Stellar Collision (Falling Stars #2.5)

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Stellar Collision (Falling Stars #2.5) Page 13

by Sadie Grubor

  "I'm planning to come back here on vacation," Gwen says, settling onto a wooden bench in the spa room next to Linda.

  "I can't stop touching my face," Kat states, rubbing her cheeks.

  "Could you imagine what that stuff would make your lady parts feel like?" Laney asks from her prone position on another bench.

  "You wanna find out?" Serena waggles her brow.

  "Did you?" Kat rolls to her side, eyes wide.

  Serena laughs. "No."

  "Bitch," she grumbles.

  "Mia, I adore your tattoo," Liza says, seated to my left.

  "Thanks." I give her a smile.

  "It's the song our mother, Maxine, used to sing to us when we were babies," Serena adds from my right. "I've got a little Dumbo—"

  "Living with you, calling you wife?" Kat interjects with a snort.

  "Right here," Serena finishes. Ignoring Kat, she twists and points to a tattoo on her shoulder blade.

  "What song is it?" Gwen asks.

  "Baby Mine," I whisper.

  Thoughts of my mother swirl through my mind. Serena's hand comes to mine and squeezes. Looking up at my sister, she gives me a small smile.

  "Gwen," Laney blurts, "do you have any tattoos?"

  "Only the marks from my treatment," she states with a shrug.

  We fall silent.

  "Please, let's not get weird about it. Cancer happened, and, for now, I'm cancer free. I'm also boob free, but hey, that was cheaper than the doctor bills."

  Kat is the first to laugh before the rest of us join in.

  "I know Linda doesn't," Laney states before turning to Liza. "You don't either, right? I haven't noticed any when you perform."

  Liza shakes her head. "No. The other girls do."

  "Do you want any?" Kat asks. "I have a great artist."

  Liza's grin makes me curious.

  "Before, I couldn't justify spending the money on a tattoo." Her shoulders shake with silent laughter.

  "And now?" I press, curiosity killing me.

  "Now that I have the money, Jackson talks me out of it every damn time," she explains, shaking her head.

  "What a hypocrite!" Serena exclaims.

  "I thought that, too," Liza interjects, "at first."

  She bites her lip and furrows her brow. Her eyes shift to Laney, and then the floor.

  "Liza," Laney coos, drawing her attention back, "you can say it. Honestly, I'm happy for you and Jackson. Don't hold back because of me."

  Liza takes a deep breath and covers her face. On a large exhale, she says in a rush, "Jackson likes the image of his inked up skin next to my empty canvas, as he calls it."


  I'm glad Kat caught that, too.

  Liza only nods, dropping the hand from her face and sucking her lips into her mouth.

  "You mean, you guys have pictures?"

  Nodding, she bites her lip again.

  "Holy shit!" Kat exclaims. "Are they dirty photos? ‘Cause I would pay to see them."

  Liza's eyes bug.

  "Kat," I grumble.

  "What?" she asks, her face a complete mask of innocence. "Don't act like you wouldn't want to get your eyes on them."

  "Two of them are hanging up in the house," Liza blurts.

  Mouths gaped and eyes wide, we all turn back to her.

  She laughs. "They aren't sexual," she clarifies. "Sid did a photo shoot of us."

  "Naked?" Serena asks.

  "No. I'm in underwear and Jack's wearing jeans."

  Fully invested in this topic now, I open my mouth to ask more questions, but Liza continues.

  "We have other pictures, but we took those on our own."

  Her cheeks flame and she covers half her face with one hand.

  "You exhibitionists," Serena accuses.

  Liza drops her hand and strikes back. "This coming from the woman whose husband was free balling by the pool yesterday."

  Kat howls, jumps off the top bench she's been lying on, and runs up to Liza, holding up her hand. Instinctively, Liza slaps her hand to Kat's.

  Serena and the rest of us laugh.

  Kara has Leeann thoroughly trained to act in her stead. She got right on our asses to get us back on the boat for the island. What I didn't expect were the hair and makeup artists who joined us from the spa. Leeann explained they were hired to assist us before the wedding.

