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Passion and Sand 3: Empire of Desires

Page 10

by Andromeda -


  Cassius immediately called his armies as he rolled the ring around in his fingers. Why the emperor chose to give him his ring was beyond him. He did not want to go to war, as he knew it would be pointless, but at the same time, he was a Roman, and from the reports his spies were giving, these rebels were gathering for just that: war.

  Aurelia stood in the shadows as she watched Cassius give his orders for the legions to begin to form for the generals and commanders to come to the Imperial Palace and receive their orders.

  They had to mobilize fast.

  They had to organize fast.

  They could not afford to show weakness at this hour. The emperor, in his foolishness, had waited until the very last moment to handle this and now Cassius had to clean it up.

  As he sat in a make-shift throne before the imperial one, Aurelia watched as he handled all this formally and a thought struck her: he would make a wonderful emperor.

  He looked the part, and she knew he was still virile under his robes; he had several children to show for it. Not only that, but he was shrewd, cunning and relentless in his desires. Such a man…was the one she needed.

  She was already Empress, but that title was meaningless without a man at her side. With her ‘husband’ gone, she could rule through her son, but she did not wish to rule. What she wanted was power, control, and to be completely spoiled with the riches that came with her title. Unfortunately, she could not do that as the mother of a child-emperor.

  Yet…if the emperor was fully grown…

  There was the problem of his wife…who was still living, but she was a dead, husk of a woman compared to her. Seducing him, in her mind, should be no problem.

  So, she approached him and flashed that same seductive smile. “My Lord…,” she purred softly. “I will be at your service and will do anything to help you in this time of need. Anything…”

  Cassius hardly looked at her as he read over orders and gave them the imperial seal of approval. “Thank you, my lady,” he said. “I will tell you if I need help.”

  She frowned deeply at this clear dismissal. With an angry sniff, she turned on her heel and marched out of the room.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Alina looked at the mirror before her, her hand carefully making sure that her makeup was to be perfect. Today was the day of the final war meeting, now that all their allies were within Freiundedel. They had to finalize their attack and defense strategies before they began the long march to Rome.

  Huneric and Eryx smiled at her, at their wife, who was a vision of absolute beauty and strength in their eyes. Today, they would stand at her side as she would be the one to lead this meeting. She was the one who was chosen by the goddess, and it was time for her to show it.

  “How do I look?” she asked shyly, blushing for what seemed like the first time in her life.

  She was perfectly slender, having recently given birth to Huneric’s latest twins: Haydn and Heinrich. Those two, she swore, were to be her last children. Eryx had three, two sons and a daughter, and Huneric had four, two sons and two daughters. After talking it over with her husbands, they agreed that was to be her last pregnancy, and gave their permission for her to begin to take herbs that would prevent another. All the while, it made their bed sport so much more fun now that they did not have the fear of a pregnancy looming over their heads.

  Walking over to them, Alina cupped their cheeks in her hands and looked them in their eyes. “There isn’t a woman prouder than I to call herself married. You two have given me the world and back.”

  Eryx kissed her palm. “I do not know where I would be without you.”

  “I as well,” Huneric said as he rubbed his cheek against her perfumed hands. “You have made us joyful as well to call you wife.”

  They kissed her before leaving the chamber to head to the room that the war meeting was being held. This room was special, as it had maps of the known world carved into the flooring. The map they would be looking at was that of Rome. It showed all the main roads to the capital, as well as the heart of the city itself.

  Several of their allies were already there. The only one missing was Iphigenia, who Alina knew would return soon. Rumor had it that one of the Briton warriors was infatuated with her the moment they had met and was trying to convince his king, Gwalchmai, to allow him to join her. Whether Gwalchmai agreed to this or not, Alina did not know. Though, just as she suspected, Iphigenia appeared with the Briton warrior at her heels.

  Alina went to take her seat and Huneric and Eryx stood behind her as she cleared her throat. “If you all might sit down,” she said, “we can begin this meeting.”

  Bo and her parents smiled encouragingly to her while they waited for everyone to take their seats. Alina took a deep breath when they had done so, and then stood to her feet and walked to the center of the room for all to see her. She was nervous, so very nervous, as everyone was looking at her. People she had grown up with, and people she had just met, all were looking right at her.

  “Thank you all for coming,” she began. “We all know why we are here. Rome. The empire that has killed our loved ones, stolen our land, and enslaved our people, all in the name of greed. Well, no more. Now the time has come for us to rise and take back what we know is ours. You all have come because you all have a talent that is valuable in making this happen.

  The Visigoths and Vandals are known to be the greatest ground warriors in the land. The Britons, none are your equal with the bow and arrow. The Greeks, the masters of the sea, you rule the waters in ways that strike fear into the hearts of Rome.”

  “How do you plan on using them?” Ayanna asked, using her words to edge her daughter more in revealing her plan.

  “We will divide into four groups,” Alina explained as she walked to the map.

  Several small items had been carved and made to resemble the four groups that they would be taken to Rome. Picking up the ships that represented the Greeks, she placed them on the waters that circled the Roman land.

