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Minecraft: 50 Unofficial Minecraft Books in 1 (Minecraft Diary Deal, Minecraft Book, Minecraft Storybook, Minecraft Books, Minecraft Diaries, Minecraft Diary, Minecraft Book for Kids)

Page 73

by Billy Miner

  Go to 37.


  You hit the creeper with your fist.


  The creeper gets shoved back into the crawl space and explodes.


  Awesome. It’s gone. Now, let’s check before you crawl through there again. This thing is full of creepers. You never know.

  Go to 16.


  This poor horse has been here for so long. It must be anxious to get away. You decide to trust it. Besides, even though it is a zombie horse, it still doesn’t look that creepy. You loosen its bonds and the rope, and the horse walks around freely, neighing happily.

  Then you get an idea. You can put some of the bags on the horse and have it carry more treasure for you. When you think of it, you become much exited. What a brilliant idea! Immediately, you start collecting materials to bind more bags and other things that carry treasure on the horse, tying it all up with the rope. The zombie horse cooperates. It’s fine with whatever happens, now that it is free.

  Once you are done, you wonder if you should mount the horse too, or if you should walk next to it as you lead it outside.

  If you want to mount it, go to 83.

  If you want to walk next to it, go to 100.


  You hide behind a boulder in one of the corners of the room. But of course he is watching you as you are hiding. With his big muscles, he removes the boulder and reveals your hiding place. Well, that was pointless. Let’s try something else.

  Throw rocks at him, go to 81.

  Stab the altar, go to 38.

  Throw your dagger to the corner of the room to play fetch, go to 50.


  “No better weapon than a sword,” you think.

  You pick it up, and with your great fighting skills, you start hitting some of the fireballs, returning them to where they came from. One of the ghasts gets hit, but the other ones are spitting so many fireballs at you that you can’t take it anymore. The blade is not effective enough. What now?

  To pick up the pickaxe, go to 85.

  To use the shield, go to 49.


  Now that you are farther away from the mummies, you have more time to make an attempt to open the door. You pull as hard as you can, and… it opens up! Yes!

  Without further ado, you hurry through the door and close it behind you, making sure it stays shut. You look at the room you’re in. It’s a small, room with two doors.

  If you take the left door, go to 61.

  If you take the right door, go to 45.


  You are coming at him, storming at him with your dagger in front of you. He moves aside and you dash into the wall.


  He laughs, ridiculing you because you were so slow. You make another attempt. It’s futile. You miss again. You really have to figure out something else to do.

  Go to 22.


  Holding up your torch a little closer, you bend over and look. The woman has a stick in her hand, holding it above her head. The baby is in her other arm, and the soldier seems more like a Pharaoh. “When… you… make… the… girl… no wait, it’s a woman, or maybe a wife. Yeah, it has to be a wife. So when you make the wife… what’s that word? Unhappy? Yes, the opposite from the Egyptian character of joy, upside down. And then… you… and then the same character. Huh?”

  You think for a moment. Then you get it.

  “When you make the wife unhappy, you will be unhappy. Ha! Such wisdom by a Pharaoh who had arguments with his wife, isn’t it?”

  You look again. The image because clear. The wife is holding a crying baby and beating up the Pharaoh. You chuckle. Apparently those Pharaohs were only as powerful as their wives let them be.

  Okay, enough nonsense. Let’s hope the other writings are more serious.

  Go to 8 to read the one with the sarcophagi, the Egyptian coffin.


  You pick up a rock from the floor and throw it at one of the skeletons. Bang! In the head! Bull’s eye! It’s dead.

  “Let’s do that again,” you think. The slow skeletons don’t get very far, because with one rock being thrown after the other, you kill each and every one of them instantly, just like that. You are proud of your throwing skills and step over the piles of bones. Then you open the door in front of you.

  “Wow! This is it!” you say when you enter the room.

  Go to 52.


  You take the dagger out of your bag and walk towards the horse. Slash! You stab it again and again, making sure it won’t get up. The horse is dead. This leaves you no other option than to just take some of the gold, as much as your backpack can hold, and leave.

  Go to 82.


