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Chaos at Crescent City Medical Center (Alexandra Destephano Book 1)

Page 17

by Judith Lucci

  "I'll be glad to contact the sales rep and get all of the technical information for you. We may have some additional product information in the office. I'll check."

  "Thanks Browning. You can go. Get that info ASAP. And keep your mouth shut about this, understand?"

  "No problem. I'll get you the information." Browning left hurriedly.

  "What can you tell me about him?" Francoise said to Dr. Ashley and Alex.

  "Not much. He's been here a little longer than me. He's a good employee, conscientious, seems to know his stuff," Alex said. "I hardly know him, seems to be a good worker, and he is very cooperative. We recruited him from Pennsylvania several years ago. I’ve never heard anything negative about him, ever. He is a medical design engineer. You don't think Barton Browning had anything to do with this?"

  "I cover all bases," the captain retorted. "Anyway, you'd better have your safety team examine all equipment ASAP. You don't need any more accidents or deaths here. I'll have the crime unit investigate the monitor and dust for prints, but I'm sure they won't find anything."

  Alex turned to Francoise. "You mentioned you'd talk to us, that maybe you had some information."

  "I said I'd talk over coffee. I need a caffeine fix and a jelly doughnut,” Jack said, grinning at Alex. “I need it bad since I stopped smoking. Let's get coffee somewhere private where there’s no big ears."

  "Back to the café. I'll call Don and have him meet us. He should hear whatever you have to say. That okay with you? They have good coffee there, and it's as private as it gets around here," Alex suggested.

  "Yeah, let's get Montgomery, although I've about decided both he and Bette Farve are useless." Francoise rolled his eyes.

  Alex was surprised to hear the captain vocalize this. She smiled while Dr. Ashley looked embarrassed as the group headed toward the elevator lobby.

  When the elevator doors opened, Dr. Robert Bonnet flew out of and raced down the hallway toward the cardiac unit. He didn't speak, but instead hurried to see his burned patient.

  Alex doubted that Robert even saw them.

  "Wait for me," Alex said as she paused outside the elevator to call Don Montgomery. Alex pulled her cell phone from the pocket of her lab coat. The men watched her as she dialed. Francoise had his finger on the 'Door Open' button. She said, "Hello, this is Alex..." then she paused and listened. The men knew it was bad news by the look on her face. She walked slowly to the elevator, clearly upset.

  She said sadly, tears in her eyes. "Diane Bradley just died. The unit called administration, and they just paged us. Robert was with her. I'm going to see him for a few minutes, and then I'll be down. Have a doughnut for me, Captain. I find sugar comforting at times like this.”

  "Yeah, me too. If I could, I'd spike the coffee." Francoise's eyes lit up, and he grinned impishly.

  Alex thought he was a handsome man when he wasn’t being an asshole. "Captain, I can handle you much better when you're rude and impossible." Alex smiled.

  "Don't you worry, miss lawyer lady," the captain smirked. "You got precious little management around here. God forbid I corrupt what there is." The captain's voice resumed some of its old brusqueness and sarcasm.

  “Thanks. See you shortly, John." Alex flashed them a brave smile as Dr. Ashley got on the elevator and Jack headed for the stairway.

  Chapter 16

  Robert was listening to Mrs. Henderson's heart when Alex entered her room. The patient was awake and in considerable pain.

  "Dr. Bonnet, what happened? Why do I have these bandages?" Mrs. Henderson's voice was weak.

  Robert touched her hand. "Something happened to your EKG machine and your hands and feet were burned." His voice was quiet and soft.

  "Will they get well?"

  "Yes, but it will take time. I'll give you some more pain medicine so you can rest. Your heart's doing well, but rest is important. Try to get some sleep." He stood beside her and continued to talk softly, offering comfort.

  Alex noticed his hand on her arm. She had always liked that about Robert when they were married. He was very touchy feely,

  Blanche Henderson looked up and noticed Alex. "Don't I know you?" Mrs. Henderson said weakly.

  "I'm Alex, and I'm a colleague of Dr. Bonnet's."

  "Yes, of course." Mrs. Henderson's eyes brightened with recognition. "I remember now. We worked together last year on the Charity Benefit for the Children's Center. I can't quite remember who you are or why you are here."