  “First group, led by Iphigenia, shall attack them from the waters at the piers, and march north to the city,” she said.

  It was a not-so-secret rumor that the Romans were afraid of the water. Water was uncertain, untamed, something the Romans did not like. They wanted to rule over everything, but water answered to no one, save the gods. Yet, the Greeks, with their deep faith in their god, Poseidon, had learned to not be afraid.

  “It would be better if we began this attack at dawn,” Iphigenia suggested. “According to my spies within the area, the Roman army has a guard shift just as the sun cracks over the horizon. If we stay with our backs to it, it just might give us some cover.”

  Alina nodded and looked to the scribe who was supposed to be writing down notes. The man quickly wrote this down.

  “As the Spartans march,” Alina continued, “the Visigoths and the Vandals will begin a frontward attack to force the Roman legions out from behind its walls and engage them here, here, and here.” She placed the markers that were swords and shields at special locations.

  “What will the Britons be doing all this time?” Alaric asked. “Just sitting on their asses?”

  “No,” Alina said. “While the Visigoths and Vandals draw the Roman legions out at least a mile or two from the city, the Britons will come from behind them and fire upon them with arrows. While you three keep them busy, the army of Freiundedel and of Sparta shall begin in breaking down the two doors of Rome. After that, we will begin the Sacking. Any questions?”

  They looked at each other as if waiting for one to speak, but none did. Alina exhaled a sigh of relief before she nodded to them all.

  “Well then, time to prepare.”


  It took them four weeks to get everything ready and prepared for their trip. Food was packed, maps of all the roads were given to the commanders, animals were divided among the groups, and badges had been passed out. For those four weeks, it was a bit ch
aotic. Alina and her husbands were to ride with their small group that consisted of handpicked men and women they knew they could trust. Her own parents led the forces of Freiundedel.

  The day they were to leave, Alina awoke in the arms of her husbands, cuddled between their massive bodies. Eryx was stroking her thigh, while Huneric was peppering gentle kisses on her neck.

  “Time to go,” she said sadly.

  “I sense reservations,” Huneric said.

  “We are leaving our children,” Alina said. “I…I don’t want to leave them. What if I don’t ever see them again?”

  Eryx frowned. “Do not say that. We all are going to come back and see them again. Your brother will be king, so that means you will be free to do whatever you wish. We can…found a new city, if that is what you want. But first, you must see this battle through.”

  She smiled and kissed him, then turned and kissed Huneric as well. “What would I do without you both?” she asked.

  “Most likely die old and lonely,” Eryx teased as he kissed her neck with a grin.

  “I don’t know…,” she laughed. “I most likely would have found love in another way…”

  Both men seemed to growl in disdain at the thought of another touching what they knew was theirs. “We highly doubt that.”

  She laughed and sat up, kissing his cheek as she began to braid up her hair for the day. “Oh really? You two would fight for my honor then?”

  Both made a point in each grabbing a different section of her plump rear. “We would fight for you, whatever it took.”

  She smiled and kissed them both again before rising from the bed. “Well then, my loves, it’s time to get ready.”

  It didn’t take them that long to get prepared for the long ride, though Eryx went to check in with their warriors, while Huneric went to check on their supplies. Alina walked to where her brother stood with his wife and new son; he looked exactly like his sire.

  Bo gazed at his sister with a sad smile on his lips as he hugged her tightly to him. “You know, growing up, I was always ashamed of myself,” he confessed.

  “Why?” she asked.

  “I felt inferior to you, my braver, stronger, older twin,” he answered. “I felt…not like a man, and would always be eclipsed in your shadow.”

  Alina put her hands on his shoulders and hugged him with a smile. “Want me to be honest? I wished I was more like you. Calmer, less temperamental and…sensual. I wished I could be at times what men thought a woman should be…but it just wasn’t me…”

  “I understand,” he said as he rubbed her back. “And do not worry, I shall watch over your children while you are gone. Just promise me you won’t do anything stupid and not come back.”

  She giggled softly and kissed his nose. “No promises, little brother, but until we meet again.”

  “Until we meet again,” he repeated as he let her go.

  She walked to where her horse was being held by Eryx and swung herself up.

  They all nodded to Bo and his wife, who waved to them in farewell. Alina kicked her horse’s sides and led the way as they thundered out of the gates and to their destination.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  It was a quiet and cool day the morning Iphigenia’s boats bobbed in the distance as she held a looking glass in her hands to see the distance.

  The port of Rome.

  It was within her sights.

  Carefully, as they had planned, her ships faced the east, where the sun rose in the morning. The Romans could not see them this way, though it would only be for a brief time. It would take the sun no fewer than two hours to rise, after which, their cover would be gone.

  According to Alina’s plan, they had to wait until the guards did their shift change and they heard the fighting coming from the other side of the city. That is when they knew the Visigoths and Vandals were attacking, and their time would come. All they had to do now was wait.

