Viper: The Brimstone Kings MC

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Viper: The Brimstone Kings MC Page 3

by J. J. Marstead

  There’s been a new guy that has been coming in every night of the week, his name is Thomas. He’s a nice guy from what I’ve found out by talking to him. He noticed how I was the first night, my mood being down and annoyed. He asked me out for coffee, and we ended up talking about what happened and what not. I feel like I can talk to him about anything. I never really could do that with a guy before. He turned into the best guy friend, you could ever want. He hasn’t hit on me once, which was a nice change from the men that come into this bar. Like yeah, we're in a strip club and what not but, fuck I’m the bartender. You have better luck getting laid by the bitches on the pole than me.

  I serve the guys at the bar for the last time. After tonight, I’m done with the club, and I won’t have to be back in here unless Annie needs me, but besides that, I’m done with this life. I can’t face Viper every night. A constant reminder of the mistake surely, I made by what Alison keeps telling me every chance she gets.

  She’s told me over, and over this past week that I made a mistake. But there’s no use thinking about the past. I can’t change what happened even if I wanted too. The lies came out to save him the heartache of not having a family.

  Thomas and I talk for a bit longer; he’s asking me what my plans are for after I’m finished up here for the night. I only have about two hours left. I’m not working a full night, thank, God. Maybe we can grab a bite to eat and watch a movie. I know what you’re thinking, it sounds like a date. Well, let me assure you, it’s not.

  Viper walks through the door with the new prospects. They are going to be patched in this weekend. So, I’m pretty sure they are here to celebrate a bit beforehand. Viper and the guys walk right by me. Viper doesn’t even glance in my direction, I frown because he usually looks at me. He might not smile or anything, but he still acknowledges me. Tonight, he totally just blew me off, and that right there shows me, I’ve really pushed him away for good. I should be happy in some sort of fucked up way, but I’m not. I’m torn in two when my eyes cut down at the end of the bar where they take a seat. Annie comes out from the back, and when she sees Viper sitting at her end of the bar, she gives me a sympathetic smile.

  I return her smile with a little one of my own. She puts her finger up to the guys and heads my way.

  “Are you okay? Tonight you seem a little off with Viper being here.” God only if she knew.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. It’s stupid, don’t worry about me,” she gives my arm a squeeze in comfort and walks back down to them.

  The door bangs open and a woman I’ve never seen before walks through it with a look to kill. Annie gasps out and runs around the bar and heads towards the stranger. The woman looks pissed. Wow, Annie must know her. I see Viper and the guys still waiting on their drinks. Well, here goes nothing. I take a deep breath, and Thomas follows my eyes, and he looks at me with worry.

  “You sure you want to go down there?” he asks with a protective tone. I look at him and then back at Viper, and I nod my head.

  “What harm will it do to serve them their drinks.” He nods his head and watches me as I walk down to the guys. My body is shaking with nerves by the time I stop in front of them. Viper isn’t even looking at the bar. He’s watching Destiny dance. My resolve crumbles and I turn to head back down to Thomas, but Blake stops me.

  “Hey, can I have two beers and two ginger ales,” I nod my head and rush away to get them what they want. Stupid, I’m fucking stupid to think he would want me ever again when he has Destiny. I grab the two ginger ales and place them in front of them. I head back to grab the beers and when I get almost to the other end of the bar to place them in front of them. Viper’s staring at me with a look that has me shivering and not in a good way. His eyes are cold and distant with me, and I almost break. I can feel my eyes start to burn, but I blink the sting away.

  “Here are your beers,” I mumble low, and I turn, hightailing out of there like a ball of fire before I break down crying.

  Thomas gets off his stool and comes around the bar on my side, “Are you alright?” I can’t even talk right now because I’m worried I’ll break. So, all I do is nod while taking in deep breathes. I turned him into this cold person; I’m so ashamed of what I’ve done. I need to get away from here and not look back.

