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The Amour series (Book 2): The Ashes of Amour

Page 8

by Coushatta LaRue

  “Probably,” Abby answered slowly knowing she should lie but feeling guilty for not telling the truth, “But maybe they made it out. I don’t know though.”

  Jessie put the snow globe down and stared at it with a grimace.

  “A lot of people have died Jessie,” Abby said quietly, “Many more will die. It’s not something we should dwell on. We shouldn’t worry about things we cannot change. Just only think of the things we can.”

  “But we do, worry. Don’t we?”

  Abby looked away feeling ill her stomach threatening to throw up the eggs and pancakes. Abby slowly looked back down at her and took in a long deep breath.

  “We do.”

  “When does it stop?”

  “I don’t know Jessie. Maybe it never does,” Abby paused looking at Pooch, “Maybe we just learn to live with it.”

  Jessie stared forward and her lips twitched.

  Abby felt a heavy weight on her shoulders and the need to cry. Gritting her teeth, she rubbed her hands together and looked towards the grocery aisle. She noticed an aisle with wine and then a smirk appeared across her pale face. She glanced at Jessie and nudged her head towards the aisle. Jessie looked at her oddly but followed Abby as she walked towards it.

  They stood at the edge of the aisle looking at the wine. Most of the wine bottles had been taken yet there was still a good amount

  Abby walked up to one of the bottles and stared at it. Narrowing her eyes, she looked at Jessie with mischief.

  “Well good. Because I don’t like it either,” Abby smiled then looked down the aisle and added, “There is something I’ve always wanted to do but never could.”

  “What is it?” Jessie said now interested.

  Abby smiled and put the wine back onto the shelf then walked

  walked back to Jessie and gave her a wink.

  “One nice thing about the end of the world is that when you

  want to do something you can do it,” Abby wrinkled her nose then

  going to get messy.”

  Jessie stepped back looking excited.

  Abby stared at the bottles then smiled wildly as she rushed

  down the aisle with her hands on the bottles knocking each

  laughed as she did and so did Jessie. Pooch barked and growled

  nose and she could feel dampness on her pants. Abby was out of breath as she reached the end of the aisle. She leaned over holding onto the side of the aisle to catch her breathe. She coughed from laughter.

  Breathing deeply, she turned around, vision blurring but she

  out a way to Abby but the pool of wine kept her with Jessie. Abby looked at the mess and shook her head. Crossing her arms, she shrugged.

  “Oops,” Abby grinned.

  Jessie laughed louder and Abby started walking towards the two with a large smile on her face. It felt good to have a real laugh. To feel her lungs burn with happiness. Laughter and smiles did not come often and she loved every moment of it. As she reached the middle of the aisle she paused. Her heartbeat sped up and her eyes dilated. Abby looked at Jessie and she looked pale. Abby did not have to look behind her to know what was there.

  Pooch growled as the hair on her back rose. Jessie grabbed Pooch and picked her up. Jessie did not look scared and Abby was not either. Turning around Abby made eye contact with an

  confused. It was a young male who was missing a left arm and part of his face. His hair had fallen out long ago and his skin was

  The Undead slowly walked down the aisle looking for something towards her. The fact that she felt no fear made her skin crawl. The thought that she could have become one of these lifeless

  under her feet and stared at the glass. Leaning down, groaning from the pain in her scar, she grabbed a large piece of glass.

  Carefully picking it up she gave it a long look. It would be very easy. The Undead was already rotting away. Putting it through its skull would be like slicing a cake. The Undead stumbled towards her almost slipping on the wine under its feet. It growled and groaned and then it whined. Abby’s heart ached. It made her sad looking at this poor thing. It once was full of life and happiness. And then one day it lost its mind and was just a shell of what it had been.

  As he walked by her she slowly turned around and looked at Jessie who was looking at the Undead with a sad expression. Pooch was growling and barking now. Abby swallowed hard and placed her right hand onto the Undead and shivered. It stopped and looked backwards at her. Its white dead eyes seemed confused. They looked lost and lonely. Abby suddenly felt very sad and empty.

