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Beneath Submission: (An Unbreakable Series) Romantic Suspense

Page 9

by A. L Long

  Taking one last look at myself in the mirror, we headed out of the room and down the stairs. Before we began heading down, I gently grabbed her arm and asked hesitantly, “Aiko, do you ever wonder what your life would be like if you left here?”

  Her eyes widened in surprise as though I spoke of something inexcusable. “I would never think of leaving here.”

  I was about ready to ask her why, especially after everything that she had been through, but realized that the look she was giving me was one of defeat. Just like me, she must have felt like there was no way out.

  Following her down the stairs, I thought for sure we would be going to the exhibition room, but instead, we ended up in the room where I first met Mr. Sakai. There was nobody else there except us. Aiko suggested that I make myself comfortable while I waited for Mr. Sakai to arrive. I watched as she left the room, wondering if she went to find him.

  When she didn’t come back, I was beginning to worry. I was almost ready to search for her when Mr. Sakai entered the room. “Were you planning on leaving, Tessa?’

  “That would be impossible,” I stated sarcastically.

  “Come, we are running late,” he responded avoiding my comment.

  “Where are we going?” I asked.

  “To the exhibition room.”

  I was pretty sure of what was going to happen once we got there, but the way he was dressed, it had to be a big event. This had to have been the reason Aiko didn’t return to the living room. She was more than likely preparing for the performance. Taking his lead, I followed behind him as we headed to the so-called exhibition room.

  When we arrived, there was something different about the room than when I had come the first time. The curtain was already drawn open and there were two crosses on the stage instead of one. Aiko wasn’t on the stage like she had been before. Looking around the theatre, the only people there were Mr. Sakai and me. I was beginning to get an unnerving feeling in my gut that something was going to take place and it wasn’t going to be good.

  Hearing the doors open, I looked over to the entrance to find that more than a dozen men were entering. They were all dressed in tuxedos just like Mr. Sakai, which I found to be very odd. Mr. Sakai shook every man’s hand and seemed to know them very well. He pointed to the front of the room and asked them to take a seat in the front two rows.

  Taking a seat behind them, I waited patiently to see what would be happening. Keeping my eyes focused on the stage, I watched as two young women walked onto the stage, each wearing a silk robe. I thought for sure that Aiko would be a part of the performance, but she was nowhere to be found. The door to the theatre opened and Aiko appeared. She was wearing nothing but a very sexy corset and garter set along with very high heels. In her hands she had a silver platter which held at least a dozen tiny boxes. I began to wonder what she would be doing with them.

  It was beginning to make sense when she walked up and held the platter in front of each man, suggesting that they take a box from the platter. When all of the boxes were dished out, Mr. Sakai rose to his feet and said, “Gentleman, only two of you will be fortunate enough to play. In the boxes that you have chosen, only two contain a gold ring. The two men that have chosen the winning boxes may move to the stage.”

  I watched as the men began opening their boxes. When two of the men rose to their feet, I knew that they were the lucky ones to have chosen the box with the gold ring. Making their way to the stage, they stood next to the girls, each one assisting one of the girls with their robes. When the robes fell away from their bodies, their naked skin was exposed. Everything about them was perfect. Almost like they were handpicked from the Gods above.

  I began to feel anxious, more so than the first time I witnessed the exhibition. I shouldn’t have been aroused by the acts that had taken place, but I could already feel a tingling sensation begin to form between my legs. When I adjusted my position, Mr. Sakai looked down on me with a grin. He was well aware of what was going on.

  The two gentlemen that were on the stage were older, at least thirty years older than the two girls. Taking them by the hand, they began restraining each girl on the crosses. The girls didn’t resist as the cuffs were fastened around their wrists and ankles. Aiko came on the stage ready to assist the men any way she could. As though they were prompted in what to do, they removed their tuxedo jackets and gave them to Aiko to hold.

  Walking over to the table, each man chose a different toy to begin the exhibition. One of them chose a riding crop while the other chose a thin paddle. I was having a hard time keeping my eyes off of the two men; a big difference from before.

  In the beginning the men were very gentle with the girls, only caressing the toys against their bodies. It was only when the girls began to move that the play got more intense as they struck them to hold still. One of the men seemed to enjoy the play with the crop while the other seemed bored with his paddle. I kept my sights on the man with the paddle as he walked over to the table and grabbed something different to stimulate the young girl.

  Scratching his head, he gazed over to the side of the stage and then began walking in that direction. I wasn’t sure what he had in mind, but when he wheeled out a kneeling bench, I knew he had something else planned for the young woman. Releasing her from the cross, he kissed her on the lips and guided her over to the bench by placing his arm around her waist.

  She must have known what he wanted. She immediately took her position and waited for the man to restrain her once again, only this time her backside was towards the audience and all of her womanly parts could be seen. Her essence glistened between her legs as he spread them wider in order to bind her ankles to the legs of the bench. When she was secure, he hit his hand hard across her bare ass cheek, causing her voice to crack.

