Four Hitmen: A Quadrouple Bad Boy Mafia Hot Romance (Lawless Book 3)

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Four Hitmen: A Quadrouple Bad Boy Mafia Hot Romance (Lawless Book 3) Page 7

by Alice May Ball

  They were very forceful. The girls seemed to appreciate that. They said, ‘Ooh, that’s fantastic,’ and ‘Oh, my god,’ and ‘oh, that’s huge,‘ quite a lot.

  “Sure,” Declan told her on the way out, “But they’re being paid for their enjoyment. That could make them very demonstrative. Especially in expressing how much they just love everything that comes their way.”

  Courtenay sat between Declan and Liam in a cab on the way back to the hotel. Declan said, “You had plenty of irrelevant questions for the boys there, Liam.”

  Liam grinned, “Oh, I had a whole lot of other stuff ready for them, in the hopes that the real object of my inquiries was obscure. Or at least, I was hoping that it wouldn’t be too obvious.”

  “Fair play to you. I thought you made a good job of it.” Declan held Courtenay’s waist. “It didn’t sound to me like your fellers there had too much love for deLunghi and his crew.”

  “You’re right. Although, if they had a sense of what we’d been looking for, I don’t suppose their lack of affection would deter them from selling some information back.”

  “If they thought they had some, I’m sure you’re right.”

  Liam smiled. He moved in closer to Courtenay. “I came to an agreement with Hardmann. I offered him something that he wants as a bonus, additional to the payment.”

  Declan nodded approval. “But still, what’s to stop him just taking both and still going to Hammer with whatever suspicion he might have?”

  “There’s a time limit on the hit. It’s got a short shelf life and an eat-by date in about ten days.” Liam said, “I made certain Hardmann understood that the thing I promised him won’t deliver until after two weeks from now.”

  “Ah, you’re a smart fellow, Liam.” Declan grinned.

  Liam squeezed Courtenay, “We didn't think you'd want to partake in the shenanigans up there.”

  "Oh, I could have been interested."

  Declan laughed. ”You should have said something. We were taking our lead from you.”

  Liam added, “Next time, speak up, if that’s what you want."

  And Declan assured her. “Absolutely. All that we want is to make you happy."

  She asked him, “Did you want to join in?”

  “With those girls you mean?”


  “God, no.”

  Liam added, “No. Of course not. We’ve got you.”

  Declan held her close and looked in her eyes. “Absolutely. Why would we want anybody else?”

  Liam said, “We’ve got a perfect diamond. Why would we want to mess with rhinestones?” He asked her, “If you had joined in to play, would you have wanted to play with the men or the girls or both?”

  “Oh, the men.”

  “And having the girls there, would that have made it better or less enticing?”

  Courtenay thought for a moment. “Not sure.” She thought a moment, “Probably less.”

  The two men smiled to each other as they nodded.

  For our meeting, Gunner and Horst took a private room above a restaurant. Waiters had strict instructions about exactly when they were to enter and to stay out all of the rest of the time. On the way in, Declan said, “They’ve got a hotel room, we could have just met there. Or out in a park. What’s all this ‘private room’ nonsense?”

  I said that I thought the German twins wanted to impress Liam and Declan, that they were probably just trying to make a good impression. “You don’t make it easy for them, after all,” I told them both as we walked up the wide, richly carpeted stairway.

  Declan smiled. “She could have a good point, you know?”

  And Liam said, “See? I knew it was worth us bringing our Champion Eater along.”

  In a big room with just one round table, Gunner and Horst were waiting and they sprang to their feet as we came in. They were extra pleased to see me there.

  “We weren’t expecting you,” Horst said. But there were five seats around the table so I knew that they were thinking that I might be there. And, from the looks on their faces, they were probably hoping that I would, too.

  I sat between Liam and Declan. It was too far away from Horst and Gunner, but I did have a good view of them both. Waiters helped seat us and the two blond German boys ordered dips and some starters and asked what we’d all like to drink.

  I had a glass of white wine and the boys all had craft beers.

  When the waiters left, the two Germans were quiet a moment. Declan isn’t one to pussyfoot. “There’s a bit of an air in here. Are you two pissed about something?”

  Gunner waited a while before he said, “It’s not so very professional, you know.”

  “What?” When Liam spoke under his breath like that, it meant that he was pretty angry.