  Meanwhile, on the opposite side of Rome, within the forests, the armies were getting set up. Rome had cleared out fifty miles of what used to be wooded land and made it flat and barren. They would have to march across open and exposed, but there was no other option. Yet, they knew they did not have to go all the way; they just had to distract the Roman legions long enough so that the Britons could pick them off one by one with their arrows. Then they would handle the soldiers within the city, but first, they had to draw them out.

  “We all know what we have to do,” Alina said in the commander’s tent.

  Around her, the other leaders nodded and she looked up into the shining eyes of her parents; they could not be prouder of their daughter. She was born to lead, she was born to make a change in the world, and bringing down Rome would do just that.

  “Last chance for anyone to leave,” Alina continued. “I won’t be angry if you want to.”

  No one said anything and Alina took it that they all agreed. So, she took a deep breath and pushed away from the table.

  “Then the time has come for us to make our mark on this world,” she said. “May the gods watch over us. Sound the trumpets, it’s time for Rome to burn!”

  Everyone raised their swords and bellowed out as they agreed before they all ran to get in front of their armies. Each of the armies looked considerately different, which made sense to Alina because they each were diverse cultures.

  The Britons did not wear armor and instead painted their bodies to camouflage themselves against their environments. The Vandals wore light armor that consisted of thick leather and carried thick wooden shields with sacred runes painted upon them. The Visigoths wore metal armor on top of the leather, but it enabled great mobility.

  The Freiundedel army wore armor that was modeled after the gladiatorial style, which Kaiser knew upset the Romans the most. To know that the tactics they had taught them, to be ruthless and to never hesitate in the time of battle, would be used against them was the ultimate payback.

  He trotted his horse over to Ayanna, dressed in her red facemask and armor. “It feels strange…to go back to the place we used to call home, does it not?”

  Ayanna looked at him coldly. “I never called this place home. I’ll be glad when the walls are laid to dust and everything is aflame.”


  A guard on the northern gate was walking down his assigned post when he saw something in the distance. It looked to be a lone rider on a horse, but that did not raise suspicions because a lot of lone riders appeared at that time of day, as they were merchants from the east. But as that rider became two, that two became four, and that four became eight, the guard began to get worried. As their numbers doubled and then tripled, they seemed to swallow the entire horizon in a way that made his blood run cold.

  “Sound the alarm!” the guard yelled to his comrades. “We are under attack! Tell the commander! Tell the commander!”

  A guard ran to the Imperial Palace, and Cassius, who had moved in with his family, was awoken and hurried out to the north wall to see what was going on.

  He saw them and his eyes widened in horror as he could not count their numbers. “Get the legions ready!” he bellowed to them. “We must march now!”

  They weren’t ready. This army had assembled much faster than he had thought they could. Yet, he knew he could not afford for Rome to fall. He could not let Rome fall at the hands of these savages. His honor would not permit it.

  “They want a war,” he said to himself, “then I will reign the might of Rome upon them unlike any other.”


  The legions marched, several perfectly neat groups of men, each ten men wide and twelve men long. Known for their seemingly limitless number, they were the nightmares of those it enslaved. Yet, as the legions got into their normal positions and awaited commands, it was clear that they just might be outnumbered.

  Cassius rode down the center line, his face twisted up into a face of brave defiance. “I demand,” he yelled out to his opponents, “that you send your leader
down so we can discuss a peaceful resolution to this!”

  At first, no one moved or said anything until a shifting began and a large white horse, followed by two black ones, began to move forward. The person on the back of the white horse was female, and on the two black horses at her side, rode two men.

  Cassius frowned slightly as the woman rode until she was mere inches from him and pulled her horse to a stop. “I asked to speak to the leader.”

  “You are speaking to her,” Alina said in fluent Latin. “But I will tell you now, there is only one way of there being peace.”

  “And what might that be?” Cassius asked, still in disbelief that the leader of this mighty band of warriors…was a woman.

  “That you throw open the gates of Rome now and let us in,” Alina said. “Or else, we will unleash a plague upon your city unlike never before.”

  Cassius, with his Roman pride, scoffed. “I highly doubt that. However, I am here as a representative of the emperor. I am offering you five times your weight in gold, silver and bronze for you to leave.”

  “We are not interested in that,” Alina said. “We want Rome on her knees before us. Now, are we going to have to go through you for that to happen, or can we do this peacefully?”

  “You know, on my honor, I cannot allow you to do that,” Cassius said.

  “I know,” Alina said back. “You had your warning, prepare to be ravished.”

  Turning her horse around, she and the men at her side galloped off. Cassius was intrigued at how a lone woman could gather seemingly all their main adversaries. This battle, he knew, wasn’t going to be just a normal battle. This battle was going to decide the fate of Rome, if not the world.


  Aurelia stood at the top of the Imperial Palace as she watched the war that raged beyond the walls.

  They were losing.

  From her position, it was quite easy to see that these barbarians knew of Rome’s weakness, and was using it against them. She had to admit, it was impressive that they used each of their different skills to their advantages, and then she also hated herself for being impressed by savages.


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