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Captured: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 26

by Faye, Carmen

  “The way I see it…”

  “As a fucking criminal! I was trapped! I went into this for the same damn reason anyone else does. The same reason she does!” he was yelling and angry. “Your dad…Hell I didn’t even know who the hell he was…”

  “Good to know you cared.”.

  “He was there. He saw me. If I hadn’t shot him, my fucking kids would have died! Every day my kids’ lives are on the line!”

  “You expect me to believe you do this for your kids?”

  “No!” Logan laughed again. “I do this for me. Because I did something really stupid and I wanted to save my ass!”

  “First honest Fed I’ve ever met.”

  “No,” Logan confessed. “If I were honest I’d have admitted I was drunk. I hit that car. I killed that kid. But I didn’t. I agreed to do this. I agreed to start. I didn’t know it’d mean…”

  “That kid didn’t die, Logan,” Hudson spoke up.

  At that point Melissa wasn’t sure what was going on. She had no clue what kid they meant. Or why Hudson was having this conversation. She just wanted to be on the other end of the gun being flung around the room.

  “Of course he did,” Logan shook his head. “They told me that…”

  “They lied, Logan,” Hudson walked towards him. “They lied to you. He and his mom were paid a very large amount of money to leave town and never bring this up again. She’s in Florida with her third husband and he’s a pediatric surgeon in Georgia.”

  “No,” Logan disagreed, “No…he died. I read the reports. She wanted to come after me. He saved me. He fixed it. No one would know.”

  Hudson shook his head. Melissa was confused. “He’s alive Logan. You were wrong,” Hudson inched closer. “But you did murder my father.”

  Suddenly a rage of anger flashed in Logan’s face. He looked up at Fuller and focused all of the rage onto her. “He’s lying!” he screamed. “He’s lying to protect you!” She saw the gun rise towards her.

  Within a fraction of a second, Hudson had reached Logan and knocked him backwards into the floor. The gun fell and Melissa dropped to grab it.

  Asher had managed to flip Logan onto his stomach and was holding him with his hands behind his back.

  “I’m telling the truth. You were being lied to so that you would be obedient. When that stopped working, they threatened your family and killed your girlfriend. All of it because they made you believe that you had done something wrong. But he’s fine. He’s living a full life with his high school sweetheart and four kids. His life is good. He doesn’t even remember the accident.”

  Melissa was still in shock as she sat in the corner, gun in hand, shaking and trying to make sense of the conversation.

  “But you,” Hudson continued. “You’ve hurt people. You’ve killed people. You had your own agent kidnapped in the hopes she’d be killed!”

  “Apparently I mistook your ability to be hard when needed,” Logan smirked as he mumbled the words.

  “You mistook a lot of things Logan,” Hudson spoke. “I’ve been working with the FBI since I was fourteen. They believed me. They knew who you were. All of it. The gun running, the murder. I’ve been working with them to help take down your entire operation. Because they knew about it.”

  Melissa watched the sudden awareness settle into Logan’s eyes. He first flashed disbelief, then anger, then hurt and finally resignation.

  “You’re a cop?” Logan asked.

  Asher spat. “Fuck the police.”

  “Brent Logan, you are under arrest,” a strange man walked into the room and surprised Melissa. Following him was Detective Larsen, four cops and the Director of the ATF.

  She listened as Logan was read his Miranda rights and watched as they took him out. Larsen checked on both of them and then went to discuss things with his deputies.

  “You did very well, Miss Fuller,” the voice stood above her. “I am very impressed.”

  “Thank you, sir,” she spoke with regard to the man in charge of her entire career. “I’m surprised to see you here.”

  “The ATF typically takes the danger of one of their own very seriously,” he spoke. “Agent Logan was not what we prefer to be.”

  “Agreed,” she said.

  “We have an opening in the local field office,” the man began then paused. “Actually, we have a lot of openings. But I have been looking for someone to be director of this office for a while. Logan never could quite prove to me that he would do the right thing at all times. I think you have shown that…”

  Melissa stopped him before he could even finish complimenting her.

  “Sir, I appreciate that. I really do. It means a lot to be offered something like this. But to be honest, I’m tired of good guys and bad guys. I no longer know what any of it means. So I’ll not only have to decline the position, but I will be quitting mine effective immediately,” and With that, Melissa Fuller, Ex-ATF Agent, stood and walked over to Hudson.

