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Winter Wanderlust: A Romantic Anthology

Page 4

by Gina Drayer

  “Bottle of the Santa Margherita Pinot Grigio, please,” Lucy said flipping the wine menu shut and setting it aside.

  “And you, sir?” Walter asked Sheldon.

  Sheldon waved him off. “Whatever the lady desires works for me.”

  Lucy smiled and Walter turned to fetch their bottle of wine. Sheldon reached across the table and cradled Lucy’s right hand.

  “Are you glad we’re here?” he asked.

  Lucy raised her eyebrow at him again. “Of course, Don. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else but with you, you know that.” She squeezed his hand.

  “How’s your game?” Sheldon asked with a teasing smile.

  Lucy rolled her eyes. “I only played for like half an hour. I was working, for your information.”

  Sheldon’s smile faded. “We’re on vacation. Why do you always have to work?”

  Her gaze softened. “I won’t anymore, don’t worry. I’m here to be with you.”

  Lucy pulled her hand from Sheldon’s as Walter returned with their bottle of wine. He poured it for Sheldon to test before filling up Lucy’s glass, followed by the rest of Sheldon’s. Then he placed the bottle into a cooler on the edge of the table.

  “Are you set to order?” Walter asked.

  Lucy flipped open her menu once more and pointed to her choice. “The chicken cordon bleu, please. With a caesar salad to start, no bacon on the salad.”

  Walter nodded, taking the menu from her hands. “Good choice, miss.”

  “I’ll have Maitakee Consommee - did I say that right?” Sheldon said. The waiter nodded, though Sheldon was certain he’d pronounced it wrong. “I’ll also have a salad to start. Bacon is fine on mine.”

  He handed Walter the menu and the waiter left. Sheldon reached for Lucy’s hand again, but she had plunged it into her purse and pulled out her phone.

  He groaned. “What did you just say about not working?”

  She eyed him over her phone. “I’m not working. I wanna tweet that we’re at this lodge. Plus I can post my foodie picture. Is that a bad thing?”

  “In this situation, it is a bad thing,” he said, “Your followers get you all the time, can’t you spend some time with me for a change?”

  She sighed but put the phone away. Taking the hand he left resting on the table, she stared at him.

  “You don’t even have anything you want to talk about.” She pulled her hand from his once more and folded them on her lap.

  “Are you going to be like this the entire trip?” Sheldon asked.

  “Like what?”

  “I don’t know, all distant. Always on your phone, or your tablet. It’s like you can’t handle one day of being disconnected.” Sheldon swirled his wine, staring at the cool white liquid.

  She bit her lip and looked away. Sheldon continued to watch her, knowing she wouldn’t deny it. She couldn’t, because it was true. She never went a day without being connected though she’d say it came with her job. That she was required to be connected all the time. Sheldon rarely used social networks and would never understand.

  “It’s no different than you.” Lucy protested. “It’s impossible to get a word in between your video games and movies.”

  Sheldon frowned. He didn’t want to fight. Putting his hands up defensively he said, “Fine, you’re right. But I don’t have either of those things right now.”

  Lucy bit onto her lower lip again and chewed for a moment before saying, “I won’t touch it for the rest of the meal. Promise.”

  Then Lucy sipped her wine, smiling at him as she swallowed it. “Mmm.”

  “Always a good choice.” Sheldon nodded to the bottle.

  “You know it’s my favourite.”

  Sheldon smiled. “I do.”


  When they finished their meals they had already drank a bottle of wine and decided to continue indulging. After settling their bill with Walter, Sheldon took Lucy-Sue’s arm and led her to the bar at the opposite end of the room. There weren’t many guests hanging around the bar area, but there were a few: a couple whispering to one another at the far end, an older man drinking alone, a group of young women giggling excitedly. It seemed the resort attracted a variety of people.

  The lone bartender was a burly man with a shaven head. He peered at Sheldon with ice grey eyes as he ordered another glass of wine for each of them. Sheldon passed his credit card across the bar and the man took it to start a tab for the two. Lucy slid her bar stool closer to Sheldon’s and he kissed her burning cheek. Lucy always became flushed after drinking.

