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Neon District: ALPHA (The Neon District Trilogy, Book 1)

Page 15

by Chad Campbell

  “There’s more. More than twenty-five high profile complaints of sexual harassment were reported at his place of employment by women he worked with. These women were on the up n’ up; high level grads, groundbreaking scientists. They reported everything from being groped to being flashed with his newly perverse augmentations. Ew! Some reports show he forced himself on them with the promise of them one day becoming the head of his research division.” Nami read. This guy reminded them of the monsters who paid big money to take advantage of them while they were prisoners at The LoveMaars.

  “I can’t read any more of this. Check out his contract documents,” Hitomi’s voice began to shake.

  “Look here. This is strange,” Nami said.

  It was a four-thousand-page document. The filename was ‘The Adriel Project’. Nami clicked it open and to their dismay, the entire four-thousand-page document was digitally redacted. The twins did a quick scroll through the entire file hoping to find a page that wasn’t tampered with. The only page that had any visible information was the very last page; it was a signature page.

  “Dr. Stein Volda of Zonos Incorporated Government & Sciences. Check this out! The names are redacted, but look at the other companies who signed off on this,” Nami stated.

  “C.E.L.L. and Quantum Corporation?” Hitomi read aloud.

  “Why in the world would these groups be collaborating?” Nami asked.

  These three companies were known as the ‘Big Three’ in Neon District, and worldwide. Each spent billions of Creds each year in smear campaigns against one another. So, it was strange to see them working so closely together via the contract that the twins uncovered. They wondered what project could be so important that it would make the companies put their differences aside. With these revelations, the twins concluded their search by compiling and encrypting all of their findings. Mission accomplished.


  ---usr/systems/server-x/PARTY TIME---

  A loud series of knocks on the door startled Caiden awake.

  “Yo! Yo, Caide! You alive in there?” the voice called out.

  “Uh, yeah. Come in” a disoriented Caiden responded.

  It was Vantz. “Time to get up princess. I see that rest did you a shit ton of good. You actually look human now,” Vantz joked.

  “Huh? What the hell?” Caiden said, cobwebs still clouding his mind. He looked at his holo-watch and the time was forty-seven minutes past ten in the evening.

  “Almost time to head out! Dress to impress buddy!” Vantz said, rubbing his hands excitedly. He was thrilled that his best friend was finally hanging out with him in what seemed like ages.

  “Yeah, sure,” Caiden said as his voice cracked a little.

  He slowly sat up, turned to the side, and put his feet on the floor. He rested his elbows on his thighs and his hands ran up and down his face before he finally snapped out of his daze. He looked at his phone and saw four missed calls, all from the twins. Shit, I really was knocked out. I don’t even know how it happened. Let me see what they want, he thought. He prompted his holo-watch for a video call.

  “Hey, guys.”

  “Caide! We’ve been calling you all day,” a worried Nami said.

  “I know, I’m sorry. I fell asleep. I was exhausted,” Caiden replied.

  “Did you check our messages?” she asked.

  “Naw, I called you just as soon as I woke up. You find anything?”

  “OMG, yes! This Stein guy is a real dirt bag. Scum of the earth type of human being, if you wanna even call him one at that,” she replied.

  “Oh shit. I knew there was something off about this dude. I just knew it!” he said.

  “No kidding. He gave us the creeps just looking at his file. But there was one thing that really stood out. I think you definitely need to take a look. Some strange redacted contract. He signed off on behalf of Zonos, but Quantum Corp and C.E.L.L. were also included in the document,” Nami said.

  “That’s interesting. Looks like checking into his file was the right thing to do. Cool. Send me everything you have. I’ll take a quick look before I head out,” Caiden said.

  “Okay, party animal,” Nami replied in jest.

  “Whatever,” Caiden scoffed.

  “Hey, seriously, be safe, okay?”

  “Okay, I’ll call you guys later,” Caiden replied.

