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Neon District: ALPHA (The Neon District Trilogy, Book 1)

Page 11

by Chad Campbell

  “Anyway, I believe you sought me out to retrieve an important codec, no?” she asked.

  Caiden nodded subtly. “How much is it going to cost me?”

  “Hmm, nothing at all. Anyone who is recommended by Knight-1 is someone to be trusted,” she replied.

  “How can you be so sure?” he asked.

  “Should I not?” She said as the atmosphere became tense.

  “Okay, look. I’m not here to cause problems; I just need that codec. There’s so much I want to learn about myself that I’ve never fully been able to understand before. That codec is the key, apparently,” he replied.

  “Yes, I was told that you were a special child, indeed. A child that could change the world, even,” she said.

  “Wow, Knight-1 has some pretty damn high hopes for a guy like me, huh?” he replied.

  “Yes, and now I can see why,” she said as she reached into her thigh-satchel and pulled out the coveted codec.

  “May I ask you something?”

  “By all means,” she pleasantly replied while handing him the codec.

  “How do you know Knight-1? How did you guys link up? Is there anything that I need to be made aware of?” he asked.

  “My dear Caiden, unfortunately, I can’t really answer those particular questions,” she said. “But what I can tell you, is that Knight-1 has many enemies, and despite the abrupt and cryptic nature of Knight-1’s conversations, her intentions are good and are meant for the betterment of humanity. We are on the path to a revolution Caiden, a new world, and we need your help to achieve--”

  Her sentence was interrupted by a commotion on the other side of the club. Someone had fired off three rounds of bullets into the air and the crowd and employees immediately began to scatter. A large group of fifty people dressed in tailor-made black suits, white dress shirts and skinny black ties, stormed into the club, armed to the teeth. The music was turned off and the main overhead lights came on. They moved aside in single file and in came walking a familiar tall, sleazy looking man; it was Slavo. He displayed visible marks from his brutal confrontation with Caiden. His visor was still damaged, and his injured shoulder was in a sling.

  “Alright! Listen up! I’ve come courtesy of the all-powerful Chimera. We had a little situation a few nights ago, and lost two of our best girls. So, we need two new ones to take their place, and we decided to get them from here! Red Rabbit is makin’ too much fuckin’ money, and I want some of it!” he yelled as he waved his trademark white pistol. “Anybody have a goddamn problem with it? You can gladly file your complaint with the boss man, Dragon!”

  The silence left patrons too nervous to move or speak for fear of their lives. Slavo moved through the crowd to look for the best-looking women they had to offer, pointing at a couple to come down from the stage so he could inspect them. This uncomfortable inspection involved an unnecessary amount of groping and fondling on his behalf, much to the chagrin of the women. It was a barbarous display to assert his power in this position. Typical of the foul-mouthed drug-addicted Slavo. How he was able to function, no one knew.

  Like a missile locked onto a target, Caiden was laser focused. He was ready to launch toward Slavo full speed. As soon as he was about to spring into action, he felt Wizard grab him and bring him down to a crouching position.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, bewildered.

  “Everyone else is too goddamn scared to do anything about this! I was the one who caused trouble at The LoveMaars a few nights ago. Two of my friends were there; I had to free them. Slavo is bad news,” he said.

  “That was you?” she asked, surprised.

  He nodded; he was wracked with guilt. Slavo and Chimera’s arrival at the Red Rabbit were a direct result of Caiden’s actions. He felt it was his responsibility to deal with Slavo, but Wizard begged to differ.

  “Attacking them head on right now is suicide. Come, we must leave,” she whispered. “There’s too many of them to take on here.”

  Caiden reluctantly agreed and they readied themselves for their escape. Staying low and slipping through the frightened crowd, Wizard and Caiden maneuvered their way toward the back exit. Navigating through the kitchen and office area was rather easy. Wizard opened the door leading outside. Two Chimera henchmen arrived there at the exact same time Caiden and Wizard did.

