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Life as We Know It (Love Not Included) (Volume 4)

Page 7

by J. D. Hollyfield

  “Oh, yes, we are! I am not falling victim to his hot seductive, lick-me-all-over ways.” Not sure all that was needed.

  “Girl, I’m sorry but I say do it.”

  “What?!” Traitor.

  “You heard me do it. Like doooo it. What can go wrong? You get your sexual aggression out.”

  “Patti, everything can go wrong. I’m human. Somewhere along the way there’re those things called feelings. They tend to attach to sex, and I would prefer not to set myself up for disaster.”

  “What makes you think it’s only a sexual attraction with you? From your explanation of his reaction, he obviously seemed bent out of shape that you didn’t leave a way to reach you. And from what you explained to me it sounded like you both had a pretty bomb ass time on the cruise.”

  Ugh we sure did have a bomb ass time. As in I can practically feel his hands still squeezing my cheeks while he pounds and pounds and…


  “What? Oh yeah. Sorry. NO way. Not happening. He can work out his sexual endeavors on someone else.”

  “Even after you told me how big he was?” Oh my god, she did not go there. “Yes, no matter how blessed he is. No thanks.”

  “That’s too bad. I wouldn’t turn the big guy down, but I’m not you. Listen I get it. I would sleep on it though. Never know what tomorrow will bring.”

  Yeah, well I have a feeling thinking about anything Sam Dresden or his big guy means no sleep at all.

  By the time I make it home I’m in such a foul mood. I’m annoyed that Patti isn’t on my side with this. How can she smell out Henry’s devious ways from a mile away but not see this whole Sam Bang-Bang situation screaming bad idea from the rooftops? I think about how it’s going to work being around him all day long. Being so close. Close enough I’ll be able to smell his delicious man scent and not stop my crotch from trying to hump his third leg.

  As much as I want it, it can’t happen. If Mr. Wellington got wind, I would lose my job, and as much as I hate my job, I need it. This cannot happen.

  So that’s settled.


  Just another day of the week.

  I get up and go through my daily routine. Is it sad that I still want to throw up? But it’s not from the hangover. It’s from nerves. I make it to the Dresden Architect’s building and the concierge greets me. When I tell him whom my appointment is with, he takes my name and instantly directs me to the private elevator, taking me straight to Dresden Architect’s floor.

  Man, how important is this guy?

  Entering through the glass doors, I spot the receptionist. Of course, she’s beautiful. I walk up to her trying to pat down my crazy hair so it looks nice and straight like hers. She barely breaks away from her computer to greet me.

  “Can I help you?”

  “Um yes, I’m here to see Mr. Dresden.”

  “Do you have an appointment?” Geez. Pretty face, yes. Manners, not so much.

  “I do. He should be expecting me.”

  She types something into her computer and it registers that she may see my name or appointment.

  “P. Summers? I assume that’s you?”

  “In the flesh,” I respond waving my hand up and down my body. Unimpressed at my lame humor, she rolls her eyes. “Please wait here and I will let Mr. Dresden know you’re here.”

  “Thanks,” I smile awkwardly. I watch her get up, throwing her bleach blonde hair over her too tanned shoulders, and sashay to the closed doors behind her desk. She knocks on the door and I hear that deep voice calling her in. She opens the door and leans in lifting her foot like it’s some sort of model pose. The way she spoke to me does a complete one-eighty as she practically purrs that his appointment is here and then giggles. Did she seriously just giggle?

  She turns around and the second her back is to Sam’s office, she ditches the smile and slaps back on her bitch face. “Mr. Dresden will see you now,” she walks back to her desk, dismissing me, smacking her Lee press-on nails on her keyboard. Wow. Be a bitch much? I hurry past her desk and I swear she hisses at me. I enter Sam’s office, and he looks to be on a call. Great, what do I do now? I feel super awkward. He sees me walk in and those eyes…they stare at me like he wants to rip my clothes off. Lifting up his arm, he directs me to sit as he finishes up his call. Being a good little rental employee, I do as I’m told and get comfortable in the large leather chair in front of his desk.

