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The Chosen: A Tale of the Blood Breed

Page 3

by A Tale of the Blood Breed (lit)

  “Kaleb, watch your language!” Kayla turned a disapproving stare at her twin. “When you didn’t answer I got so worried. Haven’t you read the paper?”

  Lana watched as Kayla dug through her oversized tote bag to pull out a newspaper and hand it to her. She turned around and sat on the couch, hearing the door shut softly behind her. She stared at the front page, her eyes growing wide at the headline.

  Murders in quiet Stone Brooke.

  Was she reading it right? People being murdered in Stone Brooke?

  “So far, three murders have been reported in the quiet, secluded city of Stone Brooke...All female and young...victims had dark hair and light eyes...officials are not saying that they are linked together, but that any women between the ages of eighteen and thirty should be cautious when they go out.”

  Lana skimmed through the sentences, horror taking a stranglehold on her.

  “Victims clothing was shredded beyond repair, as if the person(s) were trying to find something…Drained of blood”

  The last sentence had Lana holding her breath. According to the paper, the victims had been drained of blood, but there was no sign of where it went. They suspected it was cult related, but they had no solid evidence, and investigations were still being held.

  “I can’t believe this. Do you know any of the victims?”

  “The victims’ names haven’t been released.” Kayla walked over and sat on the couch next to her. “Hey, I didn’t mean to freak you out or anything. I was just a little worried.”

  Lana turned her attention to Kaleb, who leaned against the counter. His arms were crossed over his massive chest, and he had a blank look on his face. People dying probably didn’t affect him to the point it did her. He was in the Special Forces and probably saw death all the time. Kayla’s hand rubbed up and down her back. She looked at her best friend. Her big amber-colored eyes shined back at her with concern.

  “Really, it’s okay. I really didn’t mean to scare you. The police say they have it under control and that the perpetrator is probably already gone.” She watched Kayla stand and walk over to her bags. “Come on, we still have to look beautiful for tonight.”

  “Are you crazy? There could be a killer out there, and you want to go out and party?”

  “Well, I see it this way, Lana. We can both stay here and think about it all night, or we can go out and enjoy ourselves. Why stay here and worry about something we have no control over? Think about it, the killer isn’t going to be stupid enough to strike again when it’s all over the papers.”

  “Maybe it’s not a good idea that we go out tonight, Kay.” Kaleb pushed himself off the counter in a move that looked lethal yet graceful. “Lana doesn’t look up to it. We can just go out together the next time I come up.”

  Guilt passed through Lana as she glanced at both of the twins. He was on leave for a short time. Who knew when he would get leave again? She couldn’t ruin this night for them.

  “I’m fine, really. It all came as a shock to me.” She walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge. “You’re right. No one would be stupid enough to attack with the spotlight on the murders.” She walked out of the kitchen and toward her bedroom. “Come on, let’s get ready.” She could hear their whispered words and stopped in front of her room.

  “I don’t know. She seems a little rattled. Maybe you shouldn’t have shown her the paper.”

  “Kaleb, it isn’t like she wouldn’t have seen it eventually, anyways. We were all a little rattled when we read the paper. She’ll snap out of it. We just need to get her out of the house and having a good time.”

  “I don’t know. It doesn’t help that all of the victims had dark hair and light eyes—like her. If you were in her shoes, wouldn’t you be freaking out also?”

  “Stop being so melodramatic. Half the women in Stone Brook have dark hair and light eyes. You’re not doing any good by pointing out the fact.”

  As Lana heard everything they said, she thought back to the paper. She hadn’t even realized the fact all three of the victims had dark hair and light eyes. It was just a coincidence, though. Hell, Kayla was right. Half the women in the city fit that description. No, she walked into her room and opened up her closet, seeing if she had anything wearable.

  “Are you sure you want to go out? I mean it’s okay if you don’t. We can all just order pizza and hang out.” Kayla stood next to her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

  “I really do want to go out. I know Kaleb is only here for a short period of time, and I want to hang out with both of you guys.” That was all Kayla needed to hear. One minute she was looking concerned, and the next she had a full smile on her face.

