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Viper: The Brimstone Kings MC

Page 14

by J. J. Marstead

  “Oh, my God,” she hisses through her teeth. She grabs my hair. “More,” she hisses.

  Doesn’t take me long to get her pants down and off her. I undo my belt and let my pants fall. My cock springs up and Tammy licks her lips staring hungrily at it. We don’t have time for anything besides fucking. “Don’t even think about it, we don’t have time to waste. Someone can stop in any minute and I want you, now.”

  I kiss her one last time and turn her around, bending her over, her arms holding onto the chair. I tease her entrance with the tip of my cock and she groans. I love her groans. She sounds so fucking sexy. I think my cock just got twice as hard just hearing her hum in her throat. I slowly push myself in and she throws her head back and moans loudly. I cover her mouth with my hand and she lightly bites me. I growl in response and slam into her. She chokes out a cry into my hand. “God, damn, baby. You're fucking tight,” I whine, feeling her inner walls tightening around me and she hasn’t even come yet. Fuck, I don’t think I’ll be able to last. She’s tighter than I’ve ever felt before.

  I repeatedly ram my cock in and out of pussy. She’s scratching and biting at my hands and body. She’s like a mad woman. She told me to fuck her like I hate her, that’s exactly what I’m doing. I remove my hand from her mouth. “How does that feel baby,” I pant out, slamming into her with each word.

  “Fuck,” she squeals out. “I’m so close,” she moans. I attack her neck with my mouth and she’s grinding her ass back into me. I reach under her pregnant belly and flick at her clit, it’s a good fucking thing I have long arms.

  “You going to come for me?” I ask, nipping at her earlobe.

  “Yes,” she hisses.

  We’ve had some ass play before and she loves it but not all the time. But hey I’m a man, I love her ass just as much as her pussy. I want to push her over the edge. I take my other hand from her hip and bring it to my mouth, sucking and licking my thumb so it’s nice and wet. I rub between her ass cheeks, rubbing over her puckered hole and she groans. I apply a little pressure and push my thumb into her ass and she goes off like fireworks. She calls out my name and she tightens to the point that she’s choking my poor dick. I slam into her two more times and I still as my orgasm washes over me. I call out her name as I come inside of her, my hot jets of cum, coating the inside of her pussy, claiming her, marking her as mine repeatedly.

  She lets out a little whimper when I pull away. “Baby, are you okay?” I ask. I know I was a little rougher but fuck, she asked me to fuck her like this.

  She nods her head and turns to face me with a satiated smile. “I couldn’t be better. That was fucking amazing,” she sighs like she’s in heaven. I smirk placing and kiss to her lips.

  We get our clothes back on, well, here goes nothing. I drop to one knee and Tammy looks at me puzzled. “Dalton, what are you doing?” she asks.

  I look up and her and smile. “Tammy, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately. I can’t see my future without you in it. I want to love and cherish you for the rest of my days. I know I’ve done some fucking stupid shit in the past, but I’ll forever make up for it. I love you so much baby, that I can’t live without you. Tammy Murphy, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? Will you marry me, baby?” Tammy’s mouth drops wide open as she stares at me in shock.

  “Umm… Dalton, are you sure?” she asks and I can’t help but chuckle. Tammy knew that I never wanted to get married before. I’ve told her all this in the past but that’s just it, it’s the past and I want a different future for us.

  “Yes. I want you to be my wife. So, what do you say? Will you give an asshole like me a chance?” I say to lighten up the mood and she giggles throwing her arms around me. Almost causing me to fall on my ass with her.

  “Yes… Oh my God, yes,” she cries out, then she places a kiss to my lips.

  “I love you,” I whisper and she smiles at me with tears in her eyes.

  “I love you, Dalton,” she whispers back with a genuine smile plastered on her face.

  “Oh, my God, we’re getting married,” she squeals.

  Seeing how happy she is, I’m glad I’ve finally manned up and asked her to become my wife.

  It’s been eleven hours, that I’ve been here at the hospital. Waiting for my son to come into the world. I sent Tammy home a while ago, she was dead tired and after our little go at it in the janitor closet, she was done for. I need a coffee, my eyes are barely open from just sitting there in the chair in the room, waiting.

