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Mail Order Bride: Love, Honor & Keep Her - A Sweet Historical Western Romance (Faithful Mail Order Bride Series Book 1)

Page 1

by Rose Dumont


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  More Books by Rose

  Connect With Rose


  Mail Order Bride: Love, Honor & Keep Her

  A Sweet Historical Western Romance

  Faithful Mail Order Bride Series

  Copyright © 2015 by Rose Dumont

  All rights reserved

  Love, Honor & Keep Her can be read as a stand-alone story without a cliffhanger.

  Mail Order Bride: Love, Honor & Keep Her is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. Notice of Rights: All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, altered, copied, distributed, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means - electronic, mechanical, photographic (photocopying), recording, or otherwise - without prior permission in writing from the author. This ebook is licensed for your personal use only. If you would like to share this book with another person, we would appreciate if you would please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the author's work.

  Mail Order Bride: Love, Honor & Keep Her


  Southeastern Montana, 1896

  Grayson Lee got off his horse, tied it to the rail and with a quick stumbling step, walked into the post office. Tall and lean, work on the ranch had made Grayson muscular, his wavy brown hair kissed gold by the sun. His silver-blue eyes were piercing, yet kind.

  “Mornin’ Grayson.” Dale Henderson stood behind the desk, sorting mail.

  “Morning’ Dale. Anything for—”

  “No need to ask, I’m already looking,” he smirked. Dale peered through his bifocals as he thumbed through the short stack of mail. “Yep, here ya go.” He handed the letter over to Grayson. “Must be something special inside, eh?”

  “You have no idea!” Grayson exited the post office with a big smile, the envelope held up to his nose as he closed his eyes and smelled the sweet perfume. He ripped open the paper and leaned against the railing.

  Dear Grayson,

  Yes, I will marry you! I’ve already made plans and will be arriving on the last Friday of the month on the Laurel Springs Stage. I look forward to seeing you in person and starting the rest of our lives together. You are a dream come true.

  Devotedly yours,


  Grayson had been exchanging letters with Charlotte for several months. His late wife, Laura, had died in childbirth, leaving him alone to raise their daughter, who was now almost three. He’d never considered marrying again, until he realized that Jenni needed a mother. The local pickings were slim as far as good marrying-type women, so with great trepidation he decided to place an ad in the Matrimonial Times:

  A YOUNG MAN, 25, 6 FEET 2 INCHES, WEIGHING 180 POUNDS, STRONG, OF FAIR FEATURES and owner of a thriving cattle ranch would like to hear from a young lady from 18–25 who seeks a good home and kind husband. Must be affectionate, able to cook and clean and willing to help me raise my three-year-old daughter. Address, confidentially, Box 3, Laurel Springs Post Office, Montana.

  Grayson hadn’t expected many replies; there were so many men for women to choose from who weren’t previously married and already with a child. But a lovely woman by the name of Charlotte had answered. And she said she loved children and would love to help raise his daughter. Grayson was especially happy to see her say that. He just wanted a loving companion who would also love his Jenni.

  Grayson hadn’t told a soul about his correspondence with his bride-to-be. He didn’t want anyone to know until he knew for sure she would marry him. He knew he would be teased by his younger brother, Jarrod. Jarrod and Grayson took over the 100,000 acre ranch after their father, James, died of a heart attack five years ago. The brothers felt he died more so of a broken heart after his wife, their mom, Mary, died a year earlier of consumption.

  When Grayson got married, Jarrod moved out of the main house and built a second small cabin for on the ranch for himself since there was more than enough land as well as plenty of space for a married couple with a child and a single brother to all live. Now Grayson had to tell Jarrod and, more importantly, make sure everything was perfect for Charlotte’s arrival.


  Grayson was just finishing up eating breakfast with Jarrod when he thought it was a good time to tell his brother about Charlotte. “I’m a lucky man, Jarrod.”

  “Why’s that? Did you get that splinter out of yur finger finally?”

  “Much more than that. I… I…”

  “What? Spit it out.”

  “I’m getting married.”

  “Married? To who? I’ve never even seen you with any woman since Laura.”

  “Her name is Charlotte. I’ve been writing to her for several months and now she’s coming out to be with me in two weeks.”

  “Is she one of them mail-order brides?”

  “I guess you could say that, but she’s much more than that to me. She’s sweet, beautiful and wants to be with me and Jenni.”

  “How do you know she’s beautiful?”

  Grayson pulled out a photo from his vest pocket and showed it to Jarrod.

  “Whoooo-wheeee! She sure is pretty, if that’s her real photo.”

  “Of course it is.”

  “Well does she have a sister?” Jarrod said with raised brows and a smile.

  “No. No sister. She’s an only child.”

  “Darn. Well, I’ll be happy for ya when I see her.”

  “Thanks. I guess. I have to start cleaning up before she arrives.”

  “I thought that’s what she’s for?”

  “She’s not just for cleaning and besides that, I don’t want to scare her away thinking I live in a pig sty.”

