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Henry V as Warlord

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by Seward, Desmond

  6. The Brut of England, p. 422

  7. Monstrelet, op. cit., Vol. III, p. 308

  Chapter XI, ‘The Norman Conquest – In Reverse’

  1. Allmand, Lancastrian Normandy, pp. 52–3

  2. Juvénal, op. cit., p. 545; Chronique du Réligieux de Saint-Denys, Vol. VI, pp. 311–13

  3. As recently as the 1960s, in La Résistance à l’Occupation anglais, p. 18, Jouet argued, ‘En effet, les Anglais ont volontairement et clairement usé du terme préexistant de “brigand” pour designer une réalité nouvelle, le partisan. Manoeuvre habile …’

  4. Basin, op. cit., Vol. I, pp. 166–8

  5. ‘So alarmed were the English authorities that they attempted to restrict, then to prevent the emigrants from leaving, and finally to entice them to return … by remission of rent and tax concessions.’ Fowler, Hundred Years War, p. 14

  6. Newhall, The English Conquest of Normandy, p. 226

  7. The First English Life of King Henry the Fifth, pp. 132–4

  Chapter XII, ‘The Murder of John the Fearless’

  1. Monstrelet, op. cit., Vol. III, p. 320

  2. ibid., Vol. III, pp. 321 ff

  3. Vaughan, John the Fearless, p. 230

  4. Journal d’un Bourgeois de Paris, pp. 126–7

  5. ibid., p. 129

  6. McFarlane, Nobility of Later Medieval England, p. 33

  7. Stevenson (ed.), Letters and Papers, Vol. II, pp. 579–81

  8. Vaughan argues convincingly that the dauphin was well aware of the trap, John the Fearless, pp. 274–86

  9. The First English Life of King Henry the Fifth, p. 153

  10. Hearne (ed.), op. cit., pp. 80, 81

  Chapter XIII, ‘Heir and Regent of France’

  1. Ascoli, op. cit., pp. 12–13, who takes it from Doncieux Romancero Populaire de France, showing it refers to the marriage of Catherine to Henry V and not to that of Henrietta Maria to Charles I.

  2. Chronique du Réligieux de Saint-Denys, Vol. VI, p. 163

  3. Monstrelet, op. cit., Vol. III, p. 406

  4. Juvénal, op. cit., p. 561

  5. Waurin, op. cit., Vol. II, p. 429

  6. Juvénal, op cit., p. 561

  7. ibid., p. 561

  Chapter XIV, ‘The Fall of Paris 1420’

  1. Journal d’un Bourgeois de Paris, p. 145

  2. ibid., pp. 146, 156

  3. Chastellain, Oeuvres, Vol. I, pp. 198–200

  4. Monstrelet, op. cit., Vol. IV, pp. 9–10; Chastellain, op. cit., Vol. I, p. 179

  5. Monstrelet, op. cit., Vol. IV, p. 17; Tutuey (ed.), op. cit., p. 145

  6. Monstrelet, op. cit., Vol. II, p. 305

  7. Perroy, op. cit., pp. 232–3

  8. Vale’s brilliant Charles VII does belated justice to him, altering the traditional picture.

  Chapter XV, ‘Lancastrian Normandy’

  1. Le Cacheux, Rouen au temps de Jeanne d’Arc et pendant l’occupation anglais (1419–1449)

  2. Blondel, Complanctorum bonorum Gallorum, ch. xix

  3. Blondel, Oratio Historialis, ch. iii

  4. Newhall, op. cit., pp. 240–2

  5. Rymer, op. cit., Vol. X, pp. 160–1

  6. Newhall, op. cit., p. 236

  7. At the truce of Tours of May 1444 the English agreed to end pâtis, courses, sauvegardes, billets and congés in Normandy, Anjou, Maine and Perches, and at Mantes and at Le Crotoy.

  8. Allmand, op. cit., p. 30

  9. Puiseux, L’Emigration Normande et la colonisation anglaise en Normandie au XVe Siècle, pp. 56–7

  10. Favier, ‘La Tourment’ in Histoire de la Normandie (ed. Boüard), pp. 233–4

  11. Favier, Guerre de Cent Ans, p. 467. In 1430 the ecclesiastical judges at Rouen gave a ruling that ‘son of an Englishman’ was an insult as grave as ‘son of a whore’.

