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Former Rain-Forsaken Box Set

Page 21

by Vanessa Miller

  “I’m under attack,” Elizabeth said to herself as she crumbled to her knees.


  “At 8:45 a.m. a hijacked passenger jet, American Airlines Flight 11 out of Boston, Massachusetts, crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center, tearing a gaping hole in the building and setting it afire,” the newscaster informed his audience.

  “At 9:03 a.m.,” he continued, “a second hijacked airliner, United Airlines Flight 175 from Boston, crashed into the south tower of the World Trade Center and exploded.” He turned slightly and swept his arm in the direction of the Twin Towers. “As you can see, both buildings are now burning and people are falling and jumping from the buildings.”

  The newscaster turned back to his audience and continued his chronology of terror. “At 9:43 a.m., American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon. That building has been evacuated and President Bush now believes that the country has suffered an apparent terrorist attack.”

  Isaac, Pete, T-bone and as many inmates as could fit in the recreation room, stood stunned, watching as the events of 911 unfolded before their horrified eyes. Pete pointed at the screen, but could not form any words. As they listened to the newscaster the south tower crumbled.

  The newscaster jumped. “Oh, my God,” he screamed.

  Isaac could take no more. He walked away from the TV, composure shattered. Tomorrow is not promised to any of us, Isaac knew that. Many people were discovering that hard lesson today, but God had preserved his life. He was willing to face that fact now. It had to be grace, cause he certainly wasn't worthy of any special treatment from God.

  In the face of this tragedy, how could he deny the awesome power of God’s grace any longer? He was in prison. They had confiscated his money, his houses, cars, and his business. He had been to hell and back, but he was alive. Isaac thought about his Mama, Nina, and Keith. Things they said to him over the years came rolling back like an unexpected thunderstorm.

  His sweet Mama always told him how awesome God was. Isaac never witnessed any of God’s awesome power. But then again, every time he looked at Nina, he saw how strong she had become. How she no longer bent to his will. That was awesome. And Keith, he totally turned his life around. Isaac couldn’t even finish some of Keith’s letters. They were too full of God’s love. That was awesome also.

  Maybe God was in the rain, Isaac thought as he entered his cell. His life flashed before his eyes. He saw the tragedy and pain as he always did, but this time he also saw God. Standing right in the midst of his sin filled life. Isaac fell down on his knees. He was tired of fighting this awesome God. Tired of kicking against the prick. Tears streamed down his face as he begged, “Oh God, please forgive me. I’ve been so wrong – so wrong.”

  He was prostrate now, before the King. Not caring who walked by, or what the inmates would say about the great Isaac Walker crying like a baby. He felt like a baby again. No, that wasn’t quite it. He felt… he felt… free. Yeah, right at that moment, he was receiving forgiveness and being delivered from his past. Instinctively he knew that the life he once knew was gone. From this day forward, even surrounded by bars – he was free.

  Arise Isaac, for I have called you. You shall preach My gospel to nations.

  Isaac worshipped the Lord. He wasn’t sure about this preaching to nations thing, but he knew without a shadow of a doubt that he had been saved from much. Therefore, he set his heart on loving much.


  People were still running and shouting. Elizabeth heard from some distant voices that the Pentagon had also been attacked.

  A huge piece of debris flew over Elizabeth’s head and landed about twenty feet in front of her. It was about the size of a truck. Elizabeth was covered with soot and ashes. People were pulling at her saying that she had to get out of there. Elizabeth ignored them and continued to wait. Kenneth would come out of the north tower, she just knew it.

  Right then, as the north tower collapsed as if a giant hand smashed it, Elizabeth knew what it was like to have your hopes and dreams dashed. An overwhelming cloud of debris and smoke spilled into the air.

  Elizabeth beat the ground with her fists. Screaming and crying she asked, “What am I supposed to do now? How can I go on?”

  Lean on Me, beloved.

  Elizabeth shook her head. “You ask too much. You’ve always wanted too much from me.”

  Lean on Me, beloved.

  All Elizabeth could do was moan and wail. She laid her head on the ground and let the tears flow. She had no one. Kenneth had promised that they would grow old together. He told her that he was going to run back to her today. How could this happen to them? She looked up to heaven and angrily told God, “He was everything to me.”

  I am the first and the last, the beginning and the end.

  “You ask too much!” she screamed, then flung herself back on the ground amongst the dirt and wreckage. Tears. She would cry a river. Agony. The pain of this day would never leave her. Let the mob trample over her, she didn’t care. Her reason for living, her everything, was gone. She would never love again - death would be a merciful friend.


  Two angels stood outside the most magnificent pearl laden gates shouting, “Behold the Glory of God!”

  Directly behind the pearly gates was a massive space where a cushion of snowy white clouds caressed the feet of its occupants. The tree of life stood bold and beautiful in the middle of the outer court. Its leaves were a heavenly green, and its fruit was succulent and enjoyed by all. Sweet blissful music could be heard throughout the great expanse of heaven. It was the harp, but it was better than any harp on earth; it was the guitar, but it was better than any guitar on earth.