  Thomas holds me to him saying comforting things, my eyes sway back down to the guys, and Dalton is staring right at us with a hard jaw, his eyes narrowing at us. My hopes are deflated when I hear Destiny’s squeal. She comes bouncing over and wraps her arms around Viper, her lips now touching his. Those lips used to be mine. He kisses her back, and it kills me to watch, but I can’t turn away. Thomas nudges me and when I look up at him he places a small kiss to my lips and the sensation is different than when I was with Viper. I gasp taken back by his kiss.

  “I’ve wanted to do that since the beginning of the week. You shouldn’t be so sad all the time. If he doesn’t see what he’s doing to you by being with her, you deserve better than that.”

  Hearing those words warm my heart. Thomas is so sweet.

  “I have a question for you, Tammy,” he says, and I’m on pins and needles because I know Dalton is watching us. I can feel the hatred of his eyes burning into Thomas as he speaks.

  “Will you do me the honor of going out with me tomorrow night?” He gives me a grin, and I can’t help but smile up at him. I nod my head. It’ll do me good to get out. He smiles brightly at me, placing another small peck to my lips. I look back down at them, and Destiny and Viper are on a full out make out at the bar. If I didn’t know any better, I would think they were close to fucking each other. My stomach turns, and my face pales. I need to get out of here.

  Annie comes back behind the bar, and I tell her I need to leave. She looks at me with concern. “Are you feeling alright? You’re awfully pale.”

  “I’ll be fine. I just need to get home and rest. My stomach’s bugging me tonight.”

  She nods her head at me and gives me a hug. I grab my purse and head out the door with Thomas.

  Once we're outside, he asks me what I want to do. I tell him I’m feeling a little sick and just as those words leave my mouth, my hand flies to my mouth, and I run to the side of the building and everything I’ve eaten today comes up. I feel Thomas rubbing my back then I feel nothing. My eyes snap up, and I see Viper standing there, and Thomas is on his ass with a murderous glare.

  “Are you alright?” Viper asks, his voice sounds almost caring. My anger gets the better of me. The flashes of him making out with that bitch in the bar and then he’s out here trying to play the knight in shining armor. I don’t fucking think so.

  “What the fuck do you care, Viper?” I spit out. “You should head back inside before Destiny comes out looking for you.”

  I can see there’s a fight happening within him because he’s hesitant until Thomas gets off the ground and comes and helps me up, wrapping his arm around my waist.

  “Come on. let’s go. You don’t need any more stress.”

  Viper looks like he’s ready to kill. “Who in the fuck do you think you are?” he growls out.

  “Thomas, the one taking Tammy home. She needs some rest. She doesn’t need you in her life fucking it up wherever she turns. I’ve been watching you this whole past week, and she doesn’t need this shit from you.”

  Thomas helps me to his car to take me home, leaving Viper standing outside the club in utter shock. My head spins, and I feel like I’m going to be sick again. I close my eyes, praying that it’ll go away. I’m thankful that it does.

  “Are you okay? Do you want me to pull over?” Thomas asks softly as he looks over at me quickly before his eyes turn back to the road.

  “No. I’m fine,” I take a deep breath through my nose and let it out.

  “Don’t worry I’m fine now. I just can’t wait to get home and relax with a nice long bath. I don’t know what’s going on with my lately with not feeling well, just out of the blue and then it goes away.”

  “Ummm, are you sure you’re
not pregnant. What you’ve said it sounds a lot like what my sister went through, when she was pregnant, and she didn’t know,” he says timidly. My eyes widen to the size of saucers.

  “What? No, that’s not possible. The doctor confirmed that when I went for my appointment. Remember I told you that this week.” He nods his head and sighs.

  “Don’t you also remember the doctor said there might be a small chance that you can get pregnant? What if you are? Do you want me to stop at the store before we get your place?”

  Shit! I can’t be pregnant. I’ll end up losing this baby like the last, and I couldn’t survive it this time, not all alone.

  “You’re not alone. I’m here. I’ll be here for as long as you need me,” Thomas promises. I begin to weep into my hands.

  The car comes to a stop, and my head snaps up, and we're at the store near my place. My eyebrow rises at Thomas, and he gives a small smile.

