To Be a Maestro
Page 39
“The spell did not work on her,” Tobermin spoke the words as if stating something clearly impossible.
“I concur with my Intern. If you have a question, ask it,” Chen spoke in a calm voice and with a face devoid of expression. The man rarely displayed emotion.
“They used Truth Speak on me,” Trenca had the nerve to say without being prompted, clearly not knowing when to be quiet.
Jenna nodded to him. She must be shielded in some way, a spell to blocked Truth Speak, and a reason why she did not seem intimidated at being in the presence of two Five-bolts, one of which is a Maestro. Talmon decided to proceed and judge the truthfulness of her answers based on his decades of experience listening for lies. “I know Daniel Benhannon has been helping us fight off the Serpents. We know Simon Trenca has been working with the Ducaunan and suspect that you are as well. I want to arrange a meeting with Accomplished Benhannon.”
“Daniel has no reason to trust you. After all, it is your signature on his arrest warrant,” Jenna replied.
“If he had come to Aakadon as instructed and given oath, Accomplished Benhannon would not be an outlaw and neither would Accomplished Trenca. You stand before a Maestro of Aakadon and accuse him of being untrustworthy, while it is your loyalty to your own guild that is in question,” Tobermin responded to the Intern’s disrespectful tone, and justly so.
“I know Daniel is the Chosen Vessel and have openly stated my belief. My mentor can attest to the fact, having heard me speak on the subject often, and I have spoken plainly of this to Maestro Barroon. You do not need to cast Truth Speak on me to learn that I am a supporter of the Creator’s Champion. I say it plainly.” The girl had plenty of audacity, far more than one would expect from a recent initiate to any guild.
Talmon set his gaze on Chen. “What can you attest to us concerning your Intern?”
The Senior Practitioner did not bat an eye or show any reaction during the questioning, as if she had revealed nothing he had not heard before. “Accomplished Jenna’s past is well known, she has spoken of it candidly, and I believe her accounting of events. Since reuniting with my Intern days ago, I have observed her closely, and have seen no evidence to support the belief that Accomplished Jenna is working with Daniel Benhannon to interfere with the mission. She was in my direct line of sight before, during, and after each assault and I can attest to the fact that she showed no outward signs of communicating with anyone.”
Tobermin pointed to the Intern. “So you believe her story about being a Condemned and then fully restored to health, does this mean you believe Benhannon can control her actions?”
To Talmon’s great surprise, the Senior Practitioner nodded affirmatively. “I believe Sherree Jenna is a mind-slave of Daniel Benhannon and is incapable of disobeying him, which is probably why Truth Speak does not work on her.”
The Intern flinched at hearing the words of the Senior Practitioner and her eyes widened in disbelief. “Then why did you accept me back?”
Talmon wanted to hear the answer to that question as well. “I too would like to know why you would bring someone you consider to be a mind-slave on such a vital mission.”
Chen stared at his Intern the way a researcher might examine a newly discovered species of insect. “I have had the opportunity over the years to examine Condemneds and find this one to be unique. A neophyte Aakasear has modified the spell composed by Tarin Conn and used the Melody to refashion this creature to her original form. I have never seen a Condemned who can act of their own free will, yet this one knows everything Sherree Jenna knew before she encountered Serin Gell, is able to learn the spells I have taught her in the last few days, and can function independently of her master. She is a fascinating study and has provided me the opportunity to better understand what Benhannon has accomplished. Look at her hands and that face. His work is flawless and while I am disgusted by what he has done, I admire the skill. I am a Scholar of the Aloe Guild and my intellectual curiosity needed to be satisfied.”
Chen offered an explanation with no apology and Talmon would have reprimanded the Senior Practitioner if the circumstances had been different. Accommodations must be made and much more than this breach in protocol would need to be smoothed over before this mission is completed. Talmon observed how the set of Jenna’s eyes went from shock, to sad, and now was beginning to harden. It must have been difficult to be spoken of so dispassionately by someone she clearly respected and be referred to by him as a creature and a mind-slave. Her reaction proved to Talmon she had control of her mind, enough to make her own decisions. “Accomplished Jenna, I still want to meet with Daniel Benhannon, and will sign a temporary stay-of-warrant. This mission is vital and since he is demonstrating a willingness to assist us, I believe we have a greater probability of success if we work together.”