  “Great. Like I said, get those to me mid-afternoon and we will be well on our way. I see no issue with the structure to be all green… I don’t care… Make it happen. Robert, I am not worried about the cost. I am worried about the environment… Thank you. Good day…”

  He places the phone onto the receiver and instead of greeting me vocally, he seems to eat me up visually. Not really sure what to do, I follow his lead and stare back at him.

  “Are we having a stare down, Ms. Summers?”

  Okay, so I’m not five, grow up.

  “No. I’m sorry. I was waiting for you to speak first,” I admit, a soft blush creeping into my cheeks.

  “Ahh I see. Well I’m glad that you came. I had a feeling you would be a no show today.”

  “And why’s that?” I sit up straighter in my chair.

  “Because you seem to want nothing to do with me.”

  Oh, well that kind of makes me feel like a jerk. Player or not, he is a nice guy, just trying to be pleasant. “You’re right. I’m sorry for the way I acted yesterday. I may have jumped the gun on your allegation of our relationship. I mean—I know there’s no us, or relationship, or….” Shut up, Penny.

  “You say ‘no us’ like it would be a bad thing if there were.”

  Um, crazy animalistic sex with a smoking hot guy? I’ll take a double order, please. “I’m not looking for a hookup, Mr. Dresden, so I guarantee I’m not your type.” My bits are arguing otherwise.

  Sam stares into my eyes, which I’m sure, are screaming a completely different argument. I’m praying that my eyes don’t look as in heat as I feel. I swear I can feel his body radiating hotness from across his fancy mahogany desk.

  “I feel like you’ve mistaken the type of person that I am, Ms. Summers.” He returns, adjusting his tie and standing with his perfect physique. He steps away from his desk and moves his body in front of my chair. He leans against his desk crossing his arms over his muscled chest.

  “Ms. Summers… Penelope, can I call you Penelope? I figure we know each other well enough to be on first-name basis, don’t you agree?”

  My name on his lips is like a tease to my lower ones. As he speaks to me I can’t stop staring at his tongue moving inside his mouth. That tongue that knows so well how to jab and caress the insides—

  “I assume the sudden rise in color on your cheeks tells me that is a yes?” I immediately bring my hands to my cheeks in an attempt to brush off my flushed color.

  “Mr. Dresden.”

  “Sam… It’s Sam.”

  “Sam,” I reply. “I just want to stick to maintaining a professional relationship. I know this is awkward for us both, but I believe we can be adults here and complete the necessary work, provided that you in turn are happy with West and Mills.”

  I think I just lost a whole pound with how fast my thumbs were twiddling while spitting out that obviously horrible lie. I recognize my show of nervousness and break my hands apart to rest them on my knees. Only then do I realize that, at some point since I sat down, my skirt has hiked up past my knees, and is inches away from a pink thong show and tell.

  As I pull my skirt frantically down I lift my eyes only to be met with a glaring set of heated blues.

  “Penelope,” Sam says and pushes off the desk.

  I’m gonna combust. He almost saw my thong. I saw that look, and I can almost blow an “O.”

  “Mr. Dres—”

  “Sam. Call me Sam, dammit.”

  “Sam…Sam. Sam—”

  I’ve started stuttering because he steps closer, putting himself in my pe
rsonal space. Both hands are gripping the chair, and he’s now caging me in, making his descent to lean into me. I am going to stay professional here. I am going to stick to my guns here. I am so going to let him ravish my mouth and worry about all the logistics later.

  He makes it within a hair of my face and stops. “Penelope. I’m not sure what wrong idea you got out of me the other day. But I am not looking for a hook up. If I wanted one I wouldn’t be standing here, hoping that you will give this a chance. But I also know that there is work to be done.”

  Breathe, Penny. Breathe.

  “So for now, I will respect your wishes to continue this as a working relationship. But I will warn you. I am not done working on getting you back into my bed.”

  Okay, I think I’ve died and gone to sex slave heaven. Just the way he confessed his plans for me has me wanting to grab for his clenched hands and have them meet my lacy pinks.