  Stepping off the dock and back onto the island, we're met by Kara.

  "Leeann, please escort the ladies to their room and go through the schedule so they know when to be available for hair and makeup." Kara nods to the hair and makeup artists before turning her attention to us.

  "The cake has arrived. Would you like to see it before lunch?"

  "Yeah." I nod to Kara and turn to the group. "Anyone else want to come?"

  "I'll come." Linda steps forward.

  "Me, too." Gwen joins us.

  The rest of the group heads back to the bridal villa.

  Offering my arms to both of them, we follow Kara into the kitchen of the main building.

  A tall, thin woman with long red hair moves around a table with her back to us. Another woman, this one petite, with shoulder-length rainbow locks, stands stock still on the opposite side, her eyes locked on me.

  "Liv," the rainbow woman whispers.

  "Yeah?" red hair responds, distracted with the cake.

  "Liv," rainbow whispers harsher.

  "What, Mercedes?" The Liv woman straightens, putting a white bag on the table.

  Rainbow hair, Mercedes, nods toward us, shifting her eyes between Liv and us.

  "Mrs. Knyght?" Kara speaks.

  Red hair, Liv, spins around, her eyes wide. Her mouth parts, but nothing comes out.

  Releasing Gwen and Linda's arms, I step forward and offer her my hand.

  "Hi, I'm—"

  "Mia Ryder," Mercedes says for me, rounding the table and taking my hand.

  I smile, trying not to laugh. I'm still not entirely used to getting this type of reaction.

  "I love you," Mercedes gushes.

  "Thank you," I respond, releasing her hand.

  "This is Liv." She motions to the woman on my right. "She owns Harlow Cakes."

  Liv gives a visible shake and pulls herself together.

  "It's a pleasure to meet you," she speaks in a beautifully melodic voice.

  I wonder if she sings.

  "I hope the cake is to your liking." She motions to the table.

  In the center is a three-tiered chocolate and vanilla cake decorated in white chocolate fondant with black and gray airbrushed skulls, and deep purple and dark red flowers strategically placed on each layer.

  I asked for rocker class, and she gave it to me.

  "What are the flowers made out of?" I ask, knowing it's not icing.

  "Chocolate," Liv answers.

  "It's really amazing," I praise, walking around the table to take it all in.

  "Thank you," she answers, relief in her tone.

  "No," I look from the cake to her, "thank you." Stepping to her again, I offer her my hand.

  She takes it and grips.

  "Are you staying for the ceremony?"

  "I need to get back to my husband," Liv explains. "He's waiting on the mainland."

  "He's welcome to come," I offer.

  Her face reddens. "Thank you, but this is our first child-free getaway in some time. We made other plans."

  Putting my hands up, I grin.

  "Say no more."

  "Can you sign my apron?" Mercedes steps forward, holding out a marker.

  "Ced," Liv warns.

  "It's not a problem."

  I take the pen and sign her apron.

  "Ced will be here to assist with the cake," Liv informs.

  Turning to Kara, I say, "Does she have a place at the reception?"

  "I can add one," she responds.

  I nod, looking back at Ced. "Do that."

  "Oh. My. God. Thank you," Ced says, balling her apron in her hands.

; "Bring your marker and the apron," I instruct, "I'll make sure all of Hush and The Forgotten sign it."

  Eyes wide, she only nods.

  "We should get back for lunch," Kara whispers.

  "Okay. Liv, it was nice to meet you. Thank you for the beautiful cake and bringing it all the way down here."

  "Honestly, we all kind of love both bands, so the pleasure was all mine."

  With one last handshake and a couple of pictures, we head back to the bridal villa for lunch.

  Along the way, Kara shows me the progress made on wedding decor.

  White chairs with tropical flowers tied to the back line the vast ceremony dock. A white arch stands at the end with tropical vines and flowers wove into the spaces.

  The reception tent has all the flaps pulled up and secured. Tables and chairs draped in white fabric are arranged in the sand beneath the tent, each table lined with sheer black netting and starfish. A couple clear glass vases are being filled with tropical flowers that match the colors of my bouquet and the print on the bridesmaid dresses.