  “You knew?” she asked without even knowing why she knew that.

  Asher nodded. She stood there for a moment trying to understand why he would put her in danger. She tried to make sense of everything she’d just seen and heard. Mostly of the fact that she had almost been shot.

  “Thanks for saving me,” she smiled and he leaned over and kissed her.


  “Manny,” Asher smiled and shook his hand, “It’s great to see you.”

  The stout Mexican nodded and smiled in return. “I hear that Miss Fuller has resigned her job and the ATF will no longer be bothering any of you,” he seemed happy to hear the news. “Good news.”

  “Yes, it is,” Asher agreed. “But I’m sorry to say I will no longer be the man you are dealing with,” he finished.

  Melissa watched as the conversation took place. She was surprised that such a powerful and dangerous man was so short. He barely stood over 5’5 and was a little stocky. Nothing about him looked or sounded dangerous. Nothing seemed to speak money either.

  “That so?” she heard the confusion and worry slip into Guiterro’s voice.

  “Yes,” Asher continued. “I will still be around from time to time,” he confided and reassured the man, “but I’m stepping down. I would like to spend some time enjoying my soon-to-be wife and maybe even making our own family.”

  “Well,” Manny smiled, “A family is necessity.”

  “Yes I think so too. We both need one,” Hudson relaxed. “I’m turning over the reins to someone I fully believe to be more capable than I am. My best guy, Dakota. He will make sure everything goes according to your wishes. You can put all of your faith into him. I assure you.”

  “I remember him,” Manny nodded. “Good man.”

  “That he is,” Asher agreed. “I will be in and out here. Still in the club. For the lifestyle, you know. But I want to go lie on a beach with this sexy lady and drink and laugh and enjoy it.”

  “Might I suggest Mexico?” Manny offered and all of them laughed.

  “Maybe we will go that way,” Asher smiled. “It’s been a privilege, Manny,” he reached out and shook his hand.

  “It has,” he smiled. “Nice to meet you, Ex-Agent Fuller.” He offered as he turned to walk away. Just before he reached the door he turned and spoke to Hudson. “Have Dakota contact me. As for the two of you…stay out of trouble.”

  Melissa and Asher looked at each other and laughed.

  “We will.” they spoke in unison before laughing again.


  “I’m surprised you left the ATF,” Hudson admitted later that night as they lie in bed.


  “It was your life.”

  “Guess that changed when I was kidnapped and taken to the dark side.”

  “My world is kind of dark.”

  “Sounds like you need some light then.”

  “Maybe,” he agreed. “But are you sure you can handle me the way I am?”

  “You mean as part of the club?”

  Asher nodd
ed. Melissa spent a good deal of time thinking over his question. Could she handle the fact that he had a side that wasn’t good? A side that made different choices than she would have? A side that would put her in danger for a moment to satisfy a goal?

  He was also the guy that came in and saved her. The one that sat while she was captive in his home and made her comfortable. The one that looked at her as though he would stop breathing if she were to be gone.

  She nodded. “I think I can handle all of you,” she teased.

  “Is that so?”

  She simply nodded and bit her bottom lip and waited on him to kiss her.

  “So…” Melissa began as they lie still and breathless after another round of hot and steamy sex. “Is this beach fantasy going to happen?”

  “Fantasy? That’s the factual part. I haven’t even gotten to the fantasy yet.”

  “Oh I hope it’s fun.”

  “Always,” he smiled. “When did you know? That you felt something…and why? Why me? Why did you fall for me?”

  “The way you looked at me mostly. The sound of your voice. And then the guy you were. The way you cared. The way you took care of things.”

  “I see…”

  “And I think I was waiting my entire life just to meet you.” she thought out loud. “But first I had to let go. I had to learn that life isn’t black and white and my brother was a tragedy, but that isn’t what my life was about. I had to learn that I couldn’t die with him that day. So I needed to live.”

  “I’m glad you decided to do that living with me,” Hudson kissed her forehead.

  “Can we go somewhere before the beach?” she asked hesitantly.

  “Where’s that?”

  “I’d like to see my family,” she spoke and he just nodded and held her. Both of them knew in that moment that whatever they’d been through was worth it.

