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Minecraft: 50 Unofficial Minecraft Books in 1 (Minecraft Diary Deal, Minecraft Book, Minecraft Storybook, Minecraft Books, Minecraft Diaries, Minecraft Diary, Minecraft Book for Kids)

Page 81

by Billy Miner

  I was speechless. I am just glad that I didn’t try to explain what happened. The slur of words that would have come out of my mouth, would have made it worse anyway.

  Still, it was an awful moment I would never forget. How was I ever going to deal with my lack of concentration and my excess of energy? At the time, I had no idea.

  Entry 4: I Quit

  Back to what happened recently… I was an adult. I had just defeated that elder guardian but since there were no witnesses, I didn’t get any recognition for it. But I knew that those creatures could be slain and that we had nothing to fear, despite of the crazy words of that old preacher.

  All of this was beside the point, however, because here I was, picking up fish and throwing them on different piles.

  That’s right. I worked at the docks. There were no other jobs. I wasn’t even a fisherman. I was a fisherman’s assistant. Can you hear the pathetic tone in my underappreciated profession? I didn’t even have the status of perfecting a trait. I had to assist those who did, and not only that, but the trait wasn’t that impressive in the first place. Going out, catching fish, and then organizing them into piles, wasn’t what I was hoping to do for the rest of my life. Even if I would get a raise or become some expert at it or something… it still would be tedious.

  It was awfully boring.

  I hated my job, but there was nothing else. At least that was something the preacher was right about: The town’s economy was based on fish. No fish meant no money.

  It was not that I hated fish. I loved the taste of it, but hauling them in each day and then going through the healthy ones, the small ones, the big ones, and the ones we didn’t want to sell, and that’s after going through all the big cobweb of green, yucky seaweed… could you see that I wanted to do something else?

  So one day, I just quit. I told them I was done. I put the fish down and said, “I am finished.”

  My employer came to me and said, “Finished? You aren’t finished. Look! There is a whole pile you haven’t done yet.”

  “No, I am finished,” I insisted.

  “What? You’re finished for the day? If you are leaving, then you can kiss that monthly bonus goodbye.”

  “I am not finished for the day, I am finished with the job,” I said.

  “You’re quitting? Well, good luck finding another job in this town,” he chuckled.

  I knew he was right. There was nothing here. But for some reason, I just knew I would go crazy if I would do this for another day. I wasn’t meant to perform tedious tasks. I wasn’t meant to go through a routine. I like variety and newness.

  But I didn’t know what to do. I had always been dreaming of starting my own company. I wanted to be in charge of the way things went. I wanted to get paid for results, meeting goals, challenges… that sort of thing, not just for how many hours I was there. That was different.

  Now I was left on my own. But I had a plan. I was going to find out every little trick I could do with that diamond pickaxe I had found.

  I went home and got it. I looked at it. What was I supposed to do with this thing? Perhaps just dig into the ground, or into the mountain and see what would happen. After a quick lunch, that’s what I decided to do.

  I took my backpack and headed towards the mountains.

  Entry 5: Black Gold

  I was anxious to find out what I could bump into with this newly acquired item from the bottom of the ocean. I was walked on the plains in the direction of the mountain range far behind it. The plains were dry. They consisted of rocky and sandy grounds with only the wind to accompany you.

  It was a long trip. The mountains looked so close, but in reality, it would take hours to walk over there. I became restless. I was too eager to know what I could do with this pickaxe.

  I couldn’t take it anymore, so I pulled it out of my backpack and swung it high up in the air, only to have it land on the ground within a second or two. The ground burst a little. There was nothing. It was all dry. I tried again. Maybe something would happen. I didn’t know what I was expecting, but I was just hoping for a miracle.

  I tried again.

  And again.

  And again.

  I tried about 50 times, but nothing special happened. I was about to give up. I had counted to 50, so this would be the 51st time I would thrust in my pickaxe.

  “Sure, one more time,” I mumbled.

  The pickaxe cut into the soil.

  Beep beep beep!

  What was that? As if some kind of alarm went off inside the tool I was using. Did it mean something? Did I find something? I didn’t see anything in the ground, so what was that all about?

  “Well, let’s try it again,” I said.

  I hit the ground one more time.

  Again… beep beep beep!

  “There must be something here,” I assumed.

  I did it one more time and before I knew it, a black liquid was gushing out like a fountain. I was covered in it. Yuck. Disgusting stuff, like mud or something.