  Slowly pressing the glass between its eyes the Undead shook and reached out at her. Slamming its mouth closed it made a

  sighed heavily as she stepped over the body and frowned. Pooch was still growling and Jessie was now panicking. Abby looked at her strangely and was going to say something when she heard something behind her.

  Looking back Abby gasped and stumbled backwards running into the shelf. Behind her stood a large man wearing black clothes

  Husk. Its skin was graying and its eyes were red and white. His skin was bruised badly and blood trickled from his lips. His dark eyes were lost and somewhere else.

  panting. It had a small bat in its hand that was covered in blood. Its hair was gray mixed with brown and it had been badly cut

  see some bones sticking out on a few. It let out a slow chuckle before raising its eyes to Abby. Abby’s heart skipped a beat and her chest tightened. Her blood was racing as it made eye contact.

  There was no humanity left in its sick eyes. Suddenly it saw her and let out a laugh as it rose its small bat. Abby twitched and fear

  think of what to do. It laughed again then shook its head violently and cried out loudly.

  “Stop it,” He shouted, “Stop it!”

  He hit his head with his free hand and cried out again. Clawing at his face his nails dug into his cheeks. Abby cringed as she backed up slowly. The Husk screamed and charged at Abby with its bat in the air. Abby stumbled back as Jessie screamed. Too scared to make any sound her foot came out from under her as

  screamed just as the Husk swung its bat at her.

  her. Pain poured into her back and her scars burned. Her vision went out and her teeth slammed together. Opening her eyes, the Husk was stumbling above her trying not to fall. It laughed, swinging the bat at her, Abby rolled out of the way just in time. She was covered in wine and glass now.

  Jessie was screaming and Pooch was barking. Abby remembered her gun and reached for it as she sat up. The Husk grabbed her legs and dugs its nail into them. Abby screamed as the gun fell from her hands. She slammed a foot into its face and it laughed. She did it again and again until some of its teeth crumbled away. It paused and swallowed hard as it looked at her angrily. Grabbing the gun, she pointed at its head then hesitated when it stared at her sadly.

  Then suddenly another Husk appeared at the end of the aisle and screeched. Abby screamed in terror. The husk at her legs started to climb up her legs and she remembered her gun. Pointing at its head she closed her eyes as she pulled the trigger. The bang made her jump. The bullet ripped through the Husk’s head. Its lifeless body fell onto Abby.

  Abby pulled her legs from under it and the Husk at the end of the aisle screeched again. It ran towards her quickly. Abby shook as she tried to aim her gun then BAM! The husk’s head exploded. Its body crashed down beside her in the wine. Abby gasped for breath as the body twitched beside her. She screamed when someone grabbed her shoulders and pulled her hard.

  “It’s me Abby!” She heard Evan shout.

  Abby forced herself away from him and stared at him gasping for breath.

  “You said it was empty!” She screamed with tears in her eyes.

  Evan stepped back wounded.

  Abby was breathing deeply and could not stop. Tears streamed down her face as the fear of being chased raged inside of her. She had not felt this way since before she had been bitten. Closing her eyes tightly she leaned forward taking slow deep brea
ths as she tried to compose herself.

  “Okay we need to go now,” Kevin said loudly.

  “But we checked,” Evan said with a hurt tone, “No one was here.”

  “Clearly we were wrong.” Kevin growled.

  Abby opened her eyes as she felt Pooch jump into her lap. Pooch licked at her face and pawed at her. Abby rubbed her fur and smiled lightly down at the little wired hair brown dog. Looking up she saw Evan looking down at her with a shameful stare. Abby felt guilt pour into her chest and reached out a hand towards him. Evan pulled her up and steadied her as she wobbled to stand. She was wet and cold now.

  told Kevin, “We don’t need her getting sick.”

  Kevin looked at Evan with protest in his eyes but he did not say anything. Kevin walked towards the doors where Jessie was standing with her little arms wrapped around her body. Abby looked back at the dead Husk. There were woods in the back… maybe they had been there the whole time. There was no telling. Shivering Evan walked her to the front door. Then walked to the area with clothing and grabbed some gray sweatpants with a small turtle logo on them and then a long-sleeved pink shirt that was one size too big for her.

