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The Blood Alchemist Chronicles

Page 11

by Alexia C. Praks

  Zach nodded in agreement, though his eyes were still on the youth. Then he noted the youth and his comrades went about their separate ways. He immediately glanced to his left, where he made eye contact with Connor. He gave his brother the signal, which meant he needed to shadow one of the comrades.

  Connor discreetly saluted and chose to follow, not so surprisingly, the Japanese boy who was heading toward the drawing room. On the other side of the foyer, Jeremy must have figured out what was going on, because Zach saw him shadowing the Japanese woman.

  Zach himself thought about following the youth, but then Lady Deborah came forward and drew his attention, thus halting him in his tracks.

  “My lord,” the elderly woman said in greeting. “And Sara.”

  Sara curtsied low in respect and said, “Good evening, Lady Deborah.”

  Lady Deborah chuckled. “My, my, I heard strange rumors, Sara dear.”

  “Oh?” Sara seemed surprised. “What is this about, my lady?”

  Lady Deborah said, “Come with me for a minute.”

  As Lady Deborah took Sara away, Zach faintly heard something about him and Sara being a pair. Gossip always spread faster than the wind, and Zach had always done his utmost not to get involved. It appeared, however, that he had no control of it this time around.

  Dismissing the thought of Sara and society’s hot gossip about him, and setting aside any concerns about it, Zach went about searching for the youth in the ballroom.

  When he did find the youth, he did not miss how the boy seemed to be taking in every detail that surrounded him. Instantly, Zach knew something was up. He had no doubt then that the youth and his comrades were imposters. However, whether this was simply a fun, harmless masquerade for them or something more, he wasn’t sure.

  Suddenly, the youth was right in front of him, within arm’s reach. He immediately thought about stepping back to put some distance between them, when the youth turned and bumped into him.

  A waft of something sweet danced across his nostrils, and the moment Zach locked eyes with the youth, he was beguiled.

  Brown. The boy’s eye color was brown, with a face Zach couldn’t stop staring at.

  As a stern young man in the military, serving the powerful queen of England, indeed, an Elite at that, who had been in many combat situations and had killed countless night creatures, he should not be so easily affected as this. Indeed, his heart should not feel this fluffy sensation, even when meeting someone this cute and interesting.

  Suddenly, Connor’s world came rushing to him. “You’ll know it when you meet the one you simply want to tease. It’s when you can’t stop staring and just want to do all sort of ungodly things to.”

  Zach wondered if he was much like his brother after all in that regard, because he certainly wanted to tease this youth who undoubtedly was pretending to be the son of a Lord Yang from the Kingdom of China.

  “Beg your pardon, sir. If you could please move just a little,” the youth said with large eyes still gazing up at him.

  Zach smirked in delight at the fact that the youth spoke to him rather than retreated. After all, he did put up quite an intimidating presence, which his brothers often referred to as “the great wall” because he was emitting a sort of threatening qi that was similar to a brick barrier, a menacing warning to those who could sense the life force.

  He said, “I pride myself on knowing everyone, but I don’t remember ever meeting you, boy.”

  The youth seemed offended somehow, which, oddly enough, pleased Zach.

  “I am not a boy, sir,” the youth said. “Now, if you would kindly move yourself, like a nice gentleman of society, sir, I will be very much obliged—”

  Zach interrupted. “Not a boy?” He couldn’t help himself and grabbed the youth’s arm.

  The youth jumped at the contact. “Hey, what’s the big idea—”

  “What’s your name?” he asked.


  Zach did not miss the bright-red flush appearing on those rather lovely cheeks. He wondered if it was common for boys to have lovely cheeks.

  “I mean Yang!” the boy said. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, sir, for I have important business to attend to.” He tugged his arm free, squeezed himself between Zach and somebody else, and left the ballroom.

  * * *

  The scene faded from his mind, and Zach opened his eyes to see his brother standing there with his broad shoulder leaning against the wall near the hearth.

  “Did I interrupt you?” Connor asked.

