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Mail Order Bride: Love, Honor & Keep Her - A Sweet Historical Western Romance (Faithful Mail Order Bride Series Book 1)

Page 4

by Rose Dumont

  “Now that that’s settled, let’s go save this boy from cooking. I know he’s trying to impress you and all, but he doesn’t know much more than boiling coffee and frying bacon. You do know how to cook, don’t you?”

  “Yes. In fact I love to cook.”

  “Well good. I was afraid maybe you city folk don’t cook.”

  “A few of us still do.” Charlotte smiled at Miss Jean and they both walked back into the cabin.


  “What a mess!” Miss Jean looked around at the flour scattered about the sink and floor. “How could you of made such a mess in such a short amount of time?”

  “I dunno. I’m just trying to follow some recipes from Mrs. Wilcox.”

  “I don’t think Miss Wilcox’s recipe told you to throw flour all over the place.”

  “This is a little harder than I thought it would be.”

  “And that’s why we’ve come back inside to save you, Dear.”

  “I can do it myself, it’s just gonna take a little longer than I expected.”

  “Well we’ve got to eat before sun-up, so just step aside and let us women take over.”



  “I’m sorry, Charlotte. I wanted to make you something special for your first supper with us.”

  “That’s okay. It’ll still be special. And I like to cook, so why don’t you go and do whatever it is you cowboys do and Miss Jean and I will take care of dinner.”

  “Why you are perfect, aren’t you.”

  “Oh stop.”

  “Yeah, stop it,” Miss Jean said rolling her eyes.

  “Okay, ladies. I’ll be out in the barn. Call me when it’s ready.” Grayson brushed the flour off his shirt and pants and then walked out the front door, leaving behind Miss Jean and Charlotte to cook.

  About forty-five minutes later, Miss Jean went out on the front porch and rang the triangle. “Come and get it, Grayson!”

  “Coming, Miss Jean!” Grayson shouted from the barn. A few moments later he entered the cabin into the dining room to find a table full of food. There was fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans and cornbread. “Wow! I think you’ve ladies topped anything that I was gonna do.”

  “Of course.”

  “Is Jenni still not up from her nap?”

  “No. She was pretty tired when I laid her down. But she needs to get up and eat with us now or she won’t sleep through the night.”

  “I’ll go get her.” Grayson returned with the sleepy-eyed child over his shoulder. He put her down in front of him and introduced her to Charlotte. “Jenni, this is Miss Charlotte. She came a very long way by train just to see you and me. Say hello.” Jenni shyly turned back around and hugged Grayson’s leg, burying her head. “Oh, don’t you be shy. Miss Charlotte wants to say hi to you. She’s a very nice lady. Remember all the things I told you about her?” Jenni remained tightly wrapped around Grayson’s leg, not acknowledging his question.

  Charlotte crouched down in front of Jenni. “Hello Jenni. I’m so happy to finally meet you. Your Dad has told me a lot about you.” Jenni slowly turned her head towards Charlotte, but did not release her grip from Grayson. “Do you like dolls?” Jenni slowly nodded her head yes. “Well I might have something that you may like.”

  Jenni went to one of her bags and returned with a small box covered in colored paper. “This is for you, Jenni. I brought it all the way across the country from Boston just for you.” Charlotte reached out towards Jenni to hand her the present. Jenni finally broke her grip from Grayson and accepted the gift. She tore the paper to reveal a blonde-haired doll wearing a colorful dress with little white shoes. “She has blonde hair just like you. Do you like her?” Jenni nodded yes.

  “Say thank you to Miss Charlotte.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You're very welcome. Can I give you a hug?”

  Jenni looked up at her Dad unsure of what to do. “Give Miss Charlotte a hug. She won’t bite.” With doll in hand, Jenni opened her arms wide and gave Charlotte, who was still kneeling down, a big hug.

  “Thank you, Jenni. I’m glad you like the doll and I hope to get a lot more hugs from you.”