  * * * *

  It took them about an hour to get ready, and now they sat in Kaleb’s truck heading toward The Night Phlox. Kayla decided to wear a pink dress with matching jewels around the collar. Kaleb wore the same clothes, dark blue jeans and a graphic style tee. Kayla brought several dresses she wanted Lana to try on, but Lana opted to find something in her closet. So here she sat, feeling out of place wearing a dress she wore years ago to a wedding. The light blue dress matched her eyes nicely—which was the whole reason she bought it in the first place. The straps were thin and accented her slim shoulders and arms. The empire waist did nicely to show off what little of a bust she had and made her actually look like she had hips. She found the dress in the back of her closet and the matching shoes piled under a stack of blankets. She felt silly and overdressed, but Kayla assured her she looked fine and that there was a strict dress code anyway.

  So now they sat in Kaleb’s truck he kept at Kayla’s place for such visits. She stared out the tinted windows and watched as the city of Stone Brooke came alive for the evening. Street lights flickered on, and people were already seated behind restaurant windows. Students walked around in their Stone Brooke University sweaters, smiles on their faces and carrying bags from the local shops. The club was on the outskirts of Stone Brooke, but no more than twenty minutes from the small house Lana rented. The city passed by her like a dream—the lights flashing past her eyes like fireworks in the sky. It was hard to believe there was a killer out there who took innocent lives. Shaking her head, she pushed the thoughts away that would just haunt her for the rest of the night.

  The Night Phlox didn’t look like a club at all from the outside. The actual building was historical and resembled a large plantation house more than anything else. Large marble pillars supported the front of the house and added a classic touch to the building. Professional landscaping surrounding the property, each tree and shrub manicured to perfection. The old building had been bought and completely updated and renovated. The club sat atop a hill and had a winding driveway to reach it. The mountains peeked from behind the club, which made it a picturesque scene.

  Kaleb pulled up to a large iron gate that blocked the driveway and slid three tickets into a silver box. The tickets were sucked in, and then a soft beep sounded. The huge gates opened for them without the slightest creak or groan. The driveway started off straight and then curved up the ascending hill. At the top of the hill, they drove around the circular driveway and pulled behind a BMW. A thin teenage boy in a pressed black suit walked to the driver’s side of the truck and opened the door. Lana’s door was opened next by another young boy in the same uniform. He held his hand out and assisted Lana and Kayla both out.

  They were both escorted to the front of the building, where Kaleb handed a young boy some money and the keys to the truck. They stood there for a moment, not sure what to do as the truck’s taillights faded off.

  “Good evening. I am Alex, please follow me.” He did a sweep of his arm toward the large wooden double doors and led the way.

  They followed him up a few marble steps and were surprised when the double doors opened of their own accord. They entered a small sitting room that had a plush couch and a few identical chairs lining its walls. The walls were painted a deep red, and the flooring was a shiny ma
rble. They walked through another set of double doors and entered yet another sitting room.

  “When you are ready, you may enter through that door.” He pointed to a brushed metal door across the room. “If you would like to relax before entering, there is a small bar in the corner. Enjoy.” With that, he bowed and left them alone in the room.

  The three of them made their way toward the door, Kayla taking the initiative and opening it. Lana’s mouth dropped open at the room that was revealed.

  Chapter Three

  Lana sat at one of the many small, wrought iron tables situated throughout the club. When they first entered the club’s main floor, she had been speechless. The inside was huge, with a vaulted ceiling and an impressive moonlit hunting scene painted on its smooth surface. Intimate, four-person tables were situated around the club as well as plush, velvet love seats placed in seductively lit corners. An ornate glass and crystal chandelier hung from the middle of the ceiling, and the light bounced off the jewels, casting rainbows throughout the room. A large dance floor sat in the middle of the room, numerous bodies gyrating together to the sounds of the latest hits. A bar on the other side of the room took up half of the wall, and a waterfall of red water flowed behind the bar.

