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Beneath the Badge

Page 16

by Rita Herron

  “You…you’re the one who tried to kill me?” Taylor choked out.

  A crazed rage flashed in Tammy’s eyes as she nodded. “And if you don’t keep quiet, I will shoot you now, Taylor.”

  Margaret clutched Taylor’s hand. “Please don’t hurt Taylor.”

  Tammy nudged her with the gun. “Then let’s go. Your fiancé is waiting.”

  HAYES POSITIONED HIMSELF at the back of the church directly beside the center aisle. The guests had filled in, the church overflowing, the scent of lilies and roses hanging heavily in the air.

  The music for the wedding party piped up, and Taylor appeared, then Margaret on her father’s arm. He was momentarily mesmerized when he looked at Taylor.

  All night he’d craved her, had thought of nothing but crawling into her bed and making love to her again. His body reacted now, hardening, yet fear slipped into the mix. Not a fear of loving her, but a fear of never telling her.

  Of losing her forever.

  He froze, reality hitting him. He was in love with Taylor.

  But what in the hell did he have to offer her?

  She started down the aisle, but she was trembling. He frowned, but Hathaway stepped up, and Margaret gave Hayes a strange look, emotions darkening her eyes. Then the wedding march began, the guests stood and Margaret and Link began their walk down the aisle.

  Egan approached him and leaned over, speaking in a low voice. “I just talked to forensics. They found a print on the remainder of that explosive device last night.”

  His breath stalled in his chest. “Sutton?”

  Egan shook his head. “Close, though. His wife, Tammy.”

  Hayes stiffened, then his gaze swept the room, searching for the couple. Kenneth and Tammy were seated in the third row, the seats on the end by the center aisle. As Taylor walked past her, sweat beaded on Hayes’s forehead. He gestured for Egan to move up one side while he took the other. There were too many people here to arrest her now. It was too dangerous.

  But just as Taylor took her place at the front of the church, he noticed a pistol in Tammy’s hands. She held it hidden beneath her handbag, but pointed toward Margaret.

  He had to do something. Stop the wedding and clear everyone out.

  Moving silently, he inched toward the front, but Tammy caught his gaze, and pure rage and fury flared on her face. She must have realized his intent, and she shot up from the seat, her expression crazed. “Don’t think about it. This wedding will go on.”

  Gasps and screams echoed through the packed church, and shock reddened Kenneth’s face. “Tammy, what in the world is going on?”

  She threw a spiteful look his way. “You’re mine, Kenneth, and no one is going to take you away or ruin our future.”

  Kenneth vaulted up and reached for her, but she swung the gun wildly. “No, Kenneth, the wedding has to go on.” She rushed into the aisle, waving her hands like a wild woman. “I’ll kill everyone here if you try to stop it.”

  People ducked in their seats, crying and screaming, and she aimed the gun at Margaret.

  “Mrs. Sutton,” Hayes said calmly, “give me the gun. You don’t want to hurt anyone.”

  She pointed the gun at him, her voice shrill. “You should have stayed out of Cantara Hills.”

  “It’s not his fault,” Margaret said. “Please, Tammy, don’t hurt him.”

  Her hand trembled, her eyes twitching, her jerky movements indicating she was out of control. “You whore, you ruined everything!” Then she spun toward Taylor. “And so did you. This is all your fault.”

  “I didn’t hurt anyone,” Taylor said.

  “You should have minded your own business!” Tammy shouted.

  Hayes shielded Margaret and Taylor with his body. “Stop it, Tammy,” Hayes said. “You don’t want to do this.”

  “I have to,” she cried. “Don’t you see, Kenneth, they’re ruining everything we’ve worked for our entire lives.”

  “You did that when you conspired to kill Taylor and Morris,” Hayes said. “How many more people did you kill, Tammy?”

  Kenneth’s face paled. “My God, Tammy, what have you done?”

  “Everything I did I did for us,” she screamed.

  “Tammy, wait.” Kenneth lowered his voice, trying to reach for the gun. “Give the gun to me and let’s talk. I’ll help you….”