Jenna’s green-eyed stare fixed on him as if she was looking for any trace of deceit. She gave a quick nod of her head, removed an amulet from her cloak, and held the gem against her forehead, an action instantly proving her guilt in associating with Benhannon. She kept the conversation private, did a good job of controlling her facial features and even so Talmon could tell by the widening of her eyes that she was not in full agreement with Benhannon’s decision. She put the amulet away, deliberately did not look at her mentor, spared a glance at Trenca, and then focused on Talmon. “He is coming. The nearest clearing is spans away so his arrival will not be instantaneous. Alert your Senior Soarers to expect him and not to focus potential at him or his Sentinels. If this is a trick to arrest him, you will regret it.”
“You are addressing the Maestro of the Eagle Guild, whose word is beyond question. Your master should know better than to end such a communication with a threat,” Tobermin was quick to correct her show of disrespect.
Jenna smiled at the Five-bolt. “The agreement to meet was from him. The threat is from me.” Feisty in deed, is how Talmon judged her demeanor. The Vice-Maestro frowned, yet held back from dignifying her remark with a response.
Trenca chuckled, but no one else found the situation to be amusing. Talmon took some comfort from knowing Benhannon could not transport himself directly into this campsite, it confirmed the theory about the Serpents and their traveling circles being afraid of materializing inside a tree. “Vice-Maestro, go inform our Senior Soarers of the imminent arrival of our guest. Brief everyone in the camp of what we have learned about Benhannon and have the Sun, Aqua, Stone, and Zephyr Guilds each send a representative to this meeting. No one in this camp is to focus potential at Accomplished Benhannon or the people in his company.”
“Your will be done, Maestro,” Tobermin replied and exited the hut.
Talmon took the time to create and sign the official stay-of-warrant. He knew when Jenna began staring off to the north that Benhannon had entered the region. Trenca took the opportunity to heal his lip and a short time later the sudden hush of private conversations throughout the camp signaled the approach of the rogue clearer than would a trumpet blast.
“Shall we go greet our guest?” Talmon suggested, and led the way out.
Jenna and Trenca walked out together with Galloway right behind them. Chen lingered in the hut for a few moments and then came to stand next to Talmon.
Tobermin and fifteen Senior Soarers escorted a tall Ducaunan Royal Knight of the Realm between the trees of the camp along with twenty-one soldiers in light blue wool uniforms, each with a broad silver stripe on their shoulders and pant legs. These troops were armed with black nightsticks, daggers, hand-sized crossbows, and swords. The helmets were blue with the symbol of house Benhannon at the front, other than the head gear they appeared to have no protection. The vice-Maestro also brought Janice Footner, Rondara Kapes, Lucia Trotta, and Ralpen Pentrago, a squat muscular man from Demfilia. Every Five-bolt in the camp will be at this meeting and the two Four-bolts were also useful as a show of strength.
“Greetings Accomplished Benhannon, I am pleased you agreed to meet with me,” Talmon stepped forward with his hand ex
The Seven-bolt shook hands while fixing a dark-eyed stare that made even a Maestro feel his every secret is being laid bare. “I greet you as well, Maestro Reese,” Benhannon replied and then smiled as if something amusing had just occurred to him. “I only caught a glimpse of you at the stadium.”
Talmon responded with his practiced smile, used for polite conversation. “The timing at the coliseum was entirely yours and it would have pleased me immensely if you had stayed longer. We now have an opportunity to make up for lost time. Please, come into my hut and we will begin the discussion.”
“I would be glad to do so, right after you give me that signed stay-of-warrant,” Benhannon replied.
Talmon handed the parchment to the rogue, who read the document and then folded it neatly and placed it in the inner pocket of his sir coat. “This says you agree not to arrest me until one day after the mission at Shantear is completed,” the rogue apparently felt the need to state out loud for all to hear.
