Four Hitmen: A Quadrouple Bad Boy Mafia Hot Romance (Lawless Book 3)

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Four Hitmen: A Quadrouple Bad Boy Mafia Hot Romance (Lawless Book 3) Page 8

by Alice May Ball

“Okay.” Declan said, “I’ll make it easy for you. You weren’t given a choice, right?”

  The Germans’ fingers spread on the table. Long, strong fingers, I couldn’t help noticing.

  Liam suggested, “You were told to take this job if you wanted any more work from that source. Would that be about the size of it?”

  The blond men nodded slowly.

  Declan and Liam had established themselves as completely dominant over these massive German men. And I had given them the opening to do it. I had opened the door. They would have done it without me, I know, and easily. But it felt wonderful and thrilling to play an active part. To help them show and wield power over the two German killers.

  Declan spoke slowly, “If you want my view, you boys have got plenty of skills for the delivery. Where you’re lacking is in the planning.”

  “To be fair,” Liam said, “It doesn’t look like you’ve done a lot of research here.”

  Gunner and Horst were quiet.

  Declan’s voice was soft. “There’s three stages you have to get right. There’s the plan. You learn about your target. Really get to know them so you know where they’ll be and how they’re going to act. After that there’s the transaction itself.”

  Liam chipped in, “That’s where I’m sure you two are strong. But it’s only one part of the game.”

  Declan opened his hands. “Then there’s the exit phase. If you haven’t got both of the first two parts right, that’s where you’ll come unstuck.”

  “Something unpredictable will happen.” Liam said.

  Declan nodded. “Always does. It’s the only thing you can predict with any certainty. The exit phase is where you’ll pay if you didn’t get to know your target.”

  “Three parts.” Liam said. “Fumble any one of them and you’re fucked in the ass before you start.”

  There was enough tension in the air to taste it. I wanted to fuck Liam and Declan right then. And both of the Germans, too. I was so excited I could hardly sit still.

  Liam stood. Strong and magnificent. “We’ll be in touch, boys.”

  As he rose, Declan said, “Thanks for the drinks. Don’t do anything stupid or hasty now.”

  It took me some effort to stand, but I did it and I managed not to show the trembling that shook my insides.

  ECLAN DROVE US back. “You definitely would have liked to, though, wouldn’t you?”

  Liam sat in the back with Courtenay nuzzled against him. Her hand was high on his thigh. She squeezed. He lifted her chin with his finger, “It’s the truth though, isn’t it?”

  Courtenay pouted and traced the creases on Liam’s pants with her finger. “You know I only want whatever you two want.”

  She looked in his face, “You know what? I thought that you wanted it, wanted me to hike up my dress, crawl under the table and take out their cocks, then lick them and blow on them and suck them,” she checked both men. Declan shifted his ass down in the driving seat. Liam’s thighs clenched and his hips rocked.

  “I thought you wanted me to hold their cocks and rub them.” She looked up into the driver’s mirror to catch Declan’s eyes, then back to Liam. “Then catch them deep in my mouth. Maybe shove them into my throat. Do you think they’d like that little optional extra, Declan?”

  Declan cleared his throat and grinned. “Thinking of when you’ve had my cock that deep in your neck that my balls jiggle tight against your chin, I think they’d have absolutely fucking loved that.”

  “So, I could have done that. Maybe sucked them both right off.”

  “And I wouldn’t have minded you doing that at all.” Declan’s voice had a dark relish.

  “Ah, no.” Liam said thickly.

  She said, “Right there in the restaurant? What if a waiter had come in? While I was there, under the table?”

  Liam gripped her ass. “He might not have seen you.”

  “He might not have noticed my ass, you mean, high, bobbing and bare? Weeping wet and raw while I swallowed the fat frankfurters.”

  Declan’s tongue slipped between his lips, “Maybe not at first. He might have stood by the table with a tray in his hand. Unaware until he heard you.”

  “Ah,” Liam tugged on the back of her hair, “That wet, moaning, sucking sound that you make. That would have caught his attention.”

  Declan agreed. “Sooner or later it would.”

  “And what would you have done about that, little fellating fairy?” Liam’s dark grin shocked the breath out of her. “With your ass up in the air and your gorgeous, plump little pussy all swollen and wet.” The tip of his tongue grazed along the sharp edges of his teeth. “What would you have done for the poor waiter, awkward and conspicuous as his prick prodded out to make a tent in his uniform pants? What might you have done to appease his raging ardor?”

  “Would you have just squirmed and wriggled your lovely ass at him to tease him?” Declan’s voice was low and gravelly. “Would you have let him get all worked up at the sight of you?”