  Kevin was outside the door with Jessie staring around with his

  had not gotten soaked. It did not feel awkward or uncomfortable being nude with Evan. It felt normal. Abby did not wear a bra because she felt she did not need one. She had lost so much body weight that it saddened her.

  However, she had felt that of late she had gained some weight. Putting the sweatpants on she used Evan to support herself then she put the long-sleeved shirt on. Evan walked away from her and

  warm and soft.

  “Thank you,” Abby smiled, “I’m sorry for yelling.”

  Evan looked away from her and back at the dead Husk. “I swear it was empty,” Evan said rubbing his scars on his face. “I think it was.” Abby walked beside him, “We don’t know how

  these things work Evan.”

  Evan glanced at her his large eyes full of guilt. It made Abby feel guilty herself. Evan walked back to the Husk and picked up Abby’s gun. Then walked back to her and handed it to her. Staring at the gun she thought of the sound the bullet made when it ripped through the Husk’s skull. It made her stomach twist in knots. She had killed the Undead many times but never a real person. She wondered if the Husk were even real. They were still alive though

  and it made her feel bad.

  “I didn’t want to do it,” Abby admitted in a hushed voice. “No one ever does Abby,” Evan placed a hand on her cheek,

  “But, we do what we must to survive.”

  smiled a warm smile. He dropped his hand to hers and took her hand gently. He walked her outside and it was starting to snow.

  at the store and breathed.

  Kevin was by the car with Jessie and Pooch. Jessie had her mask on again and got into the car with Pooch. Kevin shut the door and groaned. He glared at Evan and Abby then scanned the area and looked at the road and where they had come from. He

  “I think they are following us.” He said.

  “What? Is that possible?” Evan asked stepping forward as he

  let go of Abby’s hand.

  “They aren’t like the Undead. They can think. Their mind

  slowly decays but until then they can think just as us. The voices

  in their heads slow them down and damage them but they can be

  smart.” Kevin explained, “I have seen it before. As stupid as they

  can be they can outwit us at the beginning of the infection.”

  “Are you fucking serious?” Evan gasped.

  “Yes,” Kevin glared, “I am serious. Until the infection takes their mind completely they can function almost normally.”

  Abby looked at the gun in hands.

  “It used the Undead,” She said suddenly, “It used it to tell what we were.”

  Evan and Kevin looked back at her.

  “When we did not react to the Undead it knew what we were.” Abby shook at the thought, “He knew we were infected.”

  “They could have known we were here the whole time hiding. Hoping one of us would be infected.” Kevin agreed as he nodded, “It doesn’t matter anymore. We need to go now.”

  Kevin stared at the store and road again.

  “We need to make it to Autumn today.” He said.

  -Chapter ten

  “We’re going to be going through a small town ahead. We have no other choice. We will not be stopping for any reason.” Kevin told them as he tightened his grip on the steering wheel, “We should be there in no time after this town. As long as the roads are clear that is.”

  “How big is this town?” Abby asked as she chewed on some trail mix.

  Jessie took some of the trail mix and tossed it in her mouth.

  her and gave her an almond. They had been driving for two hours as the snow began to fall harder. Abby was very tired even after she had taken another vitamin shot. Her scars were throbbing and all she wanted was to lay on a bed and sleep.

  “It isn’t too big,” Evan started, “Just a small town.”

  Abby gazed out the windows towards large hills in the distance. They went around the woods it seemed and in front of them. The woods were thick and the land seemed to become hillier as they drove. Abby had never been out of Texas. A part of her wanted to feel excited yet all she felt was emptiness. Abby placed the trail mix between Jessie and her. Taking a bottle of water, she drank slowly.

  “We have to be on alert,” Kevin started, “We have no idea what is in this town.”

  Evan looked back at Abby and at the gun in her lap that lay on top of her blanket. Abby gave him a long blank look. Evan took his gun and loaded it. Glancing over at Jessie, Abby frowned. Wishing she could tell what Jessie’s expression was from behind her mask.