“You have read the stay correctly,” Talmon confirmed. “Shall we proceed?” he added and motioned toward the hut.
After the representatives of the remaining guilds arrived and seats of solidified air were formed for everyone, Talmon began the informal meeting. “I asked you here, Accomplished Benhannon, so we can better coordinate our efforts to bring about a successful mission.”
Trenca and Jenna were sitting to the right and left of Benhannon. His soldiers were positioned outside the hut. The Seven-bolt eyed the attendees but addressed the speaker. “I have and will continue to help you get to Mount Shantear and if need be, add my potential to the Grand Symphony. My differences with Efferin aside, strengthening the shields keeping Tarin Conn beneath Kelgotha takes precedence, especially since I am not yet ready to take on the Dark Maestro should he escape.”
“I suppose you want to be the Conductor,” Tobermin said with barely disguised contempt. The man still fretted over the incidents with the two flocks.
“Maestro Reese should be the Conductor. Most of what I know of Della Lain’s work at Shantear is that which is taught to Talenteds. I know from other sources about the threefold nature of Tarin Conn’s prison and that those spells need to be strengthened, not because they are weakening but because the life force energy within the Dark Maestro is growing,” Benhannon responded, demonstrating greater knowledge of the mission than was suspected.
“I am pleased you recognize the Maestro as being the most qualified to conduct the spell,” Tobermin replied, and he did seem placated by the concession and show of respect.
Not even Efferin knew of the threefold nature of the prison, how could this man? Talmon began to ponder the best way to glean the information without anyone suspecting he did not have the answers and needed to gather whatever scraps he could find. “Describe what you know of the prison and I will correct any gaps in your understanding.”
Benhannon nodded his head. “Tarin Conn’s body is immobilized by a Symphonic spell cast with more than thirty bolts of potential, the crystalline properties of the vault in which he resides prevents all but a trickle of life force energy from leaving the tomb, and a Symphonic shield, with more than thirty bolts of potential, focused into amulet crystals embedded in his skin, are what is keeping him from teleporting to freedom.”
The young man is a goldmine of information. Talmon now knew the minimum amount of potential to be conducted into whatever Melody he eventually chooses and that there are two different spells requiring more than thirty bolts. Silence prevailed as everyone waited to hear whether or not Benhannon’s knowledge matched that of the Maestro. The situation was laughable if not for the seriousness of the occasion. “What you have described is accurate,” Talmon stated authoritatively.
Benhannon went on to say, “I don’t understand about the crystalline cell or exactly how Della Lain cast a spell all the way from Mount Shantear to Mount Kelgotha.”
“All you need to know is how to help keep the Serpents off our backs and play your part when the Maestro so instructs,” Tobermin said.
Talmon wished he understood the crystalline cell and exactly how Della cast her spells. He might as well wish for the Melodies while he was at it.
Galloway cleared his throat, drawing everyone’s attention. “This is the most productive meeting we have had to date. Accomplished Benhannon is not officially a part of this mission and yet he knows more about the Dark Maestro’s prison than any here save the Talmon Reese. I believe it is time for us to have a thorough discussion on the topic. As a scholar of the Willow Guild I would like to provide information about Tarin Conn that has been suppressed and offer an educated guess on how Della Lain could cast spells across the continent.”
Talmon felt gratitude for the interruption, it gave him time to think, and might provide much needed answers. “I hereby lift from you the restraint of information regarding Tarin Conn for the purposes of this meeting. State what you will and feel free to give us your hypothesis.”
