The Recruiters
Page 5
“Hey, Hank. It’s good to be back. This is Sarah. Believe it or not, she’s just a friend. One of my best friends.”
Hank looked me up and down. “Uh-huh. Sure she is. Like you could ever keep your hands off of someone as hot as this,” he said as he shook my hand and winked. This scene had repeated itself several times throughout the day and I laughed just as much as I had in Paris.
We were hoping Matt would have some news soon, so I thought the time was right to approach Stacy. I left Carlos at home. “Please don’t get into any trouble. I’ll be back in a little while,” I said.
He just smiled and shook his head. “I don’t need a babysitter, you know. Go Sarah, I’ll be fine.”
I walked down to the coffee shop just as Stacy’s shift was ending. I caught her on her way out the door. “Hi Stacy.”
“Hey there, Sarah. What are you doing here? You’re not on the schedule for today, are you?” she said.
“No, actually I was coming to see you,” I replied. “I was hoping you might have a few minutes for me.”
“If you don’t mind going to my apartment while we talk, then sure. But I have to shower and get changed for my other job,” she said.
“Not a problem, and what I need to talk to about kind of has to do with your other job,” I said.
She turned her confused face toward me, “Really? You? You need extra money or something? I mean, you definitely have the body for it, but Matt doesn’t seem like the type of guy who’d be okay with it, and you would be the last person I could see stripping.”
I smiled and shook my head. “No, not for me,” I replied. “But I have a proposition for you, and it could definitely help out with your future.”
“Oh, let me guess. You two want to try out a threesome? I get requests for that all the time,” she said. “Or is it just you? Feel like experimenting?” she smiled.
“Wrong again,” I smiled. “You’re really not going to guess what it is. Let’s just get into your apartment and I’ll explain there.”
“Okay,” she said, eyeing me, trying to figure it out, but she was running out of ideas.
We talked about Billy and Alison while walking the last two blocks to her apartment. “Boy, are they hooked,” she said. “The only two people I’ve ever seen more meant for each other were you and Matt. It’s weird. Almost like you bring that with you somehow. It kinda freaks me out to hang out with you, cause that’s sooooo not my thing.”
“Another reason I’m here to talk to you,” I said as we climbed the stairs and went inside.
“Gimme two minutes to shower,” she said as she started pulling off her clothes. I loved how comfortable she was with her sexuality and her body. It showed me that she was strong enough to handle what I was going to ask her.
“Sure, no problem,” I replied as I sat at the kitchen table.
She emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later and came and sat down at the table with me, completely naked, while towel-drying her hair. “So, what’s up?” she said.
I took a deep breath and jumped right in. “First of all. How old are you?”
“Twenty-three,” she replied. “Why?”
“How would you like to have that body and be twenty-three forever?” I said, trying not to show how nervous I was.
“You’re joking right?” she said. “I mean, if that were possible then, heck yeah, but it’s not.”
“Yes, it is,” I said and I watched as she tilted her confused face to the side. I slid my hand across the table. “Take my hand,” I said and as she did I continued, “Does it feel different from yours? Colder? Smoother?”
“Yes,” she replied, staring down at it, “and it’s a different color. Your skin isn’t as pink as mine. It’s porcelain but it almost seems to be the same color as my veins, like it has a bluish tinge.” She looked up at me and touched my cheek. “And your face too. You should really go tanning or something, Sarah.”
I ignored her suggestion, smiled and continued. “It is,” I went on, “And have you ever seen me drink a coffee or eat anything at the shop, or at your club when I went to see you there?”
“No,” she said. “But I just thought you were as obsessed about your body as I am.”
I smiled. “I used to be, but my body now will never change. It will stay like this forever.”
She shifted forward in her chair. A good sign, it meant she was curious. “But…. how?”
“Because I’m not human anymore,” I replied.
She laughed nervously. “Now I know you’re pulling my leg. What do you mean you’re not human?”
“I’m not,” I said. “I’m a vampire.”