  There were thousands upon thousands of saints moving through the joys of heaven, clothed in glistening white robes, and bare feet. Many had crowns on their heads with various types of jewels embedded in them. A woman named Marguerite Barrow stood, surrounded by the most beautiful array of flowers, colors without name. Heaven was the great garden of love, so these flowerbeds could be found all over this glorious place. As Marguerite stood in the midst of the splendor, the diamond in her crown sparkled brightly. She earned this diamond because of Nina, the girl she loved, sheltered and watered with the Word of the Lord.

  To the right of this flowerbed stood a man with too many jewels for one crown to hold. For him, a glorious purple outer coat had also been made, and it glistened with the jewels of thousands of souls that had been won into the Kingdom. On earth he had been a great pastor, one who believed in making disciples of God’s people, rather than cripples. He didn’t want his congregation to believe they could only find Jesus through him, but that they could find Him within their own hearts; and share Him with others. Because of this, many souls continued to be won into the Kingdom, even well after his death. Maybe that’s why his earthly congregation still remembers his teachings, and their eyes still mist at the thought of his great memory. His name was Willie E. Mitchell, Sr. He was the founder of The Rock Christian Fellowship. He had been loved and respected by many, a modern day Job some might say. And now, as he walked in the midst of his friends, a dazzling smile would cross his lips every now and then. His friends all knew this meant that God had just added another jewel to his coat. Just God’s little way of saying, “Thanks for making disciples.”

  On the opposite side of the outer court stood a great multitude of warrior angels. Their appearance was that of beauty and majesty. They wore white radiant garments with gold edged trim that embellished the front of the garment. At their waist, hung a huge golden sword, and large white wings flapped from behind. The outer court was like a waiting room. The saints were waiting to be admitted into the inner court and some, the Holy of Holies. The warrior angels waited for their next assignments. Right now, a great commotion was going on amongst the angels. They were anxious, something big was about to happen, they just knew it. Some asked if Michael would greet them today. To this day, the angels in heaven remained in awe of the one ang
el that was able to meet Lucifer in battle and come out victorious every time. Even Gabriel had needed Michael’s help when Lucifer had attacked him. They all greatly admired their general and longed for a glimpse of him.

  The captain of these angels lifted his hands to silence them. “Brothers, I will have news for you momentarily, I am on my way to meet with the General now.”

  “Captain Aaron,” a familiar voice among the angels called out to him.

  “Yes Nathan?”

  “I think I’m ready, I would really like to go back out, sir.”

  “We’ll see. I’ll talk to the General about it.”

  With that, Aaron disappeared from the heavenly hosts in the outer court. He was now walking through the inner court on his way to the Holy Place. There were unnumbered mansions in the inner court, room enough for everyone. Sadly enough, the beauty and splendor of heaven would only be enjoyed by the few that served God. As he passed by the room of tears, he glanced in and shook his head in wonderment. It still amazed him that humans had tears so precious that God would bottle and preserve them in a room as glorious as this.

  He opened the door of the Holy Place and stood in the back, as he heard the voice of thunder and lightening. He then heard a multitude of praises saying, “Holy, Holy, Holy.” And as the voices became thunderous, Aaron also joined them. In this place, where God sits high and is lifted up, praises are sung to Him forever. His glory lovingly fills the atmosphere and joy spreads throughout His Heavenly court.

  Thunder and lightening sparkled from the throne of Grace once more, then Michael’s glorious nine-foot form stood. His colorful wings glistened as they flapped in the air. “Yes my Lord,” he said, as he took the scrolls from the Omnipotent hand that held it.

  Michael stood in front of Aaron. Michael’s sword was longer and heavier than the other angels. Jewels were embedded throughout the handle of this massive sword, a symbol of his many victories. The belt that held his sword sparkled with the gold of heaven. Michael had defeated the Prince of Persia more times than he cared to remember. But the enemy was getting stronger as his time drew near. Michael eagerly awaited their next meeting. It would be their last. “Here is your assignment.”

  Aaron took the scrolls, then said, “My General, my Prince, Nathan has asked to be assigned to this mission.”

  “Are you sure he’s ready? He was pretty shook up when he lost his last charge.”

  “In all fairness, General, he did expect her to live once she had given her life to the Lord.”

  “I know he did, but he needs to understand that he is not responsible for changing the plan of God, just helping it along.”

  Thunder and lightening danced from the throne of grace once more. Michael excused himself and then returned with another scroll. “Give this one to Nathan.”

  Aaron, now back in the outer courts, shouted to the legions of angels, “If I call your name, come up here and take a scroll.”

  “Davison. Manuel. Brogan. And… Nathan.” The four angels hurriedly grabbed their scrolls, anxious to see who they were given charge over. Their wings swayed in the gentle heavenly breeze as they prepared for their journey. “You have been given charge over men and women who will do great exploits for the kingdom.”