  Zach shook his head in the negative. “I was just finishing,” he said, a hint of a smile on his lips. Apparently, he was still thinking about the youth and their happenstance.

  “I see,” the brother said with one brow raised with curiosity. “Were you sight manipulating again?”

  Zach nodded. “Just putting pieces of the puzzle into place,” he said. When he saw the smirk on his brother’s face, he immediately knew there was good news. “You found them?”

  Connor nodded. “You know, I might frequent there now. Such a fine establishment. They have nice food and good drinks. Too bad they don’t do opium like most of the other restaurants in that neighborhood.”

  Zach raised his brows. “Opium.” Then his mind clicked. “Limehouse? Chinatown?”

  Connor nodded. “The owner of the establishment makes my heart ache, Zach. Too bad he’s taken. Probably far too old for me in any case, by at least a century.”

  Zach chuckled. “I didn’t know you’re into older men.”

  “I’m not,” Connor said sourly. “But this one looks not a day older than twenty-five. Though I can tell he’s damned old because of his life qi. I bet you can guess what he is.”

  “One of the Sacred Beasts of the East?” Zach asked.

  “Indeed,” Connor said. “That place, Zhang’s Restaurant, is their nest, and the owner is named Zhang Li. I’ve never felt such a strong barrier in my life. They have some very powerful people there. Or should I say blood alchemists, shifters, and dare I say it? Actors? Which, of course, you were right. Tell me again, how did you know that these people are actors?”

  Zach shrugged his shoulders. “Just a hunch. Though that half-bred boy was horrible at it. Possibly an amateur of their team? Though I do wonder why he and his friends were masquerading their way into Father’s birthday party. What motive was behind that? Surely not for fun?” He chuckled as he narrowed his eyes. “And surely not because they wanted to steal because of the many wealthy people attending, although we did find some evidence of that. And the dead maid and high demon? I have no doubt everything is connected somehow, and that boy is in the center of it all.”

  Connor smiled with amusement. He couldn’t help himself, and teased his brother. “Ah, I see. So that boy takes your fancy, eh? I never imagined there would come a day when my own brother had the same interest as I do. Never in a thousand years. It has been three days since, and you’re still thinking about him.”

  Zach brushed aside his brother’s comment with a wave of his hand. “I do not have the same interest as you do, Connor. Stop making such nonsensical assumptions. He is merely amusing; that is all.”

  “Right,” Connor said, his eyes glinting with mischief. “What if I say there is a seventy-five percent chance that we might encounter this amusing boy of yours tonight if we go out drinking in a particular tavern? Would you be interested in coming along with me?”

  Zach raised his brows. “Oh?”

  “It might be fun. After all, a change in scenery and company would do you good.”

  Zach’s interest was piqued, and he chuckled. “Why not? Get Jeremy. This should ease his boredom, too.”

  Connor said, “Of course. Right away.”

  * * *

  A Friendly Brawl

  Life Qi: Energy generated within living beings. Powerful night creatures, noblessen, and humans who practice martial arts store high amounts of life qi in their bodies. Certain night creatures, such as demons and ghouls, require
life qi to survive.

  Sage Xi Ling, Taoist Philosopher

  * * *

  “This is bad,” Ren said low, his eyes on Daniella who was sitting beside him. Tonight, she had on some old garments that made her look like a young street boy, complete with a dirty cap too big for her head with a brim that came all the way down to her eyes. The good thing about her current attire was she blended in with the crowd, and inconspicuous was what they wanted for her, especially in a rowdy place such as this where various types of dubious people gathered.

  On the other side of the table sat Shin, who looked bored out of his tree. He said, as he tried to conceal a yawn, “What’s bad? The tea? Ah, nothing is as good as ours back at Zhang’s. And you only ever drink Japanese tea, which is top quality when imported from our motherland, the Kingdom of Japan.”

  Ren shook his head. “I was referring to something else.” He finished the last drop of his English tea; the liquid warmed his throat as it went down.

