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Four Hitmen: A Quadrouple Bad Boy Mafia Hot Romance (Lawless Book 3)

Page 10

by Alice May Ball

  Liam smiled innocently and aimlessly as he murmured, “I think they’ve seen him in a temper before.”

  Declan looked around as he folded his napkin. “It tells you something about him, doesn’t it? Look how they’re all fawning and distracting him. The man’s a fucking time bomb.”

  “A booby-trapped time-bomb at that.”

  While three henchmen congratulated Hammer on the biggest brandy glass any of them had ever seen and the man-sized safe poured it half full from the bottle, Declan and Liam slipped quietly away.

  Out on the street, Liam said, “Did you see Gunner come back?”

  “I did not.” Liam’s lips tightened. “How far do you think we can trust those two?”

  “Now you’re getting a little too philosophical for me, my friend. You know I try to avoid all that kind of speculative talk. I don’t have the head for it.”

  Liam called Gunner’s cellphone. “Straight to voicemail.”

  NXIOUS, I LOOKED up and down the dark alley outside the back of the restaurant. A cab squealed its tires as it stopped right in front of me. I got in the back. I’d expected to see Liam or Declan, or both of them. There was nobody but the driver. Panicking I said, “Wait. What’s happening?” but the driver said nothing. The car lurched and I was thrown back into my seat as he pulled away, fast.

  He drove through the backstreets of the city. Looking out the window, I tried to get some kind of a sense of where I was, where he was taking me, but it was useless. I recognized almost nothing of the city, I had no idea even of what direction we were going and, in any case, there was nothing I could do before we stopped somewhere.

  What would Liam do? I asked myself. He’d use his tie or his belt and wrap it around the driver’s neck. Make him stop, then make him say what was going on. The driver was taking a winding route, wherever he was taking me.

  I wasn’t wearing a tie and my belt wouldn’t strangle anyone. Added to which, the driver already acted like he didn’t speak English and I didn’t know any German. So, if I succeeded, I could wind up strangling a perfectly nice cab driver and being stranded in the middle of a strange city.

  He took a turn and the streets got narrower, darker and less populated. When we slowed at a light, I grabbed for the door handle. The driver let out a quiet, rasping laugh. The door was locked. That laugh sounded familiar. I had heard it before, but I couldn’t place it.

  Thinking I had no choice, I sat back and tried to enjoy the ride. I wasn’t too successful. When the cab slipped into an underground parking lot, my stomach sank. The driver took us into a dark corner, deep in the basement level. He stopped in a corner, then shut off the engine and the lights.

  He said, “Maybe we have a few moments together here. What do you think?”

  As he slowly turned, I scooted across to the far corner of the seat. I had nothing but my nails as weapons, but I was ready to use them.

  “So.” The driver said. His voice was definitely one that I knew. He turned but in the darkness I couldn’t see his face. The doors of another car opened and slammed shut behind us. Footsteps approached.

  “So, you have a plan, yes?” I peered in the gloom but it was no good.

  “I think you’d better tell us what it is that you’re planning.” I froze.

  Both of the rear doors of the car opened.

  From outside I heard, “So, what the fucking fuck was all that about?”

  It was Liam’s voice. From the other side, Declan slid in beside me. Then Liam.

  IAM AND DECLAN squeezed in tight either side of her. When they shut the doors the little light in the roof of the car went off and they were in darkness.

  As she told them what happened, Liam’s eyes widened.

  “You’ve no reason to put yourself in danger like that. You could have gotten very seriously hurt.”

  From the front, Horst said, “It’s a very bold move though, isn’t it?”

  Declan pulled her close. “I worry about you. Doing a thing like that. Not even talking to us about it first.”

  “Really,” Liam agreed. “It’s not for you to be sticking your neck out like that. You could have gotten yourself seriously hurt.”

  Declan squeezed her waist. “Killed, even. You could get killed. Provoking a man like Hammer deLunghi. What were you thinking?”

  She put her hands on both men’s thighs. “He’s a bully. A bully and a thug.”

  Declan drew in a long breath. “Well, um…”

  And Liam said, “I’m thinking that what my friend means is, are you fucking serious? We know that.”

  Courtenay went on, “But what I’m saying is, he’s a type. I sensed it, watching him at the table. He has to have all the attention, he can’t stand to be ignored, he can’t stand anyone being more important than him, not even for a second. And he gets what he wants through intimidation, fear, and violence.”

  Declan laughed. “Well, congratulations. That’s actually a perfect definition of a successful mob boss.”

  “But I mean sexually. He’s a type in that way.” That got their attention.