  Chapter XVI, ‘Rending of Every Man Throughout the Realm’

  1. Wylie and Waugh, op. cit., Vol. III

  2. Harvey, ‘Architectural History from 1291 to 1558’ in A History of York Minster, pp. 181–6.

  3. McFarlane, Cambridge Medieval History, Vol. VIII, p. 387

  4. Newhall, op. cit., p. 266

  5. Juvénal, op. cit., p. 565

  6. Strecche, Chronicle, p. 278

  7. Adam of Usk, op. cit., p. 133

  8. Harriss (ed.), op. cit., p. 177

  9. Newhall, op. cit., p. 150–1, and Jacob, op. cit., pp. 204–10

  10. Rymer, op. cit., Vol. X, p. 131

  11. Knowles, op. cit., Vol. II, pp. 182–4

  Chapter XVII, ‘Meaux Falls’

  1. Chastellain, op. cit., Vol. I, p. 220

  2. Juvénal, op. cit., p. 566

  3. Chartier, op. cit., Vol. I, p. 6

  4. Chastellain, op. cit., Vol. I, p. 282

  5. Burne, The Agincourt War, p. 179

  6. Walsingham, op. cit., Vol. II, p. 343

  7. Chronique du Réligieux de Saint-Denys, Vol. VI, p. 381

  8. ibid., Vol. VI, p. 381

  9. Juvénal, op. cit, p. 561

  10. Journal d’un Bourgeois de Paris, p. 171 ff

  11. Chronique du Réligieux de Saint-Denys, Vol. VI, p. 450

  12. Journal d’un Bourgeois de Paris, p. 178

  13. ibid., p. 163

  14. Waurin, op. cit., Vol. II, p. 361

  15. Clephan, ‘The Ordnance of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries’, Archaeological Journal, pp. 49–84

  16. Letter in Bib. Nat. fr. 26044, no. 5712 – cit. Newhall, op. cit., p. 264

  17. Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry V (8 April, 1421), p. 384

  18. Journal d’un Bourgeois de Paris, p. 170

  19. Juvénal, op. cit., p. 563

  20. Chronique du Réligieux de Saint-Denys, Vol. VI, p. 563

  21. ‘ac hospitalus fuit in castro delectabilissimo du boys de Vincennes per Seneam distante’, ibid., p. 466

  22. The First English Life of King Henry the Fifth, p. 178

  23. The Brut of England, Vol. II, p. 493

  24. Chastellain, op. cit., Vol. I, p. 313

  25. Journal d’un Bourgeois de Paris, p. 174 ff

  Chapter XVIII, ‘Lancastrian France’

  1. Wylie and Waugh, op. cit., Vol. III, p. 143

  2. Perroy, op. cit., p. 219. ‘Henri V se fit brutal, lésa sans remords tous les intérêts. Expulsions, confiscations, amendes, firent regner un régime de terreur.’

  3. Favier, op. cit., p. 463

  4. Walsingham, Historia Anglicana, Vol. II, p. 336

  5. Chartier, op. cit., Vol. I, p. 13

  6. Basin, op. cit., Vol. II, pp. 9–10

  7. Puiseux, op. cit., Allmand, Lancastrian Normandy

  8. Basin, op. cit., Vol. I, pp. 106–7

  9. Le Cacheux, Actes de la Chancellerie de Henri VI, Vol. 1, pp. 253–5

  10. Juvénal, in Dénifle, op. cit., Vol. I, pp. 502–12

  11. ibid., p. 511

  12. Stevenson (ed.), Letters and Papers, Vol. I, pp. 10–19

  13. Dénifle, op. cit., Vol. I, xvi

  14. Juvénal, in Dénifle, op. cit., Vol. I, p. 506

  15. Blondel, ‘De Reductione Normanniae’, in Narratives of the Expulsion of the English from Normandy, p. 179, ‘Quid de tuis sacrilegiis, Henrie, rex immanissimo, omnium sacrilegorum princeps.’

  16. Chronique du Réligieux de Saint-Denys, Vol. VI, p. 165

  17. Chartier, op. cit., p. 4

  18. Basin, op. cit., Vol. I, pp. 86–8. The great Lancastrian lawyer Sir John Fortescue, who was in France during the late 1460s, reports, ‘there was never people in that land more poor than were in our time the commons of the county of Caux, which was then almost desert for lack of tillers.’ (The Pays de Caux had once been the granary of eastern Normandy.)