  They were free. They were happy. They were together.


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  Boundaries were made to be broken.

  I’ve cheated death more times than I can count—that’s just part of the job.

  I’ve loved every second of it.

  The thrill. The adrenaline rush. The high of a good score.

  But that was before two of our dealers turned up in trash bags—bodies hacked up by a machete.

  Before I met Shayla and Sydney.

  Before my world went up in flames.

  Before my own club came after me.

  With the order to shoot me—and them—on sight.

  It was supposed to be simple, quick, and easy.

  Until I pulled them in my bed.

  And made them MINE.



  I hurt people for a living.

  There’s no room in my life for love.

  But that was before I met Mari.

  I’ve never met anyone like her before.



  Begging to be corrupted.

  She won't be the first girl I’ve pulled into my bed.

  But I’ll be damned if she isn’t the first one that I want to make MINE.


  He doesn’t just stare at me, he f***s me with his eyes.

  And when he asked me for a favor—a favor that goes against all of my better judgments, I should have backed away.

  I should have kept my distance.

  I should have said no.

  Because once I stepped into his world…

  There was no way out.




  My heart belongs to my club and nowhere else. I don’t love, and my only commitment is to my brothers.

  Until Nicole.

  She was supposed to be just another job—but more importantly, off limits.

  … But that was before I pulled her in my bed.

  Now, I can’t get her out of my mind.

  I want her to scream my name.

  I need her begging for more.

  She thinks I’m just a thug to keep her in line.

  But that won’t stop me from making her MINE.


  Life on the street has turned me into what I am today: a call girl.

  All I wanted was out, but what I got instead was Cole Porter.

  Six-foot-four and covered in tats, Cole’s the strong-arm biker meant to keep me in line and keep unruly customers at arm’s length.

  My protector and jailer.

  I’m not supposed to talk to him.

  I’m not supposed to look at him.

  I’m not supposed to run my hands along his hard body.

  … and I’m definitely not supposed to beg him to make me HIS.




  I live and die for my club, and I bury anyone who gets in my way.

  Nothing else matters. Not until Krishna.

  Innocent and pure, with eyes begging for a savior.

  A good girl trapped with a gang of ex-convicts.

  One look and I know what I want, what I NEED:

  To corrupt her.

  To defile her.

  To make her MINE. and make her scream for more.



  A devil that took me, claimed me, and used me for his pleasure until I was screaming his name.

  A splash of ink, a tattoo, and now Alex Gordon thinks he owns me.

  I should run.

  I should get out while I can.

  But each time he touches me.

  Each time his gravelly voice rumbles in my ear…

  “You’re mine.”

  …I know he won’t stop.

  Not until there’s nothing of the old me left.

  Not until he’s made me HIS



  I never thought for a million years I’d be in a town so small that it doesn’t even exist on a map. I never thought for a million years I’d set foot in an outlaw biker club house. I certainly never thought that I’d jump into bed with one of them…

  Arrogant, cocky, and wickedly handsome underneath all his tattoos and leather, Vance Coldman is every one of my sinful fantasies come true. The word ‘no’ isn’t a part of his vocabulary, not out here in the desert where violence is law and might is right.

  I’ve never gotten a chance to sample his dark forbidden world.

  Not until now.

  But something tells me that he intends on giving me more than just a glimpse.

  … and that he doesn’t plan on holding back.


  Violence is law and might is right in my world. A man will do everything he can to defend his property—be it his bike or his woman. Out here, a man makes his own luck.

  That’s the way I’ve lived. Anything else is just slavery with a better name.

  So when she’s asking for a taste of my world, she’s getting it all.

  But what she doesn’t seem to understand is this:

  When you step into my world, you’re not leaving.

  Not now, not later.



  I knew he was trouble from the moment I saw him

  My life had fallen into a rut. I had no future, no prospects, and no way forward. So I did what every other lost soul do in those situations:

  I ran—as far as I could, as fast as I could.

  And then I ran into him. Matt Perrier. The six-foot-five Navy SEAL with tattoos snaking across his rippling muscles and dripping with danger and wildness from every pore.

  From the moment I see him,
I know that he’s nothing like anyone I’ve ever met.

  I know that losing wasn’t in his blood.


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