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Four Hitmen: A Quadrouple Bad Boy Mafia Hot Romance (Lawless Book 3)

Page 12

by Alice May Ball

  He waited. His eyes rolled. “I said ‘No,’ in every language that I know. Sir. We did this solely and entirely because you very badly wanted it done.” He looked down as he listened. Then back up. “No. No, all I want ‘above and beyond’ as you put it, is a swift and very discreet exit. And I don’t think that would be a major inconvenience for you to arrange. Sir. If you don’t mind my saying so.” Then. “I will. And all the very best to you, too. Sir.”

  Declan and Courtenay stood silent. Watching him as he hung up. “He’ll call me back.”

  On the drive out to the airport, Courtenay was still quiet. She only roused a little when the driver passed the turn for the terminal and headed for a private zone.

  Declan tried to cheer her up. “You did great work there.”

  Liam joined in, “And the plan was a masterpiece. You read him like a cheap novel. Like the back of a cereal packet.”

  “And you kept your head, too.” Declan peered into her face. “That was a stressful situation.”

  Liam nodded, “Rapidly developing, as we said in the Special Ops group.”

  She nodded as she looked out of the window.

  Declan’s voice was soft, “Did it upset you? The scene and all the… you know?”

  Her head shook.

  “No,” Liam said, “It’s because you didn’t get a chance to say goodbye to Gunner and Horst. Not properly. To decompress. Have completion and closure. That’s it, isn’t it?”

  She pressed her lips together.

  Declan looked across her to Liam. “You’re on the right track, I’d say.”

  Liam nodded. “Near. But not quite on the money.”

  A frown briefly wrinkled her brow.

  Liam leaned closer. “Was there maybe a little something missing?” She looked at him, “Something incomplete, maybe?” Her lips pursed, “Something you wanted to say to them?”

  Declan touched her shoulder, “Or do, maybe? Was there a little something that you felt you’d left undone?”

  Her lips were pressed together as her head shook.

  “It was just all a bit… stressful,” she frowned. “You two are all that I want. You know that.”

  The car swept through a gate in a chainlink fence, held open by a uniformed guard. They crossed an expanse of tarmac in the darkness to a small aircraft, parked way out on its own. Lights were on inside and the car pulled up by a small row of steps.

  Two men in coveralls went to the back of the cab to unload the trunk. Outside the wind was cold and they had to lean, even for the short walk to the stairs, to board. Declan and Courtenay followed Liam up into the plane. In the hushed, carpeted cabin, the lights were soft and low. About a dozen individual, leather-covered seats sat vacant in pairs, lining the two sides.

  Declan sat at the front. Liam took a window seat across the aisle form him. Courtenay sat by the aisle in the back. Coming out of a separate compartment at the rear, their attendant was a neat blonde, uniformed and efficient. She offered them drinks. Declan asked for a bourbon and coffee. Liam took a brandy. Courtenay said she’d just like water.

  After she served drinks, the attendant stood at the front of the cabin to make an announcement.

  “We’re due for take-off in eleven minutes. Our flight-time to Las Vegas McCarran is estimated at about eight and a half hours, but the captain will tell you more when we’re underway. We’re ready to close the door and make final preparation. We’re only waiting for two more passengers. In the meantime, I hope you aren’t too cold. If you’d like a blanket, or anything else, now or while we’re in flight, please let me know.”

  Out of the window, Courtenay watched a long, black car snake slowly across the apron. It stopped by the steps. She couldn’t see who got out and she wasn’t interested enough to crane her neck and try to see. There small plane moved a little at the weight of footsteps coming up the stairs.

  The attendant stepped smartly to the door and said, “Welcome aboard. You’re in perfect time.”

  Liam and Declan smiled and rose. Courtenay barely looked around. Then, from the corner of her eye she saw them. The last two passengers were Gunner and Horst.

  ADLY, I WANTED to hug Horst and Gunner, but until we were in the air, I had to be content with squeezing hands as they hurried to get seated. The stewardess, Aileen, said we all had to sit down right away and strap in until after takeoff. She was sorry but it was because we were late moving off.

  After takeoff Aileen pulled out a sturdy glass table. She locked it into place at the back of the cabin. When she had set out snacks and drinks, she told us, “I will be in the crew cabin at the back. I’ll leave you in complete privacy during the flight. Any time you need or want anything, just push one of the call buttons and I’ll come right away.” She smiled at each of them. “Otherwise, make yourselves comfortable and please enjoy the journey. It’s a pleasure to have you all aboard.”