  Nathan stood in front of Aaron with a confused look on his angelic face.

  “What’s the matter, son?”

  “Well, I don’t understand why I was given charge over Kenneth Underwood. He didn’t make it out of the World Trade Center, did he?”

  “Go see about your charge. God’s mercy is far reaching.” Aaron told him, then put his hand on Nathan’s shoulder. “Just remember, God is sovereign and there’s no changing that.”

  “I understand that. But why must I go if there is no hope?”

  Aaron put a stern look on his face before answering, “We do what we are called to do.” He nudged Nathan. “Now, go!”


  (Of this book)

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  You were reading Former Rain, book 1 in the Rain Series

  Here is a list of the other books in the Rain Series

  Abundant Rain

  Latter Rain

  Rain Storm

  Through the Storm

  Rain For Christmas

  The Roman road to salvation is discussed in chapters 37 and 38. The scriptures from the book of Romans lead a sinner to Christ. The history behind the road to salvation is based upon the industrialization of the Roman people in Biblical times. They constructed roads to encourage travel between cities. These roads were paved and patrolled to allow safe passage – the first of their kind. Because of these roads the gospel was spread faster and easier.

  Abundant Rain

  Excerpt of Book 2 in the Rain Series

  by Vanessa Miller


  We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

  Ephesians 6:12

  There was so much commotion on that twelfth day of September that no one noticed the two, tall-enough-to-give-Shaq-a-crook-in-his-neck figures that descended from on high. They walked through the eerie streets of New York passing many mournful and tear-soaked faces.

  One man’s knees buckled under the weight of his grief. His wife would not be coming out of the World Trade Center. He bowed his head low as he fell on the ground screaming, “Oh, God, why her? Why, God?”

  Another grief-stricken victim shook her fists at the heavens and said, “You’ve never looked out for us. Do You even exist?”

  Nathan turned to Brogan. “The people’s faith has wavered.”

  “Yes,” Brogan answered. “Many saints will fall away from God because of yesterday’s tragedy.”

  They continued on. Some assignments were harder to pull off than others. Nathan had a sinking feeling that this one would be a doozy. The prayers of the saints had risen to the heavens concerning Kenneth and Elizabeth Underwood. Aaron, the captain of the angelic hosts, had given Nathan charge over the safety and well being of Kenneth. Likewise, Brogan had charge over Elizabeth.

  Brogan pointed at the rubble. “You got any idea how we can get Kenneth out from under all that?”

  Nathan shook his head. “We’ll think of something.”

  “Why do you think the Almighty sends you on impossible assignments?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Their destination lay before them as a desolate wasteland. What was once beheld in awe was now the object of pity. Billowy smoke still rose from the ruins. In the place that was famous for buying and selling, body bags were now the commodity being exchanged as executives and tycoons were lifted from the rubble.

  Nathan pointed at a shadow that filled the air. “We’ve got company.”

  “You didn’t think the evil one would miss the opportunity to see so much death and destruction did you?”

  Nathan surveyed the layout. He wasn’t surprised at what his heavenly vision displayed. “His demons are all over this place. Just keep your head down, let’s find Kenneth and get out of here.�
� They moved quickly through the wreckage, each tossing aside stones that would have normally taken three or four men to lift.

  Nathan and Brogan split up as they tirelessly worked hour after hour, removing rubble and pulling bodies from the debris. Brogan moved to the south side and continued sifting through the debris.

  Nathan yelled. “I found him!”

  Brogan ran back to the north side just in time to witness two hulking spirits standing over Nathan, growling and snarling. “Put him back, pansy boy.”

  Nathan had Kenneth in his arms. He looked up to see who had just called him a pansy, and was face to face with two of the biggest grizzly-looking demons he’d encountered in years. Their heads were like bats and they had ten-inch fangs. Nathan turned to Kenneth. He was bruised and bloody. Nathan couldn’t feel a pulse, but his body wasn’t cold yet. He had to be alive. Instead of getting his charge to a hospital right away, he was going to have to contend with Bif and Bof. “Get out of my way,” Nathan told them. “I’m on an assignment from the Lord!”

  Bif and Bof burst out laughing. “You better put him down or I’m gon’ send you back to your Lord crying like a pigtail-wearing girl,” Bif told Nathan while massaging his fist with his scaly fang.

  Brogan had already stripped out of his workman’s disguise and was now in full glory. Wings extended and sword drawn, he was ready for battle.

  Nathan tried one more time. “Look, can y’all just get out of the way? I’m not in the mood for kicking demon butt today. Okay?”

  The one with jaundice eyes spat brown mucus on the ground and snarled. “Punk, please. You’re the one in disguise, trying hard not to be noticed for who you are.” He puffed up his scaly chest. “We come as we are, cause we ain’t scared of,” he poked Nathan in the chest, “you or nobody else.”


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