Book Read Free

Shadow Sun Rebellion

Page 15

by Dave Willmarth

  He couldn’t see much beyond the vehicle as he used it to pull himself to his feet. More heals landed on him as soon as he was upright, and he could hear the two sisters singing. He immediately felt incredible, fully restored and strong. There were only seven red dots left, all on the other side of the Juggernaut. The green dots were dispersing quickly inside the building or to the sides of the road, clearing the kill zone in the center. He estimated thirty or more grey dots unmoving on the street.

  A thunderous roar made the Juggernaut vibrate under his steadying hand, and he looked up to see orcanin bursting from the building, weapons in hand and their eyes blazing. Seconds later all but one of the red dots winked out, as did some of the green stragglers. Allistor shouted again. “Hold! Don’t kill the innocents!” He heard Harmon shouting in his native tongue as well.

  He leaped across the hood of the vehicle to see Jesse on his back, Fuzzy standing over him with his jaws clamped on the man’s face. He wasn’t dead, or even badly wounded. His health bar was at about eighty percent. But he was holding completely still as Helen held the barrel of her shotgun to his forehead and Fuzzy drooled all over his face.

  “Fuzzy, let him go.” Allistor’s voice caught as he took in the sight of several dozen dead humans in the street. At least twenty more lay wounded, writhing in pain or calling out for help. Amanda, Nancy, and most of Allistor’s people were already casting heals.

  “Why?” Allistor looked down at Jesse, who was still lying on his back.

  “Screw you, prince.” Jesse shouted up at him. Fuzzy growled, baring his teeth, which were large and strong enough to crush the man’s skull. Jesse didn’t seem to care.

  “You think you can just fly in here on your fancy ship and take everything I’ve worked for! I earned what I have here. I bled for it, killed for it, and it’s mine!”

  “Then why did you say you wanted to join us? I told you that you had the option to decline, and still keep your properties!” Allistor was yelling now, tears of anger and sorrow starting to form. The screaming was dying down now that most of the wounded had been healed. Except for some muted crying, the street was eerily silent, everyone listening in.

  “Bullshit! You would never have let me keep what was mine! You’d have pretended to be friendly, then showed up one night and killed us all!” Jesse tried to get up, and Helen let him. The man got to his feet, his face purple with rage. “You think I didn’t see right through you?!”

  “You moron!” Allistor screamed into Jesse’s face from six inches away. His fists clenched and spittle flew from his mouth. “Why the hell would I do that? I own half this island! Your Stronghold and Outposts are what? Six or seven buildings out of thousands inside my walls!” Allistor stopped to try and breathe, sobbing as he did.

  “Look behind you! All these people dead, because of you! These lives were more valuable to me than this entire city! These were good people, most of them. And you’ve murdered them with your bullshit greed and insecurity!”

  His eyes were blurry from tears, so he didn’t see the right hook speeding at his face before it impacted, knocking him backward into the truck behind him.

  “YOU did this!” Jesse screamed, right before an orcanin warrior seized him. Then he began to scream in pain. The eight-foot tall brute grabbed one arm, snapping the bone as he lifted Jesse like a ragdoll off the ground and flung him over one shoulder, sending him soaring toward the high rise where he was caught by two others. They promptly separated by a few steps and raised him up by his arms, causing him to scream louder. Two more of the warriors grabbed his legs, and with a grunt of effort and bulging muscle, they ripped him apart. Both arms and one leg tore free of his body, and his screaming ended as he passed out. They dropped all the pieces of him, leaving him to bleed out on the sidewalk.

  Allistor sank to his knees, his head bowed. The orcanin warriors retreated, seeing no other threat to their new friend, and Helen and Amanda took up position on either side of him.

  “Why?” Allistor asked, his voice cracking. “How did I mess this up? Is it really my fault they’re all dead?” He motioned weakly toward the bodies in front of him. He recognized a man lying not far away as one of Juanita’s crew that he’d met in the park. The man had smiled and joked with Ramon just a day ago. Juanita was sitting a few feet away, holding a hand over the freshly healed spot where a plasma round had burned through her shirt.

  Looking around, he saw Prime standing nearby. “General! These bodies have plasma burns.” His throat was raw, but he managed to growl at the commander. “I said no killing humans without my approval!”

  “My apologies, Prince Allistor. The attackers were mixed among the civilians, and took cover behind them. By the time I was able to assess the situation and modify orders, many innocents had already fallen.” The general took a knee in front of Allistor. “I am prepared to be decommissioned for my failure, Sire.” Several of the droids who’d fired during the incident took a knee as well.

  Juanita was being helped to her feet. “No! He’s right, Allistor. These assholes used us as shields!” She looked around at her people, who were slowly gathering back together. “You all saw it! The cowards used us as shields!” She turned back to Allistor. “Just after Jesse shot you, he grabbed me and held me in front of him. He was trying to get around the car to make sure you were dead, and I got hit. He dropped me and grabbed…” She looked around, then pointed at a dead woman. “He grabbed her. Hid behind her until she fell. I didn’t see what happened after that.”

  Several people shouted out, pointing to dead men who’d used others as cover. Helen put a hand on Allistor’s back, rubbing it. “Get on your feet. Princes don’t cry on their knees in the street.” she whispered. Allistor’s head snapped around and he glared at her, ready to bite her head off. He couldn’t care less what image he was projecting.

  Amanda whispered into his other ear. “She’s right. Get up. This wasn’t your fault. Not even a little bit.”

  Fuzzy shoved his muzzle under Allistor’s chin, urging him up as well. Allistor put a hand on his bear’s back and rose to his feet. Looking up, he saw all eyes upon him.

  “I’m sorry.” he began, his voice catching. Amanda handed him a flask, and he took a drink, then coughed when it burned going down. He’d expected water, and gotten brandy. He took another swig, then cleared his throat. “Let me say it again. I’m sorry. I didn’t see this coming, and I don’t know how I could have prevented it. But from the moment you all took the oath, it became my responsibility to protect you. And I failed these people.” He motioned to the bodies that were now being lifted by the very droids that killed them.

  “I don’t know how I could have been more clear. You are not slaves, or servants, or bound in any way other than your oaths not to harm me or each other. I don’t own you, and don’t wish to control your lives. I meant what I said when I told Jesse that he could refuse the oath and simply coexist with us inside these walls.” He looked around, spotting Juanita.

  “As Jesse is dead, along with his fellow conspirators, and because he tried to kill me, and did get all these people killed, I claim all his property!” He paused during some angry murmurs, holding his hands high until people quieted down. Taking a moment to climb back up onto the Juggernaut, he continued. “And I hereby award those properties to Juanita here. Because from what I know of her, she is an honest and decent person. The properties are hers to oversee, or dispose of as she sees fit.” He reached down and offered a hand to Juanita, easily pulling her up to join him.

  “Juanita was there to witness most of my conversations with Jesse. She can confirm for you what I offered. Please, ask her any questions you have. After she’s answered, I will offer any of you who want it a release from your oath. You can leave the City in peace, with a week’s supply of food and water, and whatever weapons you have. So please, ask your questions.”

  He stepped down, partly so that there was no appearance of influencing the woman’s answers, and partly in case one of them was incli
ned to take another shot at him.

  Juanita didn’t wait for a question. “Allistor is telling the truth. He said if we chose not to join him, we could stay where we were. He would not offer us assistance, like the spell scrolls he was about to hand out just now. But he promised not to hinder us, and that we would still be protected inside his walls.” She looked down at her people.

  “I heard Jesse talking to a couple of guys last night. He was grumbling about challenging Allistor today. But I thought he was just posturing, blowing off steam. