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Captured: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 2

by Faye, Carmen

  Beneath the fabric wedged between them were perfectly plump and kissable lips. Much like the rest of her. Kissable.

  "Did anyone get her ID or anything else to tell me who she is?" He looked towards his guys. Watching them shake their head he turned to Dakota. "Go see what she brought." And he turned back to her.

  He stretched his hand out and brushed a strand of hair away from her face. She didn't even flinch. This intrigued him immensely. Asher couldn't help but think of the other ways he'd like to touch her. The things he'd like to do and say to her.

  "You gonna tell me who you are, sweetheart?" Asher had leaned in close to her ear. "I don’t appreciate people breaking into my own home."

  Still her body didn't flinch. She was trained. That much was obvious. What Asher wanted to know was whether she would submit.

  "Fuller," Dakota sounded out of breath as he spoke the name after he finally went through the woman’s wallet. "Melissa Fuller, ATF."

  Suddenly Asher remembered where he'd seen that stiff facial structure before. She was the new gal in town. This changed the playing field dramatically. His question had been answered. She was trained for capture. He planned to train her otherwise if he had his way.

  "You guys are dismissed," he began with a smirk on his face that she couldn't see. "Well, well Agent Fuller. I've wanted to meet you for a while now. How nice of you to intrude upon my home. All without a warrant. But there’s no sense crying over spilled milk. You’re here as my guest, and trust me, darling, the pleasure will be all mine."


  Melissa felt him hovering over her and it made her uneasy. Something about the knowledge that he was gazing at her barely dressed body made her uncomfortable. In her position there should be more worries on her mind, but she was standing there in front of him and felt vulnerable.

  His voice was different than she'd imagined. Having seen plenty of photos of Asher, she was familiar with his features and appearance. But his voice was something different. Sexy almost. She silently scolded herself for even using that word to describe anything about Hudson. He was a criminal. She had to remind herself of that as he talked. He was a criminal and it was her job to do away with criminals. Yet, his sexy voice, coupled with the blindfold and gag, sent shivers down her spine.

  And she’d be lying if she said that she didn’t find it damned attractive.

  Suddenly she felt his hand resting on the back of her neck. His breath was hot against her earlobe. "On your knees, Agent Fuller," he ordered. His voice never losing its silky smooth nature. Yet behind its smoothness was an air of sternness. Almost like a parent speaking to a misbehaving child, only without any trace of anger.

  Melissa knew what she had to do to survive. Even if it meant not caving and not fighting back. She had to oblige so there was no reason for him to kill her. The thought raced through her mind as her knees bent slowly.

  “A little faster, darling.”

  Dammit! Her knees trembled at his voice and she felt them dropping silently onto soft plush carpet.

  "Good girl," he coaxed and she felt his body press against the side of hers. "You listen very well," he said softly. "I'll keep that in mind."

  She felt a twinge in her midsection that was quickly followed by guilt. Scolding herself again she tried to ease the frustration she was feeling for reacting to his words, but all she wanted was to keep hearing him talk, to listen to the way his voice rumbled so close to her ear, to feel his warm breath feathering her skin.

  "I'd be willing to bet." His hand traced her jawline and she bit her lip to keep her breath steady. "That you never thought you’d find yourself in a position of following orders." He laughed after the words. "Imagine that."

  Melissa felt the dampening in her panties and wondered instantly if he could tell. Of course he can. I’m practically naked right goddamn now.

  "I do wonder how you thought it was okay for you to break into my home without a warrant," he traced his hand around and towards the back of her head. “I thought you’d be one of the good girls from ATF. The kind who,” he whispered slowly into her ear. “Should know better.”

  Within moments, Melissa felt strong fingers combing through her hair, tilting her head back by the tendrils to expose her smooth neck.

  "Mmmm." A sigh came bubbling up, but through the gag, it sounded more like a moan.

  "Oh," his voice perked up. "Does the agent like that?"

  Fuller shook her head to signal that she did not like that, but the truth of the matter was, she did like it. It’d been a while since she’s felt someone put their hands on her like this, and the adrenaline junkie inside her was quivering with anticipation.

  Asher gave her hair a harder tug and she could picture him in her mind, grinning as he toyed with her.

  She let out a louder and longer sound that she tried to convince herself wasn't a moan, but she wasn't entirely certain. The back of her head was pressed against him and she felt his erection throbbing against her. She was torn between her primal urges and the fact that she was after this man. Get your shit together, Fuller. He’s a goddamn criminal, not someone that you’re gonna climb like a goddamn tree.

  The feeling of him so close turned her on. Knowing that the sight and sound of her was arousing ended up making her feel the desire herself. Slowly, she found herself moving her ass—tiny little undulating circles—against the throbbing hardness behind her to see if she might elicit a physical reaction from him.

  "Don't fucking tease me." He growled and tugged harder on her hair until she was looking straight up as his breath hovered above her. "Understand?"

  Melissa nodded.

  "Good," He softened up. "My house. My rules." The comment caused her to tremble slightly. "That means if I want to be touched, I will tell you to do so." He continued to talk, but his voice was moving away—just out of reach.

  Asher’s body pressed up closely behind Melissa. The stiff erection pressed into her ass through the fabric of his pants and it made her want more. The inner scolding intensified. She would not let this man get to her. She refused to be one of them. She refused to want the stereotypical bad boy.

  And yet…

  "And if I want to touch." His hands slid around her and cupped her breasts, squeezing gently, "Then I will touch. With your permission—both oral and physical." He continued to play with her tits, provoking moans she could not control. "But I'm not into touching you today, Agent Fuller." He laughed and backed away from her, leaving her body aching and her mind confused.

  "Ash," she heard another southern voice similar but different to the one guy she'd already met. "You have a call in the office.”

  "Perfect timing," his voice was even more distant. "Take her to my room," he ordered to the unseen guy. "Leave her bound. I'll take care of her later."

  "If she tries to run?"

  “Well we wouldn’t want that, now would we? Tie her to the bed. Wrists and ankles.”

  "Yes sir," the voice replied before his hands grabbed Melissa’s wrists. "Let’s go, sweet tits."

  He tugged and pulled her towards another room. One that felt soft and comfortable. This might not be the worst fate she'd encountered. She could sleep here for hours. Especially after the day she’d had.

  Suddenly she felt ropes loosen, but just as quickly her wrists were inside of cold metal. She presumed they were her own handcuffs as she heard them click into place. Cold fingers pushed her legs apart and she felt the ropes that had previously bound her wrists around her ankles. She tried to close her legs but found it impossible.

  The bastard had followed his orders to the letter.

  Melissa remained still. She had no way of knowing if the other guy was still around, or if he was still in the room. She strained to hear something—anything—to let her know just what the hell was going on. A million different scenarios flashed through her head, each one worse than the last. Twice she thought she felt a hand touch her, but realized that it was only her mind playing tricks on her. After what seemed like an
eternity, Asher’s voice came from the distance.

  "You can go now," Asher said, and Melissa heard the fumbling steps of the guy as he left. She was struck by how calm and collected he sounded—utterly unlike the insane criminal that all the reports described him as. No wonder he never got convicted once. Asher had this indescribable presence that effortlessly demanded obedience. He didn’t even have to raise his voice. Yet it The door clicked shut slowly, and Melissa heard Asher’s footsteps slowly pacing closer to the bed. "Now, Agent Fuller. What shall I do with you tonight?"


  She should be angry. She was the equivalent of a captive. She was nearly naked and tied to a bed of a highly dangerous criminal. Her life was—based on all her training instincts—in danger. She should be livid. But she wasn’t. Not when she heard Asher’s voice.

  Fuller wondered what the fuck was going on with her body. Why wasn't she tense? Why wasn't she in survival mode? Why in the god damn hell was she turned on? Hanging on for his next word? What the hell kind of punishment is he talking about? She wondered about his motives. His toys. His punishments.

  And suddenly she felt a familiar wetness pooling between her panties. Fuck.

  Her own body was betraying her. Double fuck. She knew better than to go so damn long without. She had needs and they were coming out to bite her in the ass. They always did, just not typically to this degree. She had to keep her head straight. It would help her get through these urges. She had to remind herself of what Asher was. A criminal. A thug. A very bad guy. No matter how many urges she felt, she couldn’t succumb to them.

  She was always the one in charge. She was the one that called the shots. No way in hell had her desire for sex ever led to her in handcuffs and ropes. But something about the feel of the metal against her skin; the way the ropes rubbed her ankles; the knowledge that this man was standing above her and looking at her body. All of it made her want more. And that was simply unacceptable, inappropriate, and unprofessional.

  "I wonder what’s beneath that bra," Asher spoke and the sound of his voice sent small trembles through Melissa’s body. She had to concede that he had a damn sexy voice—one that excited her even more now that she was lying on his bed. "I bet those nipples are hard as rocks right now," he teased. She found herself enjoying the game. The teasing. The fun.

  She tensed slightly, trying to convince herself that she wasn't waiting eagerly to see if he did just that. Melissa was not hoping his hands would slip the fabric off and show him that his assumption was correct.

  Within a few moments she felt the gag pulled from between her lips. Following that she felt the blindfold slip off. Something wouldn’t allow her to look up at him. She didn’t want him to be able to see what was on her mind. She knew that if he could see the arousal in her eyes, then she’d already lost.

  “I’ll require your undivided attention, Agent Fuller.” His words were gentler than his tone. She obeyed instinctively.

  Their eyes met and she felt something twitch deep inside her. Something she didn’t want to feel. She tried to focus on detail instead of emotion. His eyes. They were dark. Darker than brown, yet lighter than black. A flicker of light was evident in the corners. Almost like a twinkle. It surprised her and she lost her focus again.

