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Coins and Daggers

Page 15

by Patrice Hannah

  Still scowling, he turned with the intention of finding Edwin when he bumped right into him.

  “Sorry.” His friend mumbled. “I overslept just a bit but I am up and ready to go. Who was the woman?”

  “Some employee of Lady Shentil.”

  They started back for the parlor. “Lady Shentil? What does she want?”

  “A benefactor.” Irritation itched at Ulric like a biting tick. “Is there a growing business surrounding benefactors that I don’t know about? The word alone has managed to get deep under my damn skin.”

  Edwin shrugged. “We better get going so that we can get to Camden by sunset the latest.”

  “Alright. Let’s go.”

  “Bryce,” Audelia’s soft voice came from the half opened door and both men turned to look at her. “What was she doing here?”

  “Who?” Ulric reached for her and brushed the loose tendrils from her face. She still looked a bit tired, eyes still red from her weeping the night before.

  Audelia swallowed, glanced at Edwin and then back at him. “Miss Darcott.”

  “Miss Darcott?” Edwin frowned and looked to Ulric. “Who’s Miss Darcott.”

  “Madame de Lucci’s assistant.”

  “But--” Ulric rubbed his jaw and frowned. “She said her name was Miss Tulley. Bette Tulley.”

  Audelia shook her head insistently. “No. That was Miss Darcott. I saw her, Bryce. I saw from the window. It was her.”

  “Are you sure? You might have mist--”

  “No!” Audelia glared at him, her arms akimbo at her waist. “I know what I saw and that was Miss Darcott. I could not mistake that face. Ever.”

  “Good god!” Ulric ran both hands through his hair this time and groaned. “If that was Miss Darcott, then...”

  “Then Madame de Lucci is an impostor,” Edwin interjected. “Jesus, Lady Shentil and her could rightly be the same person.”

  “Shit!” Ulric paced the room a little and then reached for Audelia. “Do you have your dagger?”


  “Good. Keep it and use it whenever necessary. I don’t know what but I think Madame de Lucci could very well be within our vicinity. Gilgallon will be by your side at all times. Do not leave the house, do you understand?”

  Edwin cleared his throat, already moving towards the door. “I’ll go speak with the guard briefly and grab my satchel while you finish up here.”

  Ulric nodded, knowing that his friend had only meant to give them a few minutes of privacy.

  “Please be careful,” she said. “God knows what Madame de Lucci could be capable of.”

  “Just promise me that you will remain close to Gilgallon.”

  Nodding, Audelia reached up on her toes, wrapping her arms about Ulric’s neck. “At least kiss me, Bryce,” she muttered, her beautiful eyes enveloped by sadness. “At least then, I’ll be convinced that everything will be alright.”

  Ulric did not hesitate. He did not linger with it. Audelia’s lips against his was like flame, igniting a passion within him that he desperately needed to embrace, to accept. Audelia Rolfen had bewitched him and he was not unhappy about it.

  “I should tell you something,” he said after pressing his lips to her forehead. “The friend that you had mentioned last night--”

  “Jocelyn?” Her eyes widened as she spoke. “What about her? Did Miss Darcott mention her? But she’s been married for some time now.”

  “Married?” Ulric frowned and shook his head.

  “Yes. Right after I-I ran away from Camden. I heard some people in the streets talking about how Madame de Lucci had succeeded at pairing off another of her...girls. She was next in line after me.”

  “Audelia.” Ulric pressed his finger against her lips and smiled. “No. Your friend is in Henshire. That is where Edwin had gone. It’s where his family is located.”


  “Yes. She’s betrothed to Edwin’s second cousin, Charmont, and is to be married soon. Whoever you thought had been married off all those months ago was not her.”

  Tears glistened in Audelia’s eyes and she blinked, taking in a well needed breath.“You’re absolutely certain?”

  “Beyond certain. He confirmed it in a missive that was delivered to Edwin just last night. She’s okay and out of Madame de Lucci’s clutches.”