  19. The First English Life of King Henry the Fifth, p. 131

  20. Chastellain, op. cit., Vol. I, p. 221

  21. ibid., Vol. I, pp. 221–22, 308

  22. cit. Ascoli, op. cit., p. 18

  23. cit. Lewis, Essays in Later French Medieval History, p. 194<
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  24. Robinet, cit. Ascoli, op. cit., p. 43

  25. Commynes, Mémoires, Vol. II, p. 37

  26. Fowler, The Hundred Years War, p. 23

  27. Cheruel, Histoire de Rouen sous la domination anglaise au quinzième siècle, pp. 86–8

  28. McFarlane, The Nobility of Later Medieval England, p. 35

  29. Monstrelet, op. cit., Vol. IV, p. 117. The nobleman was ‘Messire Sarasin d’Ailli, uncle to the Vidame of Amiens’.

  30. Juvénal, in Dénifle, op. cit., Vol. I, p. 500

  31. Chastellain, op. cit., Vol. I, pp. 337–9

  Chapter XIX, ‘Death’

  1. Waurin, op. cit., Vol. II, p. 426

  2. Basin, op. cit., Vol. I, p. 79

  3. Favier, op. cit., p. 455. ‘Dans ce réalisme des derniers instants, Henri V reconnaissait implicitement la légitimité du futur Charles VII.’

  4. Chastellain, op. cit., Vol. I, pp. 339–40

  5. Chartier, op. cit., Vol. I, p. 28

  6. Journal d’un Bourgeois de Paris, p. 178

  7. Waurin, op. cit., Vol. II, p. 428; Monstrelet, op. cit., Vol. IV, p. 116

  8. The Brut of England, Vol. II, p. 430

  9. Waurin, op. cit., Vol. II, p. 429

  10. Chartier, op. cit., Vol. I, p. 6

  11. Chastellain, op. cit., Vol. I, p. 312

  12. Jacob, op. cit., p. 202

  13. Wylie and Waugh, op. cit., Vol. III, p. 426

  14. McFarlane, Cambridge Medieval History, Vol. VIII, pp. 384–5

  15. Basin, op. cit., Vol. I, p. 89

  16. Journal d’un Bourgeois de Paris, p. 320

  17. Shakespeare, King Henry V, Act III, scene iii

  Chapter XX, Epilogue

  1. Commynes, op. cit., Vol. II, p. 256

  2. ibid., Vol. II, p. 240

  Select Bibliography


  Adam of Usk, Chronicon Adae de Usk (ed. E. M. Thompson), London, 1904.

  Basin, Thomas, Histoire de Charles VII (transl. C. Samaran), Paris, 1964–65.

  Blondel, Robert, Oeuvres, Rouen 1891.

  Blondel, Robert, ‘De reductione Normanniae’ in Letters and Papers Illustrative of the Wars of the English in France (ed. J. Stevenson), see below.

  Bouvier, Gilles Le, Histoire Chronologique du roy Charles VII, Paris, 1658.

  The Brut; or the Chronicles of England, (ed. F. Brie), Early English Text Society, 1906–08.

  Cagny, Perceval de, Chroniques de Perceval de Cagny, (ed. H. Moranville), Paris, 1902.

  Calendar of Patent Rolls, Henry V, London, 1910–11.

  Calendar of Signet Letters of Henry IV and Henry V, London, 1978.

  Capgrave, John, The Chronicle of England (ed. F. C. Hingeston), London, 1858.

  Chartier, Alain, L’Histoire mémorable des grands troubles de ce royaume soubs le roy Charles VII, Nevers, 1594.

  Chartier, Alain, Le Quadrilogue invectif, Paris, 1923.

  Chartier, Jean, Chronique de Charles VII, roi de France (ed. V. de Viriville), Paris, 1858.

  Chastellain, Georges, Oeuvres (ed. Kervyn de Lettenhove), Brussels, 1863–66.

  A Chronicle of London 1189–1483 (ed. N. H. Nicolas), London, 1827.

  Chronique du Réligieux de Saint-Denys (1380–1422) (ed. F. Bellaguet), Paris, 1839–54.

  Commynes, Philippe de, Mémoires (eds. J. Calmette and G. Durville), Paris, 1924–25.

  Cronicques de Normandie (ed. A. Hellot), Rouen, 1881.

  Fauquembergue, Clément de, Journal de Clément de Fauquembergues, greffier du Parlement de Paris, 1417–1435 (ed. A. Tuetey), Paris, 1881.

  Fenin, Pierre de, Mémoires, Paris, 1837.

  The First English Life of King Henry the Fifth (ed. C. L. Kingsford), Oxford, 1911.

  Fortescue, Sir John, The Governance of England (ed. C. Plummer), Oxford, 1885.

  Froissart, Jean, Oeuvres: Chroniques (ed. Kervyn de Lettenhove), Brussels, 1867–77.