She dropped my hand, leaned back in her chair and stared at me. “You are not,” she whispered.
“Yes, I am,” I replied.
“Prove it,” she said. “Let me see your fangs.”
I shook my head. “It doesn’t work that way, they only drop down if someone evil is nearby… or during sex.”
“You can still have sex?” she said. Now I was on a subject that really piqued her interest.
“Better sex than I ever had as a human,” I smiled. “And much more of it because we don’t tire as easily.”
“Really? That’s awesome,” she said, then she frowned. “But do you kill people?”
I dropped my eyes to the table. “I have, once,” I said. “But only to help Matt. We don’t need to kill. There’s a huge network of prison doctors around the world that supply us with donated blood from prisoners.”
“Why prisoners?” she said. “Couldn’t you just go rob a blood bank or something?”
“No,” I replied. “Our fangs don’t respond to all blood. Only blood from evil, bad people. That’s why I can’t show them to you and why I could never bite you. You’re a good person.”
She blew out from her lips. “Wow,” she said. “Wait… this really is some kind of joke, right? Did someone put you up to this? This isn’t for real, is it?”
I glanced out the window, saw that it was dark outside and smiled. “You’re gonna be late for work, aren’t you?”
“Oh crap!” she said as she glanced at the clock.
“Go get dressed and I’ll prove it to you,” I said.
“Really?” she replied as she headed down the hall to her room.
“Really,” I said as I went and locked her front door – we wouldn’t be leaving that way.
She came out a minute later wearing a skin-tight, see-through top with no bra, a pair of jeans that looked like they’d been painted on and a pair of 4 inch heels. I shook my head and smiled, “Oh, the boys are gonna love you.”
“Really?” she smiled and said as she turned a circle for me. “That’s why I do this.” She picked up her keys from the table and headed for the front door.
“Nope,” I said. “Not that way.” I grabbed her hand and headed out to the balcony in the back. I closed the sliding glass door behind us and turned to her. “Now, climb on my back.”
“You’re joking right? What do you weigh? 115? 120? You can’t hold me on your back.”
“Try me,” I said and I turned my back to her. She started to climb on and I lifted her easily the rest of the way, with my arms securely tucked under her perky behind.
“Hey, you’re a lot stronger than you look,” she said.
“Now hold on… and don’t scream, okay? We don’t want anyone to see us up here.”
“Okay,” she replied then said. “Up here?”
I heard her gasp and clamp her hand over her mouth as I jumped out and up the thirty feet to the roof, easily avoiding the balcony above us. Then I turned and ran at full speed the length of the building and jumped, easily clearing the twenty feet, to the building next door. I continued running but heard her say “Wait!” when she saw that there wasn’t another building to jump to.
I smiled and jumped, landing softly on the ground then headed for the tree line, running the last two miles until we reached the edge of the parking lot of the strip club, in a
dark corner where the security cameras couldn’t see us. She didn’t move. “Stacy, hun, we’re here,” I said. She lifted her head and looked around.
“Ooh,” she whispered and she slowly released her arms. I released her legs and quickly spun around to steady her when she discovered that they weren’t ready to hold her up yet. She stood staring at me for a few minutes, until her legs stopped shaking and her breathing returned to normal. “So, I get to look like this forever?” she said as she looked down at her body.
“Yes,” I said.
“And I get to have tons of amazing, mind-blowing sex?” she said.
“Yes,” I smiled.
“And I don’t have to kill people?”
“No, you don’t,” I said.
She stared for another minute. She stuck out her hand and traced her finger down my check, then both hands down my body, around my backside, then back up, finishing by gently squeezing my breasts. “Still soft and nice,” she said.
“Thanks,” I replied.
“Okay, I’m in,” she said. “When?”
“I’ll pick you up tonight after work. You can stay with us until we leave for the island in a few days.” At least I hoped it would be in a few days, I thought as Matt raced across my mind.
“That soon, huh?” she replied. “What island?”
