Stellar Collision (Falling Stars #2.5)

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Stellar Collision (Falling Stars #2.5) Page 12

by Sadie Grubor

  "Why am I automatically a cheater?" Nic sits back, sorting his chips.

  "Because I was cheating and you still kicked my ass," Elliott confesses, brows raised.

  The corner of Nic's mouth twitches.

  "You were cheating," I accuse with a bit of pride mixed in.

  "I've always been good at cards." He shrugs, taking a sip of his fourth drink. "In fact, that's how I signed my first band for Nobil."

  "No shit," Elliott exclaims, pushing away from the table and stretching.

  "No shit," Nic confirms.

  "Respect, old man." Ell walks around the table, offering his fist to Nic.

  Nic bumps it with his.

  "Now, what do we do?" Elliott plops down onto a couch. "Is there an Xbox here or something?"

  I push out of my chair and roll my head, working the stiffness out of my neck.

  What I wouldn't give to have Mia back in bed. Fuck, this separation is so ridiculous.

  "Block the door," Jackson announces.

  "Already?" Elliott whines. "Seriously, Chris, is her pussy made of heroin or some shit? Christ, it's only been a few hours."

  "I didn't do a damn thing," I defend.

  "You don't have to," Jack says, standing across the table from me. "I know the look, and it's all over your face."

  "You're crazy," I snap, even though he's abso-fucking-lutely correct.

  My muscles pull and tense in anticipation of bolting for the door. And one particular muscle twitches with another need.

  The strum of a guitar grabs my attention. Jack sits on the edge of a chair and plays a few chords.

  Jimmy brushes by me with his guitar in his hand and takes a seat across the room from Jackson.

  Where the hell did their guitars come from?

  "Here," Nic says, standing to my right.

  He holds my guitar out to me.

  Furrowing my brow, I just stare at it.

  "Mia made sure they were brought," John explains.

  I reach out, take the instrument from Nic, and join the assholes in the sitting area.

  Jackson strums a familiar song, but it's not one of ours.

  Elliott drums on a small coffee table with his hands.

  Jimmy taps his foot, bobbing his head.

  In a chair next to Jack, I settle in. He stops playing and looks at me.

  "What?" I ask.

  "Take the lead." He jerks his chin toward my guitar. "Me and Wifey will follow."

  I shake my head at the stupid name he gave his guitar and strum, starting into an arrangement I'd been playing with for a couple weeks.

  There are no words, only feelings and images as I pluck the strings. Mia's face flashes in my mind, my eyes tracing the shape of her profile. I move my eyes down imaginary Mia, the riff getting dirty, grittier, when I reach the curve of her breasts, dip of her waist, and flare of her hips.

  So into the song, my mind filled with notes of Mia, I don't realize they haven't joined in. A final thrum of cords and I place my hand against the strings, silencing the guitar.

  Opening my eyes, I glance around the circle of men.

  "That's kind of…hell, man, it's beautiful," Elliott says, breaking the silence.

  "That's Mia," Jackson says with a half-grin.

  My mouth tightens, but I can't hold in the smile. My face splits into a wide ass grin. The song is definitely Mia—her body and spirit in the form of notes and chords.

  "Play it again," Jimmy demands, positioning his fingers over his strings.

  Closing my eyes, I strum again.

  "Hey, don't get lost again," Elliott blurts.

  My eyes snap open, brow furrowed.

  "We need you with us to learn this," he explains.


  "Una, you have to tell us what’s going on with you and Jimmy," Kat blurts, getting down to business.

  After an hour in the hot tub, munching on appetizers, and playing Cards Against Humanity—which completely traumatized Gwen—we're now seated in super plush chairs around an in-ground fire pit.

  "Yeah, that was a heated little exchange," Laney adds, perching herself on the arm of Kat's chair.

  "What exchange?" Una's brow furrows and she sips from her hurricane glass.

  I snort.

  "What exchange?" Serena echoes.

  "I have to admit," Gwen starts, "Nicholas and I noticed it, too."

  Exhaling loudly, Una sits up straighter.

  "Jimmy has a lot going on personally and his actions aren't exactly making my job any easier," she shrugs, "that's all."

  "His divorce is causing that much of an issue?" Laney presses.