  Destiny is still resting, she’s not sleeping but she’s just resting with her eyes closed lightly. Every time she gets a contraction, her eyes fly open and she grunts. Man, I’m just glad I’m not a woman and have to do this because, fuck, it looks painful enough. Hell, I’m man and I’ve gotten shot at and what not and that seems less scary than giving birth.

  I walk over to the bed and clear my throat, she opens her eyes. “I’m going to the nurses’ station to get some coffee. I’ll be back in a few minutes,” I mention and she nods her head, closing her eyes again. It’s any time now. She’s dilated to nine centimeters.

  I leave the room and head to the nurses’ station. I see there’s a fresh pot of coffee made and I groan. Man, fresh coffee is the best and right now I need it. If I’m going to be fully functional during this delivery. Tammy asked me before she left if I was going to be in the room when it happens, when I nodded my head, it gutted me to see how affected she was. I assured her that I would not see Destiny’s pussy and what not. I promised and Tammy slapped my arm, telling me it didn’t have anything to do with that. She just let me know that it was nothing, just her silly little pregnant brain playing with her. I told her before we left that we’ll be going shopping soon for her ring. I proposed but didn’t have a ring to slide on her finger and she will be there to choose it out, so I know whatever I buy, she’ll love it.

  After getting my cup of coffee, I make my way back to Destiny’s room. I see two nurses’ run into the room with Max in tow and I panic. Shit, what happened?

  I get to the door and open it and I see Max between Destiny’s legs and I grit my teeth a little, hell, Destiny might not be mine and she never will be, but it still bothers me a little knowing he’s there and when it comes time for Tammy to deliver, he’ll be right in between my soon to be wife’s legs. I shake the image from my head and walk around the bed up and set my coffee down on the little table in the corner.

  “It’s time?” I ask and Destiny nods and gives a little half yell as a contraction hits.

  “Dalton, she’s at ten centimeters now. So, when the next contraction hits. She’ll push and soon enough you’ll see your baby boy,” Max says putting a mask on. I start to panic; do I need to put one on too?

  “Umm, I don’t know much about this, but do I need a mask too?” I ask and Max chuckles, shaking his head.

  “No, you don’t need a mask.” Fucker, is laughing at me. I grumble under my breath and the monitor beside the bed goes off.

  “Okay, Destiny, it’s time to push, can you give me a push? I’ll tell you when to stop. Remember your breathing, you have to breathe,” Max says.

  “Okay,” Destiny croaks out.

  “Dalton, can you hold my hand, please,” Destiny asks and I look from Max to Destiny and I see that she’s scared. Her eyes giving away the fear of what’s to come.

  I nod my head and grab her hand. “Thank you,” she softly says.

  Thirty minutes later, a healthy baby boy was born. When Max asked me if I wanted to cut the cord, all I could do was nod my head. When I heard the baby’s cry, it did something to me, my chest tightens and something in me, knew that it was my son. I don’t know how but it did and when the nurse placed the baby boy in my arms, I instantly knew he was mine.

  I’m staring down at my son and tears come to my eyes. I’m not usually a crier but when I saw my son trying to open his eyes and look up at me. “Hey there, Jackson. I’m your daddy,” I say softly. Once I say the word ‘daddy’, my son opens his
eyes slowly and looks up at me. Everything stops, I’m frozen in place, it’s like it’s just him and me in the room, I can’t help but be in awe as I stare at my son. God, I’m a father. I can’t believe it.

  A few minutes go by and the nurse comes in and swabs Jackson’s mouth and then mine. “It’ll take forty-eight hours to get the results,” she says and I nod my head then look down at my sleeping son in my arms.

  “I have a feeling, I already know the results,” I whisper and the nurse smiles.

  Chapter 18

  2 days later…

  It’s been two days since Destiny delivered, Jackson. When I got the text from Dalton, letting me know that he knew deep down, it was his son. I was happy for him but at the same time I was a little envious, that she gave him a son and I didn’t. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy we’re having a baby girl. My dreams have come true, knowing that I’ll have my daughter in my arms soon enough, but Dalton gets his son and from another woman to boot.

