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Healing Hearts

Page 22

by Donna K. Ford

  Christian laughed at the sight of her. “You don’t really expect me to trust you to drive that thing, do you?” She knew the last couple of days had been hard on Alex despite her attempts to hide her discomfort. Alex had shared a lot about her past since they’d had so much time alone to talk. In Alex’s experience, hospitals were just a reminder of how fragile life was, and she didn’t like to remember how close they had come to losing each other.

  “Suit yourself, but I hear the nurses are taking dibs on who gets to give you a sponge bath later. My money is on Mona.” Alex was smiling mischievously as she held her hands up, showing Christian her palms. “She has really big hands,” Alex mouthed, eyes wide.

  Christian laughed and held her hand across her chest, protectively holding the sling that supported her injured arm. “Stop that. Don’t make me laugh. It hurts when I laugh.”

  Alex stepped up to Christian and kissed her hair.

  Once outside, Christian noticed the long black limousine waiting at the curb. She gave Alex a questioning look as the door opened and Chacey stepped out of the car.

  “Hello, ladies, can I offer you a ride?” Chacey bowed dramatically and motioned for Christian and Alex to get into the car.

  Christian laughed—gently—as she slid onto the soft leather seat and found Elaine waiting with an open bottle of champagne. “I should have expected you to do something like this.”

  “What? You didn’t expect me to allow Alex to pick you up in her Jeep, did you? That old thing would have you beaten half to death and have your arm screaming with pain by the time you got halfway across town.”

  “Hey. No picking on the Jeep,” Alex said with mock hurt.

  Elaine winked at Christian. “Besides, you gave me a good excuse. I love these things,” Elaine said, handing out the champagne.

  Christian took her glass and settled in next to Alex, relishing the warmth that seeped into her body as Alex put an arm around her and pulled her closer, being careful of her arm. She looked around at Elaine and Chacey and thought of what they had been through together and wondered what they would do now that the mystery had been solved and the terror was behind them. She thought about how much her life had changed during the weeks she had been at Willow Springs and realized she didn’t know where she was going from this point either.

  She leaned her head back so that she could look up at Alex, who smiled down at her and kissed her nose. She didn’t know what would happen next, but right now she was very, very happy.


  Christian stood on the open deck of Alex’s cabin and watched the limousine drive away. It seemed odd to see such an elegant thing moving through the trees down the old dirt road. Her friends had seen to it that she was safe and comfortable and then taken their leave.

  It seemed forever ago when she had watched the sunset in New Orleans and thought about Alex. It had been a difficult road, but she had realized where she belonged. Things had not gone as she had planned, but she was here now.

  A warm hand touched her arm, drawing her back from her thoughts. “How are you doing?” Alex asked tentatively.

  “I’m okay,” Christian said, turning to face her. She placed her hand on Alex’s chest and ran her hand across her broad shoulder. They were finally alone. Her fingers brushed against Alex’s neck, and she worked her hand inside the collar of her shirt, feeling Alex’s pulse thrum against her fingertips. Her skin tingled as heat flooded her middle.

  “The last time I was alone with you like this, you told me that you didn’t want to be with me until I was certain of what I wanted.”

  Christian felt Alex still, but she didn’t move away.

  “I’m sorry I had to leave the way I did, but you were right. And I had something I needed to do in order to figure out my feelings for you.”

  “Okay.” Alex’s voice rasped as if she was holding back a great weight.

  “And I found what I was looking for. I had to come back so I could tell you that I love you, Alex. I love you and I want you. I want you in my life.”

  The sigh that escaped Alex was so deep, Christian thought she was going to melt.

  Alex slid her left hand around Christian’s waist, her fingers playing lightly across her back. With one step Alex pressed her body against Christian’s and tangled her right hand in her hair. “And I love you. I can’t tell you how happy I am to hear you say those words.”

  Christian moaned as Alex’s mouth melted into hers. She drew in a sharp breath, inhaling the scents of pine and soap. Her stomach clenched and her body cried out to be touched. Her lips parted and a moan barely escaped her before Alex’s mouth claimed her again.

