly.”

  “If only I knew them any at all.” Audelia sniffled and smiled, trying to cheer herself with the sole intent of easing Her Ladyship’s obvious pain. “But I suppose it’s no use thinking of the past now.
You have a family. One that I am sure adores you. And a husband who loves you dearly, if I am correct.”

  Lady Ryia chuckled and patted her fingertips beneath her damp eyes, smoothing away the tears. She then giggled and bumped her shoulder against Audelia’s in a friendly manner. “I am quite happy to have found you for a lady’s maid while I am here, Lia,” she expressed rather fondly “I do not think I have ever discovered a more gentler and kinder company than yours.”

  Audelia smiled, her insides warming at the compliment. Lady Ryia was a good person with a gentle, caring soul, and once again reminding her of a most beloved friend.


  Turning the last page of the book she had borrowed from the library, Audelia yawned and placed it on the small table next to the head of the bed. Her candle was already half-burnt, its steady flame gently illuminating the room. Audelia feared that she did not like the darkness overmuch and tried her best not disturb the imaginary creatures that lay within it.

  “Oh, stop it,” she softly scolded herself. “You are not a child any longer.”

  Pulling the warm cotton sheets up to her chin, Audelia sighed and dared not to close her eyes. Instead, she allowed her mind to be captivated by thoughts of Ulric St. Rosso. Bryce. She liked that name for him. His sister had been correct. It did add a softness to his character that she was beginning to think had been there all along. She also saw herself being partial to a man like him. Gads, she already liked him.

  There was no denying the attraction she felt whenever he cornered her, and the look in his eyes alone told her that the feeling must be mutual. But Audelia was not naive either to hope for a love match from a man such as the Lord Chastelle. He was a wealthy aristocrat from birth and she, she was nothing but an orphan from the common villages of Camden. A runaway. A thief.


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