A Mate's Denial:

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A Mate's Denial: Page 9

by P. Jameson

  Farrow, Avan, and Vesh lead them to a secluded area of camp, where the trees came together forming a cover. Behind them was a lodge, bigger than the others Trager had seen. Farrow climbed the wrap-around porch and knocked on the door.

  A female, dressed in all black answered the door.

  “Lady Besh,” Farrow greeted. “We need to speak with Alpha.”

  Her expression was empty as she glanced at Trager. “He’s having dinner. I’ll tell him you’ll wait in the hall.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  On the way back to the main part of camp, Kerrigan leaned close and whispered, “Do you think the alpha will come quickly? Maybe we can say our piece and go home tonight.”

  “No one leaves after dark,” Vesh barked. “No one except hunters. You’re stuck here tonight, little kitten.”

  Little kitten. Trager swore. If he called her that one more time…

  Kerrigan tucked her arm through his, and his wolf calmed. But not enough. He needed to get his mate alone. Needed to touch her, breathe her in, feed her, and sleep with her. And it didn’t need to be in that order.

  Much of the pack had already gathered at the hall by the time they arrived. Apparently this meeting was going to be public. Trager blew out a breath. He could only hope the humiliation wasn’t as bad as he suspected it would be.

  He recognized many faces, but there were three specific ones missing from the crowd. He went from wolf to wolf, from glower to glower, but there was no sign of his family. His mother and father and Gabby.

  Kerrigan tugged on his arm. “I need to uh, use the bathroom.”

  “I’ll take her,” Avan said.

  “No, I will.” No way in hell was he losing sight of Kerrigan. Not here.

  “It’s okay,” she said. “Just show me where. I can take myself.”

  Under the guards’ watchful eye, he led her to the bathroom. Resisting the urge to follow her in was no easy task. He cringed when Avan flashed him a cruel smile and slid past him into the room.

  Fuck. This wouldn’t be good.

  Trager ran his hands through his hair, counting off the minutes his mate was away from him. If she wasn’t out in five, he was going in after her.


  Kerrigan washed her hands, studiously ignoring the gorgeous wolf-girl as she opened a cabinet, removed a tee shirt, and pulled it over her head. It was long, but it barely covered her butt.

  “Something tells me that little stunt you pulled with Vesh was fake,” she mused. “How much did Trager pay you?”

  Say what? “Pay me?”

  Her eyes leveled on Kerrigan. “Yeah. How much?”

  “He hasn’t paid me. Are you crazy?”

  “No.” She shrugged. “I just don’t believe you’ve mated with him. Or that you plan to. I think he talked you into coming here, for whatever reason. Most likely to start a war, because he’s nothing but trouble. And when this whole meet-and-greet with the alpha is over, you’ll be on your merry way.”

  Kerrigan shook her head. “You’re wrong. About everything.”

  She thought of her half-packed apartment and felt sick. What was she doing here? Trying to help Trager save the people he cared about. But when it was over? What then?

  Wolf-girl laughed, sounding like an evil cartoon. “No way. I can’t be wrong. It’s all in the prophecy.”

  “What prophecy?”

  “Of course you don’t know about the prophecy. It’s the whole reason Alpha forced Trager to leave the pack.” She slinked over to Kerrigan so that her face was inches away. “You’re going to deny him. Reject him. Refuse to be his mate. A wolf who can’t secure a mate is useless.”

  This made no sense. They threw Trager out of camp for this? She forced herself to remain calm. She needed more information.

  “There are worse things than being rejected.”

  Wolf-girl shook her head. “Not to a wolf. And especially not by a mate.”

  “Let me get this straight, he was thrown out of the pack at the mere possibility that I might reject him? That’s insane.”

  “No. You got it all wrong. He got thrown out of the pack because without a mate, he can’t have young. He becomes a useless member.”

  Useless. Kerrigan went numb. It was a word Ethan had thrown around a lot. Usually referring to her. These people were heartless. Or was it just wolf-girl?

  “His worth isn’t dependent upon whether or not he has children. Do you have children?”

  “Not yet. I’m unmated.”

  “And you obviously aren’t useless to the pack.”