“Tarin Conn, before he became known as the Dark Maestro, was a distinguished member of the Willow Guild. He composed ten of our High Power Melodies, and was highly favored by Della Lain. He also composed spells for the Sun, Stone, and Eagle Guilds. These facts are no longer to be taught in Aakadon. His being a composer of Melodious spells was also suppressed but has come to light in a very public way since the appearing of our distinguished guest. There are many theories as to what happened to turn Tarin Conn against Aakadon and I do not think it would be productive for us to delve into those theories at this time. Consider this, many Accomplisheds study only in their area of expertise but the truly great ones go beyond to see the ecological balance in the world. Tarin Conn and Della Lain were alike in their vision of the world and pursued such knowledge. I believe the clue of how she did what she did lies in how he has managed to survive. I believe the Dark Maestro has composed a spell or layers of spells that sustain his body, much the way a plant does. Think of the mountain as a giant plant drawing sunlight to oxygenate his blood the way plants take in light and the breath of people and animals to make the air we breathe. He draws moisture from the sky and nutrients from the soil, which takes those things away from the ecosystem surrounding Mount Kelgotha, turning the land around it into a desert. Della Lain was the Maestro of the Stone Guild before attaining the position of Grand Maestro and would have had an extensive knowledge of geology.”
Lucia Trotta, a Senior Master Artisan and four-bolt Accomplished of the Stone Guild raised her hand. Her light brown eyes fixed on the Senior Forester. “Are you suggesting Della Lain focused the potential of her spells down into the mountain and through the titanic plates of the continent?”
Talmon noticed a grin on the rogue’s face. “That would make sense given the interconnection of the world as Simon once explained to me,” Benhannon blurted out before Galloway could answer the question put to him. Now all eyes were on the Sapling, who shrugged off the attention.
“I read a lot and have a good mentor,” Trenca said and then sat back quietly.
Galloway glanced at his Sapling and Benhannon before giving his reply. “I am suggesting a way she could possibly have done it. I do not know if such a spell exits in your library, so you are more qualified to comment on the plausibility.”
Trotta hesitated before speaking. No member of another affiliate is comfortable about discussing spells from the restricted sections of their libraries, which is where a Melody of that type would be. “There are spells in my repertoire that can be focused into the bedrock and extended out a few spans, but none so powerful as to cross the continent. If such a spell exists it is restricted to the Maestro and possibly the Grand Maestro. In my opinion the same can be said for knowledge concerning the crystalline properties of the Dark Maestro’s chamber.”
Janice Footner stood up facing Benhannon. “While I am glad to know your intention is to help rather than hinder the mission, I would like to know how you found us. How deep is our breach in security when a rogue Accomplished loca
tes us so easily?”
Talmon did not intend for this meeting to end before making the same inquiry and so had no objection to her bringing up the topic now.
Daniel glanced at Tobermin before answering. “No one here betrayed your route nor did anyone in Aakadon. Your exact trail is deliberately unpredictable but your destination is not, so your whereabouts was not difficult to determine once you began skirting the Swamps of Append. There are only so many twists you can take without losing valuable time. I have scouts out wide and way ahead of you. This is how we have been spotting the Serpents, who seem to have a reasonably good idea of the path you are likely to take. From what we have been able to determine, Tarin Conn’s Accomplisheds traveled to their camps by foot and well in advance of your arrival into the area.”
The Vice-Maestro glanced at Talmon before addressing the rogue. “Are you saying there is a spy among us?”
Benhannon shrugged his shoulders. “There might well be a spy in your company. A person I trusted turned out to be a spy for Serin Gell. Do you remember when Balen Tamm sent all those traveling circles searching for me? I’m sure you do. My point is, do not underestimate the resources of the Serpent Guild. They could have placed these circles all over southern Ducaun and northern Taracopa and have huge forces in strategic positions so that no matter what route you had chosen they would have a sizable force in striking distance of your company. What they did not and could not anticipate are my forces. Just so you know, we have killed over a thousand Aakacarns and taken out more than four thousand Condemneds in four battles.”
“Just how extensive are your forces?” Tobermin’s question sounded more like a demand.
Daniel smiled and with a casual shake of his head replied, “Much bigger than when we started this mission. I don’t trust you enough to give exact numbers but I will say it helps having a former Senior Soarer on my team. Those men and women out there are the Chosen’s Sentinels and they have fought on your behalf against horrors most non-Aakacarns would run from.”