  “So, with that said, since you don’t seem to be one for words, let’s get started. What have you brought for me today?”

  “Pink,” I practically vomit out.

  “Excuse me?”

  Please someone gag me. “I’m sorry, I meant perfect. Perfect, let’s get started.” I wait for him to retract his body so I can stand. As I rise to my feet, my unstable legs cause me to wobble, and Sam’s strong grip reaches around my waist to steady me.

  “Are you all right?”

  “Yes. Yep. I’m good,” I choke out.

  He waits until I seem steady to release his hold. I bend forward to grab my work bag, unfortunately placing my head at eye level with his crouch.

  Can I please not fail at life right now?

  I panic and toss my body back up.

  “Umm… Umm.”

  “Here, let me get that,” he offers.

  “Oh no. It’s okay!”

  At the same time I decline his offer we both bend forward to grab for my bag.

  “Shit” and “fuck” burst from our mouths. We both come up holding our foreheads.

  “Listen, I’m sorry.” I start, rubbing at my head. “This is not how I thought we’d meet again…if ever.” I smile, waiting for him to agree. “So, I think it’s just best for us to get through what we need to so I can keep my job and you can make tons more money than you already do… And then maybe we can go from there.” I spill like I have future plans for us or something. Sam thankfully offers me a kind smile in return.

  “I agree. On all counts. Now, before you attempt to flee on me for a second time, let’s get some work out of the way.”

  With that, I offer him a smile. He puts his hand up for me to stay still while he slowly bends down and picks up my bag. He gently hands it to me, brushing my fingers with his during our pass off. Once secured in my grip, he opens his arm, gesturing for me to lead the way to the conference table in the corner of his large office.

  Still smiling, probably like an idiot, I squirm away from his arms reach. “Work then…” I turn around and head toward our work station.

  Of course chanting work work work.

  TAKE AWAY ALL THE lusting and urge to bump privates, and Sam is one amazing man to work with. He stayed true to his word and we spent close to three hours talking numbers. Turns out, Sam is investing in organic scrap metal to build his next hotel. I talk a lot of smack about the rich, but it seems that Sam Dresden may be proving me wrong. In the three hours that I’ve spent here I have learned that Sam is deeply involved in the environment. He is a heavy contributor against pollution and spends a lot of his time deep in not-for-profit, earth friendly, organizations.

  I’m not sure whether to be grateful or disappointed but in the whole three hours we talk numbers and business he doesn’t make a single pass at me. I know it’s for the best. This is business. We had our fun, but we come from two different worlds. I need to remember that. I’ve been on edge since the moment I walked into his office, but I’m going to keep my shit together until I get home. And then let me be the first to admit I will be beating the hell out of my vibrator tonight. As in, make sure to set a reminder to buy a new one for backup. I will need it.

  “So if you think the forecast for the steel evergreen shipment is not the best way to go then where should I invest?” Sam stands behind me, looking over my shoulder, attempting to read the data I have pulled up on my laptop.

  “Well Evergreen is a great company. It’s not that they cannot produce what you’re looking for. They have a ninety-two percent success rate. It’s just that if you’re looking for a product to consume your funds and stay equally environmental, I would suggest you go to the local manufacturer, Wellborn Steel. They seem to provide the same organic product and, going through them would allow you to provide fifty-seven percent of the town’s employment. That way you’re giving back along with making a two point five percent higher profit that you would be with Evergreen.”

  For half the time I speak Sam looks like he isn’t even registering what I’m saying. I definitely did my homework before coming today. He wants to invest a shit ton of money into not-for-profit companies who will help better the economy and lesson global pollution. The small companies that he had listed on his potential clientele list were great. But with a little bit deeper research, there were companies out there that would better benefit Dresden Architects.

  “So, like I was saying, I know you were interested in go-green steel, but if you used the homegrown structural steel, you would benefit by upwards of fifty-seven percent and end up giving back the community an income of, geez, like almost half the earnings the town currently pulls in.”

  I’m starting to get a little nervous. I haven’t heard a peep out of Sam since I started babbling. I turn my head to confirm he’s still paying attention, to find him still standing super close to me, his eyes no longer on my laptop, but on me. “Are… Are you following what I’m saying?” I ask because he certainly does not look interested in talking business anymore.