  Jenni went back to Grayson and grabbed his leg again with her left arm while hugging the doll with her right. “Okay, lets eat. I’m starved. Jenni put your doll down there and you can play with her later.” Jenni propped her doll in an empty chair against the cabin wall and then Grayson put her up in a high chair at the table.

  Everyone sat down at the table. “Would you like to say Grace?” Miss Jean asked Grayson.

  “Yes, Ma’am.” Grayson and everyone bowed their heads. “Bless us, O Lord, and these your gifts, which we are about to receive from your bounty. And thank you, O Lord, for the safe arrival of Miss Charlotte to our humble home. Through Christ our Lord.”

  Everyone replied in unison, “Amen.”

  “Where’s that brother of yours? I told him not to be late for dinner.”

  “I dunno. He was gonna check on the herd on the north end. Maybe he lost track of time.”

  “Well, he’s never late for dinner…or for breakfast…or for lunch. His stomach wouldn’t allow it.” Just then they heard the faint galloping of a horse which became louder. “I bet that’s him now.”

  Suddenly the door swings open and in comes Jarrod, all dusty and sweaty looking. “Am I late?”

  “We just sat down.”

  “Sorry, I’m late. But I sure am hungry.”

  “I’m sure you are. Wash your hands and then sit down with the rest of us.”

  Jarrod looked over at Charlotte and before sitting said, “Well as pretty as you are, you must be Miss Charlotte. Nice to meet you, Ma’am.”

  “How kind of you. Nice to meet you, Jarrod.”

  “Sorry for the way I look. If I had more time I would have changed and washed up a bit more.”

  “That’s okay. After the dusty ride in with Grayson, I understand how you can get so dirty looking.”

  Jarrod laughed. “Yes, this is how the West is and how a cowboy looks most of the time.” He sat down and then looked up and down the table at all the food. “Wow, I’m sure glad I came in time to eat. Did you make all this Miss Jean ‘cause I know Grayson said he was gonna cook something, but he couldn’t of made all this?”

  “It’s actually the works of Charlotte and myself. Grayson just made a mess.”

  “Hey, at least I tried. More than what Jarrod would have done.”

  “If I had a girl like Charlotte come visit me, then I probably would try to cook too, so you can just hush. Anyway, let’s stop all this talking and get to eating. Pass me the chicken!”

  Grayson and Jarrod filled their plates several times with food until they couldn’t eat no more. Charlotte was more lady-like in her portions along with Miss Jean whose appetite declined as she got older. Jenni finished what was given to her and then asked if she could go play with her doll.

  “Alright, since you finished all your food, you may go and play.” Grayson let her out of the high chair.

  Jenni ran over to the doll and sat in the chair, stroking its hair, feeling the smooth satin-like dress and repeatedly taking the doll’s shoes off and putting them back on. She talked to it and pretended to make it walk. It was quite apparent she loved her new toy.

  “That sure was tasty, Miss Jean and Miss Charlotte. Thank you. Thank you very much.” Jarrod rubbed his belly and sat back in his chair. “I could use a nap right about now.”

  “Well I could use you and Grayson to help with cleaning up all this for us since we made such a big meal for you two.”

  “Yes, Ma’am,” Jarrod replied.

  “It’s the least we can do. Thank you two from saving me from making dinner. I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t have come out the same as yours.”

  “You do the ranching and I’ll do the cooking from now on,” Charlotte said.

  “It’s a deal,” Grayson said with a big grin.

  Charlotte and Mi
ss Jean went out on the porch while Grayson and Jarrod cleaned up and washed the dishes. About thirty minutes later the two brothers joined the women outside. Grayson sat down next to Charlotte on the swing while Jarrod sat down at the top of the stairs.

  “Isn’t that the most beautiful sunset you’ve ever seen?” Charlotte said.

  “It sure is pretty and we get lots of them like this out here. I bet you don’t see sunsets like this back in Boston?” Grayson asked.

  “No. No we don’t.”

  “Well now you can see plenty. They’re all yours to enjoy nearly every fair day.”

  “You mean for us to enjoy?”