  The bartender set the glasses of wine down and smiled. “Name’s Danny. Wave me down if you need anything.” Then he wandered further down the bar, back to the group of women.

  Sheldon handed Lucy her glass and they clinked glasses before taking the first sip. The two fell into easy conversation, something neither of them struggled with when they were drinking. Sheldon spoke about a new video game that was coming out next week. Lucy spoke about a promotion she was looking forward to at work. Both realized they hadn’t shared so much in a long time.

  Their first glasses emptied, Danny returned and filled them again. Followed by cheers and another sip. Even from where they sat in the bar, Sheldon could hear the wind whipping around outside. It howled through the cracks in the windows and walls. Lucy shivered and Sheldon covered her shoulders with her sweater.

  “Guess the storm’s getting worse,” Sheldon said as he sat back on his stool. Danny was wiping the bar in front of them and looked up when Sheldon spoke.

  “Worst one I’ve seen in years,” he said.

  “Will we be able to get on the slopes tomorrow?” Lucy seemed worried.

  Danny chuckled. “Don’t fear, little lady, I’m sure the storm will only make for perfect skiing weather.”

  He picked up his cloth and walked back down the bar, leaving them alone.

  Sheldon sipped his wine again. “Should we head up after this one?”

  The lights flickered in the bar area, making Lucy jump. Sheldon’s hand shot out, catching her arm.

  “Don’t worry, it’s okay.”

  Lucy nodded and gulped down the last of her wine. “Okay, let’s go up.”

  Sheldon turned to Danny to settle his bill, when the lights flickered three more times, before immersing the guests in darkness. A shrill scream was heard to Sheldon’s left, likely one of the women panicking. It was dark only for a minute though, as the generator whirled into motion and the emergency lights flicked on, one by one.

  “Looks like we’ve lost power, guys,” Danny called to the guests from behind the bar. “If you head into the lobby you will be able to access a power source there, but unfortunately the generator isn’t large enough to power all of your rooms. Each of your rooms has a fireplace to keep them warm. All I ask is that you remain calm and proceed to the lobby. All your questions can be answered there.”

  Lucy’s eyes widened at Sheldon as he signed his credit card slip and slid it back towards Danny, then stood and held his arm out to her.

  “What about my tablet? The phone?” She whispered under her breath. “Will we have no power all week?”

  Sheldon didn’t answer her ramblings, because he didn’t really know. They followed the other guests out of the bar and into the main lobby. Sheldon and Lucy plopped down on a white couch and glanced towards the door. The window was frosted from the cool weather. Sheldon was certain they wouldn’t be leaving the lodge for days.

  A pang of worry instantly coursed through him. What would they do without their electronics? For over five years, he and Lucy had been diffusing their tension with constant distraction. At home, Sheldon played video games and watched movies. Lucy was always on her tablet or phone, constantly connected to her Social Networks. They barely had time for one another. Here, he feared they would grow bored in each other’s constant company.

  Lucy had already pulled her cell phone out of her bag and started flipping through her followers, likely tracking her online popularit
y. Sheldon glanced to the front desk where Leonard seemed to be briefing the remaining hotel staff. He heard whispers that the resort was short staffed that night.

  Then he had an idea. They were here to rekindle their romance, and Leonard had told Sheldon that if he needed anything… Maybe Sheldon would take advantage of the man’s help.

  “Hey Luce,” Sheldon said, when the remaining staff left Leonard standing behind the counter alone. “I’ll be right back, okay? I’m just going to go speak to the concierge.”

  Lucy-Sue waved him off without looking up from her phone, and for a moment, Sheldon was glad the thing would die soon and Lucy would have to pay attention to him.


  Lucy wasn’t sure how long Sheldon was gone but the slight buzz she felt from the wine had passed and was replaced with exhaustion. Glancing up from her phone, she realized it had been some time since he had said he would be right back. Guests around her had started to disappear back to their rooms and the lobby was becoming increasingly empty. Her phone battery was getting low and a quick glance at the time told her it was nearly midnight.