  Audelia swallowed, releasing a heavy breath of relief. She’d wondered for months if Jocelyn had been put in good hands, if she was happy. She’d pondered on it, wondering if Jocelyn’s benefactor was as horrible as hers were to her. But it seemed as if she was okay. She was...alright.

  Letting out a light laugh, she attempted to bat away her impending tears. “So she’s alright then. Jocelyn is safe. Isn’t she?”

  “Very much so. It seems as if Charmont cares deeply for her and had offered for her hand before his father had even accepted her as his ward. Rest assured, Audelia, the Montagus are some of the kindest people I know.” Ulric pressed a kiss to her lips, happy that he had managed to give her some comfort. “You need not be worried about her.”

  Audelia swallowed and smiled, a wave of relief and joy washing over her. Though she was still anxious and afraid over the impending situation concerning Madame de Lucci and Lord Dextrem, she was still happy to know that her friend was alright.

  With her face pressed against Ulric’s warm chest, she inhaled deeply, taking in his refreshing manly scent. This man must truly care for her to be taking her well-fare and safety in his own hands. Throughout the long months that Audelia had spent out on the streets, rummaging for food...stealing, no one had been so kind to her. She had not forgotten the circumstances that had prompted her and Ulric to meet. Or that he had not been kind to her initially either. But she could see the changes in him. She could see the warmth in his eyes, could feel the comfort in his arms.

  “Take caution, Bryce,” she uttered against his shirt. “I find that I no longer hate you overly much and would not like to see anything bad happen to you.”

  Ulric’s laughter vibrated against her ear and she allowed herself a small smile. “Is that your way of saying that you like me, Audelia?”

  Keeping her gaze connected to the bridge of his nose, Audelia toyed with his shirt sleeves lest she was trapped by those beautiful green eyes and lost all her senses. “I might like you more if you return in one piece.”

  Ulric grinned and tipped her chin, searching her glossy eyes. “Your affection is very hard to win, isn’t it?”

  Chuckling, she pressed a sift kiss to the corner of his mouth and stepped out of his embrace. “Edwin must be waiting for you, I suppose.”

  “Of course.” Ulric frowned and watched her as she moved towards the window. He could hardly tell what she was thinking but something was obviously troubling her. “Audelia?”

  “Yes?” She turned to look at him over her shoulder.

  “We shall speak when I return.” And before she could muster up a reply, Ulric strode from the room.

  Audelia inhaled a shaky breath, trying to calm her nerves. In truth, she was terribly worried about Ulric. Worried that he and Edwin might run into more trouble than they all were anticipating. And it would all be at her expense. It would be left to torment her conscience if anything were to happen to them. Perhaps, it was high time she exercised trust and faith. If only advice was more easily taken than said.

  “Miss Rolfen.” Turning, she recognized Gilgallon standing just inside the doorway, a tray of food in hand. “Cook has prepared a rather...generous breakfast tray for you.” He hinted the small tea pot on the tray and smiled. “Hot cocoa is well known to help calm the nerves.”

  “I...I don’t think I have much of an appetite this morning, Gilgallon. But thank you.”

  “We all have to eat,” he encouraged, the smile on his rugged face odd and welcoming at the same time. “His Lordship would not be pleased to hear that you are standing by that window looking so depressed. And Cook does hate when her food goes to waste.”

  Shaking her head,
Audelia looked at the man and fought against smiling, the corners of her mouth twitching. “Fine then. But I doubt I can eat all of that. You shall have to help me.”

  “Not a problem.” Gilgallon offered Audelia his arm when she reached him, relieved when she took it. “Off to the library we go. I hear it’s your favorite room in the house And maybe there, you can continue my lesson on chess playing.”


  Ulric guided Gray through the already thickening crowd of Thornea, lowering the brim of his hat from the bright morning sun’s rays. Edwin was close behind him as they trotted around the merchant stalls, keeping along the road which would lead them straight out of the small district.

  “It’s like these people never rest,” Edwin said, riding up to next to him.

  “They come out early to catch passing merchants. That, or they have fleas in their beds.”

  Edwin chuckled. “Do you believe that Lady Shentil may very well be Madame de Lucci?”