  A flood of sensation pulsed through Christian’s body like ocean waves caressing the sand as she opened herself to Alex. She drew Alex deeper into her mouth, tasting her, guiding her, encouraging more. Christian shifted her weight so that Alex’s thigh slid between her legs. Her body twitched at the sudden rush of blood as her excitement grew.

  Alex moaned as she grew hot and her body shuddered pleasurably at the pressure of Christian’s body against hers. Their thighs rubbed rhythmically against each other and Alex savored the sweeping, gentle caresses of Christian’s tongue inside her mouth. She felt like she had been waiting a lifetime for this moment. Christian loved her.

  “Will you stay with me tonight?” Alex asked, drawing away just enough to catch her breath.

  “Yes,” Christian said, her voice heavy with desire. “I want you to take me to bed, Alex. I want you to make love with me.”

  Alex swayed a little on her feet as her legs threatened to give way. She could hardly believe Christian was in her arms. She pressed into Christian again, her kiss promising more as she brushed her tongue teasingly over Christian’s lips.

  “Are you sure?” Alex asked.

  “Yes. I found all the answers I needed. All I want right now is you.”

  Alex smiled and kissed her again, allowing her lips to savor the taste of her. Taking Christian’s hand, she led the way to the bedroom.

  Alex paused to turn on the bedside lamp and turn down the sheets. “Let me do that,” she said when Christian reached to remove the sling that cradled her arm. Alex lifted the straps over Christian’s head gently and one by one undid the buttons of her shirt. She could hear Christian’s breath, ragged against her ear, as her fingers brushed lightly against the silky skin of her abdomen. Alex removed the shirt, then undid the clasp to Christian’s slacks and slid them gently over her hips and to the floor. Alex knelt and brushed her lips against Christian’s belly and felt her tremble beneath her touch.

  “I want to watch you undress,” Christian said. Alex took a step back and slowly worked the buttons of her shirt, sliding it off her shoulders and her arms and allowing it to fall to the floor. She took her time undressing, wanting to please Christian and enjoying having her watch her. She could feel the rhythm of her heart pounding against her chest until she thought it could be seen pulsing beneath her skin. Her body ached for Christian’s touch.

  She watched Christian’s eyes roam her body, her eyes meeting Alex’s skin like a caress. Alex felt her nipples harden under the want she saw in Christian’s gaze.

  Christian sat back on the bed and watched, captivated by the beauty. Alex’s body was hard with muscle, draped with skin as smooth as silk. Her breasts were firm and round with pink nipples that stiffened beneath her gaze. Finally, Alex let her jeans fall to the floor and stepped toward the bed. Christian couldn’t look away.

  Christian moved in unison with Alex and allowed Alex to guide her back against the pillow. Alex placed one hand under Christian at the small of her back and lifted, shifting her farther into the bed. Their breasts touched and Christian almost came. She gasped and lifted her hips, sliding her thigh between Alex’s legs and pressing into her.

  Tender hands stroked her hair and wet lips played along her neck and down her chest to find her breasts. She moaned and pressed Alex’s head down until she took the offered breast into her mouth. Christ
ian’s body sang with pleasure as Alex sucked and bit and played her tongue over her skin.

  “I want to touch you, Alex.”

  “Your arm…” Alex let out a groan as Christian slid her right hand between her thighs and cupped her sex in her palm.

  “This one seems to be working just fine, and I can use…other things,” Christian teased, feeling Alex stiffen in her hand.

  Together they moved, sliding against one another, their hands stroking and exploring as Christian learned just the right places to send Alex over the edge.

  Christian felt the muscles around her hand tense and heard the catch in Alex’s breath. She was close. She stroked her, following the rhythm of Alex’s hips and the rapid, shallow pace of her breathing. Her fingers stroked the length of Alex’s sex and slid into her with even strokes as Alex moved against her. With a moan of pleasure, Alex pressed down on her hand, taking her into her, each thrust going deeper. With a final push, Alex threw her head back and groaned as her orgasm pulsed through her body.