  “But you do live in a pig sty.”

  “Nevermind! I just want her to feel welcome and comfortable when she arrives, that’s all. And don’t forget, some of this mess around here is yours.”

  Since Laura died, Jarrod moved back into the main house. It was easier than maintaining his cabin with a fire to keep warm, having to always carry water to and making meals separate from Grayson. His cabin wasn’t the nicest house either, more of a bachelor’s shack. Just a quick build he put up when Grayson married Laura. He planned on making it better, but hadn’t made the time to work on it.

  Besides all this, Jarrod preferred staying in the main ranch house which was the complete opposite of his shack. It had a large kitchen with a wood-burning cook stove and oven alongside a smaller breakfast nook with its own fireplace. There was also a separate pantry room off the kitchen for storage.

  The kitchen then led out to the main formal dining room which had one long table for entertaining guests. There was also a reading room with another larger stone fireplace that covered one entire wall. Upstairs were four large bedrooms. The master bedroom had its own private balcony that overlooked one of the grazing mea

  Their house was the largest home in all of Laurel Springs. James Lee, their father, had done well in silver mining, selling lumber off his land and had built up a fine herd of cattle to sell nearly every year since the ranch had been established.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, you’re my brother and I’ll be glad to help you out. I know it’s been hard these last few years without Laura and raising Jenni by yourself. I’ll be happy for you if this is what you want.”

  “Yes, it is.”

  “I’ll clean up any of my mess, but don’t get to thinking I’m gonna pick up your dirty socks off the floor or something like that. But I’ll help you out and tend to your ranch chores while you fix up the place for…for…What’s her name again?”


  “Yeah, Charlotte.”

  “Thanks, Jarrod. I appreciate it. It’ll be good to have a woman on the ranch again. Something just ain’t quite right without one.”

  “Sure will be nice to have home-cooked meals again. And I won’t even mind if she tells me to clean up first before eating.”

  “How considerate of you.”

  “Yep. You know I’m just a big softy like you.” Jarrod chuckled.

  “Get outta here ya big fool!” Grayson picked up a dish rag and threw it at Jarrod as he laughed and walked out the door.


  Grayson worked for about an hour cleaning up the cabin, but then realized all he had done was moved things around and made lots of little piles. Clothes here, tools there, but nothing was really organized.

  Well at least you can walk around without stubbing your toe on something, Grayson thought to himself. I think I’ll let Charlotte figure out where everything should go. She’ll like that, feeling needed and all. Yeah. It’s perfect. Grayson felt good about his cleaning effort and moved on to fixing some lunch.

  The loud thump and clanging of the skillet and coffee cup falling off the counter woke up Jenni in the next room and made her cry, “Wu wu wouaaaaaaaaaa!”

  “Now I did it.” Grayson shook his head. “Hold on Jenni. Daddy’s coming.” Grayson went into the next room and picked up Jenni from the crib. “It’s okay.” Grayson hugged her and then made a funny face and tickled her on her belly. “Are you hungry?” Jenni looked up at Grayson with her hand in her mouth and tears rolling down her cheeks and slowly shook her head yes. “I’m hungry too, so let’s get something to eat.”

  Grayson carried Jenni into the kitchen and sat her in the chair. He then made her porridge and fried up a couple of partridge breasts from yesterday’s hunt for himself.

  “How’s that porridge? Good?” Grayson shook his head up and down at Jenni.

  Jenni held tightly onto the lower third of her spoon, dug into her porridge and then directed it as best she could towards her mouth. Most of it arrived in her mouth while the rest dripped down her chin and onto the table.

  “Well at least three-fourths spoonful is better than nothing.” Grayson smiles and then thinks how nice it will be to have Charlotte here with him and his daughter. He loves Jenni more than anything else and loves taking care of her, but knows it will be big relief to have Charlotte caring for her too. He knows that nothing can really replace the love of a mother, not even the love of a father.

  Because Grayson had to run the ranch, he couldn’t always be home to take care of Jenni. He had an old friend of the family, Miss Jean, who offered to look after her for him. She was widowed and had no children of her own. She lived by herself and, at first, Grayson would pick her up, bring her back to the ranch and then take her home everyday. But then one day while dropping her off at her home, he asked her to stay.

  “Miss Jean, how about you just staying at our ranch.”

  “For how long?”

  “As long as you like. It will be a lot easier on the both of us and better for Jenni. She loves you and is sad every time you leave.”

  “Well if you put it that way, I guess I could stay with y’all. I actually get kind of lonely at home with no one around and my old bones are getting tired of this bumpy ride twice a day. So, yes. I accept your invitation.”

  “Great! Just pack your things and I’ll pick you up tomorrow.”

  Miss Jean’s been with them for nearly three years now and has been a blessing in their life. But now at age 71, she was aging fast and becoming frailer. Her joints ached most of the time and she wouldn’t be able to take care of Jenni for much longer. So Charlotte couldn’t be coming into their lives at a better time.

