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Great Escapes

Page 21

by Barbara Bond

  Bond, Barbara A. ‘Maps printed on silk’. The Map Collector, No. 22, March 1983, pp.10–13.

  —. ‘Silk Maps: the story of MI9’s excursion into the world of cartography 1939–1945’. The Cartographic Journal, Vol. 21, No. 2, 1984, pp.141–3.

  —. ‘Escape and evasion maps in WWII and the role played by MI9’. The Ranger, Vol. 2, No. 9, Summer 2009.

  Collier, Peter. ‘The Work of the British Government’s Air Survey Committee and its Impact on Mapping in the Second World War’. The Photogrammetric Record, Vol. 21, Issue 114, June 2006, pp.100–9.

  Doll, John G. Cloth Maps of World War II. Western Association of Map Libraries (WAML), Information Bulletin 20(1), November 1988.

  Du, Daosheng. ‘The Science of Cartography in China’. The Cartographic Journal, Vol. 21, No. 2, December 1984, pp.145–7.

  Hall, Debbie. Wall Tiles and Free Parking: Escape and Evasion Maps of World War II. British Library. London. April 1999.

  Heffernan, Michael. ‘Geography, Cartography and Military Intelligence: the Royal Geographical Society and the First World War’. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, New Series, Vol. 21, No. 3, 1996, pp.504–33.

  Heffernan, Michael. ‘The Politics of the Map in the Early Twentieth Century’. Cartography and Geographical Information Science, Vol. 29 No. 3, 2002, pp.208–26.

  Hsu, Mei-Ling. ‘The Han Maps and Early Chinese Cartography’. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Vol. 68, 1978, pp.45–60.

  Jin, Yingchun. ‘China’s Achievements in Surveying and Mapping Techniques during the Han Dynasty as Reflected by the Silk Maps Unearthed from the Han Tomb at Mawangdui, China’. ICA Proceedings, Warsaw. (See also ‘Report on the Military map discovered in Han Tomb Three at Mawangdui’. Wenwu, Vol. 1, 1976, pp.18–23 and Zhan Libo ‘Notes on the Military map from the Han Tombs at Mawangdui’. Wenwu, Vol. 1, 1976, pp. 24–7.)

  Nicholas, William H. ‘The making of military maps’. The National Geographic Magazine, Vol. 33, No. 6, June 1943, pp.764–78.

  Pryor, Stephen. ‘Obituary: John Pryor’. The Old Oundelian, Summer 2012, p.126.

  Stanley, Albert A. ‘Cloth maps and charts’. The Military Engineer, Vol. 39, 1947, p.126.


  References to map scales in the book relate to that of the original map as produced and not necessarily the scale of the illustration as shown.

  Page 11 Library of Congress Geography and Map Division, Washington, DC, G3920 1864. M4 Copy 2 Vault Cloth: CW 129.74

  Page 14 © Popperfoto / Contributor (Getty)

  Page 15 © Leonard McCombe / Stringer (Getty)

  Page 16 from Per Ardua Libertas

  Page 18 Parliamentary Archives AN707

  Page 20 from Official Secret, C. C. Hutton

  Page 22 (top) from The Escaping Club, A. J. Evans

  Page 22 (bottom) from The Escaping Club, A. J. Evans

  Page 23 from Fight Another Day, J. M. Langley

  Page 24 from They Have Their Exits, Airey Neave

  Page 27 by courtesy of the Trustees of the Royal Air Force Museum

  Page 32 reproduced with thanks to the Hunan Provincial Museum, Changsha, China

  Page 35 reproduced with thanks to the Bartholomew Family

  Page 36 courtesy of the Trustees of the National Library of Scotland

  Page 37 courtesy of the Trustees of the National Library of Scotland

  Page 38 reproduced with thanks to the Hunan Provincial Museum, Changsha, China

  Page 39 reproduced with thanks to the Hunan Provincial Museum, Changsha, China

  Page 40 Library of Congress Geography and Map Division, Washington, DC, G3920 1864. M4 Copy 2 Vault Cloth: CW 129.74

  Page 41 Library of Congress Geography and Map Division, Washington, DC, G3920 1864. M4 Copy 2 Vault Cloth: CW 129.74

  Page 42 Illustration provided by and reproduced with the permission of the owner

  Page 46 Illustrations provided by and reproduced with the permission of the owner