  “He loves pain and he loves domination. He wants to be dominated. Probably wants to be humiliated, too.”

  “Oh,” Liam said, “So you think going out of your way to enrage a maniac is a way to have some fun? I know you’re crazy, my little cherry bomb, but I didn’t think you were fucking mad.”

  “I’m not.” She slapped Liam’s thigh. “Just hear me out.”

  “You know,” Declan knocked her leg with his own, “I think you might be. A bit crazy in the coconut.”

  They both shook their heads as she told them her plan. Horst turned to lean nearer. When she went over the details a second time, Horst said, “It’s pretty well-thought-out. You have to admit that.”

  Liam’s eyes flicked up and even in the darkness, Horst understood and he shut up.

  Liam turned back to Courtenay. “Why didn’t you at least tell us what you were going to do?”

  Declan nodded, “You had me fucking worried there.”

  She looked from one to the other in turn. “You’d have stopped me.”

  Declan nodded, “Can’t argue with you there.”

  Liam drew a long breath and was quiet for a moment. Then he said, “This whole thing is just un-fucking workable. I said so from the get go.”

  Declan agreed. “We knew it was chancy, taking a swing at the man. He’s too well guarded everywhere he goes.”

  Courtenay sounded hurt. “I don’t see what’s wrong with my idea.”

  Liam’s voice was gentle. Soothing. “Honey lips, you’ve put yourself out on the line for this, and I know it. And I’m so pleased and grateful, I can’t think how to tell you.”

  Declan moved in closer as he added, “Yeah, I am, too. I can maybe think of one or two ways that I could show you how pleased and grateful I am.”

  Liam looked in her eyes, “But I don’t want you to be putting yourself in that kind of danger. Not ever.”

  Declan’s voice was low, “Not for anything. Anything of that kind comes up, I want, we want to be the ones to protect you from it.”

  “Exactly,” Liam said “Definitely, I don’t want us to be the cause or the reason behind it.”

  Declan announced, “This whole job has been just too risky a proposition from the off. He’s surrounded in company the whole time. He’s too well guarded.”

  Liam pulled her nearer. “And he’s far too dangerous a customer for you to ever go fucking near. It’s a brave thing that you did.”

  “And we love you for it,” Declan held her waist and took her hand “But we can’t let you do any of that.”

  “There’s just too many ways for it to blow up in your face.” Liam took her other hand. “We’re going home.”

  She gasped, “No.”

  Liam looked deep in her eyes as he continued, “We’re going home and that’s final.” Then, “Horst, will you drive us back to the hotel, please?”

  Horst bit his lip, but he turned back and starte
d the car up.

  Courtenay looked at Declan, then Liam, pleading with her eyes. “Won’t you even think about it?”

  Liam’s smile was soft. “I have, I’ve thought about it. We’re going home and we’re going to take you to Vegas.”

  Declan laughed. “Now, that’s the best idea I’ve heard since we decided to come here.”

  On the drive back to their hotel, Courtenay glanced at the two men occasionally, but most of the way, she looked down at her hands.

  Declan brightened. “You didn’t do all of that just so you could get the feel of Gunner’s tongue parting your lovely folds, did you?”

  Liam pressed in tighter to her side and pushed his thigh against hers. “Was it worth it? Did you love it?”

  Declan spoke close into her hair, “Does he have a strong and limber tongue? Did he make a tough point to tingle your excitable bean?”

  Liam’s voice was firm and low, “Did you pour a glass of your lovely sweet wine into his mouth? Mm?”

  She squirmed.

  “That’s not what all of this is about, is it?” Declan teased.

  “No.” She frowned as she drew the word out. She noticed Horst’s neck redden.

  Liam hauled suitcases out of closets and was opening them around the bedroom. Courtenay ran behind Declan as he pulled his clothes out of drawers and stacked them on the bed ready to pack. She said, “Can’t we at least talk about it?”

  “Of course we can.” Declan stopped and he turned to face her. “Let’s talk. You’d really like to stay and do the hit. Is that right?”

  “Yes,” her eyebrows lifted, pleading. “I really would. We’ve come so far. And I think my plan would work.”

  “It might,” Declan agreed. “But it puts you in too much danger.”

  “And that’s why we’re going to Vegas instead.” Liam told her.

  “It’s good we had this talk.” Declan smiled, “Right? I’m glad we got it all cleared up.”

  Horst called Declan. He held the phone away from his ear so they could all hear. “Look, at least will you come down to the bar and meet me? Just let’s talk it through.”

  Declan smiled and shook his head. “Everybody wants to talk all of a sudden. I’ve never known this line of work to be all about debate and committees, for fuck’s sake. What’s next, meetings and corporate fucking accountability?”