“It’s near the Bahamas. It’s quiet and private. We’ll do the change there,” I said.
“Cool,” she said.
“I don’t think I need to tell you, but please don’t say anything to anyone, okay? It’s important that you don’t,” I said.
“Oh, I won’t,” she said. “Besides, I don’t want any competition.”
“Competition?” I said.
“I want to be the only vampire hooker,” she smiled and she turned to head into work, but then she stopped and turned back to me.
“What? What’s wrong?” I said as I quickly moved to her side.
“Does it hurt?” she whispered.
“Oh,” I said, looking down, then back up again. “I’m not going to lie to you – during the change? Yes. It hurts. A lot.”
She thought for a second. “But you’re okay?” she said. “There’s no pain now? And it was worth it?”
“Correct,” I said. “No pain now.” Except when I’m away from Matt, like now, I thought. “And it was definitely worth it.”
“Okay,” she turned to head inside and called back over her shoulder. “I get off at two a.m., pick me up here?”
“I’ll be here,” I said then I turned and headed home.
Chapter Nine
I went home and watched a movie with Carlos, during which he gave me an incredibly stress-relieving back rub. “You have amazing hands, Carlos,” I groaned as he once again found another stress pocket and worked it out.
“You think my hands are amazing, Sarah, you should try my—Oops, never mind,” he chuckled.
“Yeah, oops, never mind,” I said but suddenly that very image was in my head. I don’t know if it was the combination of the back massage and what he had said, but suddenly the two of us writhing around naked was the only image in my head, and my body instantly was responding with the familiar throbbing between my legs. I sat up quickly, a little too quickly.
“Whoa,” he whispered under his breath. I tried to avoid eye contact with him, but I could feel him staring at me, almost as if he had seen the same image. Not possible, I hoped. He would have had to have been linked with me at the time and I hadn’t felt him in my mind. Of course I wasn’t paying attention to my head, only to how good the backrub felt.
“Enough back rub for tonight. I have to go get ready to pick up Stacy. Thanks, though,” I mumbled as I climbed off of the couch.
His mouth hung open as he stared at me. I could feel his eyes boring into me. I cringed and prayed that he wouldn’t say anything. Finally he cleared his throat. Deciding that ignoring what had just happened was probably the best course, he said, “Yeah, no problem. Anytime, Sarah.”
I was waiting for Stacy just outside the door at two a.m.. We had to convince the bouncer that we would be fine though. Luckily I had thought about this ahead of time and I drove the car to get her. He never would have let us leave on foot. He walked us to my car and made sure we were inside with the doors locked before he turned and went back inside. “Damn, I wanted to run again.” she said as she sat back in the seat and closed her eyes. “I’m exhausted,” she said. We drove the few miles in silence and I had to wake her when I pulled into the driveway. “Stacy,” I said. “We’re here, hun.”
“What?” she said as she looked around. “Oh, sorry.”
“Don’t be,” I said as we got out and walked inside. Carlos stood up from the couch as we walked in. He looked at me first and a knowing look passed between us, but then he saw who I was with and his mouth dropped open as he checked her out. Good, I thought, a perfect distraction. “Carlos, this is Stacy. Stacy this is our best friend Carlos,” I said as he stood there grinning his goofy Carlos grin.
She leaned to my ear and whispered, “Is he one too?” I saw his smile get bigger.
“Yes he is,” I said.
“Cool,” she said as she walked over and shook his hand. “Nice to meet you Carlos.”
“Likewise, Stacy,” he said, smiling as he looked her up and down again.
“Well, it’s late and I know you’re tired,” I said. “Let me show you to the guest room, Stacy.”
“Oh, I’m not sleeping alone,” she said, as if I was supposed to know this. “I can’t sleep alone in a strange place.”
“Oh,” I said as I looked down. “Okay.”
“What? What’s wrong?” she said.
“Well,” I said, “It’s just that I sometimes have nightmares when Matt’s not here. He had to go away for a few days. I need Carlos with me to help with that.”