  After that booby-trap, you take greater caution. With every step you take, you look everywhere for wires, loose stones, or anything that could be suspicious. But you didn’t see that the next tile on the floor you step on, is different. As you take another step, it budges a little, as if you are pressing a switch or something. The tile slowly moves down. You have to act as fast as you can. What do you think would be best?

  Move forward, go to 93.

  Move backwards, go to 47.

  Duck, go to 63.


  “Ouch! Ouch!” he says as you throw rocks at his face. Some of the rocks are misses, but the majority hits him.

  “Oh, you little…”

  The dog is even angrier than before and storms at you. Whoops. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. You dive away and run to the other side of the room. Time for another idea. You could:

  Stab the altar, go to 38.

  Hide behind a boulder, go to 73.

  Throw your dagger to the corner of the room to play fetch, go to 50.


  “Stupid zombie horse,” you say. Then you choose to just ignore it and fill up your bag with gold and jewels. Wow. This will help you have a fun, pleasurable life.

  You walk up and exit the pyramid with about 100,000 dollars’ worth of gold in your bag. So much money! At least this trip paid off. Nice.

  Now you just have to make it back to civilization. Ughh… what a long walk. You cannot wait until you can get home and drink some real water. Perhaps you could have had more, but you didn’t see any other way to carry it. Maybe you’ll come back later.

  You finished the game. Congratulations!



  You start riding the horse, but when you are about to go through the hallway that leads outside, you bang your head against the ceiling. You fall off and rub your skull. That hurt a lot!

  When you look at the ceiling, it’s obvious that the horse can walk through it, but that the horse with you on it, is too high. Not so smart. If you would have figured that out earlier, it would have saved you a big headache.

  “Oh well,” you say. “Let’s just walk next to it then.”

  You take the horse and guide it outside.

  Go to 100.


  You blow at the creeper, trying to quench its flame. Seriously? That won’t help! What were you thinking? The creeper gets closer and closer. There is nothing else you can do. You cover your face, but it is only inches away from you.


  You’re dead. Start the game over.


  You decide to try the pickaxe, after the sword didn’t prove to be effective enough. The pickaxe is even harder to handle.


  A fireball hits you.


  Another one hits you. This was a bad decision. How can you defend yourself against fireballs with a pickaxe?

  The last fireball that hits you, is lethal.

  You are dead. Start over.


  You open the door on the right. Strangely enough, as soon as you enter the somewhat obscure room, the door closes and locks itself behind you. O-oh. That can’t be good. You look in front of you. A large pit is only a few fe
et away from you. You look down and see the spikes sticking out of the floor beneath. Clearly a booby trap. But how to get across it… now, that’s the question. You analyze the situation by looking at the walls, the ceiling and the distance to the other side. What are you going to do?

  Try to wall run across, using the sides to put your feet on quickly, go to 19.

  Step back, run and just try to jump over it, go to 65.


  You hold up your torch and try to read what is being written on the wall. Ancient Egyptian characters and images are everywhere. There is one of a king and a bunch of crocodiles, another of an empty throne, and another of a river and the sun shining brightly above it. You recognize some of them, while others leave you puzzled. Slowly walking next to the walls, two different writings catch your eye: One with a woman, a soldier, and a baby, and another of a sarcophagi.

  Go to 77 to read the one with the woman, the baby, and the soldier.

  Go to 8 to read the one with the sarcophagi, the Egyptian coffin.


  The first two buttons didn’t work, strangely enough. You kind of wonder why they are there, but you give the third button a try. Again, nothing happens. Then you try again. Nothing. Maybe if you press the first button, the second one, and the third one at the same time. You maneuver into an awkward position and manage to press the two buttons on the right with your hands and the third with your foot.


  The wall slides aside. This is exactly what you hoped would happen. See? You know how these pyramids work. Piece of cake.

  Go to 25.


  “Orange,” you say. “Let’s try orange.” You press the button, but nothing happens. Booooring! Okay, let’s try another one. Which one then?

  The red one, go to 29.

  The yellow one, go to 5.

  All three at the same time, go to 62.