  “Better,” he smiled. She watched his lips spread into a grin and noticed how soft and full they were. A light shade of pink set against his dark skin. She couldn’t see his teeth, but she imagined they were bright white and perfect.

  His hair fell further down his forehead than she’d seen in pictures. In fact, a tendril fell right into his eye as he looked directly at her. His entire appearance was not what she’d expected. Even after looking at hundreds of photographs, she felt as though she didn’t recognize him.

  Her stomach was flip-flopping as he continued to smile at her.

  “Do you prefer Melissa or Agent Fuller?” he asked in a softer tone than he’d previously spoken to her.

  “Call me whatever you like, scumbag.” She answered honestly. At that point she didn’t feel like she cared. She just wanted him to continue talking.

  She was having an internal battle with herself. Good and evil. The desire to capture him. The desire to touch him. They were fighting it out and she wasn’t sure which side was going to win. Mostly, she wasn’t sure which side she wanted to win. But in that moment, lying there looking up at him, she kind of wished she’d listened to Logan’s original plan. Damn that man.

  “You don’t like Asher Hudson, Agent Fuller, but you can’t get enough of me.” He leaned closer until those dark eyes were all that she could see. Until she saw herself reflected in them, and there was no denying how horny she looked.

  He was close enough to kiss. “Am I right?”

  She nodded. Something in her automatically did as he asked. It confused her. She was the law. She should be in charge. She was trying to capture him. Yet, she couldn’t even ignore a question. She couldn’t even fucking lie.

  There was a part of her screaming that this was a dangerous man. He was on the other side of the law. A criminal. A high profile thug who ought to be locked away for a long time.

  But the throb between her thighs told a different story. One of attraction. Desire. Longing. She tried to blow it off to lack of sex for the foreseeable past, but something inside her said it was the man and not the moment.

  “Why don’t you like Asher Hudson? Did he do something to you?” he looked deep into her eyes and she knew there was nothing she could hide from him. The stare pierced her, peeled away her defenses layer by layer until the only thing left was raw naked desire. And the whole time, he remained just out of reach from her lips.

  “You are a criminal,” she answered in a whisper. “You do bad things. It’s my job to take bad people out of business.”

  “I wish you wouldn’t judge me like that.” He smiled at her. “I’m not the bad guy you think I am. Except for when you want me to be.” His wink sent a chill through her body.

  Asher slowly slipped the cuffs and ties off of her wrists and ankles. The freedom surprised her and she wanted to ask. But she kept quiet and waited. Something inside her told her that she shouldn’t speak.

  “Are you surprised I set you loose?” He looked back at Melissa and she nodded. “I’m not the monster you think I am.” he grinned. “Yes, I plan to punish you for violating my privacy. But that’s only because I know you want me to.”

  His words made her tingle. Punishment she wanted? That sounded appealing. Melissa watched him walk across the room to pour himself a drink. She watched as he silently put the glass to his lips and sipped. Her tongue ran across her own lips at the sight. She wasn’t sure if it was the drink or the man she was thirsting for.

  “Don’t get me wrong, Agent Fuller,” he kept his back to her. “You aren’t leaving. I’m not that kind.” She heard a small chuckle. “I can’t risk my livelihood. I have a business to run.” He took another long sip. “Letting you go is the equivalent of turning myself to the authorities and asking to be handcuffed.” He took another sip and her body ached a little more. “Unfortunately, I don’t look nearly as sexy in cuffs as you do.”

  The words were left dangling in the air as he kept his back to her and continued with his drink. She could move and yet she couldn’t. Everything inside of her longed to walk over and touch this man. See if he was real. If the ache for him was real. But her brain kept interjecting with the obligations of her job. Catch him. Put him away.

  “Don’t get me wrong,” he turned to face her again and she tried to hide the fact she’d been watching him. “I want to see you bound and gagged.” Melissa shivered as he spoke with the same control he’d shown earlier. “Nothing would excite me more.”

  “I would never ask for…” Fuller managed to find her voice and stick to the plan. He was the enemy. “Never!” she said the final word with more power than she’d intended. It made her wonder who she was trying to convince.

  “Of course,” Asher conceded withou
t so much as a facial expression. He turned to pour another drink.

  “Can I get dressed?” She asked angrily. Something about his calm demeanor annoyed her. His lack of emotion. It was infuriating.

  “If you insist,” he spoke softly. “But if I had to guess.” He turned to her with a smile. “I don’t think you really want to.”

  She lost her breath and her ability to speak, and huffed as if she were appalled at the idea. Inside she felt the words. She wanted to scream them. Get me my clothes, asshole. But each time she opened her mouth, the words refused to come. He wasn’t someone that she was supposed to want. Period. But she also knew that had she met him under different circumstances, had she met him outside of the line of duty and him without the attached stigma.


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