  Looking to my left, toward the water, I find a small tent with a bamboo bar set up. Further scanning, I see a floating dock.

  "What's that?" I ask over my shoulder, pointing to the dock.

  "A band will be out there playing during dinner," Kara states. "We will have your instruments set up on the patio area there."

  She points to the right of the receptionist tent.

  "And the DJ?"

  "There, just beyond the patio is a space where he's setting up."

  Nodding, I turn and hug Kara.

  "It's perfect, K. Thank you."

  Releasing her, I see unshed tears in her eyes.

  "Are you okay?"

  Shaking her head, she waves me off.

  "Let's get you back to the villa."

  Turning on her heels, she walks briskly. I hurry and follow after her.


  "Are you guys ready for the concert that's coming up?" John asks, lounged back in a chair on the boat. His fishing pole lays against the railing, unattended.

  Why the fuck am I out fishing? I don't fish.

  After breakfast and lounging around for a bit, Kara ushered us to a boat for an afternoon of fishing.

  "We have a few weeks still, but we're ready," Jack answers, fingering the little handle on his fishing pole.

  "What the hell are you doing?" I ask, curious.

  His head snaps up. "I can't just sit and wait. I have to do something."

  "You'll never catch anything that way, son," John says, grinning.

  "I'm afraid the boys were never really fishermen," Nic adds, sitting on a bench seat, not even bothering to fish.

  "We went fishing before?" I ask, brow raised.

  Nic nods. "Once. You both hated every second of it and we never went again."

  "I’ve got something," Elliott shouts, yanking on his pole.

  We gather around, watching him reel in whatever he's caught.

  I don't know what kind of fish it is, but it's big and flopping all over the place. We all have an idea of what to do, but Mia's father is the only one who really knows how to handle the situation. In smooth, practiced motions, he yanks the hook from the fish's mouth, lifts, and tosses it back.

  "What the hell?" Elliott questions as he leans over the side of the boat, watching his fish swim away.

  John claps him on the oversized back.

  "Good job, son."

  "But you just threw it back," he whines.

  "Yeah." John nods, settling back into his seat.

  "I wanted to keep it."

  "I'm pretty sure my daughter would kick your ass."

  Nic chuckles.

  "Good point," Elliott agrees, sitting back in his chair. "I'm going to catch the most," he declares, baiting his hook again.

  After John schooled Elliott in fishing, catching two more than the single fish he caught, we are back on the island. Lounging around the pool, Nic and John in pool chairs with beers, Jack, Elliott, and the boys in the pool, and Jimmy and me in the hot tub, my mind drifts to my escape plan.

  "I'm going to go shower before this evening," Jimmy says, slipping out of the tub.


  With everyone distracted, I climb out of the water and casually enter the villa.

  Inside, I dig through my bag and quickly change from wet to dry clothes. I locate the last item and stick it in my back pocket.

  Slipping out a side door, I make my way to Mia. It's been twenty-four fucking hours, and that's goddamn long enough—especially when she's only a short distance from me.

  Passing through a bustle of staff, I walk by the dock and reception tent.

  Kara and the staff really did this shit up right.

  Grinning, I grow more anxious and pick up my pace.

  At the villa, I peek inside. No one's around, so I go room by room, until I spot the familiar blanket that travels everywhere Mia goes. Entering the empty room, I close the door behind me and sit on the edge of the bed.

  Lying back, I close my eyes and try to calm my excitement.

  Today, Mia becomes my wife. Amelia Ryder will be Amelia Mason, my wife, and mother of my…fuck, she needs to get here soon.

  The sound of the doorknob puts me into action.

  Rolling off the bed, I hurry to stand against the wall behind the door.

  "Your hair gets done first, so as soon as you are showered, come on out," I hear Kara say. "I'll make sure to have the artists down here to start working on everyone."

  "Will do," Mia replies.

  Her bare calf appears from behind the door, followed by her thigh, cotton shorts covered hip, and tank top covered torso.