  He stood up and stretched, yawning as he felt excess stress leave his body. He was fully recharged. He even felt the slightest bit of excitement at the prospect of doing something different for a change. Caiden showered and got ready to go. Per Vantz’s request, he was dressed to the nines, but he mostly did it because the club had a strict dress code. Looking sharp as ever, Caiden was decked out in a white button up shirt tucked into dark metallic slim fitted dress pants, and a slim tie held by a glimmering gold tie clip. He also wore a blazer and shiny, rustic colored cap-toe dress shoes.

  After fixing his hair, he dabbed on his favorite cologne, ‘Galactic Mist’. He made one final check of his attire, then briefly opened the holo-display on his holo-watch to review the data the twins sent him. Like Slavo, this guy literally got away with murder and rape, time and time again. Wizard wasn’t lying about this guy. Skimming through the documents, he came across the contract the twins told him about.

  “What is this? Quantum and C.E.L.L. working in tandem with Zonos? Never thought I’d see the day,” Caiden said confusedly. “But this contract was signed and dated ten years ago. The Adriel Project, huh? If this document is redacted, I may need to hack Quantum and C.E.L.L.’s databases too. Then I’ll be able to-”

  “Yo, dude! I hope you’re ready ’cause the limo has just arrived!” Vantz yelled beyond the door.

  As he opened it, he jokingly gestured like a father filled with pride upon seeing his best friend. “My son! Dressed like a true champ! I’m so proud,” he teased.

  “Whatever. Is it party time now?” Caiden replied.

  “Why, yes, it is, and I brought not only a limo, but a gang of girls to go with us to the club!” Vantz said excitedly.

  Caiden sighed. “Lead the way, oh fearless one,” he said sarcastically.

  The two headed outside of the apartment building and toward the limo. In reality, the vehicle was more like a luxury limo bus. Its all-black exterior design was basic, nothing to write home about. But as soon as the door opened, a rush of strobing neon lights, smoke, and the powerful thump of music came pouring out. The first woman to hop out of the vehicle was none other than Penny. Vantz, sharply dressed in an all-black suit was approached and hugged by Viana, then Penny, then the rest of the women. Penny’s eyes never left Caiden, even as she greeted Vantz. She walked over to toward Caiden and pulled him close for a hug as well, pressing herself against him.

  “Hi, Caide. I’m really glad you came out tonight. Definitely looking forward to a good time,” she said breathily. Caiden offered a forced smile and a nod in return.

  “Caide, meet my friends. This is Cherry, Lisa, Shuri, Cassie, you’ve already met Penny, and of course, you already know Viana,” Vantz said.

  “Hey, guys,” he pleasantly waved.

  “Hi, Caide, nice to meet you,” the women took turns to welcome him. They all climbed back inside the vehicle. Penny made sure she sat next to Caiden.

  The interior was like nothing Caiden had ever seen before. The floor was transparent and emitting a fluorescent purple light. The seating consisted of two elongated curved seats on each side of the limo bus and made of plush black leather. There were purple lights strategically placed at the base of the seating, four feet apart. The mirrored roof consisted of blue string lights. The speakers were also lined with circular light fixtures that flashed to the beat of the music. The windows were large, tinted, and equipped with custom-made automated black blinds. Behind one of the long seats was a built-in mini bar that was lit with purple and white lighting. Another shelf had crystal glasses waiting to be filled with liquor. At the far end, near the back of the limo, was a stripper pole that ad
ded to the hypersexualized atmosphere.

  As everyone cozied up and got ready to go, they were driven to Club Cosmica. Vantz’s friends were all incredibly attractive. Some were daughters of business moguls, and some of the others were supermodels. How in the hell? Vantz really does know everyone. The only guy I know who doesn’t want people to judge him because of his money, yet he does nothing to hide the fact that he has a lot of it, Caiden thought as he chuckled to himself.

  “What’s so funny, Caide?” Penny asked.

  “Oh, it’s nothing, I’m just—”

  “Excited to be here? I bet you are. I heard you don’t really get out much,” Penny interrupted.

  “Uh, yeah, I guess,” he replied uncomfortably.

  “You okay? What happened, sweetie? Never been around someone this sexy before?” Penny asked as she traced her curves confidently with her hands. Penny was sexy; the type of sexy that could land her any man she laid her eyes upon. No one could deny that; not even Caiden.