  “No,” Tammy shouted. “You know about that bastard kid now. After everything I did to keep it from you. And Devon. For God’s sake, Margaret, he wanted you so badly he killed that man Morris to protect your dirty little secret.”

  Everyone turned toward Devon whose face brightened with anger. “That was an accident,” Devon argued. “I only went to pay him off, to keep him from divulging that information, but he fought with me.”

  Kenneth’s eyes widened. “You both knew I had a son and didn’t tell me?”

  “Of course, I didn’t tell you,” Tammy screeched, waving the gun toward one of the press as the reporter captured a photograph. The reporter dropped his camera and gestured for her not to shoot, and she wheeled back around on Kenneth.

  “Then you would have married her instead of me. And we wouldn’t have had our wonderful life.”

  “Our wonderful life has been a lie,” Kenneth barked.

  “No…” Tammy said on a ragged cry. “When they’re all gone, we can go back to normal.”

  She was delusional, Hayes thought. Had completely lost her mind.

  Tammy’s hand trembled as her finger tightened around the gun.

  Kenneth vaulted in front of Tammy, shielding Hayes just as the bullet was fired.

  Margaret and Taylor screamed as Hayes pushed them out of the line of fire. Kenneth’s body bounced backward, then he collapsed to the floor, unconscious, blood pooling on the floor.

  THE NEXT FEW HOURS WERE chaotic. Taylor clung to Margaret as the Rangers arrested Devon and Tammy, and the ambulance arrived. “I have to go to the hospital with Kenneth,” Margaret said.

  Link insisted on driving Margaret, and Hayes and Taylor rushed to his SUV. He flipped on his siren, racing to meet the ambulance as it arrived. The press met them at the hospital, but Hayes ordered security to keep them outside.

  The next two hours dragged by in slow motion as Kenneth was rushed to surgery. Victoria and Caroline huddled with Taylor and Margaret, offering comfort.

  When Hayes joined them in the waiting room, he stood aside, looking morose and torn over what to do. The doctor appeared and announced that Kenneth needed a transfusion, and Hayes immediately volunteered his blood.

  Tears burned Taylor’s eyes. Kenneth had saved his son, and now Hayes was going to save his father’s life. Maybe somehow, out of all this, the men could be friends.

  When he returned, Margaret rushed to him. “Thank you, Hayes. I know this is difficult for you, and I can’t tell you what it means to me to have you here.”

  He nodded and started to speak, but Link approached. “Thank you for saving my daughter’s life.” He extended his hand.

  Hayes stared at it as if unclear what the gesture meant, but shook it. “That’s my job.”

  Her heart ached for him. Hayes looked so out of place, like a lost boy who wanted to belong. But protecting Margaret had been more than a job. She could see Hayes softening toward her, the concern in his eyes when Tammy had aimed that gun at her. Maybe in time, he and Margaret and Kenneth could develop some kind of a relationship.

  She turned away and wrapped her arms around her waist. Only she’d have no place in his life.

  HAYES’S CHEST HURT FROM the emotions bombarding him. Fear for Kenneth hit him, though he didn’t know why. The man had never done anything for him…except to save his life.

  Brody and Egan strode in, and he met them at the door. “That was fast.”

  “They spilled their guts,” Brody said.

  Taylor, Margaret and her father hurried over, as well. “Tell us everything,” Hathaway said.

  “Tammy admitted that she was afraid she’d lost Kenneth and t
hat she had to make sure everyone who knew of Margaret’s baby died. She panicked when she found out it was you, Hayes, and that you were in Cantara Hills. She figured it was only a matter of time before the truth came out, so she conspired with Montoya to kill Kimberly. Then she tried to kill Taylor because she’d hired the P.I.” He paused. “And Link sent Walt to bribe the P.I., but Devon beat him to it.”

  “What about Carlson Woodward?” Hayes asked.