  Without hesitation, one of the henchmen reached for his gun. Caiden dashed forward with blurring speed, leaving the gunman unable to react in time. Swaying away from the gunman’s aim, leaned to his right. Grabbing the gangster’s wrist with his left hand, he then drove his right palm into the gunman’s elbow, snapping it at an unnatural angle. The pain from the hyperextension of his elbow caused the henchman to lose grip of his gun. Caiden caught the falling gun mid-air and pointed it into the henchmen’s face while still holding his left wrist. The Chimera gangster found himself looking down the barrel of his own demise.

  Stunned and disoriented, he looked and found his arm bent and manipulated in a painful angle than didn’t fully register until he laid his eyes on it. But before he could cry out in pain Caiden knocked him out cold using the back end of the gun. The henchmen fell to the floor, limp and unconscious. The other Chimera gunman stalled, confused about what to do. He stumbled for his weapon when he was intercepted by Wizard who rushed him with a flurry of precision strikes. Each strike was accompanied by powerful electric shocks. He dropped to the floor, convulsing and foaming at the mouth.

  “Wow, that was pretty awesome” Caiden said.

  “This doesn’t look like your first rodeo either,” she replied, impressed with the technical proficiency and brutality he took out the gangster with.

  “Where did you learn killer moves like that from?” she asked.

  “Took a kickboxing class once,” he replied sarcastically as he smiled.

  “You surprise me more and more by the minute” she said as she smiled back. Wizard’s eyes widened and glowed red. “Ten more assailants approaching from the front, fully armed,” she said as her red-lit eyes turned back to blue.

  “Wow, pretty sophisticated detection system you have there,” he commented. “There’ll be more time to talk later. For now, we must escape.” She replied.

  Wizard and Caiden then took off down the back street, dashing into the dark of the night.

  More gangsters made their way to the back entrance. “Hey! We got two bogies here!”

  “Well, get rid of those motherfuckers! We were told no one was allowed to leave until we were done!”

  “Shit! Why does this always seem to happen?” Caiden asked. Wizard briefly turned around, surprised to find that Caiden kept up with her.

  “I wasn’t planning on leaving you, but I’m shocked that you’re able to keep up! You’re not useless dead weight after all,” she remarked.

  “I was wondering why you were running so slow!” he replied.

  She smirked as she picked up the pace. As she looked around her she found Caiden at her side. Bullets whizzed past their heads as they ducked and dodged. In response, Caiden pulled his gun out of his holster and fired some rounds at his pursuers.

  “Duck!” Wizard yelled as she stopped in her tracks, turned around and held her right hand forward. Caiden sidestepped as she commanded. Her right hand transformed in to a miniature chrome-finished cannon. Caiden could see where and how the metal folded and merged to change from a normal hand to a dangerous weapon. She’s amazing! This gives me some good ideas for my gun, he thought.

  A green lit gauge on her forearm filled. Small particles of light began to converge at the center point of the mini cannon followed by a blast of light flashed as she fired this strange cannon! A ring of energy shot forward at the speed of light toward the gangsters. The powerful shockwave from the blast sent the pursuers flying backward in multiple directions. Smoke and debris filled the passageway where the assailants were. The concrete turned jagged and craggy from the power of the blast. The result of the blast left the gangsters critically wounded. More shouting came
from that direction.

  “Holy shit! What the fuck happened here?” the voices shrieked.

  “Hey Wiz, we need to get outta here,” Caiden yelled.

  “Don’t call me that!” she angrily replied her hand reverted to its normal form. Caiden laughed it off before he sent a text to the twins.

  Caiden:Change of plans, Orion Street.

  Twins:OMG! What happened?

  Caiden:I’ll explain later. Just meet me there.

  Caiden turned to Wizard. “Follow me! Got an escape route!”

  Wizard was beginning to understand even more why Knight-1 spoke so highly of this young man. They darted through the back streets, twisting and winding through. Eventually the duo ended up at the rendezvous point where Nami and Hitomi were nervously waiting. The car’s engine revved and ready to go. The twins were happy to see Caiden in one piece, but were perplexed to see the beautiful woman with him.