  “It would be a different story if my mate rejected me. Clearly, you have a lot to learn about pack dynamics.”

  Kerrigan glared. “Clearly, I do.”

  “You can start with this: I’m going to make sure I fuck your mate before you leave here.” With that, wolf-girl breezed out of the bathroom.

  Kerrigan braced her hands on the sink, breathing deep. She wanted to go after the bitch, but Trager’s warning came to mind. They’ll challenge you. That’s what this was. A test.

  She pulled the door open, and Trager almost fell in. The wolf-bitch was inches away from him, one foot planted against the wall, putting her in quite a… a… position. She was spread wide, all her lower goods on display.

  He righted himself, a sick look on his face.

  “What the fuck?” Kerrigan had never used that word before.

  “In the bathroom,” he said.

  Wolf-bitch chuckled, slowly bring her foot down. Heads were turning in their direction. People were watching, and still the bitch wouldn’t stop. “He was hard for it,” she mock-whispered. “See for yourself.”

  “I’m going to kill her!”

  “Bathroom, now.”

  Kerrigan gave him a murderous look… and then lunged for the wolf-bitch’s throat. But she didn’t make it. Trager’s arm banded around her waist, lifting her off the ground and shoving her into the bathroom. The wolf-bitch was right; Trager’s erection pressed into her backside. She kicked and punched.

  “Let me go.”


  “You wanted her. I can feel it.” She kicked again. If she could just get loose, she’d show that girl what happened when someone messed with her man.

  “Oh, baby, this isn’t for her.”

  Kerrigan stopped kicking, but he didn’t let go. Her chest pumped from the exertion.

  “I was about to come through that door when you opened it. I didn’t look anywhere but her eyes. You saw more than I did, I’m sure.”

  “I hate her.”

  He ground his hardness against her. “This is because of you,” he whispered in her ear. “Because you would’ve fought for me. You have no idea what that means to a wolf like me.”

  Kerrigan relaxed a touch. “I’ll kill her.”

  “Shh.” His hand moved up her stomach to gently squeeze her breast. “I don’t want to talk about her anymore.” He pressed a kiss behind her ear, and another, until she tilted her head.

  Suddenly, she found herself flipped around and pushed against the wall. He yanked her shirt up, his eyes going wide at the sight of her wearing the red bra he’d packed. He jerked the cups down, exposing both breasts for his attention.

  And did he ever give them attention. Tugging and pulling and licking and sucking.

  Kerrigan panted at the sensations. The things he could do to her body were nothing short of miraculous. Like she was an instrument only he knew how to play.

  He broke away to undo the zipper of his pants, his erection springing free. She reached for it like a life preserver. It was steely and smooth as she ran her hand up and down the shaft. “I want you bad, Kerrigan,” he heaved. “After what you did, I want you real bad.”

  God, she wanted him too. Couldn’t even care that there were wolves outside. Hopefully wolf-bitch was listening.


  He flicked the button of her jeans and had them around her ankles in two seconds flat. One hand in her hair, forearm brace
d on the wall, he slipped is fingers past her panties.

  “You’re ready. So ready for me.”

  “Trager… need you…” He rubbed her sex faster and faster.

  “Baby… Fuck. I don’t want to take you in a bathroom. I want you in my bed.” He leaned his head against the wall over her shoulder.

  Kerrigan didn’t care where they were. She wanted him now. Now. It felt crucial. Maybe it was just being in the vicinity of so many wear-shifters, but she wanted to claim him, mark him. If sex was the name of the game then… what a wonderful game.

  There was a thunderous bang on the door. “Alpha’s here.” It was wolf-bitch. Her voice made Kerrigan homicidal.

  Trager nuzzled her neck, licking. The action was very… wolfy, but it had a calming effect. She breathed deep, letting him soothe her.

  “We finish this later, mate.” He stepped back, readjusting her bra. His eyes held a wild edge, and made her stomach clench with longing.

  Hissing, he tucked his erection into his waistband and pulled his shirt down to cover it. Kerrigan buttoned her jeans, took a deep breath, and went for the door. But Trager grabbed her hair, stopping her.