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  Page 61 © UK MOD Crown Copyright, 2015

  Page 62 by courtesy of the Trustees of the Royal Air Force Museum

  Page 63 by courtesy of the Trustees of the Royal Air Force Museum

  Page 64 by courtesy of the Trustees of the Royal Air Force Museum

  Page 65 by courtesy of the Trustees of the Royal Air Force Museum

  Page 66 (top) Illustration provided by and reproduced with the permission of the owner

  Page 66 (bottom) © Keystone / Staff (Getty)

  Page 67 Illustration provided by and reproduced with the permission of the owner

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  Page 72 Illustration provided by and reproduced with the permission of the owner

  Page 74 by courtesy of the Trustees of the Royal Air Force Museum

  Page 75 by courtesy of the Trustees of the Royal Air Force Museum

  Page 77 © The National Archives

  Page 78 © Victor Watson, reproduced with the permission of the owner

  Page 80 © Victor Watson, reproduced with the permission of the owner

  Pages 84–85 by courtesy of the Trustees of the Royal Air Force Museum

  Page 88 by courtesy of the Trustees of the Royal Air Force Museum

  Page 89 © Imperial War Museum (Art.IWM ART LD 5134)

  Page 90 © Imperial War Museum (EPH 2217)

  Page 92 © Woodmansterne Publications, Watford/

  Page 93 from Per Ardua Libertas

  Page 94 by courtesy of the Trustees of the Royal Air Force Museum

  Page 95 redrawn from an original supplied by courtesy of the Trustees of the Royal Air Force Museum

  Page 96 (top) by courtesy of the Trustees of the Royal Air Force Museum

  Page 96 (bottom) by courtesy of the Trustees of the Royal Air Force Museum

  Page 97 © Imperial War Museum (HU 20276)

  Page 98 Reproduced by permission © The Cumberland Pencil Company

  Page 99 (bottom left) © Woodmansterne Publications, Watford/

  Page 99 (bottom right) by courtesy of the Trustees of the Royal Air Force Museum

  Page 100 by courtesy of the Trustees of the Royal Air Force Museum

  Page 101 Image courtesy of Plymouth University and with the permission of John Shelmerdine’s daughter

  Page 102 by courtesy of the Trustees of the Royal Air Force Museum

  Page 105 from Per Ardua Libertas

  Page 106 from Per Ardua Libertas

  Page 108 © Imperial War Museum (HU 20926)

  Pages 110–111 © UK MOD Crown Copyright, 2015

  Page 117 from From Colditz in Code, J. M. Green

  Page 119 from From Colditz in Code, J. M. Green

  Page 121 from From Colditz in Code, J. M. Green

  Page 122 Image courtesy of Plymouth University and with the permission of John Pryor’s son

  Page 123 © Imperial War Museum (HU 20930)

  Page 124 by
courtesy of the Trustees of the Royal Air Force Museum

  Page 126 © Fox Photos / Stringer (Getty)

  Page 132 © Imperial War Museum (D 20928)

  Page 133 © Imperial War Museum (D 20387)

  Page 139 Image courtesy of Plymouth University and with the permission of John Pryor’s son

  Page 140 Image courtesy of Plymouth University and with the permission of John Pryor’s son

  Page 142 © Hulton Archive/Stringer (Getty)

  Page 144 © Time Life Pictures / Contributor (Getty)

  Page 148 from Fight Another Day, J. M. Langley

  Pages 150–151 Illustration provided by and reproduced with the permission of the owner

  Page 152 © British Library Board

  Page 153 © British Library Board

  Pages 154–155 © British Library Board

  Page 157 (top) by courtesy of the Trustees of the Royal Air Force Museum

  Page 157 (bottom left and bottom right) © The National Archives

  Page 158 from The Escaping Club, A. J. Evans

  Page 161 © Imperial War Museum (HU 20288)

  Page 162 from They Have Their Exits, Airey Neave

  Page 163 produced by the GeoMapping Unit, Plymouth University and reproduced with their kind permission

  Page 164 Parliamentary Archives AN707

  Page 168 Parliamentary Archives AN670

  Page 170 © Keystone / Staff (Getty)

  Page 172 © The National Archives

  Page 174 Illustration provided by and reproduced with the permission of the owner

  Page 175 © The National Archives

  Pages 176–177 Illustration provided by and reproduced with the permission of the owner