  “I’ll be right back.”

  He hops out of the car and runs in then a few minutes later he’s back in the car, handing me a bag. I look into the bag, and I see two tests, two pregnancy tests to be exact. My eyes are brimming tears as I look at Thomas, his hand comes out and grabs mine, and he taps my hand.

  “You’ll be okay. Just wait and see.”

  I pray to God, he’s right. I don’t know what the hell to do. I’m so lost, I’ll be a single mother if it turns out I’m pregnant with Viper’s baby once again.

  I’m in the bathroom with the door closed; my eyes are staring down at the tests that are on the counter beside the sink. I feel sick just looking at the results, both tests reading the same, positive. Shit! There’s a light knock on the door. “Everything alright, Tammy?” Thomas asks softly his voice rumbling through the door. My eyes start to mist. How in the hell am I in this situation again? Don’t get me wrong, I would love nothing more than having a baby, but I’m scared that I’ll lose this precious baby like I did with my last.

  “I’m fine,” I breathe out.

  “Can I come in?” he asks.


  He turns the handle, and his head pokes in, and he gives me a concerned smile. When he sees the tears pouring down my face, he walks over and puts his arms around me. He tries to soothe me; he lifts me up and brings me to my room. He lies me down on the bed and takes the covers placing them above me. He lies down on top of the covers. God, this man is so sweet. How in the hell is he still single? He holds onto me gently while we lay there.

  “Everything’s going to be okay. You’re not alone.”

  Those words mean more to me than he’ll ever know.

  There’s a rumble of a bike outside, and I can’t help myself. I get out of bed and look out my bedroom window. I see the bike of the man that has been haunting me this past week. My heart hurts thinking about the little baby inside me, growing. My hand goes to my stomach, and fresh tears spring to my eyes. He’s looking up at the window and sees me, his face hardens. I can’t deal with him right now. I shut my blinds and go back to bed. I fall asleep with Thomas holding me.

  I pray tomorrow’s a better day.

  Chapter 5

  Tammy bolts out of here with that guy, and I see red. I move Destiny off my lap, and she whines a little. “I’ll be right back,” I mumble out and her eyes narrow at me.

  “I know where you’re going. Why are you following them outside, Viper? I thought you two were done?”

  I breathe in and out, trying to calm my anger. Who the hell does she think she is? She doesn’t have the right to tell me who to talk to and on top of that questioning me, about where I’m going? I don’t answer to her. She’s the woman warming my bed at the moment nothing more, and she knows this.

  “I’m just going out to get some fresh air,” I say my voice calm and collective. She raises a brow at me, daring me to fucking lie to her again.

  “Whatever. I’m almost ready to go,” she mumbles. She turns and heads to the back to get her things.

  I march to the door quickly. I hurry to get outside before they leave. Are they leaving together? I don’t know why but it’s pissing me off knowing he could be in her bed tonight. I should just let it go but something inside me won’t.

  Once I’m outside, I walk towards the cars, and I notice on the side of the building, Tammy’s on the ground puking her guts out, and that asshole is kneeling beside her, rubbing her back. My feet move without even thinking, and I’m over them in no time, I push the fucker away from her. He gives me a murderous glare, but I could fucking care less. My woman is on the ground sick and fuck if I’ll let him comfort her.

  “Are you alright?” I ask, and she turns to me and glares.

  “What the fuck do you care, Viper?” she spits out pissed off.

  Before I can even say another word to her, she hisses at me.

  “You should head back inside before Destiny comes out looking for you.”

  Asshole gets up off the ground and comes over to her and leans down helping her off the ground.

  “Come on let’s go. You don’t need any more stress.”

  I’m raging, my muscles tense, ready to strike. Who does this fucker think he is?

  “Who in the fuck do you think you are?” I growl out.

  “Thomas, the one taking Tammy home. She needs some rest. She doesn’t need you in her life fucking it up wherever she turns. I’ve been watching you this whole past week, and she doesn’t need this shit from you.”