  Liam seized the phone, “Yeah. While we’re about it, we’ll be sure to get the mark’s point of view. Give him a questionnaire and build his feedback into a fucking service agreement. Should we arrange a fucking focus group? Has everybody gone stark raving fucking mad?”

  “Look, just let me put it this way, Courtenay’s plan could work. She’s got enough of the actual mechanics of the thing in place. We could actually do it. He’s expecting her in about half an hour. We could be all done and gone before the morning light.”

  “Okay, just let me put it this way for you, all right? ‘N’ fucking ‘O.’ No.” And he hung up. Immediately the phone rang. He snarled at Declan, “Call the desk and get a fucking bellhop and get those bags taken down, will you?”

  Reddening, he stabbed the screen on the phone.

  “Have I not made myself abundantly clear, I’m abso…” he paused. “Oh.” And he was quiet a moment. “No, Mr. Arden. But there’s…” another pause. “Yes. Yes, I understand.” Then, “Of course.” He pressed his lips together and his head tilted back while he listened. After a moment. “Yes, we have.” His eyes closed. “No, I’m certain it’s going to go perfectly.”

  Declan grinned as he shook his head slowly. “And I suppose that’s all my fault, too, is it?”

  “We should have been on the way to the airport.” Liam mumbled.

  “So, you’d have told him, ‘Oh, so sorry we’re in the cab now. What can we do? We’re heading the wrong way, we’re driving out of town.’ That would have convinced him all right.” Declan began to put the clothes back into the drawers. “Are you going to meet with Horst like he wanted?”

  Liam’s jaw clenched. Declan stepped over to him and put a hand on his shoulder. Liam cast a look into the corner of the room where Courtenay conspicuously wasn’t saying anything.

  N HAMMER’S HOTEL, I took the elevator up to Hammer deLunghi’s suite. A family of tourists and two businessmen were in the car with me. It frustrated me. I wanted to hold out my hand, see how steady I could keep it. Perhaps I was better off not knowing.

  When I got out, I saw deLunghi’s bodyguard from along the length of the hallway. He must have been one of the biggest men I’d ever seen. None of us had heard from Gunner since I left him in the restaurant. It wasn’t surprising. But it was pretty scary.

  We had made a backup plan. Liam had. For if Gunner didn’t or couldn’t show up. Even I thought it was a risky plan, and I knew nothing at all. When Liam laid it out, Horst and Declan and I nodded. I avoided thinking about reasons for why Gunner might appear.

  The walk down that hallway felt long. Like the longest walk I ever took. That huge man watched me all the way. Every step. White teeth gleamed bright. His heavy brow hid his eyes. Eventually I stopped in front of him. My heart was in my mouth.

  The doorway was filled by him. He just looked at me. After he’d looked, he lifted his chin.

  My voice cracked a little. “I’m here to see Mr. deLunghi.”

  “To see?” his grin spread slowly wider. “Is that what you’re calling it?” With a slow blink, he rapped on the door. DeLunghi’s voice called out from the room. The bodyguard opened the door and stood aside. When I stepped in, he closed the door behind me. Whatever confidence I had slipped off me like cold water.

  Hammer deLunghi looked about as angry as he had last time I saw him. Maybe he was always angry. He seemed the type. As he ushered me in, I heard the elevator bell again.

  He had a tumbler with a big measure of dark amber spirit. He didn’t offer me any. He didn’t offer me anything. He waited until I was in the center of the room, then he lifted his hand high. Pointed a finger down and made a turning motion. I thought of something Declan said, ‘Must’ve truanted out of charm school.’

  It should have been enough to make me laugh. It wasn’t. He watched me turn around. His eyes flashed from my ankles to my face. Then trickled back. Whatever he was seeing made a grin light his narrow eyes and pull the insides of his cheeks.

  My lips were dry. The inside of my mouth, too. What got me into this was my showing him authority. Disdain. Power. I didn’t feel any of it now. Now there were only the two of us in the room. And his huge bodyguard outside. Maybe Liam was right. That this was way too dangerous.

  He made a step toward me. My overpowering instinct was to step away. I didn’t. I put my feet apart. Turned to face him.

  “My driver is supposed to be here,” he looked at his watch. “Maybe we should start without him.”

  Without a word I lifted my chin. He shrank back. It gave me confidence in my instincts. I knew what to do. It was just the struggle to do it. And to fight the negative impulses.

  “You didn’t know he was my driver, did you?”

  He was just stalling. At that moment, I was sure that I’d read him right. He had a fixed idea of how things were going to happen and it was like a fetish. The ritual had to follow the steps. All in order.


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