  Christian watched Alex as she rode her hand and wave after wave of her orgasm rippled through her muscles making her jerk in pleasure. Christian couldn’t believe how beautiful Alex was, and her body ached to have Alex inside her. She felt Alex shudder just before her head slumped against her shoulder. But moments later, she was sliding down Christian’s body, her mouth devouring as she went.

  Christian gasped as Alex slid away from her and again as Alex’s mouth closed around her. Muffled cries escaped her as she ran her fingers into Alex’s hair, pressing her mouth firmly against her, guiding her into her. Christian writhed beneath Alex’s touch, her body surging as the pressure grew until she couldn’t hold it any longer.

  “Oh God, Alex.”

  At the first sign of climax, Alex slid into her, her hand matching the rhythm of her tongue as she stroked her. Christian screamed as her orgasm claimed her and she felt her body burst into a million pieces.

  Sometime later, Christian woke to find Alex still lying half across her body, her head resting on Christian’s stomach. She chuckled, realizing they had both fallen asleep, overcome by their passion.

  Alex stirred and kissed Christian’s belly. She looked at Christian and smiled. “You aren’t going to leave again, are you?”

  Christian returned the smile. “No.” Not now. Not ever. “Rest now, sweetheart.” Christian ran her fingers through Alex’s hair. “Now sleep.”

  Alex sighed and laid her head back down against Christian’s stomach. Christian marveled at how simple it all seemed now. She loved this woman, and this was the only place she would ever want to be.


  After a week at Alex’s cabin, Christian walked out onto the patio at the lodge in search of Elaine. The sun was already getting hot despite the breeze from the water. The lake was a burst of light as the sun reflected from the surface like diamonds scattered among the ripples. The sky was a brilliant blue without a cloud in sight, a sign of endless possibilities. Christian saw Elaine sitting at the edge of the patio, her head thrown back and eyes closed as she absorbed the heat. Christian moved across the patio to stand in front of Elaine so that her shadow would block the sun and interrupt her reverie.

  “Hello, do you mind if I join you?” Christian said, smiling mischievously as Elaine opened her eyes and peered at her. “I’m sorry to startle you. You just looked so alone over here, I felt compelled to thrust my company upon you.”

  Elaine chuckled. “Please join me, then.”

  Christian laughed. “I’ve missed you. How have you been?”

  A smiled creased the corners of Elaine’s mouth as she considered her answer. “Happy,” she said sincerely.

  “Hmm. I hoped it was like that. Where’s Chacey?”

  A fleeting frown marred the perfect skin of Elaine’s brow. “She had to go home for a few days. She’s clearing out the house and settling things at the office. She should be back later this evening.”

  Christian considered this information before asking her next question. “What do you plan to do now?”

  Elaine sighed. “I can’t go back there. The pain is still too raw. I want to begin again. I want us to build a new life together. For a while, we’ll stay here. We’d always planned a summer here. What about you? Will you stay here with Alex?”

  “I know I don’t want to be without her, but there are a lot of details to be sorted out.”

  Elaine studied Christian thoughtfully. “Oh, I think there are many ways to reinvent your life. I know you love Alex.”

  Christian smiled. “I do. I do love her. I just want to give us both time for the relationship to develop. I have no doubt we’ll figure out the rest in due course.”

  “So stay here for the rest of the summer. That was your plan anyway. That way, we’ll all be here together, with the people who understand us most.” Elaine brushed her fingers across the top of Christian’s hand.

  Christian felt eternally grateful for the tenderness and understanding she had found in her friendship with Elaine. “That sounds wonderful.” She smiled. “You know, I don’t know if I’d have been able to get through all this if it hadn’t been for you. You’re a good friend. I think I’d be happy if we were all here together.”

  “Thank you for that,” Elaine said softly. “It seems we both came to the right place at the right time. You’ve been a great comfort to me. You’re a treasure.”

  Christian sat back in her chair, her heart secure in the knowledge that the friendship that had been forged between them would carry far beyond the summer.

  “Who would have thought we would all end up like this?”

  “I know,” Christian said. “I will be forever grateful for the tenderness you shared with me. You made all the difference in helping me heal my broken heart.”