  "The divorce? No. His behavior or acting out because of it? Yes." Una presses her fingers to her temples.

  "I didn't think the divorce was affecting him that much," Laney ponders out loud.

  "It's not just the divorce," Kat says, eyes narrowed on Una. "What else is going on?"

  All eyes shift back to Una.

  "He's got some other things going on, but it's not my place to share," Una says, firmly.

  Kat stares a bit longer at Una before moving her gaze to the fire, her forehead wrinkling in concentration.

  "He's not in any trouble, is he?" Liza scoots to the edge of her chair.

  Una gives a small shake of her head. "So far, not legally."

  Clearing her throat, she turns to me.

  "So, you all ready for tomorrow?"

  "Uh, yeah," I say, pulling my feet up beneath me. "Kara and Leeann have everything under control." I give a shrug. "The cake arrives in the morning, the dresses are stored away in a room for us to get dressed in tomorrow, the ceremony officiate will be arriving late morning, we have spa appointments on the mainland in the afternoon—"

  "Kick me if I ever try to have a wedding," Kat interrupts.

  "I think we should toast to the bride," Gwen announces.

  Standing from her chair, she goes to a small outside bar and pours eight flutes of champagne. Linda moves, taking two glasses and handing them out. When she holds one out to me, I just stare at the bubbly liquid.

  What if you're pregnant? One sip won't hurt, right?

  "Mia?" Linda questions, furrowing her brow.

  "Sorry," I blurt, taking the glass from her hand.

  "To Mia, may every day be filled with love and laughter," Gwen says, holding the glass out.

  "To Mia," Linda speaks, holding her glass out, "may the Lord watch over and protect your family."

  "Mia," Laney stands from the arm of Kat's chair, "here's to the tour that brought you the love of your life."

  "To the nights that turned into the mornings," Kat says with a wiggle of her brow, standing next to Laney.

  "To a friend who has become family," Una joins, coming to stand next to Kat.

  "In the short amount of time I've known you and Chris, your connection has awed me," Liza starts, moving to stand next to Kat. "There's really no better word." She smiles. "I am in awe of and lucky to be a witness to your love." She raises her glass.

  "To Mia, the best little sister anyone could ask for," Serena chokes on the words.

  Tears sting my eyes.

  "To Mia," Gwen lifts her glass higher.

  "We love you," Linda adds.

  Bringing my glass to my lips, I sip.

  Setting the remainder of the champagne on the stone patio, I join them in a giant group hug, the tears finally escaping down my cheeks.

  "Thank you," I sniff, wiping my jaw.

  "Now, I think we should prepare the virginal bride for her wedding night," Kat teases, plopping back down into her chair.

  "Mia," she gets serious, "a man has a penis. And…well, he's going to want to put his penis in your vagina—repeatedly."

  "If you're lucky, he will. Over and over and over," Laney adds, slipping back onto the arm of Kat's chair.

  "Oh my God," Linda groans, covering her face with her hand. Turning to Gwen, she says, "You are so lucky to only have boys."

  Linda throws an arm out at us. "This
is what I've had to deal with for the past seventeen years."

  Gwen snorts, slipping back into her chair.

  "Please," she retorts, "do you know how long I've had to deal with those boys?" She raises her barely there eyebrows.

  "Oh, Lord," Linda gasps, covering her mouth, "I forgot about Elliott."

  We fall into a fit of laughter.

  "Exactly," Gwen giggles out. "I've seen that boy's penis way too many times."

  She turns to Serena, who is gasping for air, and says, "I hope all his practice has paid off."

  I lose it again, clapping a hand to my stomach.

  "Serena, wanna answer that one?" Kat chuckles.

  "Oh my God," Laney cries out, tears streaming down her face.

  "Does that boy have a fetish for showing his junk?" Kat asks with a laugh.

  "Hold on, missy," Linda blurts, pointing at her.

  "What?" Kat blinks at Linda.

  "I've seen your naked butt more times than a grown woman should have to," she says, reminding Kat of all the mooning and times Linda has walked in on Kat's sexcapades.

  "Oh, oh," Serena exclaims, "do you remember the time Dad walked into the kitchen and found Kat naked in front of the fridge?"