  Where is he?

  Lucy tucked her phone into her purse and pushed herself from the couch. She saw Sheldon approaching her from the stairwell and walked towards him. He had a broad smile plastered on his face. Lucy noticed Leonard following Sheldon out of the stairwell and return to the front desk. Sheldon’s hand closed around Lucy’s when they met.

  “Where have you been?” Lucy pulled her hand away almost immediately and put her hands on her hips.

  Sheldon shrugged. “Sorry babe, I didn’t mean to take so long.”

  Lucy relaxed and let him take hold of her hand once more. Then she yawned. “Can we head to bed now? I’m exhausted.”

  A playful smile spread across Sheldon’s lips and he held out a blindfold to her. Lucy raised her eyebrow.

  “And what do you have planned with that?”

  “Put it on.”

  Lucy laughed. “No.”

  “C’mon,” Sheldon urged, “I have a surprise for you.”

  Though exhausted, Lucy took the blindfold from his hands and tied it around her head, resting just below her ponytail. Now unable to see, she put her hands on her hips once more.

  “How do you propose I get up the stairs?”

  Sheldon didn’t answer her, instead, she felt his arms wrap around her, lifting her into the air. A delighted giggle escaped Lucy’s lips. He cradled her petite frame in his arms as he walked up the stairs. It had been a long time since Sheldon had handled her this way.

  They hit flat ground and Sheldon’s footsteps echoed down the long hall. Lucy squirmed in his arms but Sheldon held her too tightly for her to escape. Eventually, he set her down on her feet and held her hand. The creak of the door told her they had arrived at their room, and Sheldon led Lucy through it, closing the door behind her with a soft click.

  The temperature was higher in the room; Lucy could hear the low hum of the gas fireplace and her cheeks warmed. A soft tune could be heard coming from the opposite end of the room. Lucy smiled. Sheldon never went anywhere without his music and speakers.

  She reached up to her blindfold, desperate to see what he had done for her.

  “Uh, uh, uh,” Sheldon scolded, as he swatted her hand away, though even she could hear the humour in his tone.

  She pouted. “Why not?”

  A familiar ‘pop’ reached her ears. He brought champagne. He continued to move around her for a few more minutes and Lucy was left standing in the middle of the room waiting in anticipation. Eventually, his hand closed around her wrist and pulled her into his body. She felt his chest muscles flex beneath her touch. His breathing slowed. Lucy felt his lips on hers, kissing her, unlike any way he had kissed her recently. She leaned closer to him, wanting to feel more. But then, he was gone.

  She felt the tie around her eyes loosen and it fell to the floor below. A gasp escaped her lips. It’s beautiful.

  Their small hotel room was dark, dimly lit by candles scattered around the room. Their king sized bed was covered in rose petals that spilled out onto the plush carpet. On the desk with the large TV was a platter of strawberries and chocolates. Two tall glasses of bubbly champagne were right behind the platter. The bottle was cooling in a wine cooler, likely from the restaurant downstairs.

  “Don,” Lucy tried to say, but Sheldon held his finger to her lips, silencing her. He grabbed the glasses and passed one to her. They clinked them together and drank, a small smile playing on Lucy’s lips.

  He gulped down the remainder of his glass and placed it aside. She did the same. Placing his hands on her face, he pulled her close, kissing her. Lucy’s eyes fluttered shut at the gentle contact. There was no need for words.

  Lucy’s hand snaked around his back, pulling him closer as his hands tangled into her blonde hair, pulling it loose from the ponytail tie. The kiss deepened. Lucy felt Sheldon’s muscles tense as she pushed her slim body against his, asking for more. Excitement coursed through her as he moved his hands from her hair and wrapped his arms around her. He hoisted her from the floor, never breaking his kiss, placing her on the bed so she lay beneath him.