  “When will we be there?” Jessie asked.

  “Very soon,” Kevin replied, “Maybe ten minutes.”

  They came on the town quicker than that. It was a small old town with old modern buildings and many more rundown ones. It was clear that a lot of the buildings had been abandoned long before the end of the world. Roads were crowded with abandoned cars and the streets where trashed. A few corpses old and new lay on the sidewalks. Kevin carefully avoided a body on the road. Abby glanced at it and could tell it had been an Undead.

  The roads thickened with cars that had been burned and turned around. It almost seemed as if they were placed there. Abby touched her gun and swallowed hard. It was quiet outside. Snow fell on the car and covered the tops of the buildings around them. Evan looked back at Abby and faintly smiled. Abby smiled.

  Suddenly the car jerked forward and to the side. Kevin cursed and Abby reached over towards Jessie who screamed. Abby felt

  Looking up she did not see anyone or anything around them. Just a few cars and litter on the streets.

  “Fuck!” Kevin shouted, “Fuck.”

  “What the hell happened?” Evan asked.

  Evan looked back at Abby and she mouthed she was okay.

  on the street, “We need to change the tire. Let’s hurry.”

  Kevin’s voice was panicked as he said, “Abby, Jessie, stay out of sight.”

  “Why?” Jessie asked sounding scared.

  “Just do it.”

  Abby got out of the car holding pooch and her gun. Jessie hurried to her from the other side of the car. The air outside the

  and looked around with it. Kevin looked at her then around and pointed at a small red car.

  “Hide in there.” He ordered.

  Abby nodded, looked at Evan who was staring at her, then hurried to the car with Jessie. It opened to Abby’s surprise. She let

  at Kevin and Evan who were already trying to change the tire. Abby breathed deeply and tried to sense if anything was around. She felt nothing. It did not make her feel good. Somehow the lack of Undead made her scared.

  As she shut the door she brushed snow from her auburn hair and looked at Jessie.

>   “You okay?” She asked quietly.

  “I think,” Jessie sighed.

  Pooch crawled into Abby’s lap and tried to look out the window but Abby kept her down. Looking back out the window she noticed she was breathing hard. Something was not right and the fear of something going wrong made her skin burn. Rubbing sweat from

  her scars itched. Things had been going too well and tears swelled in her eyes.

  In just a few minutes Kevin and Evan had changed the tire and tossed the old one away. Abby let out a sigh of relief as she looked

  “Okay come on you two,” Kevin shouted.

  Evan walked to the passenger side of the car and looked at Abby. Abby turned to Jessie and nudged her head towards the car. Opening the door, she stepped out feeling a cold breeze on her face. The smell of something sweet entered her nose. Her face twitched and she stopped as she put her legs out of the car and Pooch jumped out. Abby looked down at the snow under her feet and listened. The sound of something crunching caught her attention.

  Jessie screamed as Kevin began to shout. Abby twisted around and saw that a Husk was opening the door on the other side of the car. Abby reached for Jessie as the Husk ripped the door open and reached in to grab Jessie.

  “No!” Abby screamed.

  She grabbed Jessie and pulled her out of the car quicker than the Husk could grab her. Pooch began to bark and growl at the Husk. Kevin was racing towards them but stopped and turned

  screeched and cried and laughed. All of them with milky white eyes, gray skin, and bleeding lips. Crazed and violent. Abby was on the ground and gasped from the pain in her back. She held Jessie as Jessie cried in her arms. Abby saw the Husk

  for her gun as Pooch barked and whined. The Husk screeched and dark blood dripped from its chapped lips.

  “Run!” Abby screamed at Jessie.

  Jessie was crying but did not need to be told twice. She dashed

  as the Husk rounded on her. Guilt entered her head only for a moment as the Husk screeched at her. She pulled the trigger and her bullet made purchase. Its head exploded in blood and brain matter. Its body landed beside her and she screamed and pushed herself onto the car.

  She was shaking and crying. Her scars were burning badly. She touched her pants and felt something wet. The scar had ripped


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