  Slowly, he came up behind her, his mouth dropping to her ear. “Did you know, once a wolf finds his mate, he wants no other? Only his mate’s scent can excite him, only her touch can calm him, heal him. That’s why they’re testing us, to see if this is real.” He nipped the shell of her ear with his teeth. “You’re it for me, Kerri. Whatever happens, don’t forget that.”

  Kerrigan followed him out into the great hall where many people were gathered. There was no sign of wolf-bitch. In the center of the room, a huge shirtless man stood. His head was shaved, except for one long strip down the middle of his scalp. His nose was pierced, and on his right pectoral, an odd-shaped scar stood out from otherwise smooth skin. The wolf, Vesh, stood at his left, and the woman from the lodge, on his right.

  Kerrigan swallowed her anxiety.

  Trager took her hand and approached the man she could only assume was the alpha.

  “You return to the pack that doesn’t want you.” His voice held zero emotion, but his gaze was cold and calculating. “Why?”

  “I have news that could be important to the pack.” Kerrigan’s eyes went to Trager. His tone of voice was nothing she recognized. It was hard and razor sharp.

  The alpha cocked his head to the side. “Is that right?”

  Trager gave a single nod.

  Taking in a deep inhale of breath, the alpha stepped forward. His power was like a physical force. Kerrigan could feel it slamming against her chest. She had the oddest urge to duck her head, to look away. To crawl under a rock.

  “She is extremely aroused, but how do I know she’s your mate?”

  Oh, god. Of course they could smell that. She glanced around the room. Several men looked to be in a daze. Holy shit. They’re animalistic. Don’t expect them to act like humans.

  “Vesh tells me she’s not marked. Only one reason I can think of for that.”

  “She’s human,” Trager spat. “We’re waiting until after the wedding.”

  The alpha smiled cruelly. “That’s sweet. But it isn’t good enough. I want proof. The Elders haven’t had a failed vision in a hundred and twenty years, and now you claim the prophecy that expelled you from the pack is false, and bring me news out of the kindness of your heart? I don’t buy it.”

  Trager straightened. “I bring you news with the hope that my family will be kept safe.”

  “What family?”

  Kerrigan watched Trager’s throat work as he swallowed. “My parents and my sister.”

  “They’ve all disowned you. Even your sister, when she took Farrow as her mate. You have no family. And you should get used to that feeling. The prophecy will hold, and you’ll be alone, for the rest of your existence. No mate, no young.”

  She couldn’t look away from Trager’s face. His jaw was locked tight, but his eyes blinked rapidly. He was hurt, she knew. He’d come here to help his sister, Farrow, and whoever else, but no one cared. All they could do was remind him he wasn’t wanted.

  No mate, no young. She realized what the alpha said. No young. No kids. No family.

  Did Trager want kids?

  According to wolf-bitch, people who couldn’t procreate were worthless to wolves. Kerrigan’s heart dropped. Would Trager think of her like that? Because kids weren’t in her future? Their future.

  No, no, no. He couldn’t. He was nothing like Ethan. Trager would never call her worthless.

  “I think you should mark her now. Here, in front of the pack.”

  Vesh’s gaze, suddenly furious, snapped to the alpha.

  Trager stiffened. “No.”

  There was a collective gasp, the crowd murmuring.

  The alpha ran his narrowed gaze slowly over Kerrigan. It felt like being petted, but nothing was touching her. She wanted him to stop.

  “She’s primed and ready. A public marking would prove to the pack that your mate accepts you. Perhaps… your family would reconsider. Perhaps they’d welcome you back.”

  His family would respect him if he marked her. That’s what the alpha was saying, right. How bad could it be? A cut? Tattoo? A brand, like the one on the alpha’s chest?

  “Do it,” she said.

  Trager’s furious gaze snapped to her. He looked like he wanted to murder her. His hand flew to the back of her neck, pinching just hard enough to make her freeze. It didn’t hurt, but there was no doubt about his intentions. He was shutting her up. As an animal would.

  Her instinct was to shrug him off. No one told her when she could or could not talk. No one. But then she thought better of it. Follow my lead.

  The alpha’s dark eyebrow arched. “Your mate approves. It’s settled then.”

  “No. I won’t do it.”