  Alex replied softly. "I remember working with you. Rest so that you can get better. We'll take good care of you."

  Alex remembered the energy and enthusiasm Mrs. Henderson had expended on the benefit that raised several million dollars for the children's oncology center at CCMC. Her own little boy had died from childhood leukemia several years ago, and ever since then, Mrs. Henderson had worked tirelessly to raise money for research. She'd also started support groups for families with similar situations.

  "Thanks for stopping by. Come back and see me, Alex. We'll plan our next Charity Ball." Mrs. Henderson smiled weakly and closed her eyes.

  "I will. I promise." Alex took Robert's hand and led him out of the room.

  Alex walked into the private dining room at the Cajun Café. Don, Dr. Ashley, Elizabeth, and Captain Francoise were sipping coffee and sitting around the table. Francoise asked Don to get him a copy of Barton Browning's personnel file, but Don objected, protesting an "inquisition". The meeting wasn't going well, but after an exchange of hostile words, Don agreed to supply the file.

  "Captain Francoise, you mentioned a report for us, based on your investigations. What do you know?" Dr. Ashley's voice was calm, but his body language suggested otherwise.

  The captain cleared his throat. "It's safe to say there's a conspiracy against CCMC. My theory, but I can't yet prove it, is there's a group of powerful and evil people who want to injure and destroy you, in fact, put you out of business. They are working hard to do it. They're hiring thugs and killers and cloaking it in threats and black magic to further alienate people, making them too scared to come here for medical care. The Voodoos are simple instruments to do the dirty work."

  Don Montgomery's animosity toward Jack Francoise was intense, palpable. “Bingo, Francoise, no shit. Go to the head of the class. Is this all you have for us? You're such an idiot Francoise - I knew this three days ago! Why don't you get your son-of-a-bitching ass out there and find out who’s responsible?" Don's face was distorted and ugly. A brief silence followed Don's outburst .

  Captain Francoise, while angry, quietly responded, "Listen, Montgomery. I'm not going to resort to your level, but once and for all, I'm on your side. I'm trying to find out who's behind this. We're working closely on this. Now, my advice to you is to shut up or give me the information I need. A little cooperation from you could go a long way."

  The captain turned and addressed the entire group, his eyes moving from one to another of those seated at the table. "I need to know ASAP if the medical center has been approached by any corporation wanting a merger or take-over. Who are your pissed-off patients? Who has an axe to grind at CCMC? I also want to know what kind of litigation there is against the medical center, and who the plaintiffs are. I'm particularly interested in knowing who has it out for Dr. Bonnet." Francoise was eyeing each person as he spoke. “In fact, I want to know all of your dirty linen.”

  Don sneered at the captain. "There's no one trying to 'buy' CCMC. We're not for sale. We were approached several months ago by a Catholic hospital chain, which wanted to merge with us. Our board voted unanimously to stay independent.” Don’s face was red with anger and his response was riddled with sarcasm.

  After a moment, he continued, “We were, up until this week, in excellent financial shape, completely solvent and our board had no desire to change our direction. I hardly think a group of nuns are out to get us,” he said sarcastically, as he glared at Francoise. “Of course, not knowing what Obamacare will do to us, or any hospitals for that matter, we h
ave put away some money in discretionary funds. Try again, Francoise, your theory stinks, just like your police work."

  Francoise glared at the CEO. "You know, your brain ain't no bigger than your nose. You're a stupid dumb ass and a dumb motherfucker! I can't believe you actually think you run this hospital!"

  Fearing the worst and sensing this could easily get out of control, Alex interrupted the captain. "Do you think there's a separate plot against Dr. Bonnet?" You seem particularly interested in any actions against him."

  Don jumped from his seat and went to Alex’s chair and wagged his finger in her face, and shouted. "Shut up, Alex. I forbid you to talk to this idiot about this medical center’s business, Bonnet or anything else. I want someone from the NOPD who's competent and knows what they are doing. I'm calling the police commissioner right now.” He glared at Francoise. “The hell with you … you son of a bitch. Get out of my hospital, NOW!"