  Horst put his hands out on the table, palms up, “To be so very late.”

  Gunner frowned, “The time was clear.”

  “And it was agreed,” Horst’s face wrinkled.

  Liam spoke slowly and quietly. “We’re not corporate fucking clock watchers, and this isn’t the fucking army.” The two Germans were silent.

  Declan’s voice was light, but I knew the look in his eye, “If you don’t like our timekeeping, if our professional standards don’t meet with your approval, we’ll be happy to pay you for our drinks and fuck off.”

  Horst scowl looked more pained, “No. Please. Don’t be offended. I only meant, I thought that we were in this enterprise together.”

  Gunner backed him up, “We thought that we were all going to be working as a team,” Horst and Gunner’s eyes flicked to me and quickly away again as he said that. Was that because they were hoping I would be part of that ‘team,’ and they weren’t ready to say so openly?

  Liam had the lighthearted, jokey tone that can lead pretty much anywhere. “Well, I don’t know what made you think that,” I watched Horst and Gunner to see if they seemed to be aware how very fast Liam’s mood could turn. Especially when he had that light, uncommitted voice. I couldn’t read them.

  Declan was talking. “I guess we got the same instructions as you did. Or at least broadly the same.”

  Liam sounded reasonable as he watched the men on the far side of the table, “I don’t suppose you’d like to share your instructions so we could compare them with ours.”

  Gunner flinched as he said, “Our instructions are highly confidential.”

  “Oh,” Declan laughed, “Highly confidential, are they?” He looked at Liam, “Because ours are just confidential. Plain old ordinary confidential. Vanilla confidential.”

  Liam’s eyes were hooded, “But that means we don’t share them.”

  Declan said, “At all.”

  Liam leaned back, speaking to Declan, “So, what would you think highly confidential meant?”

  Declan thought a moment, “I’d guess it would mean that we still wouldn’t tell anyone, but we better kill them anyway, in case they guessed.”

  Liam looked from Gunner to Horst. “So that means you should be pretty fucking glad.”

  Neither of them wanted to speak. Declan said, “Because we never, ever take any notice of instructions.”

  The beginning of a smile lit Liam’s face. “We never got good marks for doing what we’re told.”

  I felt a little sorry for Horst and Gunner. Just then Declan looked at me and then to Liam. “Do you think we should ask our lovely Miss Dairy Queen here to blow the German boys under the table?”

  “Do you think she would?”

  “I fucking know she wants to.”

  “How the fuck do you know that?”

  “Well, it’s easy to tell if you put your hand up her skirt and in her pussy.”

  “Have you had your hand in our little Miss Soda Fountain this whole time?”

  He had. I blushed.

  Liam looked at me. “Well?”

  Well, it was true. The two Germans had been on my mind some. They were big and broad, strong in a military kind of a way and disciplined. That gave me a
shiver. Their eyes were dreamy, like they were half bad and half good, and you could see both at the same time. And their asses were insanely bite-able.

  I looked at Declan, then back at Liam. I knew they wouldn’t mind, or at least, they’d agree and they’d let me do it. They were such gentlemen, there was nothing they would ever refuse me.

  This was their business meeting, though. And they hadn’t yet decided how it was going to wind up. I thought about it carefully. Now that the idea was out there, out in the room – Gunner and Horst had moved in their chairs enough times that I was pretty certain I knew their feelings on the matter. And the thought of two long, hot, German sausages got my juices surging and churning.

  Men don’t always know how they’re going to feel about a thing until it happens, though. I could get up, walk around the room, Gunner and Horst would straighten up to watch me. I imagined both of them fighting to keep their eyes on mine as I strutted slowly around the table. Trying to stop their stares from sliding all over the slash down the front of my soft dress, over the way it hugs my ass. And my thighs.

  Then I’d stand behind their chairs. Look into Declan’s and Liam’s eyes. While my hands slipped down the German’s chests. Crook my finger to lift their chins. Stand too close while they looked up. Stand near. With my feet apart. Feel their hot breath fan the tops of my thighs. And my pussy.

  Watch Declan and Liam as I ran my hands down the two men’s shirts. Slipped them inside their pants. Pop out their cocks. Would they be as hard as they looked, or as long? Would they be identical?