  Gesta Henrici Quinti: The Deeds of Henry the Fifth (trans. and ed. F. Taylor and J. S. Roskell), Oxford, 1975.

  Halle, Edward, The Union of the two Noble and Illustre Families of Lancastre and Yorke, London, 1809.

  Hardyng, John, Chronicle (ed. H. Ellis), London, 1812.

  Historical Poems of the XIVth and XVth Centuries (ed. R. H. Robbins), New York, 1959.

  Hoccleve, Thomas, The Regement of Princes (ed. F. J. Furnivall), Early English Text Society, London, 1897.

  Journal d’un Bourgeois de Paris, 1405–1449 (ed. A. Tutuey), Paris, 1881.

  Juvénal des Ursins, Jean, Histoire de Charles VI (ed. J. A. C. Buchon, Paris, 1836.

  Juvénal des Ursins, Jean, Ecrits politiques de Jean Juvénal des Ursins (ed. P. S. Lewis), Paris, 1978.

  Lannoy, Guillebert de, Oeuvres (ed. C. Potvin), Louvain, 1878.

  Le Fèvre, Jean, Seigneur de St Remy, Chronique (ed. F. Morand), Paris, 1876–81.

  Letters and Papers Illustrative of the Wars of the English in France during the Reign of Henry the Sixth, King of England (ed. J. Stevenson), London, 1861–81.

  Lettres des rois, reines et autres personnages des cours de France et d’Angleterre (ed. J. J. Champollion-Figeac), Paris, 1839–47.

  Libelle of Englyshe Polycye (ed. G. Warner), Oxford, 1926.

  Liber Metricus: Elmham liber metricus de Henrico quinto in Memorials of Henry the Fifth, king of England (ed. C. A. Cole), London, 1858.

  Livius de Frulovisis, Titus, Vita Henrici Quinti (ed. T. Hearne), London, 1716.

  Monstrelet, Enguerrand de, Chroniques d’Enguerran de Monstrelet (ed. L. Douët d’Arcq), Paris, 1857–62.

  Morosini, Antonio, Chronique d’Antonio Morosini: Extraits rélatifs à l’histoire de France, 1414–1428 (ed. G. Lefèvre-Pontalis and L. Dorez), Paris, 1899.

  Narratives of the Expulsion of the English from Normandy MCCCCXLIX–MCCCCL (ed. J. Stevenson), London, 1863.

  Original Letters illustrative of English History (ed. H. Ellis), London, 1824–46.

  Otterbourne, Thomas, Chronica Regum Angliae (ed. T. Hearne), Oxford, 1732.

  Page, John, ‘The Siege of Rouen’ in The Historical Collections of a Citizen of London, Camden Society, 1876.

  Royal and Historical Letters during the Reign of Henry IV, (ed. H. C. Hingeston), London, 1860.

  Rouen au temps de Jeanne d’Arc pendant l’occupation anglaise (1419–1449) (ed. P. Le Cacheux), Rouen and Paris, 1931.

  Rymer, Thomas, Foedera, Conventiones, The Hague, 1739–45.

  St Albans Chronicle, 1406–1420 (ed. V. H. Galbraith), Oxford, 1937.

  Strecche, John, The Chronicle of John Strecche for the reign of Henry V (1414–22) (ed. F. Taylor), Manchester, 1932.

  Upton, Nicholas, The Essential Portions of Nicholas Upton’s De Studio Militari before 1446 (ed. F. P. Barnard), Oxford, 1931.

  Vegetius, Knyghthode and Bataile: A XVth Century Verse Paraphrase of Flavius Vegetius Renatus’ Treatise ‘De Re Miltari’ (ed. R. Dyboski and Z. M. Arend), Early English Text Society, 1935.

  Vita et Gesta Henrici Quinti (ed. T. Hearne), London, 1727.

  Walsingham, Thomas, Historia Anglicana (ed. H. T. Riley), London, 1863–64.

  Waurin, Jean de, Receuil des croniques et anchiennes istories de la Grant Bretaigne a present nomme Engleterre, 1399–1422 (ed. W. Hardy), London, 1868.


  Allmand, C. T., Lancastrian Normandy: The History of a Medieval Occupation, Oxford, 1983.

  Allmand, C. T., ‘The Lancastrian Land Settlement in Normandy, 1417–50’, Economic History Review, Second series, XXI (1968).

  Allmand, C. T., (ed.), Society at War: The Experience of England and France during the Hundred Years War, Edinburgh, 1973.

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  Burne, A. H., The Agincourt War: A Military History of the latter part of the Hundred Years War from 1369 to 1453, London, 1956.

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