  Francoise spoke quietly. "The Commissioner and the governor are tight, very tight. I doubt the Commissioner would go out on a limb for you, especially since he knows the governor's planning to close this place. I'm the best thing you've got going, so you better sit yourself down and listen."

  Don didn't move, still looming over Alex.

  Francoise addressed Alex and Dr. Ashley. "What's the scoop on Bonnet? Who wants him out of practice?"

  Dr. Ashley immediately began, "Dr. Bonnet's an excellent surgeon, and his practice is impeccable. I see no reason why someone would sabotage him."

  Don sat down, glaring at Dr. Ashley, and then turned his rage on him. "You damn doctors are stuck so far up each other's asses, it's sickening. The way you cover for each other is criminal!"

  Hoping to diffuse the situation with a little light humor, Alex intervened again. "Captain Francoise, guess you can tell that administration and medicine don't necessarily agree all the time. Recent pressure's been too much. I can speak to Dr. Bonnet's practice and the current legal situations."

  Don interrupted rudely. "Who're you to talk about Bonnet's practice?" He glowered at her. "You're his ex-wife, you are the scorned, pissed off, discarded ex-wife bitch who still wants to get in his pants. Bonnet could kill your mother on the table and you wouldn't say a word against him. That's the reason we're in this situation to begin with. I told you to control Bonnet, and you ignored my directives. You're fired, Destephano. I'm sick of you, your placating crap, and your inability to perform. Get the hell out of here and don't come back!" Don glared at her, his face suffused with anger.

  Alex spoke, quietly, but firmly. "You can't fire me, Don. It's a board action and must come from the board of trustees. At this point, I'm not leaving. Get the picture?” Alex knew she was being rude, but it didn’t seem to matter. She continued in the same vein, “As a matter of fact, I'm going to assist Captain Francoise with his investigation and give him the info he needs on Dr. Bonnet."

  Just at the moment, Robert Bonnet entered the Cajun Café.

  Don Montgomery stood up, scowled at the group, stalked around the table, and gave threatening looks to all his colleagues who were seated. Apparently, Robert's presence was more than he could handle.

  Francoise said quietly, "Montgomery, you're interfering in an official police investigation. Keep that in mind. It wouldn't take two seconds for me to arrest you. I'd do it now but it would hurt the hospital even more." Captain Francoise's voice was quiet, but his meaning was clear.

  Don shot a hateful look at the Captain and left. He slammed the door behind him so loudly it caused the glass in the windows to rattle.

  Robert sat down, looked around, and gave everyone a lop-sided grin. "What's going on, Don's not looking too happy." Robert's voice was light as he attempted to smooth the situation.

  Alex looked sheepish but smiled. "To suggest Don's having a bad day would be an understatement. Captain Francoise wants to know about any potential legal situations that concern both you and CCMC, and I was getting ready to tell him about our conversation earlier this week. Do you have any problems with that?" Alex gave Robert a hard look.

  "No, no, of course not. I trust you on this. It's pretty clear that someone's trying to destroy my practice and my reputation. I think there's a conspiracy against me,” Robert said glancing around at the others. “Tell him everything you need to." Robert looked resigned.

  Captain Francoise nodded and said, "Shoot, you got my attention."

  Alex began, her voice formal. "Presently Dr. Bonnet has three complaints against him, filed in less than six months. One has resulted in a malpractice action. He operated on a patient with cancer who developed post-operative septicemia and died. The patient's family is suing Dr. Bonnet claiming wrongful death, suggesting that the surgery was inappropriate and caused his death. John Marigny's firm is handling that claim. Another complaint concerned what the patient perceives to be an unfavorable outcome of plastic surgery." Alex paused while Francoise rolled his eyes. She continued, "The third complaint is internal. Several staff members have complained that Dr. Bonnet is 'erratic, unpredictable, and unsafe' in the operating room."

  "Who're these staff members?" Francoise asked as he broke off a piece of jelly doughnut.

  "One nurse and several operating room techs. I haven't talked with them yet. That complaint is fairly new. After I interview them, I'll get back to you. That's all." Alex finished speaking.

  Francoise turned to Robert as he chewed the doughnut. "Is this lady with the bad boob job pissed enough to kill your patients?"