  “Tammy drugged him, hoping we’d blame everything on him and Montoya,” Brody said. “She also knew how much Devon wanted you, Margaret, so she conspired with Devon to keep you from finding out the truth. Only Taylor got in the way. Devon was jealous of Kenneth and stole the sealed bid so Link’s company would win the bid on the new city library project, and he’d earn favors with you, Mr. Hathaway.” Brody paused again. “Then Tammy made it appear as if Kenneth had stolen the bids so she could trap him into staying with her if he tried to leave her for Margaret. She was going to squeal on Goldenrod.”

  Margaret looked at Link. “But why did you tell Tammy about my baby?”

  Link clenched his jaw. “We had an affair back then. I let it slip.”

  “So helping you with the bids was payback.”

  He shrugged.

  “It’s finally over then?” Taylor asked.

  Brody nodded. “Yes. You should be safe now.”

  The doctor stepped into the doorway and cleared his throat. “Mr. Sutton is in recovery now. It was touch and go and he needs rest, but he should make a full recovery in time.”

  Margaret twisted her hands together. “Can we see him?”

  The doctor peered over bifocals. “Only for a minute. And just one at a time.”

  Clearly relieved, Margaret hurried behind the doctor. Hayes was Kenneth’s son. He should be with him, too. But he remained rooted to the spot.

  Brody elbowed Hayes. “Victoria and Caroline are going home together. Egan and I are going for a beer to celebrate putting this one to rest.”

  Egan seconded it, and Hayes glanced at Taylor, then walked away with the Rangers. Taylor was safe now. He could leave her with her friends.

  And he could get the hell out of Cantara Hills and back to the badge.

  He’d thought he’d feel excited but all he felt was a deep gaping hole in his chest, along with anguish.

  He’d found his real family, but he didn’t belong with them any more than he did with Taylor. It was time to let them go.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  As soon as they reached the end of the hallway, Brody turned to him. “What in the hell are you doing, Hayes?”

  He frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “You just found your family. Your mother and father. You need to be with them.”

  “I don’t belong there,” Hayes said.

  “Why not?” Egan asked. “Because they have money?”

  “That’s part of it.”

  “It looked to me like they wanted to mend things. You should give them a chance,” Brody said.

  “Yeah,” Egan said. “Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face.”

  “I don’t want anything from them, especially their money,” Hayes snapped.

  “Maybe. Maybe not. But you want Taylor Landis, so don’t let your damn stubborn pride get in the way,” Egan said.

  Hayes glared at them both. Just because they’d found love they were suddenly experts.

  Hayes glanced at Brody, still worried about the tension between them. “About Kimberly…”

  “Don’t,” Brody said. “I’ve had time to cool down. I know you cared for Kimberly and she did you.”

  “I did,” Hayes said. “She was one of my three best friends.”

  A silent moment of understanding passed among them where they all acknowledged their love for Kimberly and the fact that they mourned her death. She would always be a part of their disjointed family, a part they’d never forget.

  Finally Brody spoke. “I miss Kimberly like crazy, but she would want you to be happy, Hayes. To be with your family.” He hesitated, his voice thick. “And with Taylor, if you love her.”

  “Is that what you want?” Egan asked.

  Hayes scrubbed his hand over his head, barely able to breathe. “Yes.”

  “Then get your sorry ass back to her,” Brody growled.

  Egan clapped him on the back. “Yeah, we’ll have that celebratory beer at your wedding.”

  “I don’t know if she’ll have me,” Hayes admitted. “Not after the things I said.”

  Brody laughed. “Hell, then get on your knees like a real man and grovel your heart out.”

  A chuckle rumbled from him. “You’re right. Pride is overrated.” And Taylor was worth chucking his.

  His heart stuttering, he turned on his heels. Taylor had been dead-on in reading him, in understanding him. He’d been the snob, not her. He’d been the coward.

  But he’d prove he could change.

  And he wouldn’t take no for an answer. He was stubborn, and when he wanted something like he’d wanted to be a ranger, he hadn’t let anything stand in his way.

  Right now he wanted Taylor Landis.

  TAYLOR WIPED AT THE TEARS she’d tried not to let fall after Hayes left. Then he suddenly appeared in the doorway, and her breath caught. Before she could ask him why he’d returned, Margaret came back to the waiting room, her eyes red rimmed, her father standing by quietly. “How is he?” Taylor asked.