  She smiled. Then as she ducked away she said, “Oh, the seat belt light is off now, so do feel free to move about the cabin as you wish.” She made a little wave and then she shut the door behind her.

  Declan and Liam sprang to shake hands with Horst and Gunner. I jumped up to hug everyone. I gave Declan a kiss first, and Liam almost at the same time. Then Gunner. He straightened very nicely against me. Then Horst. Horst hugged me back in a way that would have set me on fire if I hadn’t already been burning.

  I kissed everyone again, then I quickly went back to get us all drinks.

  Liam had a twinkle in his eye as he said, “So glad you could make it,” to Horst and Gunner.

  Declan grinned. “I thought you two might have wanted to be staying on in Germany.”

  Gunner said, “What, now that we’ve pulled off a triumph with the two superstar hitmen?” he grinned, “Our careers are going to skyrocket.”

  Liam shook his head. Horst told us all, “He’s kidding. You know that, right?”

  Liam looked at Gunner. Horst said, “Neither of us are going to be indiscreet.”

  Declan slapped his shoulder. “We’ll get your German sense of humor.”

  “We’ll pick it up,” Liam said, “Just give us a couple of decades.”

  Gunner and Horst smiled as they turned to me. I couldn’t stop myself from beaming at all four men. I was shaky where I stood.

  Liam’s phone rang. Before he answered he looked at the screen and said, “Perhaps congratulations are in order.”

  Declan bit the inside of his cheek. “That would be a first.”

  Liam answered the call. His face froze. Then it fell. Then he sat.

  “But…” and “How…?” then, “We can’t have. I don’t see how.” A pause. “No.” And “Of course.” Then. “Oh.” Finally, “Well, yes. Good. Thank you.”

  All four men sat and I did, too. We all turned our seats in to face each other.

  Liam told us, “He said we shot the client.”

  Declan exploded. “What? Where the fuck can he have gotten a fucking ridiculous idea like that from?”

  “I’m only telling you.”

  “We didn’t shoot anybody. What the fuck is he on about?”

  Gunner said, “We kind of did, you know.”

  Liam nodded. “That was him. Bruno, the bodyguard. He was the client.”

  “We didn’t shoot his fucking bodyguard. I throat punched him.” Declan was mad now. “Seriously fucking neat piece of work, I’d say that it was, too. I was more than a little impressed with myself.”

  “Yeah,” Liam was trying to be soothing. “But then we shot him.”

  Declan jumped up, “He was already fucking dead then.”

  Liam shook his head and he kept his voice very quiet. That was his way to manage Declan. Nobody else could have done it. I wasn’t always sure Liam was going to be able to do it. Like now. Declan was so mad.

  Liam just said, “We could try mentioning that to Arden. I don’t think it’s going to throw a whole new light on the situation for him, though.”

  Declan’s head turned back and fort
h as he pressed his lips together. He sat back down again. “Wait, so he was the client? The bodyguard?”

  “Apparently so. He was planning to take over the empire.”

  “God damn.”

  Horst frowned, “Pretty fucked up, wouldn’t you say?”

  Gunner rubbed his forehead, “Wait. The bodyguard of the boss of a major mob outfit was out and actively guarding him on an away trip. And he ordered a hit on his boss. And for it to be enacted on that trip?”

  Liam nodded. “That’s my understanding.”

  Declan said, “Had he never been around the operation of a sanction of that kind before?”

  Liam spread his fingers, “Well, how would I be supposed to know that?”

  Declan “What I’m saying is, does he have no idea how a thing like that works?”

  “Did.” Horst chipped in.

  Declan’s head turned, “What?”

  Liam lifted a hand, “He just means that your man’s all done knowing things now.”

  “Oh. Right. Very fucking helpful.” Declan scowled at Horst. Then he turned back to Liam. “But he must have known how it could turn out.”

  “Seems not.”

  “I mean, in that situation, the body guard is pretty directly in the line of fire.”

  Liam’s smile was thin and empty. “You’re telling me.”

  “Did it not occur to the fucking eedjit to mention it at all?” Declan’s hand waved, “Or at least to say, ‘Listen, don’t kill the bodyguard’? I mean, basically he’s practically commissioned a hit on himself.”

  “I know. And, for all that our good master is saying about it, I think that he may have had a little foresight on that aspect himself.”

  Declan leaned forward, “Really, how so?”

  Liam waited. Then he announced, “He said that since it was a risky job, the client paid in full in advance.”

  “Oh!” Declan said, “Well, it was nice of him to let us know.”

  Horst and Gunner exchanged grins.