  I smelled it. Then I tasted it. It wasn’t mud. It was OIL!!!

  Oil? In this region? Near our village? My mouth was wide open. I was astonished. This was awesome! Oil was something everybody needed. It had been used as fuel for years for so many things. I could make a ton of money with this discovery.

  But I couldn’t tell anyone about it.

  Not yet.

  I had to be smart. I had to play it right.

  Entry 6: Success

  This was amazing! If this pickaxe would beep every time I would be near some oil, I would only have to use it every once in a while to find another area, and then I would be able to reap the benefits.

  I went home and washed myself. Then I took two small pieces of diamond that I picked off the pickaxe and put them in my pocket. It was okay, I thought. There was plenty of I hid the pickaxe and went to some city building that takes care of property and real estate.

  I entered the room.

  “I want to purchase some land,” I said without beating around the bush.

  “Sure. What would you like to buy?” the guy behind the desk asked.

  “This,” I said when pointing at the map.

  “I’m sorry? What?”

  “I want to buy that piece of land.”

  He looked at what I was pointing at. Then he looked at me as if I was crazy.

  “Sir, it’s a desert. Why on earth would you ever want to buy that?”

  “I have my reasons,” I said. “How much does it cost?”

  He laughed. “Sir, the price isn’t too steep. You are probably buying the cheapest piece of land in the county. Actually, I have to check with my superior if it would cost anything at all. They might just be happy that someone will be held accountable to take care of it. You’re talking about miles and miles of desert land here. Nobody cares about it.”

  “Well, I do,” I said.

  “Okay, let me ask my boss,” he said.

  After a while, he came back from the other room he had been in and said, “It will cost you a little. How much do you have?”

  I showed him the two diamonds. He looked at them in amazement.

  “Yes. That will be more than enough,” he said. “Just sign the papers, and it’s all yours.”

  I signed and kept my copy of the contract. Then I went to a few guys at the docks who were organizing fish. I walked up towards them and said, “I will pay you double of what you earn now if you start working for me.”

  They smiled and happily accepted my offer. My former employer didn’t care either, since there were so many unemployed people in town that he could easily find some replacements.

  After I had gathered a group of people, I led them to the desert and ordered them to start digging. It became a success within no time.

  Entry 7: Millionaire

  This was what I loved to do. I was managing personnel, taking risks, finding new resources, and making money.

  After investing in materials, I scaled everything up, discovered new
places with oil, and hired new people. My company became bigger than the fish industry within a few months. People from all over the country came to buy my oil. Big reserves were hiding away all the resources and fuels they were interested in. I was proud of myself, but I hadn’t invited my parents yet.

  My parents lived on the other side of the country. They were so busy that it had been hard for them to visit me in all that time. I was hoping they would be able to come soon. If they wouldn’t, I would just take a break and visit them.

  “Say, boss,” an employee said as he entered my office. “Here are the stats of the last payments.”

  I looked at it and couldn’t believe my eyes. Our company had surpassed one million in revenue! I was a millionaire! Who would have ever thought that the little boy who pulled down the red curtain on the stage would be someone respectable, someone people would look up to? Dozens of people were now employed by me. My company was the biggest in town and gave the local economy an enormous boost. But still, something was missing… I still wanted to prove myself.

  Entry 8: Still Hyper

  I still wanted to prove that the fishing industry could do better too. People were still too afraid to go fishing at certain times of the day. There were still poor people working for low wages. I wanted to improve the quality of living in our village, but fear was holding its citizens back. What was I going to do?

  Then I got an idea. The elder guardian! That was it! That’s how it all started. If I could only show them that the creatures from the deep could be killed, people would gain more confidence and would be willing to go fishing more often and in better areas.

  I was determined. Now that I was rich and financially free, I wanted to give something back. Of course I didn’t like some people in particular, but I didn’t want to hold a grudge. I wanted to help, despite their demeaning comments when I was younger.

  I bought a harpoon at a small shop, put on my diving mask and took the rowboat that was still tied up to the dock. When I was at the place I assumed the ruins would be, I took my chances and dove into the water.

  I went down and down, deeper and deeper. The ruins were in sight. I came closer and saw all the places I had been before. And then I saw it.

  It was the same elder guardian from so long ago. He was back! He hadn’t died. But this time, I was going to take care of it.

  He saw me and stared at me for a few seconds; then, the ugly creature didn’t hesitate any longer and came straight at me.