  Up until last year, Miss Jean would do all the women’s work in the house in addition to looking after Jenni. But Grayson saw that she was getting more and more tired and in pain by the end of the day, so told her to stop cleaning and cooking.

  At first, she resisted, but eventually her body’s physical limitations overrode her will and spirit. She could still look after Jenni, put her to sleep, be there when she woke up and feed her, but now Grayson had to help out more. However, he definitely felt better that someone was always home with Jenni.


  With Miss Jean’s help as well as a wide assortment of opinions and input from the local women in town, Grayson was able to make plans for a beautiful wedding that he hoped would impress Charlotte. He spared no expense. The ceremony would be at the church followed by an outdoor reception at his ranch with lots of flowers, decorations and food and drink for all his guests. He was so excited and happy; he nearly invited the whole town, minus the saloon ladies, town drunk, and any other unsavory characters who might cause trouble.

  “Is there anything else you think I should do for the wedding, Miss Jean?”

  “I think you’ve done it all, short of having a diamond-studded carriage drawn by unicorns.” Miss Jean smirked.

  “Well I just want to make it perfect for her. She deserves the best.”

  “I’m sure she’ll love it all and if she doesn’t, well she’s not the girl for you. You shouldn’t have to go through all of this to impress her. She should love you and want to marry you if all you did was get married at the feed store.”

  “Yes, I know. And I have no doubt she would still marry me without all this extra fuss. I just want to make it special for her, that’s all.”

  “Well, no doubt you have.”

  “And there’s something I’d like to say to you before she arrives.”


  “Well I just want you to know that I am forever grateful to you for looking after Jenni for me. I don’t know what I would have done without you.”

  “I’m sure you would have found a way, but I’m glad I was able to be there for you and Jenni. You and our family go way back so you are, of course, like family to me. I never thought twice about being there for you and Jenni after Laura passed.”

  Grayson hugged Miss Jean and gave her a big kiss on the cheek.

  “Oh, stop. You know I don’t like getting all soft and sentimental about things.”

  “Yes, Miss Jean,” Grayson said with a big smile and gave her another hug.

  “Now I don’t expect you or Charlotte to want an old lady in the house, so I guess I’ll be moving back to my house since it’s still standing there empty. But I’d like to still have regular visits to see Jenni. I sure will miss seeing her everyday.”

  “What? Don’t talk such foolishness. You ain’t going nowhere. This house is plenty big for all of us. Charlotte knows how important you are to me and Jenni and we wouldn’t have it any other way. You’re staying, Miss Jean, and that’s all there is to it.”

  “Well, if you insist.”

  “I do.”

  “Alright then. I guess I’m staying.” Miss Jean pauses and then looks directly at Grayson. “Thank you, Grayson.”

  “No need to thank me. Like you, I never thought twice about it.” Grayson grabbed his hat from the rack and headed out the door. “I’ll be back later around supper time. I’ve got to help Jarrod fix a fence line that’s been busted up on the south end. See ya, Miss Jean.”
/>   “See ya, Grayson. Me and Jenni will hold down the fort.”

  “I know you will.” Grayson winks and closes the door behind him.


  Grayson got on his beloved horse, Buck, and rode out to Jarrod at the other end of the ranch. His horse was a stout buckskin gelding standing almost fifteen hands high with the same reddish-tan color as a mule deer’s summer coat. His mane and tail were black as were all four legs beginning just above each knee all the way down to the black hooves.

  The horse was born on the ranch eleven years earlier from a mare and stallion that had been captured from a wild herd near their ranch. Grayson took an interest in the colt when he first saw it in the pasture and it was the first horse he broke and trained completely by himself. There were times he regretted they had gelded the horse, but knowing how hard his sire was to handle, he knew it was the practical thing to do. As a gelding, he was a calm working horse that Grayson could always depend upon.

  It was a warm day, with a slight breeze that ruffled the wildflowers and sage which perfumed the air. The sky was deep blue with a few white, puffy clouds. Grayson took in a deep breath, enjoying his slow ride and thinking about Charlotte and how happy he was. He thought about the two of them one day in the future enjoying a picnic out in the same wildflower patch under the blue sky and warming sun.

  From a distance, Jarrod could see Grayson sauntering slowly over the hill toward him. What’s taking him so long? He’s moving as slow as wintertime molasses, Jarrod thought to himself.

  Finally Grayson makes it up to Jarrod and gets off his horse.

  “Hey day-dreamer, what took you so long? You looked like a fair maiden taking her horse for a Sunday stroll.” Jarrod took off his hat and wiped the sweat from his brow. “This fence isn’t gonna fix itself, ya know.”

  “Sorry I’m late. I talked to Miss Jean longer than I expected and got over here as quickly as I could.”

  “Quickly? If Buck was walking any slower he’d be going backwards.”

  “Alright, alright. Well I’m here now. I see you got this corner covered. I’ll head on down to the other end where it’s busted and work towards you.”


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