  You take the right door, the one with the skull symbol on it. It’s a little stuck, but after some maneuvering, you manage to open it. A clear hallway with torches lit up appears in front of you. You walk through it, but there is no door on the other side. What is up with that? Where is the door? You take a closer look at the wall, but find nothing. Then you decide to search the adjacent walls, and the corners of the hallway.

  Ah! That must be something.

  Something catches your eye. It’s a button of some sort, a stone sticking out more than the others around it. It must be something. Why else would this stone stand out like that?

  You push it with your finger.

  Nothing happens.


  You look around again. Hey, another stone is sticking out.

  What do you do?

  Press the same button again, go to 46.

  Press the other button, go to 96.


  You cry like a little kid, since scorpions scare you to death. The pitch of your voice is so high that the scorpion let’s go immediately. As soon as you see that, you lift up your foot and…


  You squash the scorpion. It’s as flat as a pancake. You start to laugh, because you never expected the scorpion to be so scared of your voice. But hey, it worked, and you don’t have to be embarrassed, since there is nobody else around you to hear it.

  Then, you look up and open the door in front of you. On to the next room.

  Go to 25.


  You step aside and the creeper keeps running until it hits the wall behind you.


  The creeper explodes into a million pieces. You look back and see pieces of creeper on the ground. Yuck. Oh well, let’s move on then, shall we?

  Go to 51.


  You move forward and watch a giant boulder drop from the ceiling, ready to crush you. “Whraaah!” you scream in fear. Then you leap forward and roll over the floor as the boulder drops to the ground and shakes the whole pyramid. That was close. If you would have reacted any later, you would have been reduced to powder.

  Go to 28.


  You step back and see three arrows fly from one side to the other. They barely miss you, leaving you startled and stiffened, as life just flashed before your very eyes. That was close. Better move on carefully, as there may be more booby-traps in this hallway.

  Go to 80.


  “So where is the treasure then?” you ask.

  “Ha-ha-ha! Do you really think I am going to tell you that? You must crazy, which is why you probably came here in the first place. This place is full of traps and deadly monsters, including me. Now, do you have any last words before I shred you to pieces?”

  Attack him with your dagger, go to 76.

  Tell him to come and get you, go to 42.


  You decide to press the other button, since nothing happened with the first button. But that one isn’t working either. Nothing is working. You start looking for other buttons and find a third button.

  Go to 88.


  You take the left door and enter another room. In the room, there are more stairs going down, deeper and deeper. At the bottom of the stairs, you see a mirror. There is nothing else.

  “What is a mirror doing here?” you ask yourself.

  What are you going to do?

  Touch the mirror, go to 13.

  Do your hair, go to 39.

  Break the mirror into a thousand pieces, go to 59.

  Take a closer look, go to 2.


  The mummies are coming closer and closer, but you insist on reasoning with these monsters. Surely they must have some humane part in them left, since they, too, were once like you?

  “Could you please leave me alone?” you ask in your best voice.

  They don’t react, except for the fact that they are coming closer. You reach inside your bag, but it is too late. One of the mummies already reaches out his arms and starts strangling you. You try to hit him, but it’s useless. You should have defended yourself when they were still far away from you. You are losing your breath, and the last sight is that of a few ugly eyes and some sloppy bandages that look like toilet paper.

  You are dead. Start over.


  “Can I just ask you where the treasure is?” you say. “I have no intention in disturbing you. I am just looking for some valuable objects to take home with me.”

  They look at you as if they don’t understand you. Then they slowly move towards you. O-oh, probably not a good idea. Better think of something else.

  Reach for your dagger, go to 41.

  Throw a rock at them, go to 78.


  As you guide the horse with the treasures outside, you are glad to be out of the pyramid. You smile, knowing that you just piled up more than 100 million dollars’ worth of treasure on that horse, along with the stuff you put in your own backpack. You are happy you thought of this, and that now you don’t have to walk through the hot desert, but that you can ride a nice zombie horse and speed up your trip. You are filthy RICH!

  Life is great!

  You just finished the game. Congratulations.


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  Minecraft Secrets

  A Story about Hidden Minecraft Secrets

  By Billy Miner

  Copyright @2015

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the publisher, Billy Miner.

  This book is or will also be available in audio form. I have hired professional narrators who do voices and make the story come alive.

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