  “Yes, for us.” Grayson moves a little closer to Charlotte and puts his arm around her. She looks at him, smiles and lays her head on his shoulder. They both watch the sun slip down behind the mountains as it paints the sky with brilliant reds, oranges and purples.


  Two days later Grayson and Charlotte were ready to be married. Grayson had no doubts that this was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. And Charlotte had been waiting for this moment for a very long time. She was definitely ready to say, I do.

  Every pew in the church was occupied since Grayson had invited nearly the entire town to his wedding. Grayson stood tall and proud, wearing his finest suit and shined black shoes. His hair was slicked back and his face freshly shaved, showing off his chiseled jawline. Charlotte stood across from him, looking even more beautiful than he could have ever imagined. He was so happy to be standing there with her, his beautiful bride.

  Ladies whispered to each other compliments of Charlotte’s appearance. She wore a dress given to her by her last employer. The woman of the house where she worked was very fond of Charlotte and wanted her to have a nice dress, knowing Charlotte couldn’t afford one. It was an ornately beaded cream silk satin bodice that laced at the back. The two-layer full sleeves were trimmed with lace and a full skirt flowed softly into the long train with small pleated ruffle trim at the hem. She walked up the aisle, carrying a bouquet of daisies, of course.

  When Grayson took Charlotte’s hands in his, she trembled. He sensed her nervousness and squeezed her hands tightly for a moment to reassure her. He smiled at her and she smiled back.

  Pastor John began the wedding. “Grayson James Lee, do you take Charlotte to be your wedded wife, to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to her, according to God’s holy ordinance, for as long as you both shall live?”

  “I do.” Grayson’s answer was quick and confident.

  “Charlotte Abbey Chadwick, do you take Grayson to be your wedded husband to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health and forsaking all others, according to God’s holy ordinance, be faithful only to him so long as you both shall live?”

  “I do.” Charlotte’s voice quivered.

  “By the power vested in me, I hereby pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”

  Grayson leaned in slowly, tilting his head and gently pressing his lips to Charlotte’s for a quick, but loving kiss. Loud clapping broke the silence. They both turned toward the congregation and then Grayson reached down to grasp Charlotte’s hand. They smiled to everyone and quickly walked down the aisle and out of the church where they embraced and kissed again. The buggy was waiting for them in front, adorned with streams of white ribbons.

  Grayson helped Charlotte into the buggy seat and then sat down beside her. He grabbed the reins, turned to Charlotte and said, “Ready to go home, Mrs. Lee?”

  “Yes, my husband!”

  Grayson looked over at the gathering crowd outside the church and shouted, “Y’all meet us out at the ranch for food and drink!” Everyone waved to the new couple as they drove off down the dirt road, white ribbons trailing in the wind behind them.


  Grayson, with the help of Miss Jean, his brother, ranch hands and neighbors, had decorated a corner field next to the stream for the after-wedding party. Tables were set up for all the guests, each with a center piece jar of daisies. They gathered up some scrap wood for a makeshift stage for the local musicians to play. They also made a flattened square area for people to dance.

  As they came around the last bend to the ranch, Charlotte could see all the tables and decorations. “Did you do all that by yourself?”

  “Naw, I had help. But it was all my idea. I wanted to make our wedding day special for you.”

  “Just saying ‘I do’ to me already made it special enough.”

  “Me too, Charlotte.” Grayson gave her a peck on the cheek.

  Grayson helped Charlotte out of the buggy and then they walked to the tables. “How beautiful all the flowers are.”

  “Daisies. Your favorite.”

  “You sure do listen when I tell you something I like. I guess I’ll have to let you know of my other favorite things.” Charlotte smirked.

  “Let me know them all. And I reckon as time goes by and we get to know each other better, I will know all your favorite things.”

  “And I’ll get to learn yours.”

  “Why you and Jenni are my favorites.”

  “Yes, you’re going to make a fine husband.” They both laughed.

  Grayson looked at Charlotte’s fancy dress and asked, “Do you want to change into something more suitable for being outside?”