  Ulric frowned, hands tightening on the reigns as he maneuvered pass a cart driver. “Do you?”

  “Truthfully, I don’t know what to believe,” his friend confessed. “All I know is that Lord Dextrem is connected to Miss Rolfen, and her to the Madame. If we find Dextrem, it’s possible we could get a lead on her as well.”

  “I believe so too. In the meanwhile, let us keep our eyes open. Either of them could be right beneath our noses. We must move--”

  “Your Lordship!”

  “What is hell’s name...?” Ulric yanked on the reigns as Gray bucked upwards, bursting out a sharp teeth-rattling neigh.

  “Move, man!” Edwin’s voice rang out viciously. “Are you trying to get Lord Chastelle killed?”

  Finally managing to settle Gray, Ulric released a heavy breath and looked down at the balding innkeeper named Hester. “Are you a fool? My horse could have thrown me and then where would you be?”

  “My apologies, sir,” Hester said, glancing about him anxiously, passing a fuming Edwin a contrite glance. “I believe that I have some news which would please you greatly.”

  “Speak quickly then. We are in a hurry.’

  Hester moved timidly closer to Ulric’s snorting mount and swallowed. “A gent came into the inn just last night, milord. Very late last night, in fact. He was asking about that girl you’d mentioned the other day.”

  Ulric sent a serious look Edwin’s direction. “What did he ask?”

  The man puffed out his chest as if suddenly feeling important. “He said that she was his daughter who had been taken many months ago by men out for a reward.”

  “Horseshit!” Edwin snorted. “What did you tell him?”

  “N-nothing, milord. Only that I haven’t seen her.”

  Ulric raised a dubious brow at him, glanced at Edwin and the back. “And what have I done to deserve such....loyalty?”

  “Well...” Hester rocked on his heels and fidgeted. “I was thinking, Sir, that you might be a little generous.”

  Reaching into his cloak’s pocket, Ulric dumped a few coins to the man. “Is he still in the inn then?”

  “Y-yes, sir. Having an early breakfast, I believe. Room 9 to be exact.”

  Ulric jumped off his horse and shoved the reigns into the innkeeper’s hands. “Watch these horses. Edwin? I believe we have to pay our dear friend in Room 9 a visit.”

  “I would not mind at all.”

  Ulric shove pass Hester as he and Edwin bounded up the short steps which lead inside the inn. The hall was empty and they found the wooden staircase quite quickly. He was on the third step when Edwin’s hand clamped on to his shoulder.

  “The gent could very well be Dextrem,” he whispered. “What if he is not alone?”

  “I’ll take my chances. But if it is Dextrem, then he just saved us one hell of a journey.”

  Edwin reached into the side of his boot for a knife and nodded. “After you.”

  The steps creaked softly as they made their way up and towards to the landing. “It’s right down this hall,” Ulric said. “Stay alert.”

  “You know what whiskey does to me,” Edwin snickered softly. “Drank a hefty amount just before I left. I’ll not rest for a couple days.”

  Smiling, Ulric moved down the empty hall and stopped just outside the door of Room 9. Inside they could hear the faintest of shuffling, a female’s giggle...and then a deep moan. Both men exchanged glances and Ulric shook his head. “He has rather varied tastes in breakfast, don’t you think?”

  Edwin nudged him lightly in the back. “I say we interrupt the course and give him something else to feast on.”

  “Great minds think very much alike, Edwin.” And with that, Ulric took a deep breath and slowly spun the door knob.

  Inside he could make out what seemed to be Dextrem’s head, between two slender thighs, the panting female clutching onto the brute’s head as if her life depended on it. Edwin kicked over the small table by the door and the man jumped up fast, his female companion letting out a frightened shriek.

  “Chastelle?” Dextrem wiped his mouth on his shirt sleeve and cocked his head. “What in devil’s name are you doing here? Ah...and with your sidekick too.”

  The woman took that moment to flee the room, taking the cover sheets with her as she went scrambling.

  “You’re a long way from Camden, aren’t you Dextrem?” Ulric maintained his stance, glaring at the man. “How does your wife feel about you dallying with whores?”