  Shin was right. This wasn’t the best quality, and it wasn’t to his liking. It was too weak for his taste. That, of course, couldn’t be helped, as they were in a tavern, after all, and not some high-end establishment like Zhang’s Restaurant.

  After placing the empty cup back on the table, his mind was once again on Daniella. He shifted his gaze to her person, knowing that eventually he would have to tell her the cold, hard fact that their suspect wasn’t going to turn up and their mission tonight was futile. He would have to take her home whether she liked it or not. Though, honest to God, he wasn’t looking forward to it. She’d protest that they stay for as long as possible. Or worse, she might beg him.

  He didn’t mind it if she protested and made a scene. But when she begged? That Ren couldn’t handle because he had a soft spot for her, especially when she gave him the pleading expression. It made his heart ache—that was for sure—and he wouldn’t be able to say no.

  Of course, he knew very well that Master Romano and Master Zhang would undoubtedly punish him if they were to find out that he, the very reliable Saito Ren, brought their beloved daughter to such a notorious place, surrounded by thieves and cutthroats. Not that they weren’t ones themselves, of course, but that was beside the point. Honestly, what man in their right mind would ever think to bring a seventeen-year-old girl to an inn jam packed with potential murderers? Not to mention there might be one or two night creatures here amongst them.

  He glanced over to the next table, where Tristan Kensington looked as though he were having a fine time indeed, as two pretty, voluptuous waitresses were entertaining him and serving drinks. Next to him was Michael Westmore, who was chatting away animatedly to Jude Chan. Chris Peterson, who sat opposite Michael, was enjoying a volume of a thick book, which he must have taken from the Oxford Library, without permission.

  Indeed, the four Masters of Disguise coterie seemed oblivious to the raucous and murderous glances that were directed at their table as they sat there minding their own business, per usual.

  “Would you like another drink, sir?” a waitress asked, which brought Ren’s attention back to their situation at hand and reminded him of how foolish a guardian he was.

  He shook his head in the negative. Once the young woman turned away to serve another customer, Ren said to Daniella, “We should leave now. It’s no use, Dan.”

  As he expected, Daniella raised her head to look at him so fast in response that he thought she might have cracked her neck in the process.

  “Already?” she asked.

  Ren found it hard to look away as those brown eyes gazed into his own smoky ones.

  “I’m sorry, Dan, but it doesn’t look like our suspect is going to turn up tonight,” he said.

  “Can’t we wait for just a bit longer?” she asked, tugging at the sleeve of his shirt.

  Daniella’s body language and her low yet urgent voice must have caught the attention of the rest of their companions at the next table, because Michael, Jude, and Chris turned to look at them. They eyed Ren, their brows raised in question.

  “He’s not here yet,” Daniella said. “But he’ll be here soon. I’m sure of it.”

  “Look, we can’t wait any longer,” Ren said firmly. “It’s getting late, and you’re going home. It’s not safe for you here, especially at this late hour. Leave it to Tristan and his team.”

  “Please,” Daniella begged. “Just another half an hour. I know you’re worried about my safety, but I have you, Shin, and Tristan and his team tonight. What could go wrong? That coachman is our only chance. He’s our only suspect. I’m sure he’s an accomplice of that Mrs. Turner and her husband. We’ll make him cooperate. Besides, Papa Marco did say I was to help out with rescuing Maiko-dono and John, and I won’t disappoint him.”

  When she saw he was about to refuse, she quickly covered his mouth with her hand to silence him. She grinned prettily. “Please, Ren. I promise I won’t cause any trouble.”

  Across from her, Shin sniggered at the proclamation. Of course, they all knew otherwise. “You want to bet on that, Dan?” he asked.

  With her hand still covering Ren’s mouth, she turned to glare at her friend. “Be quiet, Shin. Can’t you see I’m trying to persuade your brother here?”

  Shin chuckled. “We all can see that, and you’re doing a fine job of it. Leave that hand over his mouth any longer and he’ll probably pass out.” He teased.

  Daniella gasped in fright at the suggestion. At lightning speed, she removed her hand from Ren’s mouth and asked, “Sorry, did I suffocate you?”