  He turns them around, and they head towards his car. Once they get inside, he starts the car. My feet begin walking in their direction, but he pulls out of the parking lot so fast. I didn’t even get the chance to make it to the car.

  I look at the taillights disappearing down the road. I grab my hair. “FUCK!” I shout out into the darkness of the parking lot. What the fuck is wrong with me? She made her choice which isn’t me and here I am trying to comfort her, checking to see if she’s okay. I shake my head. Why can’t I just fucking not bother with her, when she’s involved? Is it just too much to ask?

  I head back to the club and Destiny comes bouncing over to me. “You ready?” my head is spinning, and I don’t want to deal with her tonight. I don’t want her to nag me every second she gets.

  “Sorry Destiny, but tonight I just want to be alone. I’m heading home.” I don’t wait for her to reply to me. I turn and leave the club.

  When I get outside, I walk over to my bike and hop on. I peel out of the parking lot. Before my mind can decide what to do. I’m heading towards Tammy’s apartment. I must be a sucker for punishment because I know that son of a bitch is with her.

  I start to slow down when I see her apartment building coming up. The lights are on in her apartment, and that mother fucker’s car is in the driveway. I grind my teeth. I look up at her bedroom window, and I see her standing there. They’re in her bedroom? My face hardens when I stare up at her. She looks upset before she shuts the blinds, shutting me out of her life. It hurts just as much as it did two weeks ago.

  I want to go up there and beat that ass with an inch of his life. I decide against it and head home. I can imagine how pissed off Tammy would be if I went in there now, fists banging on my chest. What a cluster fuck of a night.

  The ride home is long and tortuous for me. All I can think about is Tammy, alone with that guy in her apartment. They’re doing Gods know what. I should have gone all He-men and broke down the door. Demand her to take me back. I’m sure what would of went over well.

  I pull up to my house and park my bike in the garage. There’s no way, I’m going to the club house tonight. Destiny will be there, and I don’t want to be around anyone right now. The house is eerily quiet, and it pisses me off even more. Tammy should be here with me not him. Tomorrow, I’m going to pay a little visit to Tammy. I need to talk to her without the douche around.

  I take a quick shower and head to bed. Come tomorrow morning, I’ll be near Tammy, and we’ll talk about shit that we haven’t had the chance to talk about because she broke it of
f and ran. Well, she’s done running. I’ll chase her if I have too.

  My bed looks empty and cold, but I’m too tired to give a fuck right now. My head is swimming. I need some sleep to think probably about what I’m going to say tomorrow when I see her.

  I close my eyes, and all I can see is Tammy with her legs spread open touching herself. I groan, grabbing hold of my cock. I start stroking myself, squeezing my cock in my hands imagining that her warm tight pussy is wrapped around my dick. My hand starts pumping up and down, and my balls start to feel heavy. I hear her moans inside my head over and over again. Not before long, I’m shooting my come off like fireworks, hot jets of my come hitting my stomach, all the way to my chest. Fuck that was fast. Shit, I’m royally fucked!

  I clean myself off and throw the blanket over me. Sleep comes fast, and I sleep the best sleep I’ve had in the past two weeks.

  I can’t believe he actually got up and left me here, to go check on her outside? What the fuck is he doing? She dropped him faster than a hot potato and here he is waltzing outside to see her. I don’t understand men; they are a weird creature, that’s for sure. She told him it’s over and it’s been two weeks, and he’s still thinking of her. Last night yeah, we might have had some drinks and what not but I wasn’t wasted, and he called out her name in his sleep. It pissed me right the fuck off, knowing that he’s dreaming of her when he was with me.

  I’m sitting at the bar waiting for him to come back in and Annie, who by the way doesn’t fucking like me as far as she can throw me, because of certain someone, let me give you a guess… She’s brunette, and she has Viper by the balls. Yup, the bitch, Tammy. Well, the bitch dropped him, and I’ve always warmed his bed. Why would now be any different? Annie’s staring at me like I’m some whore and it’s starting to piss me off.


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