  “I could make you,” the alpha snarled.

  Vesh stepped forward. “Alpha, their bond has been tested. By both Avan and myself. I believe she’s his true mate.”

  The alpha glared at Vesh, then scanned the crowd. “Avan? This true?”

  “Yes, Alpha. She would’ve clawed my eyes out. And the wolf couldn’t even look on me.” Wolf-bitch.

  The alpha crossed his arms, appearing thoughtful, before bringing his gaze back to Trager. “You know what makes me a good alpha? Never trusting. Not even the word of two of my best guards. You’ll mark her, here, now, or I won’t listen to another word you say.” His eyes gleamed, wicked. “I want to see you fuck her against the wall.”

  Fuck her? Like… fuck her? In front of everyone? No, she hadn’t volunteered for that. She knew sex was involved but she thought he’d only meant the marking would be public. Whatever the hell that was.

  Dear god. This was bad. She had to do something.

  “There is a pack who wants to take your land,” Kerrigan blurted. Trager’s hold became tighter on her neck, but she ignored it. “We came to warn you because Trager didn’t want to see his family hurt. And I… I didn’t want to see him hurt. But quite frankly, you’re all pissing me off, and I couldn’t care less what the Ravendales do to you.”

  The alpha’s mate jerked her head as if Kerrigan had slapped her. It was the first reaction she’d seen from the poor woman.

  Slowly, the alpha turned on Kerrigan. “What did you say?” he hissed.

  “The Ravendales are coming for Ozarka,” Trager answered. “Cael wants revenge. You’ve been warned, now I’d like to take my mate and go.”

  The alpha’s enraged gaze never wavered from Kerrigan. “No one leaves after dark.”

  “See, thing is, you’re not my alpha. I’ll leave when I want to.”

  In a flash, the alpha had both hands wrapped around Trager’s neck, squeezing. Kerrigan screamed, but no one seemed to care. As if they witnessed their alpha choking people on a daily basis.

  “You’ll leave at first light,” his voice shook with barely-contained fury and raw power. “Or you won’t leave at all. Understand?”

  Trager’s eyes bulged, but he managed to nod.

  The alpha held him a second longer before letting go. Trager coughed and sputtered, trying to draw in breath.

  “Vesh,” the alpha barked, “Show them to a cabin. The rest of you, go home.” He spun, grabbing his mate roughly by the arm, and dragging her through the crowd.

  Kerrigan reached for her wolf. “Are you okay?”

  He nodded, and pulled her toward the door after Vesh.

  Outside, the crowd was buzzing. People broke off in various directions, following the alpha’s orders, she assumed.

  Vesh led them to a small single room cabin, and pushed the door open. “Have fun,” he said, distracted, and then set off into the woods without a second glance.

  “Inside,” Trager ordered.

  The room was dark, but she found a lamp on the table and switched it on while Trager locked the door.

  “Shit,” he muttered, staring at the floor. “That went well.”

  Kerrigan rubbed her arms, trying to stop the chill that wouldn’t leave her. She spied her suitcase and a duffle bag in the corner of the room, next to the fireplace.

  Somehow she managed to mumble the question she was afraid to ask. “Will he let us go tomorrow?”

  Trager stared at her. “He has no reason to keep us, and under the law, he can’t.”

  Okay, then.

  It was time for her and Trager to have a serious talk.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The alpha couldn’t hold them. Trager hadn’t sworn allegiance to him. Not even as a child, since he’d been expelled before he was old enough. They just had to get through this night.

  He watched his mate, judging her level of distress. She was scared. The scent was stronger than he’d ever smelled before. She was worried. Understandably. Everything she’d seen tonight had been disturbing. The thing with Vesh and Avan. The alpha’s dominance. The son-of-a-bitch’s demand that Trager mark her in public, like a dog.

  He turned to the wall so she wouldn’t see how angry he was. She’d had enough of that for one night.

  It was bad enough that the pack treated him like shit, but then to use his mate as a bargaining tool? To treat their joining as a public spectacle, not worthy of privacy. No. Fucking no. They wouldn’t lessen the experience. It would be done right, and when she was ready. If she was ever ready.


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