  Everyone at the club dressed like they were going to a formal ball. She was thankful Kayla insisted on her wearing something that at the time seemed too dressy. Even though the club’s patrons were dressed elegantly, that didn’t stop them from rubbing themselves on each other. On the other side of the room stood a large, polished copper door with two hulking bodyguards stationed on each side of it.

  She looked at the war-painted ceiling and noticed dark glass circling around the whole upper perimeter of the club. Hearing Kayla’s light laughter drawing closer, she glanced to her side to see Kayla and Kaleb making their way through the crush of bodies.

  “I haven’t seen this many hot-ass guys in the same place since that time I stumbled into that all male revue years ago.” Kayla giggled at her own comment, and Lana rolled her eyes.

  Kayla set an impossibly large glass in front of her, the neon blue liquid splashing over the sugared side. “What did you order me? This cup alone must hold three drinks.” Lana said as she eyed the concoction. Lana picked it up with both hands and took a small sip. She set the cup down and coughed from the potency of it.

  “That, my dear, is The Night Phlox’s house drink. Kaleb, what did they call it again?”

  “Drink of the dead or something like that.” Kaleb looked at Lana with a bored expression. “I don’t know what the whole hype is about. This place looks no different than any other club.”

  It was Kayla’s turn to cough and sputter as she set her cup down and eyed Kaleb. “Like you would know. What do you have to base this place on, anyways?” She took another sip of her drink and turned toward Lana. “Tonight is all about you, Lan.” She held up her glass and motioned for Kaleb to do the same. “Congratulations for getting your BSN. You’re going to make a kick ass nurse.”

  “Thanks, but I still have to take and pass the NCLEX.”

  Kayla waved her comment away. “You’ll rock it like you do every other test you’ve taken.” Kayla turned around, drink in hand, and watched the gyrating bodies on the dance floor. “Oh, lord! Look at that guy over there!” Pointing a finger straight ahead, Lana rolled her eyes and wanted to tell Kayla that pointing her finger really didn’t help.

  “There has to be twenty different guys where you’re pointing. Which one exactly? And by the way, try not to be so obvious.”

  “He’s the impossibly huge muscled man with the really blond hair. His back is to us.”

  “If his back is to us how can you even tell he’s hot?” Lana scanned the crowed, trying to pinpoint which one Kayla spoke about. Finally spotting him, she could definitely appreciate the view. “Wow, I guess he doesn’t need to turn around to appreciate the view.”

  “He looks like a tool to me.”

  Lana looked over at Kaleb with her eyebrow raised. “Where’s all this hostility coming from? Don’t want your little sister appreciating the meat?” She smiled as Kayla started to laugh. Lana turned and looked at Kaleb, her amusement dropping by his expression. His face was set hard, and she could see his jaw tensing. “What’s wrong? I was just kidding.”

  “It’s nothing. Like I said, he looks like a tool to me.”

  Kaleb had always been protective of Kayla but never showed this kind of anger over something so minimal. Lana thought it best to just drop the subject all together. “I have to use the restroom. Do you want to go with me?” She placed her hand on Kayla’s shoulder when there was no response. “Hey?”

  Kayla’s attention was focused on the blond she eyed before, but now it wasn’t a one-sided stare. He faced them fully, his gaze completely focused on Kayla. Lana dropped her hand and decided Kayla and Kaleb were acting way too weird tonight. She stood and was about to walk away when Kayla turned to her with a dazed expression.

  “What? Sorry, I was just thinking. Lost in my own little world, I guess.”

  “I said I’m going to the bathroom. Do you want to go?” Kayla shook her head as she scanned the crowed. “Okay, never mind. You two are acting crazy tonight.”

  “I’ll be back. I need some fresh air.”

  Lana watched with brows knitted in confusion as Kayla made her way slowly through the throng of people. “Do you think we should go with her? Make sure she’s okay?” Lana looked over at Kaleb, who held the beer bottle in a tight grip.

  “No, she’ll be fine here.”