  "I thought I was going to have to take John for therapy," Linda adds with a laugh.

  "Hey," Kat yells, smiling, "when did this become about me?"

  "I hope we get to do a documentary someday," I gasp out. "I'm spilling everything."

  "Listen to her," Kat says, thumbing in my direction. "I think she forgets about the time we found her in the bathroom at the bar with those two guys from—"

  "Nothing happened!" I defend.

  It's a lie, but I'll never admit having messed around with two guys in a bathroom—at the same time.

  "Mmhmm." Kat purses her lips, sitting back in her chair.

  "Don't let Chris find out," Serena adds. "He'll probably have them tracked down and shot."

  "He's not that bad," I argue.

  Gwen chokes on her drink.

  When she's finally cleared it from her lungs, she turns skeptical eyes on me.

  "You're joking, right?" she asks. "I mean, even I know he would take a bounty on their heads."

  "Oh, shit! Gwen just called you on that bullshit," Kat wails.

  "Touché," is all I can say.

  Chapter Twelve


  Dear God make them shut up.

  "Mia," Laney sings my name.

  "That's not how you do it," Serena says.

  I brace, knowing what's coming.

  The mattress dips super low and with her feet on both sides of my body, she starts jumping. I curl in on myself as she bounces my body off the mattress and back down.

  "You're getting married today, you're getting married to today," she sings at the top of her lungs.

  "Shut up," I groan, shoving my head under a pillow.

  The pillow disappears and someone presses their wet lips to my face and blows a raspberry.

  "I'm up," I shout, shoving the face away.

  Wiping my face, I groan.

  Serena drops to the bed next to me, causing my body to jerk.

  My stomach lurches.

  Swallowing hard, I bury my face in the bed.

  "Breakfast is waiting," Laney says.

  Someone pokes me in the leg.

  "Okay," I say, my voice muffled by the bedding.

  "Are you okay?" Serena asks, brushing the hair away from my face.

  Pulling my head out of the mattress, I meet her observant eyes.

  "Yeah, I'm good."

  "Uh oh, is someone getting cold feet?" Kat asks from behind me.

  "I'll obtain the getaway boat," Laney teases.

  "Come on, girls," Linda scolds, sweeping into the room. "Go eat and get ready for the day. We have a lot to do."

  "Oh, we know," Kat states. "We got the itinerary on our doors."

  "There's an itinerary?" I ask around the lump in my throat.

  "Of course," Kara answers, stepping into my room with a garment bag across her arms. "I’m going to hang this up in the closet for later."

  The nausea subsiding, I sit up against the white headboard and nod.

  "The bridesmaid dresses will be in here as well. Leeann is bringing them and a few other things to the villa now."

  "Sounds good. Thanks, K." I rub the sleep from my eye.

  Inhaling through my nose and out of my mouth, I try to beat back remaining nausea.

  "Great!" Kara cheers. "Now, if everyone will eat and get dressed, we will go over the itineraries and timeline for today."

  She stands by the door, giving us an expectant look.

  "Is she trying to make us leave?" Kat asks, keeping her eyes on Kara.

  "Be nice," Linda scolds. "Come on."

  Sighing, Kat and Laney follow her out of the room.

  "I'm just going to go to the bathroom, then I'll be out," I tell a still waiting Kara.

  Her eyes shift to Serena.

  "I'll be out."

  Taking a deep breath, I climb out of the bed. On my feet, I silently pray nausea doesn't come back. It doesn't, though I still feel sluggish.

  "What's going on?" Serena asks from behind me.

  "Nothing." I walk into the bathroom and close the door.

  Leaning back against it, I exhale a breath and set about the necessities.

  These bouts of nausea and being tired are definitely not me getting over a wild weekend in Vegas.

  After washing my hands, face, and brushing my teeth, I pull my hair into a ponytail and exit the bathroom. Thankfully, Serena isn't waiting for me with her examining eyes. Placing my hands over my stomach, I take a deep breath and join the group for breakfast.

  "The amount of food you consume," Laney says, shaking her head and wrinkling her nose.

  "What?" I ask with my mouth full.

  "When she’s over at the house, I swear Elliott hides food from her," Serena adds, sipping from her glass.