  My heart thuds so hard, I can hear the beat. A gush of breath escapes my mouth. She's so fucking gorgeous, and she's mine.

  Closing the door, she presses a hand against the wood.

  In a flash of movement, I grab her waist and cover her mouth. She kicks out and grabs my hand.

  "Shh, baby, it's me," I whisper in her ear.

  She stills and I release her.

  Spinning around, she shoves me in the chest.

  "What the fuck, Chris?"

  "Shh…" I press my finger to my lips.

  Her mouth opens, but I reach out and take her face in my hands. Pressing my mouth to hers, hot burning need coils in my gut. I push forward and her back hits the door.

  Mia's hands come to my stomach and fist my t-shirt.

  Sliding my hands from her face, I trace her jaw, neck, collarbone, and then cup both breasts. She moans.

  "Shh," I whisper against her lips.

  "Mia?" Gwen calls from the other side of the door.

  She turns her head, breaking our kiss.

  Refusing to release her, I move my mouth over her jaw and down her neck, licking, sucking, nibbling on her skin. She tastes like…like she belongs to me.

  "Yeah?" she croaks out.

  "Everything okay, sweetheart?"

  "Yes," she answers a bit too loud when I pinch her nipples.

  Grinning against her neck, I wrap my arms around her waist.

  "Okay," Gwen responds.

  Guiding Mia away from the door, I walk us into the bathroom and shut the door.

  "You aren't supposed to be here," she pants, gripping the hem of my shirt and pulling it up my body.

  I raise my arms, allowing her to remove it.

  Her mouth goes to my chest, her tongue moving over my skin.

  "I don't subscribe to everyone else's rules, baby."

  It's my turn to rid her of her shirt and bra.

  "So I've noticed." She fists the waistband of my shorts and tugs them until they fall to the floor.

  Shoving my fingers inside her shorts, I hook the band with my thumbs and push them down. They catch at her knees and I lift my right foot, bringing it down on the material between her legs, taking them to the floor.

  Sliding my hands under her arms, I lift her up to sit on the sink. Her hands press into the tile
behind her, and I bend forward, taking her right nipple into my mouth and sucking. Glancing up from under my lashes, I watch her. Head dropped back and mouth open, she gasps. A deep moan escapes her when I drag my tongue from her nipple, across the mound of her breast, over her chest and collarbone, and up her neck.

  Gripping her legs outside her knees, my fingers slip into the bend. I pull them apart, step between, and rub my length against her.

  "Please," she begs.

  Her right hand slides over my cheek and into my hair, fisting.

  Releasing one knee, I grab my cock at the base.

  Using her grip on my hair to balance herself, Mia brings her other hand between us. She presses two fingers to her pussy and opens herself, offering it up to me.

  "Fuck, baby, that's so goddamn hot," I growl, pressing my tip to her entrance.

  "Quit teasing me."

  She squirms against the head and I drive inside her.

  "Fuck, yes," she screams.

  Clutching her by the hips, I splay my fingers over her ass and hold her at the edge of the sink.

  Closing my mouth over hers, I swallow her moans.

  As I fuck my soon-to-be wife to orgasmic bliss, she pulls her mouth away, gasping for breath.

  "Christ, Mia, I've needed you," I growl, thrusting.

  "I've needed you, too," she pants. "Chris, I'm so—"

  She's cut off by her orgasm and I swallow the scream like it's my last fucking meal.

  "I can't believe you snuck in here for sex," Mia teases while I wash her back.

  She squeals when I slap her wet, bare ass.

  "You damn well know it wasn't just for sex."

  Rubbing her reddened cheek, she turns to face me. Water beads and drips down her body. I lick my lips, wanting only to drink water from her body from this moment forward. When my eyes reach her stomach, my thoughts sober. I look back at her face.

  "I have another reason, besides missing you, and needing to fuck you, of course."

  "Of course," she says with a small smile and one-shoulder shrug.

  Reaching around her, I turn the water off, and climb out of the shower.

  I grab a towel and wrap it around her before tying another around my waist. Locating my shorts, I pull the white stick out from the back pocket. When I turn with it in my hand, her eyes widen.


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