  “Yes, I probably should. I just know I’ll either get grass stains, mud or sauce or a combination of all on this dress. I wouldn’t want to ruin it. It’s so pretty.”

  “Yes, it is. But you’re what makes it pretty. In fact, you’re much more beautiful than that dress.”

  “If you continue to compliment me like that, we’re definitely going to have a very long and happy marriage.”

  “Yes, there will be plenty more from where that came from.”

  Charlotte smiled and then went to the house to change into one of her more simple dresses. It was still nice, one she would wear to church, but wouldn’t worry so much about getting dirty like she would the satin wedding gown.

  When she walked out the front door to the porch, she could see a line of wagons, buggies and men on horses coming down the trail to the ranch. She was thrilled that Grayson had put together this party for their wedding celebration, but was a little nervous about meeting all these strangers from town. She didn’t want them to ask her too many questions, especially about her past. But she would try her best to be accepted by them. Above all, she was relieved to finally be married to Grayson. Nothing could change that.

  “Come on, Charlotte. Nearly everyone’s here.” Grayson waved to her from across the meadow.

  Charlotte could smell the beef that was being charred on the grill over the open fire. Grayson had butchered one of his cows for the occasion. There would be steaks, smoked brisket, shredded beef and more.

  Miss Jean had made some side dishes: stewed carrots, potato salad, baked beans and sweet corn pudding. Some of the other women from town were bringing more dishes and desserts: apple pies, molasses cakes, custards, turnovers and cobblers. All the food was laid out on a long table and people formed a line on each side, piling their plates high.

  When it looked like most everyone had arrived, Grayson banged on the dinner triangle. “If I can have everyone’s attention for a second or two.” The chatter of the crowd slowly diminished until only a few children’s voices were heard, followed by a “Sshh!”

  “I would like to thank everyone for joining Charlotte and I today in our wedding celebration. As some of you know, it’s been a tough few years since Laura’s passing for me and Jenni. I thought I would never marry again. But then Charlotte came into my life and changed everything.” Grayson looked over at Charlotte with adoring eyes and a smile. “Anyway, I’m not one for long speeches. I j
ust wanted to share this happy moment in my family’s life with y’all so enjoy and eat up!” The guests all applauded along with a few hoots and hollers let out by some of the men.

  After everyone ate plenty and only but a few crumbs remained on the long table of food, the dance floor was cleared and the band began to play. It was a romantic tune to be first danced by Grayson and Charlotte. Grayson stood up next to Charlotte at the table, presented his hand to her and said, “Mrs. Lee, would you kindly have this dance with me?”

  “Why, but of course, Mr. Lee.”

  Grayson guided Charlotte out to the dance floor with his hand in hers held high out in front of him. They faced each other and then he wrapped his other hand around her waist. He pulled her in close and then gazed into her eyes whispering, “I love you.” Charlotte repeated the words back to him.

  When the song ended, Grayson waved to invite others to join. Slowly, a few couples came up until eventually the floor was packed. They sang and danced and enjoyed the evening celebration into the night.

  “Am I the last one here?” Marty Denton had fallen asleep in his chair after one too many shots of whiskey. He was the town’s drunk, but always friendly.

  “Yes. We’re all going to bed now, but Jarrod will take you home.”

  “Oh, I can get home myself.” He got up, but then stumbled and fell back in the chair.

  “No, I don’t think so, Marty. Jarrod doesn’t mind.”

  “Well alright, just this once.”

  “Right.” Grayson, Jarrod and many others on numerous occasions have brought Marty home, but he never remembered.

  “Thanks, Jarrod. I’ll see you in the morning. Try to be quiet when you return.”

  “Won’t you still be up with Charlotte?” Jarrod winked.

  “That’s none of your business. And besides that, Miss Jean will be sleeping here anyway.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I’ll be quiet.” Jarrod pushed Marty up into the back of the buckboard and threw a blanket over him and headed up the road over the hill.


  Grayson put his arm around Charlotte and asked, “Ready for bed?”

  “Yes. It’s been a long day. I’m so tired.”


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