  We just got the results this morning and Jackson is indeed Dalton’s son. Dalton was happy to know about the results, but he said that he already knew what the results would say. If Jackson turned out not to be Dalton’s, it would’ve broken his heart. The past two days Dalton has been working on another baby room in the house for Jackson. He wanted to make sure that it was ready for when he got out, but I reminded him that at first, Jackson needs to be with Destiny, especially if she’s breastfeeding him.

  When Dalton answered the phone and the doctor told him that he’s Jackson’s father, he broke down crying, he wasn’t able to form any words. So, I took the phone and spoke with the doctor. I was relieved that Dalton got the good news. It would’ve crushed him if the results came back and he wasn’t the father, in the past two days he’s been so attached to that little boy.

  6 weeks Later…

  I groan and turn in bed, my stomach making it hard to get comfortable. My eyes slowly open and I see that I’m alone in our bedroom. Last night Dalton mentioned that he had to go to work early this morning. I check the time and it’s only nine, I groan.

  I might as well get up, I need to move my ass to the bathroom to take a shower. Can you believe it, I wobble when I walk? I look like a damn penguin. I’m due in two weeks. I can’t believe it, it seems like time is slowing, the closer I get to my due date, it’s so close but, yet so far away.

  I get up and stretch, I groan when my back muscles tighten then loosen. God, this belly is huge. I can’t see my feet and I can’t even shave down there. Dalton had to shave me the last time I was in the shower. God, I was so embarrassed.

  I make my way to the bathroom and look in the mirror, dear God, I look like hell. Shit, how in the hell can Dalton still love me after seeing me like this in the morning. I’m lucky, he’s still around. I look down at the ring on my left hand, I get butterflies. The ring is truly beautiful, it sparkles in the sunlight. We went out last week to pick it out and he told me the price wasn’t an option and when I was looking he told the sales clerk at the jewelry store to hide the prices, bastard. But I found out how much this ring was after. I found the receipt six hundred thousand dollars, I almost fainted when I saw the price he paid. He told me the price wasn’t an issue but still, I felt bad for him paying for something I liked, that was pricey. He told me to drop it, that he loved me and wanted me to have it.

  I turn on the shower and let it warm up a little before stepping in. I groan when the warm water sprays over my body. God, my muscles are a little sore today. Last night’s romp in the sac was a little much on me but hell, I wouldn’t change what happened. It felt so fucking good. I swear I saw stars after my third climax.

  I grab my shampoo and pour a good amount into my hand and massage it into my hair. I lather it and then I rinse it out. I grab my scrub brush because with my belly, there’s no way I can get down there washed with just a little sponge. Dalton picked me up a scrub brush that’s long enough so, I don’t have to stretch and pull a muscle trying to wash myself. I pour some body wash on the scrubber, wetting it a little under the spray of the shower then I start washing myself.

  After I’m all washed, I get out and get dry. My stomach growls lightly and the baby kicks, I giggle. I guess the little one is hungry too. I walk back into the bedroom and throw a pair of shorts on with a t-shirt.

  Now, time to find something to eat. Maybe some eggs and bacon with some orange juice?

  God, breakfast was delicious. I had two eggs and four pieces of bacon with two toasts and a huge glass of orange juice. I put my plate in the sink, rinsing it. I’ll wash it later. After all the food, I just ate, I need to sit down and relax. I move to the living room and turn on the TV. I see my phone on the coffee table in front of me. I should text Alison to see what she’s up too. I grab my phone and lean back into the couch getting comfortable. It’s short lived when a sharp pain hits and I feel like I’m going to be sick. I breathe in and out slowly trying to swallow the pain and after a minute or so the pain goes away. Thank God, that really hurt, she must have kicked me hard.

  Geri-Ann is a handful for my sister. She loves kids, but when it comes to your own it’s different. You can’t pawn them off to their parents because you are their parents. Geri-Ann has been having troubles sleeping at night. Hopefully, it gets better for Alison. I don’t want my sister to run herself into the ground, trying to do everything. I know Ace does what he can, when he can.