  “Earth to Sam?” I say catching an eyeful of him, but he steps forward, eliminating the small gap between us, caging me against the table.

  “God you are amazing. Smart, and have I told you that you smell divine?” His nose nuzzles into my hair and I feel his body heat seeping through the back of my blouse. With both hands pressed against the table, I become a prisoner in his hold. His body towers over mine, and without invitation, he presses me into the table, my clit perfectly aligned with the table’s edge. With a slow but brutal push, he presses his monster into my lower back, letting me know he is very hard and very turned on. This causes friction between me and the table. My eyes close. So much for staying professional. But let’s face it, he’s feeding the beast right now.

  “I want to take you right now on this table. Can you feel how badly I want you, Penny?” Oh God, the way he says my name. He rubs into me again and the pressure of his hard cock and the trim of the table cause me to release a soft moan. This is turning me the hell on. My brain is telling me no, no, no, but my brain-gina is telling me yes, yes, oh yes.

  Pulling a hand from the table, he glides it up the front of my stomach. He inserts his fingers into my blouse so he’s touching my bare skin. Using that lethal thumb of his, he brushes along my belly while rubbing his body against mine. I’m struggling to concentrate on his hands, when I feel his breath at my ear. “Do you feel how good this can be Penny?”

  Oh lordy lord, do I.

  Again with that voice—it’s like silk. The finest chocolate, 120-proof tequila. Yes, I just compared his sex-me-up voice to tequila. Before I can even think about returning any answer, he licks my ear. I was hoping for something more ladylike to come out of my mouth, but instead a loud moan filters out. It makes me mad because, at this point, he knows he’s got me. We definitely aren’t going to discuss any more numbers today, except for how many seconds it will take him to flip me on my back and rip my skirt down.

  The mind reader that he is, he pulls away and spins me so I’m facing him. In a flash, he moves his hands to my hips and lifts me onto th
e table. He spreads my legs apart so he can nuzzle in between. God this is so wrong, but so hot. He takes his hand, bringing it into my hair and squeezes. Pulling my head back so he can get access to what he’s looking for, he brings his lips to mine and that. Is. It.

  My resolve shatters and I can’t think of anything but getting this man inside me. I am no angel, but he has woken up the beast inside me. And he is right, what we have, it’s powerful…it’s hot…it’s “Oh God,”—his hand just went up my skirt and I know exactly where it’s going.

  “Are you still trying to deny me, Penny?” I love my name shortened off his lips. Shortened or full, it’s like he’s turning up the heat, causing my body temperature to spike. Every time Henry said my name it was more along the lines of getting your name called during high school attendance rollcall. Omg why am I thinking about Henry right now? Out! Out! Thank God Sam reaches the lining of my panties, and pushes them aside. Definitely a way to get back on track. His finger delicately brushes back and forth just along the inside of my thigh. I feel him tickling my outer lobe. I’m ashamed to admit it, but without fighting it, my hips twitch in hopes of moving his finger closer to the goal. I’ll be ashamed later at my brazen act, but right now he needs to give me what he’s been dangling over my head since the moment I walked into this office.

  Thankfully Sam doesn’t disappoint. He reads the need in my actions. I feel the smile broaden from his lips still licking at my neck. He takes that moment to roam to my center.

  “You are so wet,” he moans into my collarbone. “Is this all for me, Penny?”

  Who asks that? This guy is on an ego trip. If he thinks I am going to tell him what he wants to hear to fill his ego, then he’s so wrong.

  But then he plunges a finger inside.

  “Oh God.”

  Okay, maybe I was wrong. He wins.

  “Are those sweet little sounds coming out of your mouth for me, Penny?”

  If he says my name one more time I’m going to come all over his hands. He continues to pump in and out of me while brushing his tongue down my neck. I’ve completely checked out, losing all sense of reality. Bringing my fingers up and into his hair, I take a rough grasp and hold on for dear life, because he is going… Oh god did he just make a hook?


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