  “That’s hardly any of your business. What do you want?”

  “How about your testicles first and then we can negotiate on your life.”

  Dextrem’s glance flickered between both men and then towards the closed door behind them. “Whatever this is about, I am sure we can discuss it like gentlemen.”

  “You pretend to be ignorant then?”

  “I say we just go straight to cutting,” Edwin interjected, fingers tightening around the handle of his knife.

  “What is heaven’s name, is this all about, Chastelle?” Dextrem swallowed tightly as he eased slowly towards the bed. “The last I’ve seen either of you was over a year ago. And we’ve never had any form of disagreement.”

  “Do not move another inch.” Ulric marched up to the man and shove him against the wall. “We have a major disagreement, you bastard, and you better admit to it before I gut you like a goddamn fish!”

  “I...I do not know what you are talking about. I am a respectable man,” he stuttered. “I do not take part in...barbaric activities.”

  “Blasted moron!” Edwin spat and spun the lock on the door. “Give him a sound fist to the jaw for good measure.”

  Ulric grabbed Dextrem by the collar and slammed him against the wall. “You...hurt her. You raped her and thought you’d get away with it?”

  Dextrem’s eyes widened at that point, his mouth opening and closing like a gaping fish. “I...raped no one.”

  Ulric gripped the man by the neck and delivered a fist to his gut. Dextrem wheezed and faltered. “She looked to you for support and you took advantage of her, you ugly piece of shit!”

  “She was a damn temptress who got what she deserved!” Dextrem yelled, which earned him a solid punch to the jaw, sending him sliding to the floor.

  “Hold him up, Edwin!” Ulric paced quickly, running his hands over his face. His friend came up abruptly, forcing the man up and clamping Dextrem’s arms painfully behind him. The man yowled in agony, trying to free himself from the hold.

  “What do you mean; to kill me?” he said, spitting blood from his mouth. “The girl’s nothing to you.”

  “That’s where you are wrong,” Ulric growled, ramming his knee into Dextrem’s gut. “She means a great deal to me and as long you’re around, she will never be at peace.”

  Letting out a pained chuckle, Dextrem threw his head back and laughed. “She belongs to me, Chastelle. She’ll never be yours. I am her benefactor. I bought the little whore fair and square.”

  This time it was Edwin who delivered the blow, his
elbow connecting sharply with the side of Dextrem’s head.

  “Fuck!” The man crawled towards the bed, gasping. “You bloody bastards.”

  “Last I checked,” Edwin snarled. “You’re the one covered in blood. Where is Madame de Lucci?”

  “What makes you..”--coughs--“What makes you...think that I know?”

  “We know she is somewhere nearby,” Ulric gritted out, grabbing him by the hair. “And we know that she’s the one who gave Audelia to you. Where the hell is she?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Ulric rammed his knuckles into Dextrem’s lower back. “You better start talking before I lose my patience.”

  “Madame de Lucci runs a shady establishment that she claims is to help young women with finding supportive guardians,” Edwin began. “She sold Miss Rolfen to you, didn’t she?”

  Dextrem heaved sharply, his hand grasping Ulric’s hand where he gripped painfully on his hair. “Okay, fine. L-let me up and I shall tell you...what you want to know.”

  Ulric glanced at Edwin and then back at Dextrem before shoving the man down. Standing, he rammed his boot into the brute’s side. “Get up!”

  Dextrem struggled to his feet, wiping his bloody mouth against his shoulder and slumped against a nearby table. “Madame de Lucci came to me with a business proposition. She said she’d heard of my wife’s situation and--”

  “What situation?” Ulric stepped closer.

  “Lady Dextrem is a barren woman, Chastelle,” he spat bitterly. “We’ve been married fifteen years and still she cannot provide me with an heir. The Madame brought me our salvation in the form of a promising wench.”

  Bile rose up into Ulric’s throat as he listened to the man. “Are you trying to tell me that you meant to impregnate Audelia?” He spat at the man’s feet. “And your wife had agreed to this...this madness?”


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