She grinned. “Then I guess we’re gonna be one big happy family,” she said as she walked down the hall.
I turned and looked at Carlos, who had the biggest grin on his face I had ever seen. His gaze slowly turned to me, “YOU ARE SO AWESOME, SARAH,” he said. Then he ran down the hall. I shook my head and smiled as I followed. This was going to be a long night.
Carlos and I had just finished putting clean sheets on my bed (it was a bigger bed that would better fit the three of us) when she came out of the bathroom. She had on one of my tank tops and the smallest bikini underwear I had ever seen. I reached over and closed Carlos’ mouth before his drool fell onto the bed. I put my arm around him and patted his back. “Are you gonna be alright sweetie?” I asked as I smiled at Stacy.
“Huh?” he stammered as he straightened up. “Oh, fine. Yeah, gonna be fine,” he said then he quickly popped into my head to finish what he was saying, ‘Are you kidding, Sarah? A threesome with two incredibly hot chicks? This is my forte, Sarah. I own these.’
I gave him a stern look, ‘Carlos. This is NOT a threesome. It’s not a twosome. It’s not an anything –some. Do I make myself clear? Now, are you going to be okay?’
He gave me an exaggerated pout as he nodded his head.
“Sure you are,” I said out loud as I pointed to the bed, “You’re in the middle darlin’.”
“Really?” he said. “Ssswwweeettt.” He was already in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. He kicked off his shoes and started to pull off his shirt. I inhaled sharply when I saw those abs and gently touched his arm. He stopped as he caught my eye and saw me shake my head. He would probably be just as irresistible to her with his shirt off that Matt was to me when I first saw him, and THAT was not happening. Not while I was in here. He smiled at me, mouthed ‘chicken’ and then jumped onto the bed. He took his spot, and turned, patting either side of him and smiling. “Climb aboard, ladies.”
I smiled at Stacy. “Don’t worry,” I said, “He’s harmless.”
“Most of them are,” she said as she climbed under the covers on his right side. I ducked into the bathroom, and since it was warmer tonight, put on a tank top an
d a pair of shorts. When I emerged, Carlos looked at me and said, “Better than last night, but I like hers better.” I smiled and climbed in next to him.
It felt like I had only been asleep a few minutes when my tingling scar gently woke me. I didn’t open my eyes, I just wanted to enjoy the feeling as I fell back to sleep. I smiled and traced my scar a few times, then felt mine come alive again. I frowned, this was much more… urgent than usual. I opened my eyes to peak at my hand, and saw that Matt was kneeling on the floor next to me.
“Shhhhh,” he whispered when my eyes flew open. He scooped me up in his arms, looked back at Carlos and Stacy in the bed, “This looks… interesting,” he whispered as he smiled. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my head into his chest, breathing him in. He grabbed the extra blanket at the foot of the bed, quietly went out the side door, and flew us towards the deepest part of the forest in the park. He spread the blanket out and gently set me down. “God, I’ve missed you,” he groaned as he leaned down and his mouth found mine. I could only respond by wrapping my arms around him and pulling him tight, because my lips weren’t going anywhere. Uh-uh, no way. They were staying firmly locked with Matt’s, our tongues dancing together, for as long as possible. I happily spent the next few hours welcoming him home.
Much later, we lay with our arms and legs entwined together, listening to the forest bring in a new day. “So, what was with the slumber party?” he said.
“Oh, that,” I smiled. “Well, Stacy doesn’t like to sleep alone in a strange place, and Carlos helps me with my nightmares when you’re not here. So, we all stayed together.”
“Were they bad?” he whispered.
I just nodded my head, thinking to myself how the nightmare was bad and I don’t want to have to tell him about the dream and its effects so I tried to change the subject. “How was the trip?” I asked, afraid of what the answer might be.
“Once I found them, it was fine. The chief gave me the name of his cousin who can do the linking ceremony for us. He lives on Paradise Island. We can pick him up on the way to the island.” he said and he started to tell me more but I interrupted.