  Ren gave his brother a glare, which Shin brushed off with a laugh. Returning his attention to Daniella, he said, “No, you didn’t.”

  Daniella sighed in relief. “So can we stay for another half hour?” she asked. “I truly promise that I will not cause any trouble.”

  Ren could only stare at her. He knew very well that Daniella could never stay out of trouble. Wherever she went, trouble was sure to follow. The only problem was he had never found it easy to say no to her.

  Dear God, now she was batting her long, dark lashes at him. Did she even know what she was doing? Did she know how much it affected him?

  “Baka!” he muttered in Japanese, frustrated.

  Daniella knew she had won and smiled in delight. “Thank you, Ren,” she said softly before turning her attention back to her tea.

  A moment later, Shin said, “Talking about timing. Dan, your friends over there are watching you with murderous intent.”

  Daniella glanced over her shoulder and, sure enough, saw Theo and his street gang eyeing her.

  Dear Lord! Why did that damned Theo have to turn up here of all places? The young man was forever picking a fight with her. He’d find any excuse to give her a good bashing ever since he had found her with his younger sister Nicola not that long ago.

  It had never been Daniella’s fault, of course. That damn sister of his had tried to seduce Dan, thinking she was a boy, and Theo had encountered them in a compromising position, thinking Daniella had violated his sister. Well, that was what Nicola had told her brother anyway, to save herself from her brother’s wrath.

  Daniella cursed and blindly grabbed her cup of tea. She downed the liquid, which burned her throat and made her eyes water.

  Shin chuckled with amusement. “Dan, are you so scared that you must cry?” He teased.

  Daniella wiped her mouth. “I’m not scared of Theo and his lousy gang, nor am I crying. The tea was too hot.” To herself, she muttered under her breath, “That Nicola!”

  God, she could never understand that girl. The young woman went around seducing and kissing every boy she found interesting. The next thing Daniella knew, she was the target.

  “You’re so pretty, Dan,” Nicola had said to her one night. “I like you. Please be mine.”

  Daniella felt sick to her stomach at the reminder. The next bit had been the worst. Nicola had sandwiched her against the wall and even tried kissing her. Luckily, she had evaded any contact by planting her hands
against the woman’s lips. As if that weren’t enough, though, Nicola even started stripping herself. Of course, Daniella could have used her strength and her ability to throw Nicola off and end everything, but in doing so, she’d be violating one of the hundreds of rules that being a blood alchemist entailed. Indeed, using one’s strength and ability to hurt the civilian, the normal human, was one of the top ten offences. Furthermore, Nicola was a woman, and Daniella could never hurt a woman, even if she were under such disadvantaged circumstances.

  In the end, Daniella couldn’t do anything and simply wanted to pass out because, really, she didn’t know what she should do in a situation such as that. After all, it was the first time a girl was actually seducing her.

  Then, of course, Theo happened upon them.

  “Brother, Dan violated me,” Nicola had cried out, clutching her disheveled gown.

  Daniella couldn’t understand a thing after that. All she could do was stare off in confusion as Theo marched toward her and grabbed her by the collar while she expressed a, “Huh?” into the night.

  Ever since then, Daniella had not found any peace when she happened to cross paths with Theo. Not that she couldn’t handle him, of course, because he was just as lousy a fighter as were his gang members. It was simply irritating that she had to deal with his nuisance.

  Daniella was so deep in her own thoughts that she didn’t know the place had turned utterly silent. When she did notice, she glanced over at Ren and saw he was staring off at the entrance of the inn.

  Curious, she turned her attention in that direction. The moment she did so, however, her eyes widened in shock at the three people who stood there.

  She involuntarily gasped and hastily turned back. She lowered her head and hunched her shoulders as she pulled her cap down to cover her face.

  “What in God’s name is he doing here?” she muttered under her breath.

  Shin leaned forward across the table and said, “Looks like we’re not the only ones out hunting for a suspect tonight.”

  Daniella whispered, “This is not good!”


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