  “It was you who showed me tenderness, remember? I was so lost and alone before you came into my life and taught me how to trust again.”

  “I love you so, Elaine. I’m so pleased you’re happy and you have Chacey back.”

  Elaine drew in a deep breath and sighed, then leaned in and kissed Christian’s cheek. “It seems we have all healed our broken hearts.”

  “Yes,” Christian said. “It seems we have.”


  Elaine worried as she waited for the plane to land. Every day Chacey had been away had felt like a heavy weight sitting on her chest, and she wondered how she had ever lived without the strength she drew from her. Elaine caught a glimpse of a familiar figure moving through the crowd, and her heart beat wildly as she anticipated Chacey’s return.

  She saw Chacey step out from the crowd, her gaze fixed and determined. She moved swiftly to Elaine and threw her arms around her. “There you are.” Elaine felt herself being lifted off the ground and felt her breasts being pressed against Chacey’s.

  Elaine let out a sigh of relief, laced her arms around Chacey’s neck, and kissed her deeply. She didn’t care about the many people moving around them or the stares they were getting. She didn’t care about anything in that moment except having Chacey back in her arms.

  Chacey pulled back again and looked into Elaine’s eyes. “I missed you.”

  “I missed you too, darling. I don’t ever want to have to let you go again.”

  Chacey chuckled. “It’s all done, sweetheart. We can do anything we want now.”

  “Good,” Elaine said, fixing Chacey with a lustful gaze. “Let’s go. I can’t wait to get my hands on you.”

  Chacey laughed. “Looking forward to it.”

  In the car Elaine realized just how tense she had been while Chacey was away. She closed her eyes and reassured herself that this was real. She finally had her life back. There was nothing more important to her than the woman beside her.

  “So you’re sure you’re okay with this?” Elaine asked. She never wanted to take anything from Chacey, and she knew it had been a huge sacrifice for her to leave her career at the bureau. “I don’t want you to have to give anything up—”

Shh. I haven’t. I’ve gained everything. You’re my everything.”


  Christian watched the sunset from the porch of Alex’s cabin, leaning against one of the large wooden posts. They had spent the day on the lake, and the sun had bathed them in serenity. Christian heard Cara’s sweet voice in her memory. Look, Chris, the light show is starting.She smiled warmly at the memory and felt grateful to have so much love within her. She looked around and watched Alex, who sat with her head thrown back and her eyes closed, as if catching the final rays even as the sun set. Christian trailed her gaze along the length of her, feeling happiness wash over her.

  She took a sip from her glass of wine and thought back on her arrival at Willow Springs and the hope she’d had for learning to live without Cara. She couldn’t have imagined her life would have taken such a dramatic turn. What had started as an attempt to survive had brought her this wonderful new love.

  Christian stepped forward and sat gingerly across Alex’s lap, hugging her and pressing cheek to cheek. She felt Alex wrap her strong arms lovingly around her. “Have I told you today how much I love you?” Christian asked.

  She felt Alex shift beneath her and Christian sat up. The look on Alex’s face was pure tenderness.

  “I do, you know.” Christian caressed Alex’s cheek. She couldn’t stop touching her. “I can’t believe how happy I am.”

  The smile that crossed Alex’s face echoed Christian’s happiness. “Christian, you’re the reason for all my joy. You make the sun brighter, the air sweeter, and you make my world complete. There is nothing in this life more important to me than your happiness.”

  Christian kissed Alex then, pouring all her love into her touch. It was the perfect end to the perfect day and the beginning of a lifetime.

  About the Author

  Donna K. Ford is a licensed professional counselor who spends her professional time assisting people in their recovery from substance addictions. She holds an associate degree in criminal justice, a BS in psychology, and an MS in community agency counseling. When not trying to save the world, she spends her time in the mountains of east Tennessee enjoying the lakes, rivers, and hiking trails near her home. Reading, writing, and enjoying conversation with good friends are the gifts that keep her grounded. Healing Hearts is her debut into the world of writing lesbian fiction.


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