  How could he possibly know something like that? Murders were happening in Stone Brooke.

  “It would be a fruitless attempt to try and follow her, anyway. She wouldn’t welcome our company right now.”

  He made no sense, but if he felt calm with Kayla walking around by herself then Lana wouldn’t go against his judgment. He was highly trained as it was, deadly even. “Well, okay.” She made her way past him when his large hand lightly grabbed her wrist.

  “Be careful, okay?”

  “What? I’m just going to the bathroom.” She didn’t know what had gotten into them tonight, but their behavior bordered on bizarre.

  “I know, but things are different now, more dangerous.”

  “I’ll be fine. You should be more worried about Kayla than you are about me. She actually went outside.”

  He didn’t let go of her wrist, just stared into her eyes with concern. “She can take care of herself. You, on the other hand, are very fragile and vulnerable. Be careful, okay?”

  Fragile? Vulnerable? She wouldn’t have used those two words to describe herself, but okay. “I’ll be back soon.” She thought his worry was a little overboard and hoped her words placated him. He visibly relaxed, gave a nod, and let go of her wrist. She stood there for a moment searching for the bathroom or any sign that would point out where to go.

  Lana hurriedly used the facilities and washed her hands in the sink, looking at her reflection in the mirror. She stroked her finger over her cheek and under her eyes. She ran her fingers through her hair and was surprised her curls were still alive and bouncing. She left the bathroom and couldn’t help the worry that settled in her chest at the thought of Kayla alone outside. Kaleb might feel content his sister could take care of herself, which was so not like him, but Lana couldn’t get the news reports out of her head. She scanned the thick crowd of bodies dancing, trying to see where the exit was.

  * * * *

  Aleksei stood at the tinted two-way window that framed his second floor office. He looked down at the club scene before him, the revelations of earlier tonight making his blood boil. He needed a good fuck tonight, a hard fuck with a female who didn’t mind if he was a little dominant. He scanned the throng of people below, the sex pouring off of them in waves of arousal and lust. It coated the air so much that he could smell it through the thick glass. He shoved his hands in his jean pockets, his heart thumping to the beat of the song playing through the speakers. He
was about to turn away when something, or more so someone, snagged his attention.

  Sitting at one of the tables was the most beautiful creature he ever laid eyes upon. He stared at her, unable to draw his attention away from her. Her dark hair cascaded around her face in soft curls. Her body was small and petite, fragile in its appearance but beautiful nonetheless. Her lips were full and pink—the perfect lips for doing delicious things. She wasn’t what he usually went for. He normally liked his females a little curvier with wide hips he could grip while he pounded into them. His eyes roamed over her small breasts and thin frame. She was far too delicate for the aggressive things he was accustomed to, but he bet she was a wild cat in bed—the innocent looking ones usually were.

  He couldn’t imagine why he felt this way. He never felt such a strong, instantaneous lust for a female before. His fangs lengthened, and his cock thickened in anticipation of having her—from just staring at her. He couldn’t remember the last time he fed. It had to have been a while if a female was making him have this kind of reaction. He just needed to take her vein as he took her between her thighs, and all would be good.

  Usually, he just fucked the females and left, but when he was forced to feed off of them, when he let his hunger grow too strong and he couldn’t control himself, he fed from them. It was a very intimate act, even more so than the actual act of having sex. He tried to avoid it, but sometimes he couldn’t. That had to be why she was having this effect on him. There was no other explanation for his insane emotions. It would probably be best if he did it tonight, though. He would need all his strength tomorrow night when they went on a hunt.

  He continued to stare at her, hypnotized and enthralled by her. The dress she wore left nothing to the imagination, and he wondered if she did it purposely to draw attention to herself—to make a male want her. The very idea of another male going near her made him fist his hands and grind his teeth. His cock already strained against the fly of his pants, reminding him of what it wanted, what he needed. He felt his eyes start to change, going from their normal blue to completely black. He couldn’t control himself, emotionally or physically, and that was a dangerous combination.


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