  Looking over her shoulder, she gave him a smile and said, “More.”

  “In time, love. In time,” he responded with a British accent.

  My fixation was on the British man and nothing else. He emanated a power that I hadn’t seen before. He was very dominant and the way he carried himself, he was well aware of his control. There was something about him that was unnerving as well. I had a feeling he was a man not to be messed with.

  My assumption was correct when he grabbed her hair and pulled her head back. He could barely be heard as he stated arrogantly, “You will never forget this night.”

  The smile she held disappeared the minute he pulled on her hair a little harder. In my opinion, it was a cruel way to get her attention. Keeping my eyes on him, he circled around the kneeling bench before going back to the table. I couldn’t see what he had in his hand, but when he moved to the side, I saw that he was inserting a silver egg-shaped plug into her backside. Moving it in and out of her, her moans began to increase. In a way he was very cocky the way he looked at the other men as he slipped a finger inside her vagina. It was as though he was mocking them for not being chosen.

  By the way she was moving with him, I knew that she was enjoying her torture and her imminent release was close. Taking her as close to the edge as possible before releasing, he pulled away from her and once again walked over to the table. This time he took a rather large vibrator and went back to her. In a small voice, I could faintly hear her pleading, “Please, don’t go away. Don’t stop.”

  Sliding the vibrator inside her wet channel, her moans of pleasure sounded. Her moans amplified against the theatre walls and based on the bulge that was forming in Mr. Sakai’s pants, he was enjoying the exhibition. There was no doubt in my mind that every man in the room would be experiencing an arousal of their own.

  Moving my eyes back to the stage, the British man stepped over to the other man and whispered something in his ear. When they returned the girl on the kneeling bench, I knew that he had something planned for her. Moving to the front of the bench, he slowly lowered his trousers, while the other man was behind her working the vibrator. When he slapped her on the face, she opened her mouth ready to accept him inside. Over and over
she licked and sucked trying desperately not to gag as he pushed deeper inside. When he was close to his own release, he pulled his cock from her mouth, spraying her face with his juices.

  Closing my eyes, I thought it was the most degrading thing that he could have done, but when she moved her head to gather more of the spray, my opinion changed. Focusing on the man behind her, he increased the speed of the vibrator, pushing it deeper inside her. As he pulled it out, I could see that her juices thickly coated the device letting everyone know that she had also met her own release.

  The other girl who was tied to the cross must have been satisfied as well based on the white milky juice that was running down her inner thigh. Looking between the two girls and the two men, I waited impatiently to see what would happen next. I felt unfulfilled as the curtains closed. Breaking me from my disappointment, Mr. Sakai said, “Come, I want you to meet my business associates.”

  I doubted very much that these men were his business associates. I had a funny feeling that one of them would soon be my owner.


  After all the introductions were made with the lustful glares, I was finally able to go back to my room. Just as I had thought, these men were here to observe the goods they were going to buy. Heading to my room, I noticed that the young woman that was tied to the kneeling bench was headed to the elevator with the British man. She was walking behind him and when they got into the elevator, I knew why. She had a collar around her neck with a leash hanging from his hand.

  I remembered that Aiko said that there would be an auction next week, which made me begin to worry that I would be like that girl. I felt like I was going to be sick. If I did as Mr. Sakai asked, I would be sold to the highest bidder, and if I refused, I would be a slave.

  Opening the door to my room, I felt dirty even though I didn’t do anything to justify it. Just the thought of being sold felt like I was being violated. Wanting nothing more than to tear this dress off my body and remove the makeup that Aiko had worked so hard to put on, I walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I didn’t want anything to do with Mr. Sakai or his business. All I wanted was to find a way out of here and safely back to Xavier. With less than a week before the auction, I needed to think fast. Maybe there was still a chance that Aiko would help me.

  Drying off, I walked to the closet to grab a nightgown. Bending over to wrap my wet hair in a towel. I heard the door open. What is the matter with these people? Do they not know how to knock first? Standing in the middle of the room completely naked, except for the towel around my head, I looked up to find that Aiko was standing by the door. She had been hit and the way her face looked, more than once. Taking the towel from my head and wrapping it around my body, I went over to where she was standing to see if I could find out what happened.

  Placing my hand on her cheek, I asked concerned, “Did Mr. Sakai do this to you?”

  She didn’t need to answer me, I could see on her face that I had guessed correctly. Taking her in my arms, I pulled her closer, hoping that I could give her a bit of comfort. Her arms wrapped around my waist and her heart spilled, “I don’t know why he gets so angry. I didn’t do anything wrong. I was only being nice.”

  Walking with her over to the bed, we took a seat and I looked over to her and asked, “What made him so angry, Aiko?”

  “One of the men stopped me in the hall as they were getting ready to leave the mansion. He only asked me if I was also up for bid. All I did was smile at him… to be nice. Mr. Sakai thought I was flirting with the man. I tried to explain to him what he said, but he didn’t want to hear it.”