  “He’s groggy and in some pain, but coherent.” She squeezed Taylor’s hand. “He said he loved me, Taylor, that he had all these years. That he didn’t blame me for not telling him about the baby, that he had been cocky and full of ambition back then, and knew I’d done what I thought was right.” She sniffed. “When this dies down, he wants us to be together.”

  “What do you want, Margaret?”

  “I want to be with him. I’ve always loved him,” Margaret said softly. She turned to Hayes. “And we both want to make it up to you, Hayes, to have a relationship if you’ll let us be part of your life.”

  Emotions strained Hayes’s face, and Taylor held her breath until he nodded. She forced a smile and decided it was time for her to leave. She suddenly felt like the stranger, out of place.

  “I guess I’ll go home now,” she said, then hugged her friend. “I’ll talk to you later, Margaret.”

  Margaret nodded, and Hayes took her arm. “Come on, I’ll drive you.”

  “I can call for a car,” she said, still hurt.

  “No, I’m driving you.”

  They rode in silence to her estate, and she wondered if perhaps he had more bad news, that the case wasn’t really closed.

  When they arrived, he asked her to step aside to the pool, making her nerves stretch even thinner.

  Taylor paced along the pool edge. “Hayes, what’s going on? Is something wrong?”

  He nodded. “Yes.”

  She paused and stared at him. “What?”

  “I’m in love with you,” he blurted.

  She shook her head, uncertain she’d heard him right. “What?”

  “I’m in love with you.” His voice was stronger now, but heat, desire, other emotions flickered in his eyes.

  Hope tickled her, but she remembered what he’d said at the country club and tamped it down. “And that’s a problem?”

  “Hell, yeah, because I’ve been an idiot.” His voice turned gruff. “I didn’t mean to hurt you earlier at the club, but I don’t know what I have to offer you.” He gestured around the estate. “You already have everything.”

  “You can give me your love.” A soft mellow warmth spread through her, excitement spiking her blood at the same time. “Don’t you get it, Hayes? That’s all I want, all I need.”

  His eyes darkened. “Is it enough?”

  She nodded, then looped her arms around his neck. “Yes, you big sexy idiot. You’re all I’ve ever wanted in a man.”

  He tilted his head. “I want to marry you,” Hayes said gruffly, “but I don’t
think I could live at your estate. I won’t be a kept man.”

  She smiled and traced a finger over his badge. She’d known that beneath that badge lay the heart of a loving man. One who’d make a great husband and father. “Me neither. I’d much rather live on your ranch.”

  His eyes flared with emotions. “You really liked it?”

  “I loved it,” she declared, then kissed his neck. “Just like I love you. But we might have to make a few changes.”

  His expression turned wary. “What kind of changes?” He paused. “You want a pool? To get rid of the country furniture? The handmade quilts?”

  “No.” She threaded her fingers in his hair. “I was thinking we could get a cat to curl up on the rug.”

  He shrugged. “I’m more of a dog person, but I guess I could live with a cat.”

  She brushed a kiss along his jaw. “There’s something else.”


  “Maybe we could finish one of those upstairs rooms for a nursery.”

  A smile twitched at his mouth. “You want babies?”

  She kissed him again, teasing his mouth with her tongue. “Let’s start with just one.”

  “A little girl,” he said in a husky tone.

  She unbuttoned the top button of his shirt. “A boy.”

  He laughed and so did she. They would always have differences but they’d work them out together.

  “At least we agree on one thing,” he whispered against her ear.

  His hard length throbbed against her belly. “That we’re made for each other in bed?”

  He nibbled at her ear. “Right. I guess we’ll just have to spend a lot of time there.”

  She took his hand and led him inside, then up the stairs to her bedroom. The stars were twinkling through the window, the moon beaming bright, and her heart was overflowing with love.

  It was going to be a long and wicked but wonderful life.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-2077-9


  Copyright © 2008 by Rita B. Herron

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