  He missed, but he was turning around for another dash. I was ready; I held my harpoon in front of me.

  “Come and get me, punk!” I thought.

  The monstrous guardian sped at me and swam right into my harpoon. He was impaled and dead. Finally I was able to swim through these waters without feeling like something wanted to kill me all the time. I didn’t feel like searching for more treasure in the ruins. I was rich anyway. I didn’t do this for the money. I just wanted to show everyone that the ocean was safe enough, that there was a way to deal with these dangerous monsters.

  I swam back and rowed to the shore. Again, I tied my boat to the dock and went to the place where the preacher was doing his thing again.

  “We cannot go fishing between 4 and 8,” he said. “We cannot go fishing at night. We have to be consistent. It’s dangerous out there. Monstrous, invincible creatures are roaming in this vast ocean.”

  I laughed. Finally, I could silence this man with all his superstitious nonsense. I dragged the elder guardian behind me and put it in front of me. A couple of people looked at it and were in shock.

  “Here is your invincible creature!” I shouted.

  Everybody looked at me again. But this time, they didn’t laugh. They didn’t talk back to me. The dead elder guardian, pierced by my harpoon, was enough evidence that it was true: They could go fishing anytime as long as they had something to defend themselves.

  The preacher was speechless. He became silent and retreated to his quarters. People came at me and started asking me all kinds of questions. They wanted to know how I did it, where I found it, and, most of all, if this meant they could go out to fish more often.

  “You can go fishing anytime you want,” I assured them. “And if any of you are really without a job, you can come work for me. We’ll squeeze you into our company roster. But now that you know the truth, you may not have to anymore.”

  My speech was controlled; I didn’t blurt out all kinds of nonsensical details anymore. But a certain someone threw me back into my childhood patterns.

  “Good day, son,” I heard a voice from the back of the crowd say.


  My mom was there too. And it all came back to me. I felt comfortable with them, so I just couldn’t help myself.

  “Mom, dad! I just went to the ocean and I said wow! And the elder guardian came at me, but I was too fast and then he attacked but I avoided him and I just started a new company and I am already a millionaire and the town is doing so much better. So now that I am financially free, I just wanted to show the civilians here how safe the ocean is by killing the elder guardian and I did. I DID! It was super scary but I did it. And now they aren’t afraid to go into the water anymore, so everything is okay, and I am happy to see you.”

  “We love you too, son,” my mom said. “We are very proud of you.”

  It was a happy day.


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  Minecraft Spider

  Story of a Minecraft Spider

  By Billy Miner

  Copyright @2015

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the publisher, Billy Miner.

  This book is or will also be available in audio form. I have hired professional narrators who do voices and make the story come alive.

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  Chapter 1: Rain

  Chapter 2: Flies

  Chapter 3: Hunting

  Chapter 4: Webs

  Chapter 5: The Perfect Web

  Chapter 6: Perfectionism Destroyed

  Chapter 7: Being Himself


  Salem the Spider gets washed away by the rain
. He loses his home and is confused about what he should do. He has been trying to create the perfect web for a long time, but he hasn’t succeeded yet. What will it take? The perfect web? Or is there no such thing?

  Along his search for truth, Salem bumps into all kinds of challenges and perilous situations. His survival instinct kicks in when he needs to eat but has a hard time finding a prey.

  The perspective of a spider is clearly visible in this Minecraft book about a critter that often gets ignored or stomped on. Read or listen quickly to find out what Salem does to find his identity and accept the world around him.

  Chapter 1: Rain

  The rain is dripping.

  Drip. Drip. Drip.

  Oh, now it’s pouring. It’s like a waterfall. Salem hates days like this. They drive him crazy. All the drops from the rain are hanging in his web. He spent hours creating it, and now it’s getting soaked by the rain. Well, that’s just great.

  Anxiously and compulsively, Salem tries to hit the raindrops, so that they will fall out of his web. His web was so good, and now it’s messy. It stinks. Besides, every time he makes a raindrop fall out of his web, it takes his web apart a little bit. It’s not working. There is no other option than to leave them there and wait until the sun dries the water drops.

  He sits and waits. He watches the rain in the fields from underneath a branch on a tree. The branch provides him some shelter. It’s at least something.

  What Salem doesn’t know, is that the rain won’t stop any time soon. He is fairly new in this world, and his memory doesn’t allow him to think back that far. Even though he has already withstood the tropical rains in the monsoon season, he doesn’t remember it at all.


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