  Oh, and then. Mmm. Then there would be a lot of filthy thrills. But all I really cared about was Declan and Liam. Those boys meant everything to me.

  I wouldn’t do anything unless I knew they were going to be okay with it. Was this going to be that time?

  Looking from Horst to Gunner and back, I said. “Maybe. Once. But not now.”

  As soon as I’d said it, I felt how it was from Declan and Liam. I’d show the Germans that I would make my own decision, and that I belonged absolutely to Liam and Declan. I was theirs. We were together.

  Thinking that, a surge ran though me.

  Gunner was obviously embarrassed and he changed the subject. “It’s pretty good news about Horst getting the driver’s job, no?”

  Liam asked Horst, “When do you start?”

  “Day after tomorrow.”

  “And this conference, summit thing in Germany, it starts on the weekend?”

  “That’s right.”

  “Are you sure he’s going to take you?”

  Horst smiled and his eyebrow dipped at the same time. “But I’m his driver. He will want to have a driver, surely.”

  Declan spoke up, “Maybe, but he might not be so keen to take one he’s known for only a few days.”

  From the faces of the two Germans, it was something they obviously hadn’t considered.

  “Then we would just have to make a different plan,” Gunner said, although he didn’t sound too confident. Liam spoke gently, like he was giving bad news to a child.

  “It will have to be a plan that involves the two of you not being seen.” The Germans frowned.

  Liam told them patiently, “If Hammer deLunghi has just hired you, then he leaves you behind while he takes a foreign trip, and then you’re seen there, he’s going to know right away that something sketchy is occurring. He’d be tipped right off and he’d know that some deeply nefarious dealing is taking place.”

  Declan said, “And that means both of you. Obviously.”

  “Why obviously? Oh, wait. No, that is obvious. I just forget sometimes.”

  “Are you,” Declan started. Somehow I knew what he was going to ask.

  We all wanted to know, but Gunner cut across him. “So that could be disastrous. If you’re right and he chooses to take someone else instead of Horst, that could make things very complicated.”

  “Unless you two are masters of disguise,” Liam smiled, “Yes, it could.”

  “Do you have a suggestion if that’s the case?”

  “If it is? If I were in your shoes, and Hammer chooses not to take you, I’d take it as a sign that he’s on his guard.”

  “And,” Declan offered, “That if he or any of his guys see either of you over there, you’ll have a hard time getting through that day without a trip to the hereafter.”

  The Germans frowned. I wasn’t sure if they understood what Declan said, but I kept quiet. I wanted to stay out of the conversation, at least at the beginning. Give all the men the opportunity to sound each other out and size each other up.

  I felt Declan tense up, seeing how the Germans hadn’t thought that possibility through. Liam said then, “Have you given a lot of thought to possible methods? Means and methods of completing the delivery?”


  “Since you were so scathing about the three-point sniper idea,” Gunner lifted his chin, “We considered a hijacking.”

  “Listen,” Declan cut in, “Anything that involves driving or the car at all, if you take my advice you should leave it right out.”

  Horst looked pained. “Why?”

  “Because you’re the new boy. If you take the boss into any situation that he doesn’t come out of, you’re the suspect.”

  “But we are very good at evading the German police…”

  Liam lifted his fingers from the table, “It isn’t the police you want to be worrying about.”

  “Don’t you think that the operation has been contracted by one of his colleagues?”

  “Quite possibly. And if it was, then they’ll be doubly keen to make sure there’s nobody around to tell the tale.”

  “No,” Declan said, “If anything, you being his driver could be more of a problem for you than an asset.”

  “Whose idea was that, by the way? You getting the driver’s job?” Liam asked quietly.

  Horst’s voice was low and even. “It was presented to us. It was an opportunity.”

  Liam nodded. “You’re being set up, my friends.”

  “Maybe,” Gunner said, “Maybe this is why the job needs four of us.”

  “Two teams.” Horst offered.

  “Double teaming?” Declan said with an evil grin.

  “Won’t you even think about it?” Gunner asked.

  I asked him, “Why don’t you just let this one go? Take a pass and wait for the next thing.”

  The slow breath that Declan took and the wrinkle on Liam’s lips told me, I’d asked the right question. It made me squirm to think I could be useful to them like this. I also sensed that they knew the answer. Horst and Gunner looked at each other and the looks on their faces were pained.


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