  Caiden wasn’t sure what to say. “I—”

  “Shh, you don’t have to say anything. Nothing at all,” she replied while putting her finger on his lips.

  She made it incredibly difficult to speak with. She was completely into herself, and had a strange way of letting him know it. Caiden sat in confusion before he tried to join in on the conversation being had by the rest of the group. This gonna be a long night, he thought to himself.


  ---usr/systems/server-x/CLUB COSMICA---

  It was approaching midnight as the limo pulled up to the club. To say Club Cosmica was massive would be an understatement. The club had the capacity to hold over seven thousand patrons, making it the largest club in the entire city. As everyone got out of the limo, they received a VIP pass from the hostess who greeted them.

  “Welcome to Club Cosmica, we appreciate your choosing us! This is the best VIP package deal we offer! Please accept a complimentary bottle of our finest champagne once you arrive to the VIP. Enjoy!” the hostess pleasantly said. Everyone was impressed and ecstatic to be treated to such access.

  “See? I told you man! You need anything tonight; food, liquor. It’s on me!” Vantz told Caiden as they pounded fists.

  After skipping the massive line, much to the dismay of the non-VIP club goers, they entered the establishment. The area they walked into was blanketed by the dark and starry night sky. There was a touch of a magenta hue coating the view above. Upon closer inspection revealed a thin, translucent energy sheeting that acted as an oversized sky roof. In the middle of the area was a large circular bar with white marble counters and stools. The bar was attached to a spiraling staircase that led to a second level bar with plush greenery. The lighting from the floor shot straight up like an erect building in the night sky. In front of the double decker bar was a vast dance floor filled with clubgoers. Energetic music blasted as the people danced along.

  On the other side of the dance floor were powerful circular shaped magnetic platforms that were about the size of a large living room each. They had a smooth chrome finishes and were equipped with secure hand railings around the circumference. On these platforms were groups of people dancing and enjoying the music. The platforms used the magnetic pull to smoothly go up and down on the dancefloor. The ceiling was close to sixty feet high. This presented the partygoers with an extra layer of excitement and experience as they could look over the massive dance floor and enjoy the view of the District while they danced.

  “This is crazy, right? And get this; this is only one part of the club!” Vantz said excitedly.

  Caiden looked around, marveling at the building’s structure and design, even finding himself taking in the energy of the night, to some degree. As Vantz and his crew made their way through the crowded dance floor, they stepped into the second part of the club. The second part was triangular, and was designed to mimic a portion of the city using city model designs to scale. The buildings represented Neon and Zonos Towers from the Nova Central borough. They were nearly as tall as the ceilings. There were other notable replicas of buildings and places around the room.

  “This area is called Bliss Park. You see all these shops? Specialty drug vendors, all VR based. Barely legal? Yes, but legal nonetheless. Each store has its own specialty. All the drugs used are derivatives of Mania,” Vantz explained.

  The area was much more mellow, from the soft neon glow of magentas, purples, yellows, and blues that made up the many vendor banners, to the chill music playing overhead. In the middle of this area was large synthetic garden, accented by tall light posts that emitted a soothing white glow.

  The garden was designed with the sole purpose of creating an ethereal ambience to invoke intimacy. The grass smelled fresh. There were specialized hidden nooks designed for people to enjoy their privacy. Inside and out of this mystical indoor garden were white linen drapes strategically placed on the trees and other shrubbery, as well as top of and in front of the lights.

  The group navigated their way past the vendors into what was called the ‘White Room’. This ‘White Room’ was another section of the club. Club Cosmica rested atop a large hill, allowing its patrons a stunning view overlooking the rest of the city. The best view in the club, was solely exclusive to the VIP pass holders who had the privilege of experiencing what the White Room had to offer.

  The White Room was, of course, almost entirely white, from the floor-to-ceiling windows, to the all-white marble tables. Another beautifully designed white marble bar with white stools was across from a lounge area equipped with couches, seats, tables, and a raised DJ booth with an all-white truss that housed numerous colorful light fixtures. There was also a white metal staircase that led to the second level, overlooking the rest of the room.