  Channeling my inner seven-year-old, I stick my tongue out.

  Kara breezes into the room with Leeann and an island staff member at her side.

  "Does everyone have their itinerary?" She holds up a white piece of paper.

  "Shucks," Kat snaps her fingers, "I think I lost mine."

  "Nope, it's right here," Laney says sugar sweet, holding the paper in Kat's face.

  "Great," Kat mumbles. "Thanks." She snatches it from Laney's hand.

  "Sure thing, buddy." Laney slaps Serena on the back, earning a side glare from her.

  "It's my wedding day. Serena, since you're the Matron of Honor, consider my itinerary your responsibility."

  She purses her lips and cocks one brow.

  Grinning in response, I wink and take a drink of OJ.

  From my right, Liza giggles.

  "Mia," Kara says, interrupting my silent showdown with Serena, "the caterer arrived and is already in the kitchen prepping. If you want to make any menu adjustments, we need to let them know now."

  Shaking my head, I say, "I think we're good."

  "Okay, great." She looks back to her clipboard. "The cake should arrive while you are at the spa."

  "Can I see the cake before the wedding?" I shove a piece of bacon in my mouth and sigh as the flavor bursts across my tongue.

  Bacon is like crispy strips of happiness.

  "I don't see why not," Kara says, distractedly writing on her clipboard. "There, now it's on the schedule."

  Looking up, she exhales, a satisfactory look on her face.

  "You need to be down at the dock in twenty minutes. The boat is scheduled to depart at eleven. A car will be waiting for you on the mainland."

  "Aren't you coming with us?" Laney inquires.

  "No, I have too many things to take care of before the wedding. Leeann will be accompanying you. If you need anything, just let her know."

  All eyes shift to Leeann.

  She smiles. "Anything at all, just let me know."

  "A car is also a
rranged for your return at three."

  "Three p.m.?" I exclaim. "We'll be at the spa that long?"

  "The spa assures me your visit will be between two to two and a half hours, the remaining time is for travel," Kara explains.

  "What the hell are they going to do to me for two and a half hours?" I squeak.

  "They're going to whack your bush," Kat teases, providing sound effects.

  "You so remind me of Sid sometimes," Liza says, laughing.

  "I love your cousin," Kat announces. "So, I'll take that as a compliment."

  She smiles, and say, "It's definitely meant to be one.

  "Well, looks like she's going to miss out on bushwhacking." Kat winks at her.

  "Um…" Kara looks from Kat back to me. "You each have a full spa package. So…" she flips pages on her clipboard, "you will start with a massage, facial—"

  "I don't know if I want my face scrubbed raw before a wedding," Laney interrupts.

  Kara's head pops up. "No, it's not that kind of facial. This is more of a soothing, wedding day facial. No scrubs or harsh chemicals. They use natural oils and steam to cleanse, soothe, and prep skin."

  Laney gives her two thumbs up. Kara continues.

  "Then, after the facials, you have manicures and pedicures, and the steam bath."

  "I have to say, it sounds lovely," Gwen states. "Thank you, Kara, for all your hard work."

  "Yes, Kara, thank you." Kat surprises me with her gratitude, until she continues. "But I don't see where I get my morning bowel movement."

  "Kat," Linda chokes on her tea.

  Serena snorts. Liza bursts into laughter.

  "Really?" I level a look at her.

  She grins, overly big, showing every tooth.

  "You're an asshole," I state, pushing away from the table. "Are you sure you and Chris aren't related?"

  "Ouch." She clasps a hand over her heart, feigning hurt.

  "You shouldn't talk about yo' baby daddy like that," Laney taunts.

  I shrug. "I'm well aware of his asshole tendencies."

  "They just do it for you, don't they?" Liza joins in.

  "Like a porno for a teenage boy," I respond, walking away from the group.

  "Mia," Linda scolds.

  When we arrived at Spa Sao Pedro, we found it’s actually a hotel style spa. The staff was friendly, accommodating, and amazing at what they do.

  The massage put me to sleep, and instead of immediately waking me, they let me rest for a few minutes before gradually rousing me. Whatever oil combination they used on my face smelled like heaven. And the foot rub you get during the pedicure was almost orgasmic.


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