  The strong scent of roses invaded her nostrils as she lay in the pile of petals; her favourite flower, arousing her senses. Sheldon began trailing warm kisses down her neck and chest. He kissed right down to the bottom of her low v-cut neckline. Then he pulled away, his fingers edged around her neck, releasing the clasp on the halter tie. He grasped the sides of the dress and pulled it down her slender body, over her hips, before tossing it onto the floor beside them. Lucy’s hands busied themselves unclasping his shirt and pushing it off his shoulders and down his arms. His chest muscles were tight and Lucy’s hands flew to his abdomen, caressing his muscles.

  He’s perfect.

  She reached for his jeans, unbuttoning and sliding them down over his hips. He kicked the jeans to the floor, his boxers following. His hand reached around Lucy’s back, unclasping her bra and tossing the strapless aside. Then he slid her panties over her hips.

  The dim light from the fire and surrounding candles sent shadows dancing across their exposed skin. He said nothing as he climbed on top of her, kissing her once again. Tonight would be perfect, something neither of them had experienced in a long time.


  Lucy lay nude in Sheldon’s arms, enjoying the warmth of the fading fire. The two were still tangled together, fresh from making love. Sheldon nuzzled Lucy’s messy blonde hair.

  “That was perfect.” She whispered, though he could barely hear her words, the quiet hum of the music was still in the background.

  He chuckled. “Pity it took driving several hours to another country to do it.”

  A giggle escaped her lips. “We needed the push.” She settled her head onto his hard chest, moving her fingers up and down his abs.

  “How about another one?”

  Lucy looked up at him and a playful grin was plastered across his face. She laughed and swatted at him. He didn’t give her a chance to respond, instead he grabbed her, pulling her naked body closer to him and inhaling as he breathed her in, enjoying her natural musk. Both of their bodies were still damp from lovemaking. Sheldon trailed his warm lips all over her face, kissing her hairline, brow, nose then lips. He trailed kisses across her jaw line and down her neck. When he pulled away he let out a short breath.

  “So beautiful,” he mumbled to himself, in awe of Lucy’s nude form. Sheldon pushed himself out of bed and stood, even though it was hard.

  “Where are you going?” Lucy propped herself up on her elbows, pouting.

  He looked back at her with a boyish grin. “Missing me already?”

  Lucy smirked. “You’d like that wouldn’t you?”

  He chuckled as he poured two more glasses of champagne. Then he turned and walked back towards Lucy. Her milky white skin shone under the dull lighting, and framed her perfect petite breasts. He crawled into the bed and passed her the champagne flute. />
  Lucy sipped the bubbly liquid before placing the glass on the bedside table and leaning back on the large hotel pillows. Sheldon leaned on his right arm while cradling the flute with his left hand. He smiled at her as he sipped his drink and she gazed back at him.

  “What are you looking at?” She asked.

  Sheldon leaned over her and placed his glass next to hers. Then he leaned down and captured her lips in a soft kiss. It was only for a moment though, then he pulled away. He hovered over her, staring at her full lips and smooth skin, taking in her natural beauty.

  “I was looking at you,” he whispered.

  A giggle escaped her lips. “Why?”

  He leaned down and rubbed his nose against hers. “Why do you think?”

  She looked up at him with wide doe eyes. “I don’t know.” She bit down on her lower lip and turned her face away from him. The candle light danced down her creamy neck and Sheldon ran his hand down with it, unable to resist touching her soft skin.

  “Because you’re perfect.” His voice was husky now.

  Lucy closed her eyes for a moment, then looked into Sheldon’s. “You think so?”

  “I know so.” He leaned in and kissed her again, more passionately this time. “Why has it been so long?” he mumbled, giving her a tight squeeze as exhaustion washed over him.

  Lucy looked at him and kissed him again before closing her eyes and whispering. “I don’t know, but this is perfect.”


  Lucy awoke to the sun pouring through their open window. Sheldon lay sleeping next to her, his breathing light and rhythmic. The sun shone across his chiseled chest and his sweat glistened under the warm light. Lucy pushed herself from the bed and tiptoed to the window.

  There was snow everywhere, deeper than she had ever seen before. She hoped the ski hills would be open today. She slipped into the bathroom next and used the facilities. When she was back in their room, Sheldon had awakened and was sitting up in bed.


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