  There was close to eight hundred people in the White Room.

  The group walked to the back and headed up five small steps to the VIP platform. The flooring of this section, like the limo, was lit from underneath the white fiberglass tiles. Blue and purple lights interacted with one another. There were standing tables near the entrance, with couches and liquor tables in the back. On top of each table was expensive champagne in a golden ice bucket. Each table also had a personal waiter ready to provide their customers with the best service. Caiden, Vantz, and the women settled in at their reserved area. The women and Vantz were smiling ear to ear.

  “Ah, man this is the life, ain’t it?” Vantz said.

  “Hell, yeah! Perfect,” Penny enthusiastically replied. Per the story of the night, she managed to find her seat next to Caiden somehow. “Hey Caide! Smile for the camera baby!” Penny said as she posed for a picture on her phone.

  Penny turned her full attention to Caiden, staring at him with intent. Her libidinous desire began to emit and intensify and Caiden could feel it. Whoa, man, she is really intense, Caiden thought as he shook it off and tried to scoot away. He became even more uncomfortable, turning his head away, but not before she gently guided his face to her lips, giving him an affectionate kiss on the cheek. The other girls embarrassingly cheered on purpose, making it worse for him. They were already drunk.

  Penny held the phone up in the air, to get everyone in the shot. The entire group, excluding Caiden, responded in kind raising the level of their energy to sell the moment. As they settled back down, Vantz popped open the expensive bottle of complimentary champagne and poured everyone a glass as he stood up.

  “Ahem! A toast to life, to friendship, to happiness, and to living free!” he exclaimed.

  Everyone held up their glasses and tapped them with one another. Even Caiden followed suit. Before Vantz could sit down, he shifted his focus to someone in the crowd he recognized.

  “Excuse me guy and gals, I’ll be right back,” he said.

  Caiden saw Vantz walk to the middle of the room and talk to someone. Caiden couldn’t see who it was; the partygoers obstructed his view. After a brief exchange, Vantz made his way back to the reserved seats. In an attempt to ignore Penny, Caiden be
gan messing with his holo-watch.

  “Hey, party people, I would like you all to meet a good friend of mine, Yvora,” he said.

  “Hi, everyone! Nice to meet you,” Yvora smiled.

  “Wait, you said your name was Yvora? Like, Yvora Blue, the budding pop singer Yvora Blue?” Cherry, one of the girls from Vantz’s group excitedly said.

  “You got me. Guilty as charged,” Yvora blushed.

  “Oh my god! I love your music!” Cherry screamed. “You literally came out of nowhere just this year and you’re already making a major buzz! I have all of your releases! I swear to god I’m, like, your biggest fan!”

  A preoccupied Caiden, unwilling at first to take his eyes off his holo-watch, looked up. His heart dropped to his stomach. Yvora was beautiful; she had light brown skin, long black hair that ran down her back, with sleek bangs that shielded her almond shaped eyes, and a small tattoo of an angel on the right side of her neck. It hit Caiden; she was the same woman he saw in line at the Southandro Baked goods shop. He picked up his drink and took a sip to hide the excitement on his face.

  Her eyes locked with his. He felt like she was looking into his soul. For once, Caiden was glad he went out with Vantz. The women encouraged Yvora to sit with them, and they engaged in small talk before she left to make rounds in the rest of the White Room.

  “Wow, Vantz! You are, like, totally cooler than I thought you were,” Cassie, the supermodel said.

  “Oh, ouch, that hurts,” Vantz responded as he laughed and put his arm around her shoulders.

  Penny immediately noticed the change in Caiden’s demeanor upon setting eyes on Yvora. Like a jealous girlfriend, she grabbed his wrist and led him to a private backroom, enveloped in red lights. She closed the door behind them, pushed Caiden up against the wall, and proceed to shove her tongue down his throat. He wasn’t sure if this felt good or if he was suffocating from her over aggressiveness. She slid her hands south of his belt in the heat of the moment.


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