  Page 180 Image courtesy of Plymouth University and with the permission of John Pryor’s son

  Page 181 © Imperial War Museum (Art.IWM ART LD 5114)

  Page 182 © The National Archives

  Page 183 © Imperial War Museum (BU 4835)

  Page 184 from A Prisoner’s Progress, David James

  Page 185 from A Prisoner’s Progress, David James

  Page 187 © Imperial War Museum (EPH 6369)

  Page 190 © Imperial War Museum (BU 5985)

  Page 192 (bottom left) Illustration provided by, and reproduced with, the permission of the University of Glasgow

  Page 192 (bottom right) Illustration provided by and reproduced with the permission of the owner

  Page 193 Illustration provided by and reproduced with the permission of the owner

  Page 194 Illustration provided by, and reproduced with, the permission of the University of Glasgow

  Page 195 produced by the GeoMapping Unit, Plymouth University and reproduced with their kind permission

  Page 196 from Per Ardua Libertas

  Page 199 from Official Secret, C. C. Hutton

  Page 204 © Leemage / Contributor (Getty)

  Page 207 © Hulton Archive / Stringer (Getty)

  Page 212 Illustration provided by and reproduced with the permission of the owner

  Front Cover - dust jacket (photo) © Hulton Archive/Stringer (Getty), (map extract Berlin - Sheet 43G) provided by and reproduced with the permission of the owner

  PLC (map extract Shaffhausen - Sheet 43B)

  Whilst every effort has been made to trace the copyright holders, in cases where this has been unsuccessful, or if any have inadvertently been overlooked, the Publishers would gladly receive any information enabling them to be rectified at the first opportunity.

  The author and publishers would finally like to thank Christopher Riches for his invaluable editorial help in making this book.


  The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific entry, please use your e-book reader’s search tools.