  “And the heat and the scent of you?” Liam tugged sharply on her hair.

  “Should I have done that, Liam?”

  “I don’t remember us taking this long on the highway to get there,” Liam said, “Are you sure you didn’t miss a turn?”

  “Ah, you love to fucking wind me up, don’t you? You’re just getting all agitated, thinking of out Miss Pouting Pussy’s soft, round ass bobbing up and down near that waiter and his dick stretching his pants while he tries to hold the tray steady.” Declan shifted in the seat. “You just focus on the matters in hand.”

  Liam’s hand slid under Courtenay’s ass. “I’ve got what matters in my hand right now.”

  “You bastard.” Declan swerved comically and he chuckled. “Are you going to fuck her now, while all I can do is watch in the fucking mirror?”

  Courtenay licked her lips and ran her hand up the inside of Liam’s thigh. “Are you, Liam? Are you going to beat me inside and out with your damned rhythm stick while we bounce along the highway now?”

  “If I did that, you’d get our boy Declan all hot under the fucking collar. He’s apt to lose concentration when all the blood drains out of his brain to pump up his cock.”

  Her eyes found Declan’s in the mirror again. “He does have an enormous cock. And it gets so very hard,” she sighed.

  Liam’s fingers spread her wings and circled her clit. “That amount of blood, pumped up to put his cock under all that pressure, it would be about enough to fill two Boy Scouts.” As he fingered her slower and harder, her hands clawed at his leg. Liam tilted his chin, “He’d likely run us off the road and into a wreck.”

  “So,” she breathed, “What are you going to do, Liam?”

  “You mean about the hit and the Germans? What are we going to do about that?”

  Her eyes rolled as first one of his fingers, then two pressed up inside her. She gasped. “No, Liam. I mean what are you going to do about me?”

  He drew his fingers out. Lifted them to his nose. Then he leaned forward with his hand stretched toward Declan. “Here. What do you think we should do about her?”

  Slowly, theatrically slowly, Declan turned his head to sniff. He thought a moment, sniffed again. Then he nodded. “I’d say make her wait.”

  Courtenay groaned. Liam said, “That’s what I was thinking.”

  “But I’m hot now, boys.”

  “True,” Liam agreed, “But I know you. If I make you wait, you’ll be on fire.”

  “She’ll burn her clothes right off.” Declan laughed.

  The three bodies, arms, legs and hair tumbled back into the hotel suite. Liam laughed as he crossed the room to get champagne from the refrigerator. “I thought you were going to stick it up her ass earlier.”

  Declan slapped Courtenay’s ass to propel her along. She squealed. He shut the door behind him. “Before we went to meet the Aryan wonders?”

  “Yeah. I thought you were.”

  “We were a little bit pushed for time though.”

>   “But we’re not now.”

  “No, that’s true. Do you have some reason for me getting up her ass? Are you after something, or is this your way of attempting to distract my attention from something?”

  “Not at all.”

  Courtenay leaned against the back of a couch and spread her arms out along it. Her legs were parted. “Only,” Declan stood in front of her. He looked at Liam as he idly lifted her skirt. “Do you not think we should come to a decision?”

  “About the other thing?”

  Courtenay put a finger on the side of Declan’s chin and turned his face to her. Her eyes flashed. He stood, tall and erect, his feet between her splayed legs. She pressed the side of her knee against his.

  Liam opened the champagne and poured a foaming flow into three flutes. “Do you want to do it?”

  Declan looked in Courtenay’s eye. He didn’t move as she pressed her leg against his. He still had hold of her skirt. “Do I want to go to Germany with Donner und Blitzen?”

  “Yeah.” Liam brought the glasses over.

  “Go to some summit of international Mafiosos?”

  “Would that be ‘Mafiosos’ or ‘Mafiosi’?”

  “You can fucking ask them if you want. I’m not going near that shit.”

  Liam chuckled as he raised his glass. Declan and Courtenay raised their glasses to him, then to each other. Courtenay chinked her glass with each of the two men. After a sip, she bit her lip. Pressed her tongue against the bottom lip. She lowered her chin and looked up at Liam, then Declan. She was about to speak.

  Liam’s phone rang.

  While it was still in his pocket, he said, “Well, I can’t say I know who this is going to be, but I bet I know what they’re going to be asking.”

  Declan moved to the window. Liam took out his phone. Declan looked back over his shoulder as Liam looked at the screen, the up at him to mouth the name, ‘Arden.’