  “Yeah,” Liam chewed the inside of his lip, “It took a little bit of shaking before that detail came rolling out.”

  Declan sat back and his eyes narrowed, “You don’t mean that he might have been planning to stiff us? You don’t think that, do you?”

  “The main thing is that we’re all caught up and sorted now.” But Liam held Declan’s gaze.

  “No repercussions, no fallout?” Declan asked.

  “Not any just now, not as far as I can see. I know there will be some kind of consequences down the line, though.”

  “Well, for now then,” I said, rising back up onto my feet, “We’ve got a long flight ahead. And, speaking for myself, boys,” I looked around at the four men in turn, “That was a long day.”

  “I’ll second that,” Declan lifted a glass.

  I refilled my glass of Champagne, “So. Perhaps now would be a good time,” I turned around in the center of the cabin, looking into the eyes of Declan then Liam, Horst, and Gunner, “For us to make some changes.”

  I slugged the champagne as I pressed the call button.

  The attendant slipped back through the cabin door with her pretty, professional smile. “How can I make your flight better?”

  I told her, “Find us some good, thumping music and turn down the lights, please.”

  The attendant smiled, “Of course.”

  “And,” I said,

  “Yes?” She peered back with a sparkle and a grin.

  I told her, “We’re going to need a lot more booze.”

  She gave me a minxy little smile.

  OW COLORED LIGHTS and pumping music gave the cabin the feel of an exclusive club. Which it was for those few hours. A club for top-grade hitmen. Four hitmen, fresh from a kill. And one moll. Since she’d put up the start of the plan and helped them to carry it out, she might be considered an initiate. Even a junior or an apprentice maybe. All of them, all five thought about it. Nobody raised it, though.

  After the attendant put out a tray of bottles and some very appetizing snacks, which nobody seemed to be very interested in, Declan asked slyly, “Do you think she’s got a CCTV on us?”

  “Does that get you excited, thinking about her watching?”

  “Me? Not all that much. I was just wondering how our lady of the low-light and dark grasping might feel about it.”

  “Well, my lovely,” Liam turned to Courtenay. “How do you feel about the pretty crew member spying on us?”

  Courtenay shrugged, but there was maybe a little hint of a squirm in the shrug. She seemed to be okay about it, though, and that was all that anyone really seemed bothered about. There were more important things, more pressing things to be raised.

  The temperature for one thing. Some clothing, very likely. Four cocks. But they were elevating already.

  Music pumped. They danced. Courtenay leaned against Declan’s hard pelvis and back into his huge chest. Her hips swayed and rolled and she scraped her ass against him. She swished it across his ridge, then rolled it slow. Pressing. Deep.

  Liam stood in front of her. He danced, holding her right hand with his left and his right on the top of her thigh. The three bodies swayed together. They flowed over the rhythm and through it.

  Liam moved in to hold her close. Declan whispered, “I love you,” low in her ear as Liam tenderly kissed her mouth. Liam’s tongue and his breath in her mouth stirred her and made her cling to him. Her fingers raked though his hair.

  She reached behind her to stroke Declan’s neck. Ran her hand down his shirt. Her nails and her fingertips tripped down the silky cotton. And then she found the rod that stiffened in his pants. It pulsed when her fingers touched him.

  Liam went back to fetch snacks and more drinks.

  Over his shoulder he said, “Horst, Gunner?” Liam addressed the seated Germans, “The lovely lady is short of a dance partner.” She let out a soft moan as her stomach rolled. Declan pushed back with his hips when her firm cheeks ground into him. His nostrils flared and his teeth bared at the rush of scent.

  They both became even more animated when Liam told the Germans mischievously, “It might take both of you fellers.”

  Horst and Gunner didn’t need telling twice. From their seats either side of the wide aisle, they both stepped up to embrace her. They stood, close together in front of her. Her eyes sparkled up from one to the other as their bodies pressed in on her.

  Gunner fluttered kisses down her neck and on the other side, Horst nibbled her ear. One leg of each of them pressed and glided against the inner sides of her thighs. The two Germans and Declan surrounded and enfolded her. Encircled her and held her wrapped in muscle, in male flesh. The four bodies drifted on the tide of the music, and she was washed and rolled along in between them.

  Declan held her ass and was gently shoving her forward. Horst’s hard chest and his swelling cock pushed against her skirt and her hot mound. Her breath fluttered and caught. He spoke low into her ear. “Courtenay,” he said, “I’ll never forget your gorgeous tongue as it slipped along the bottom of my cock.”


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