  “You’re more than welcome to come with us. We can drop you off wherever you need to go,” Caiden offered.

  “Can’t turn down a friendly offer now, can I?” Wizard replied.

  “Cai, we gotta get outta here! Let's go!” Nami nervously yelled out the car window. They hopped in the car and took off, escaping yet another dangerous situation.


  ---usr/systems/server-x/NOT CLEAR YET---

  Southandro was particularly busy that night, with a considerable amount of traffic congesting the main streets. It forced the group to take an alternate route out of the borough. As soon as they cleared Southandro, they all relaxed a little.

  “So, who is this?” Hitomi asked.

  “This is Wizard,” Caiden replied.

  “Really? Never thought you would be so beautiful! I pictured you to be some grubby creature or something,” Hitomi said.

  “These are the friends you were referring to?” Wizard asked Caiden, smiling. Caiden nodded.

  “Forgive my manners. Yes, I am the Wizard, pleased to meet you,” She replied.

  “Wow, so beautiful,” Nami said.

  “I could say the same for you two. From Rune Village. yes?” Wizard replied.

  “How could you tell?” Hitomi asked.

  “I’ve been there during my travels. Headmaster Nilrem is a wonderful man and brilliant leader. Plus, your hair, and those beautiful eyes; not many people have the kind of glow in them that you girls do,” Wizard replied. The twins gushed and blushed amongst themselves.

  The car was in automated drive mode which allowed for the four of them to converse comfortably. “So, Cai do you have the codec ?” Hitomi asked.

  “Right here, thanks to her,” he said pointing at Wizard.

  “So, you gonna open it up or what? We have a little time, right?” Nami asked.

  He was unsure of what to do, mainly because Wizard was there. Not only was Wizard a prominent private courier, but she also doubled as a highly sought-after information broker. Caiden’s apprehension in revealing such critical data was plenty warranted.

  “You’re probably wondering if you should extract the codec’s data for viewing while I am present. I understand your suspicion, but do not forget that I am a private courier of the highest caliber. I have a strict code of confidentiality. Also, I’m privy to some of the data already via Knight-1. So, do not worry, my friend,” Wizard assured them. Caiden nodded; he was still unsure. “Do not worry, dear Caiden, my lips are sealed.”

  “Okay, here goes nothing. Alpha, Exodus, Influx, Theta.” He read out the verbal encryption.

  The codec unlocked and a stream of light beamed from the center and display menu generated, showing hundreds of video logs. In addition, there were thousands of pages of code, research results, and a detailed history of the nanocells’ conception. The codec had mind-bending information on the nanocells’ purposes in amazing detail; assimilation, life cycle, techno-organic matter, discussions about future beings possessing the potential to merge consciousness with computer systems. This codec was crammed with a plethora of topics.

  “Where do I even begin?” Caiden said as he sifted through the endless amounts of information on the codec.

  “It’s quite a sight to behold, even I haven’t seen this far into it. It’s no wonder Knight-1 took extra precautions to ensure this codec didn’t fall into the wrong hands,” Wizard said.

  He sifted through some more files and found an interesting video titled ‘Assimilation: The Nanocell’s Ability for Molecular Imprinting’.

  “Assimilation? Hmm,” Caiden mumbled as he clicked on the video file. Everyone in the car was glued to the holographic video display. The video log showed a man in his seventies, with white slicked back hair and a warm expression on his face.

  “Dr. Hisashi Sendo recording video log number eleven twenty-two; Assimilation. Amiko and I tested the nanocells’ ability to change their form according to what they absorb. The results are fascinating. Titanium metal, in particular, initiated the most drastic transformation.”

  The video log transitioned to a recorded account of the transformation. Dr. Sendo placed a microscopic amount of titanium metal into a petri dish that was filled with nanocells. The nanocells looked like the ones Caiden found after he performed the bio-scan.

  “No way!” The twins exclaimed simultaneously.