  “He should have never have hurt you, Aiko. Matter of fact, no man has the right to hit a woman,” I said outraged.

  The more we talked, the more I began to feel like maybe she would help me out of here. Based on what she had shared, Mr. Sakai was always punishing her for one thing or another. I could tell that she honestly didn’t know why, and her punishment was not warranted. She also went on to say that Mr. Sakai hit her and the other girls sometimes for no reason. Aiko thought that maybe it was to show that he owned them and that he was in control of their future.

  I didn’t care how he justified hitting them. It was time that Aiko got away from him for good. I just needed to find a way out of here and convince her to help me.


  I had spent close to an hour with Aiko, trying to convince her to help me escape. I couldn’t have been happier when she finally realized that this wasn’t a life for her. As we talked I found out that all she wanted to do was to go to school to become a teacher. Mr. Sakai had promised her several times that he would make sure that her dream of being a teacher would come true and that he would help her. Aiko was already twenty-four and she hadn’t asked him again since she was seventeen. I think she was finding out that her dream was never going to happen, and Mr. Sakai had no intension of letting her go to school to become one.

  When Aiko left, she was afraid that Mr. Sakai would find out that she had been in my room longer than she was supposed to be. After all, how long does it take to turn down the bed and make sure I had everything I needed? I was afraid for her. The last thing she needed was to be punished again.

  Slipping under the covers, I tried not to think about her and her situation. Every time I tried to think about my happy place, her face and the way it looked was right in front of me. Finally, after several hours, I felt like there was no hope of falling asleep. I pushed from the bed and walked over to the window. Turning the lock, I pushed it open, hoping that the fresh air would help me sleep.

  I didn’t know what made me decide to go to the window, but as I looked down, I witnessed Aiko being shoved inside a car by one of Mr. Sakai’s men. I didn’t want anything to happen to her, so out of concern, I began to yell at the man below, “Get your hands off her, asshole.”

  The minute the words came out of my mouth, his eyes seared into mine and I knew that I would be feeling Mr. Sakai’s wrath once he found out that I had seen what was going on. I didn’t care. Let him do whatever he wanted to me. All I cared about was Aiko. Pushing on the screen to the window, I managed to pop it out. Wrapping my hands around the bars, I used all my strength and began pushing and pulling on the bars. I didn’t know what I thought, but I would need more than my own strength to get pry them off the window.

  I felt so helpless as I watched the car drive away. Staring down at the spot where the car once was, I saw a shadow coming out of the garage. When the figure came into view, Mr. Sakai looked up at me as he lit the cigarette that was perched between his lips. Without thinking, I gave him the bird and closed my window. Pulling on the sheers, I wanted nothing more than to shut him out. I backed up to the bed as though he would be climbing up the side of the mansion and come at me through the window. I knew I was only being silly, so I turned around and stared at the door leading into the room. I didn’t know how long I had been standing there, but the door remained closed. After what seemed like an eternity, I went to the bed and pulled the covers over my head. Tomorrow I would receive my punishment. That I was certain of.


  My eyes had been wide open until the sun came up fearing that Mr. Sakai would be coming to my room and taking me away just like Aiko had been. I was beyond exhausted and as much as I wanted to keep my eyes open, I couldn’t. My eyes fell shut, but only for a moment when the door to my room opened. I became very nervous when one Mr. Sakai’s men walked through the door. I had no idea what he wanted and didn’t have the chance to ask before he threw me my robe toward me and said roughly, “Put it on. Mr. Sakai would like to speak to you.”

  Standing to my feet, I put on my robe and tied the sash tightly around my waist. Walking over to the burly man, he glared at me with a smile as I passed by him and out the door. I had no idea where we were going so I turned to him and asked, “Where to?”

  Pointing in the direction of the elevator, I gave in to his instructions and headed in that direction. Just like every other time,
the elevator door opened when we close. My body became tense the minute the door closed. I didn’t like the way this man was looking at me and I certainly didn’t like being alone with him in the elevator.

  I was thankful that the ride was quick. The doors opened to a large room where Mr. Sakai was waiting, emanating power dressed in his dark gray suit. His man said something to him in Japanese before leaving us. It didn’t take long for Mr. Sakai to take hold of my arm and literally drag me across the marble floor down a long hallway and to a room that I hadn’t been in before.

  When he pushed the door open, I felt ill as scanned the room to find that it was some sort of playroom filled with every kind of kinky equipment imaginable. I heard the door shut and the lock engage, which made me very uneasy. Turning toward Mr. Sakai, I blurted out before he could say anything, “What did you do to Aiko and where did you have her taken?”

  “I thought that you were different, Tessa. Imagine how disappointed I was when I found out that you and Aiko were planning on leaving my humble home,” he began, walking away from the door to where I was standing. Placing his hand on my chin, he lifted it so that my eyes were connected with his. “I would suggest you do as I say, or you too may find yourself in an undesirable position.”


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