  Robert looked bewildered at the thought. "I don't think so, although she's mentally unstable," he added.

  "She may be unstable, but she's well-connected and not someone we want to alienate. Especially not now," Alex added.

  "Who is she?" Francoise asked.

  "Elaine Logan. Her family's been treated at CCMC for years, and are heavy contributors to the hospital's foundation," Alex said.

  Francoise laughed and his dark eyes sparkled. "I don't think she’s smart enough to be responsible for this. Dr. Bonnet, is there anything else you want to tell me?" Francoise looked carefully at Robert.

  "No, not really," he hesitated, and eyed Dr. Ashley and Elizabeth.

  Apparently taking the cue, Dr. Ashley said, "I need to make rounds. Let me know if you need me further, Captain." Formal, as always, Dr. Ashley shook hands with the captain and left. Elizabeth also made her excuses and left the café.

  Francoise, Alex, and Robert were left in the private dining room. Francoise looked at Robert. "Dr. Bonnet, you seemed to hesitate earlier. Is there something you think may be associated with all of this stuff?"

  Robert threw up his hands. "For God's sake, Jack! Call me by my first name. We've known each other for years. Quit the formal stuff!"

  “You got it,” the captain replied.

  “There is something else. I mentioned this to Alex earlier this week. I've gotten a lot of pressure, and some threats, about selling a piece of land I own jointly with my father. The caller insists that I sell. Each phone call becomes more and more threatening. They have even gotten hold of my cell phone and are calling that as well. Even if I wanted to sell, my father would never agree. He has other plans for the property.”

  "Where's the land?" Francoise asked as he finished the doughnut.

  "On the riverfront, near the Hilton Queen Riverboat Casino and the Riverwalk."

  "That’s some big money property. Prime real estate. Makes you wonder who wants it so bad. Any ideas?" Francoise had a probing look on his face.

  "No, not really, I don’t. I really don’t.” Robert hesitated, an uncertain look on his face. “A woman I was dating, a real estate agent, said she had a buyer for the property and suggested I consider selling. Told her to forget it, my father'd never sell. She really wasn’t too happy to hear this.”

  “I can only imagine,” Jack rolled his eyes. “I bet it cost her a big commission.”

  Robert continued, “Yeah, huge. She was pissed. Soon after, the calls started coming, at all hours, day and nigh
t. They, whoever ‘they’ are, even called me over at my house at Gulf Shores. They’ve been very persistent to say the least."

  Robert paused for a moment and then continued, “I don't know enough about these internal complaints to even address them. Alex won't tell me who made them. Makes it hard for me to defend myself, wouldn’t you say?" Robert said angrily as he shot Alex a rueful look.

  "Robert, after I interview them, we'll talk. I'll tell you then. You know that." Alex responded, nonplussed.

  Jack intervened. "Thanks, for telling me this stuff. I'll put a trace on your phone in case you get any more calls. My guess is that somebody, probably the mob, wants that land to build more casinos or hotels. Stay close and let me know if anything develops," Francoise told him.

  "Thanks, Jack. There's one more thing. I've gotten two other phone calls from a man. Sounds young and says he knows somebody's out to get me. Said he's warning me because I helped him once."

  "Who? Any ideas?"

  "No. His voice is vaguely familiar but I don't recognize it. Could be anybody. A patient, student, family-member…..who knows?"

  "It's somebody who thinks enough of you to take a risk and call," Francoise replied, his face serious.

  "Yeah. Good point. I need your help, all of us do." Robert checked his watch. "Got to make rounds. Call me if you need anything else."

  Francoise and Alex were alone. Captain Francoise broke the silence. "What do you think's coming down here?"

  "Don't know. It seems like a conspiracy. Let me draw a picture of what we know, I think better that way."

  Alex pulled out a piece of paper and made three columns. One column was labeled 'CCMC', the second 'Dr. Bonnet', and the third 'Events'. All of the items in the 'events' column related back to CCMC and Robert Bonnet. It was clear that most of the events involved Robert as a central focus. Except for Robert's land, there was a clear and distinct relationship.

  "I guess," Alex mused, "that there're a number of questions. First of all, who'd want to destroy CCMC? Who'd benefit? Finally, who's powerful enough to destroy us?"


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