  1st Searchlight Regiment 24, 160

  2nd Battalion Coldstream Guards 23

  A. G. Spalding & Bros 89

  Africa 34, 52, 53, 59, 71

  Air Ministry 34, 54, 201, 209

  Alabama 10, 40

  Alger 125

  Allied Paper Merchants 81

  Alston, E. D. 78, 80, 81, 92

  Arnhem 46, 60, 63

  Asia, southeast 53, 72

  Assistant Directorate of Intelligence (Logistics) 75

  Atlanta 10, 40

  Austria 46, 193

  Author’s Society 106

  Babington, Anthony 116

  backgammon 89

  Baden-Powell, R. S. S. 33

  Bader, Douglas 30

  Baghdad 82

  Baileys 93

  Balchin, W. G. V. 7, 197, 198

  Baltic Coast 175

  Baltic ports 9, 76, 87, 125, 139, 148, 173–188

  Barcelona, 205

  Barry, Captain R. F. T. 169

  Bartholomew see John Bartholomew & Son Ltd

  Bartholomew, John 34

  Bartholomew, John “Ian” 34, 35, 52, 54

  Batavia (Jakarta) 72

  BBC 181

  Beethoven 97

  Beirut 82

  Belgian–German frontier 70

  Belgium 67, 70

  Bentley, E. C. 45

  Berlin 107, 186

  Berne 149

  Beset by Secrecy and Beleaguered by Rivals 208

  Between Silk and Cyanide 66, 208

  Biberach 164, 192

  Biography for Beginners 45

  Bjorn 186

  Blair, Lieutenant 14

  Blanchain, Francis 164

  Bletchley Park 145, 208

  board games 90

  Bordeaux 207, 208

  Bowes, Christopher 79, 91

  Boy’s Own Paper 33

  Breese, Flight Lieutenant J. C. 95, 106

  Bremen 89, 120, 180

  bridge 92

  Briscoe, Professor H. V. A. 81

  British Admiralty chart 54, 173

  British Army 21, 25, 26, 82, 83, 119, 179

  British Consulate, 100, 186

  British Expeditionary Force (BEF) 25

  British Intelligence in the Second World War 206

  British Library 45, 79

  British Military Attaché 128, 143

  British Museum 33

  Browns Sports Shop 106

  Brunswick 109

  Brunswick Printers 190, 191

  Brussels, 205

  Buckley, Lieutenant S. E. 156

  Bulletin see MI9 Bulletin

  Burma 72, 73

  Bushy Park 83

  Cairo 82

  Calais 160

  Calcutta 42, 82

  Canada 123

  Caspian Sea 81

  Cavell, Edith Louisa 203, 205

  Chamberlain, Neville 15

  chess 89, 92, 93, 124, 125

  China 37, 40, 72, 73

  Christmas crackers 97

  Churchill, Winston 8, 86, 93, 197, 206, 208

  cigars 93

  Civil War (American) 40

  Clausthal 21

  Clough, Brigadier A. B. 33

  Coastal Defence Area 100

  Cockleshell Heroes 207

  Code Book, The 115

  coded correspondence 115–141

  coded letters 115–141, 143, 178

  Col Powder lamination 94

  Colditz see Oflag IVC (Colditz)

  Colditz Story, The 160

  Collier, Peter 198

  Columbia 94

  Comet Line 24, 148, 149

  Conduct of Work No. 48 15, 16

  Connell, Charles 201

  Constance, Lake 22, 149, 164, 189, 192

  cribbage 89

  cricket 89

  Crockatt, Brigadier Norman R. 17, 18, 21, 24, 26, 30, 199, 202, 203, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 213, 214

  Crown and Anchor Mission 106

  Cuba 40

  Cumberland Pencil Company 98

  Curragh 58

  D-Day see Normandy Landings

  Dansey, Colonel Claude 203, 205, 206, 208, 213

  Danzig 46
, 50, 54, 87, 173, 174, 175, 181, 185, 186, 187 darts 89

  Defence Geographic Centre 60

  Delhi 82

  Denmark 64, 70, 73, 186

  Derry, Sam 209

  Dick 27

  Dorington Committee 43

  Double Eagle 46, 81, 193

  draughts 89

  Dunkirk 8, 13, 23, 85, 179, 206

  Durnford, H. G. 27, 33

  Dutch Girl 46, 60, 63

  Embry, Air Marshall Sir Basil 201

  Emerald 81

  EMI 94

  Empire Service League, The 106

  ENIGMA 143, 144, 145

  Escape Committee 109, 124, 125, 142, 143, 166, 181

  escape packs 84, 102, 103, 104

  escape-mindedness 9, 26, 169, 210

  Escaping Club, The 22, 158

  Europe 34, 52, 53, 59, 60, 70, 71, 73, 76, 100, 116, 149, 173, 187, 206

  Europe Air series 49, 51, 59, 60, 61, 63, 81, 83, 192

  Evans, Flight Lieutenant A. J. “Johnny” 13, 21, 22, 23, 25, 30, 33, 102, 119, 156, 158, 159

  Evans, Philip Radcliffe 190

  Far East 82

  Ffrench-Mullen, Flight Lieutenant D. A. 95

  Fight Another Day 24, 197, 210

  Finland 73, 173

  Finnish ships 186

  Foot, M. R. D. 13, 18, 21, 112, 115, 116, 145, 162, 165, 171, 198, 199, 202, 203, 213

  Foreign Office, 203

  Forrest, Dr David 189

  Fort 9 Ingolstadt 13, 22

  Fortune, General Sir V. M. 127

  France 24, 37, 63, 70, 82, 91, 100, 103, 117, 148, 206, 213

  French Indo-China 73

  French–Spanish border 67, 149

  From Colditz in Code 116, 120

  Gaddum, H. T. 82

  Gaddum, P. W. 82

  Garrison Map 33, 37, 40

  Garrison Outline Map 40

  Gdynia 85, 173, 175

  General Map of Ireland 58

  Geneva Convention, The 58, 98, 104, 115, 121

  Geographia Ltd 34, 52

  Geographic Section General Staff (GSGS) 83, 198, 199

  Geographical Journal, The 7

  GeoMapping Unit 193

  George 27

  George Philip & Son Ltd 79

  Georgia, northwestern 10, 40

  German Government Chart 173

  German–Swiss border see Swiss Frontier

  Germany 14, 17, 21, 23, 24, 27, 33, 46, 54, 64, 70, 73, 86, 91, 100, 102, 109, 113, 118, 125, 127, 128, 137, 139, 147, 148, 149, 159, 160, 163, 166, 167, 169, 171, 175, 178, 179, 180, 193, 210

  Gestapo 143, 213

  Gibraltar 205

  Gironde, River 208

  ‘goings’ information 152


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