  I dial my mother and it rings twice before she picks up.


  “Hi, mom. Just calling to see if lunch is still on today?” I ask, playing with the remote.

  “Yes, sweetheart. How are you feeling?”

  “Oh, well your grand baby is kicking up a storm today. I feel a little drained today.”

  My mother hums on the phone. “Well, I can pick up something and bring it over. We can eat in,” my mother says softly.

  “Oh, that would be great, mom.”

  “Did you talk to you sister this morning? See if she wanted to join us?”

  I flip through the channels and there’s nothing good on, ugh, I turn the TV off. What’s the point of paying for TV channels, when there is never anything good on them playing?

  “Yeah, I text her before calling you. She said she would love too. I just had to text her the details.”

  “Alright, sweetheart. I got to get off the phone. Your father won’t stop bugging me.”

  “Eww, gross mom. I really didn’t want to know that,” I quiver and my face scrunches up.

  “Bye,” my mother chuckles hanging up the phone.

  I grab my phone and text Alison to let her know what’s happening. After I shoot off the text. I lay down on the couch, closing my eyes. Hopefully, I can get a little nap in before they get here after.

  I’m woken up by a knock on the door. I lean forward on my side and grab my phone to check the time, it reads eleven forty-five. That must be my mother and sister. I see there’s a text message I click it open.

  I chuckle, he’s always so worried about me.

  I don’t wait for him to right back, I put my phone down and head to the front door. Just as I’m about to open the door. I get another sharp pain. I knew, I shouldn’t have eaten that spicy taco last night for supper. I’m paying for it now, damn it. The pain passes quickly and I open the door with a smile on my face.

  “Hi mom,” I say but then I squeal when I see Geri-Ann in my sisters’ arms. God, she’s adorable. “Hi, Geri. Auntie Tammy, loves you,” I talk in my baby voice and my sister clears her throat.

  “What am I, chop liver?” she asks and I laugh.

  “I’ve had you around for how many years. Geri-Ann needs me know,” my sister chuckles, shaking her head at me.

  I open the door wider and they come in. My mother has lunch in a bag in her arms and it smells so good. “Oh, that smells good mom, is that chicken?” I ask and she grins.

  “Of course, I ordered from that chicken place in town that you love,” she says and I beam.

anks, mom.”

  We all move to the kitchen and I grab some plates out of the cupboard and wince when I feel the baby kick. I almost drop the plates in my hands, my mother rushes over and grabs them before they can fall from my fingers. “You okay, sweetheart?” she asks softly with her hand on my shoulder.

  I nod my head. “Yeah, she’s just kicking up a storm. Probably doesn’t help that last night, I made spicy tacos for supper.” My mother nods.

  “Yeah, spicy food, especially how far along you are, will bother you and the baby.”

  We began filling our plates with the yummy food and we dig in. Geri-Ann is now sleeping soundly in the tiny bassinet I got about a month ago, she is the first baby to use it. She seems to be fine sleeping during the day. I don’t have any more pain, which is great because man, does it hurt. It’s like my whole stomach contracts from it.

  After we finish eating, we chat for a bit about how Geri-Ann is doing. My mother gives Alison some tips. I guess when Alison was a baby, my mother had the same problem with her at night about the not sleeping. Hopefully, my mother’s advice helps.

  “Well, we better head out. I need to get back to your father. He’s taking me out tonight for a romantic supper,” she says with a twinkle in her eyes. Blah, I didn’t want to know.

  “That’s nice,” Alison and I mumble at the same time. Which causes my mother to break out laughing at both of us.

  “You do know, I’m not dead. Sex is perfectly natural between adults, right? You both should know, Alison has Geri-Ann and your ready to pop any day now, Tammy,” my mother mentions and I wave her off.

  “Still, it’s not something I want to hear or see, thank you very much.”

  Alison get’s Geri-Ann placed in the car seat and my mother grabs the diaper bag. I walk them to the door. Alison gives me a one arm hug and kisses my cheek. My mother hugs me. “If you need anything, just call me,” she whispers and I nod my head.


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