  The recorded sequence showed the nanocells actively absorbing the microscopic metal shards. The nanocells’ properties began to change. Not only did they change shape, but they appeared to acquire something more from the absorption. It was as if the nanocells transformed into a much stronger and sturdier version of themselves. As a control for the experiment, Amiko suggested the placing of a harmful pathogen into the same petri dish to see what happened afterward.

  The newly reformed nanocells used their new-found ability to fight off and eradicate the pathogen within seconds. It was done faster than any white blood cell could ever do. It looked like a few banded together to viciously attack the pathogen, while another group of nanocells used what was left of the pathogen and converted it into life sustaining energy, ultimately powering the nanocell further.

  “Amiko and I have come to two conclusions regarding this phenomenon. One; the nanocell is truly sentient, a thinking biomachine of sorts, implementing tactics to effectively erase the pathogen while exerting little effort or energy. It executed a methodical and logical approach to destroy the substance while the other team of nanocells used their newfound strength from the assimilated metal to dispose of the rest. Two; due to the assimilation, the nanocells changed and remembered what they had absorbed. They then used their new ability to combat the threat in a new and innovative way that they wouldn’t have otherwise been able to without their ‘upgrade’.

  "This change also appeared to have left a permanent molecular imprint, forever changing their physical makeup, as well as altering their unique genetic code. This new change allowed them to tap into the newly-metalized substance they obtained to eliminate the threat."

  “Hey, Amiko, would it be too far-fetched to surmise that if someone… Theoretically, if a regular human were filled with these nanocells, the nanocells could consciously do the same thing on a macro scale?” Dr. Sendo asked. “That’s a really good question that I haven’t thought of an answer to. I suppose, with billions, or even trillions of these in a human body, the macro scale assimilation of objects could happen.” Amiko replied, before the video ended.

  “Every time we investigate these supercells in you we find something amazing,” Nami remarked.

  “Shit, tell me about it,” Caiden said.

  “Knight-1 wasn’t kidding when they said—. Detecting a tracing signal approximately one hundred meters south of our location. Moving at a speed of fifty-five miles per hour” Wizard announced as her eyes lit red again.

  “You’re an android?” Hitomi nervously asked.

  “Someone’s tracking us! Shit, I was sure we ditched them back there.” Caiden grimaced as he went to the driver’s seat to take control of the AI drive function.<
br />
  “We hindered our pursuers from the Chimera group. I’m afraid that an unrelated threat is following us. I detect a strong signal from this pursuer, a signal similar to mine. I cannot decipher the tracking code. Unable to identify the pursuer,” a confused Wizard finished as her eyes returned to their normal color.

  “Are you setting me up?” Caiden shouted as he pointed his gun toward the backseat where Wizard was sitting.

  “I have nothing to do with this,” she calmly replied.

  He lowered his weapon. “Well if you don’t have anything to do with it, then what gives?” he asked.

  “Did you run into anyone on your way to the Red Rabbit?” she asked.

  “As a matter of fact, I did. A strange old man in a white lab coat. His bodyguard called him ‘Dr. Stein’, I think.”

  Wizard’s eyes widened and her facial expression went from calm to serious. “You must take heed to my instructions immediately! Take control of the wheel and take a left now!”

  Caiden turned left, cutting off an oncoming car, almost resulting in an accident. “Now what?’ he queried.

  “Stay on this road for another quarter of a mile, then at the end of this street take a right, then another left,” she instructed.

  “Where are you taking us?” Nami fretted.

  “You’ll see, sweetheart,” Wizard said.

  “What’s going on with the tracker? What kind of car are they driving?” Caiden asked.

  “They are not driving a car, rather, they are moving from car to car without disrupting the drivers. This tracker is good. Always maintaining a safe distance of fifty to one hundred meters,” She reported.

  “What the hell is going on? How is that even possible right now?” Hitomi asked.

  “You’re still gonna ask that after these past two days of insanity?” Caiden remarked.

  “Good point” Hitomi replied.

  “Now, Caiden, I want you to maintain your current speed,” Wizard said.


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