  He turned as he answered. “Yes. Hello. Yes,” into the phone. “Yes. Grand.” He said. “Yourself?” then, “Yes. I thought you would be. No. We just got back. No, no, we haven’t yet. No. I understand.” A pause. “Of course. And I will.” Another, “I will, yes. Definitely. And I’ll be back on with you.” He held the phone in both hands and looked at Declan. “I will. I’ll do that. Straight away.” His eyes closed, then opened slowly. “I will. I guarantee it.” And “Okay. Thanks. Yup.” Finally, “Bye, now. Yes. Right away. Yes. Okay. Bye.” And he hung up.

  From the window, Declan was looking at him. Liam said, “Fucker.”

  Declan nodded and took a pull of his champagne. “Fucker.”

  “So.” Liam stood in the middle of the room. “It’s a serious thing.”

  “Right,” said Declan.

  “We’ll have to be clear. And we’ll have to be pretty certain in our minds.”

  “Either way.” Declan agreed. “It’s a huge decision.”

  “Could blow right up in our faces, whichever way we go.” Liam took a long, slow breath in.

  Declan thought a moment. “I don’t suppose we’d have time for a fuck first.”

  “You didn’t hear him on the phone.”

  “I saw your face though. Come on, let’s kick it about real quick.” Declan took Courtenay’s hand and tugged her along as he moved around the couch to sit.

  Liam sat on the other couch. He said, “You don’t want to do it, do you?”

  “I do and I don’t.”

  “Well, that’s very fucking helpful.”

  “Well, why don’t you just say then? You can be the decider on this one. Do you want to do it?”


  “Well, that’s it, then.”

  Liam sat forward, “But…”

  “Ah, for fuck’s sake.” Declan stood up fast. “It’s not like you to dither and fuck around, what the fuck is wrong with you?”

  “It will make a difference to how we get our business in the future.”

  Declan sat back down slowly. “Did he say that?”

  Liam nodded.

  Declan took a slug from the glass. “Well, fuck them. We’re not bloody wage-slaves. The whole point of this is not to be under the thumb of some fucking miserable boss. If they want to be like that, fucking let them.” He finished the glass and strode across the room to fetch the bottle.

  Pouring for the others and then himself, he said, “Those two blond bombshells, I can see a dozen different ways they won’t get through this with their nine lives intact.”

  Liam nodded.

  Declan went on, “Those two are so far out of their depth, they could both easily find themselves getting badly killed.” He took a drink, “And when they do, then where is our lord and master going to go to get his inconveniences sorted out and his wrinkles all smoothed?”

  “Good point.”

  “Anyway,” Declan paced. “That damned job’s probably Jonah’d from the start. It’s a fuckfest in hot treacle. It’s stupid dangerous. Who’d want to go near it?”

  Liam’s phone rang. He was about to speak but he stopped himself. He jumped up as he snatched the phone out of his pocket. “Yes?”

  He listened. “Yes.” He looked at Declan. Then at Courtenay. “Yes.” He closed his eyes. “I’ve said ‘Yes,’ haven’t I? Yes.” And he hung up. Declan stared at Liam and blinked.

  “What the fuck just happened?”

  “Well, that was your fault.”

  Declan laughed. He finished his champagne. “You mean because I said it was too dangerous?”

  Liam picked up the bottle and drained it into the three flutes. “You did that on purpose.”

  “Well,” Declan was still laughing. “Maybe our bouncy Miss Slurpalot will get to chug down the twins’ Teutonic loads after all.”

  N BERLIN I went with Liam and Declan, pretty much wherever they went. That meant shadowing and following the mob boss, Hammer. We sat in a hotel bar, we followed him to a conference center, we sat across the street while he ate lunch in a café. And we skulked in the shadows in the back of a titty bar.

  “Two men and a gorgeous girl,” Liam said, “If we don’t get friendly with the locals pretty fast, we’re going to get ourselves noticed.” So we had CoCo, a hot and sensual black girl, come to the table and dance. Then her friend Petra. Then the two of them. They were nice to us and I liked them.

  Liam and Declan definitely liked the way that CoCo stepped onto the glass table and started to shake her fabulous assets. Even though it gave me mixed feelings, and some pangs, I could appreciate how sexy and gorgeous she was. Her luscious flesh glistened as she danced, rolled her pelvis and turned with a look over her shoulder as she swayed her fantastic ass.

  Sitting wedged between the two men, my hands, all of their own accord wanted to reach for the boys’ thighs. For their cocks even. But I didn’t want to be needy. Or possessive. Well, I did want to be possessive. But I didn’t at the same time.

  I whispered into Declan’s ear, “Isn’t she fabulous?” He nodded with a grin. I asked him, “Don’t you want to fuck her?” With the same grin, he shook his head and looked in my eye. “I want to fuck you, my Angel of the Alleys. Only you.”


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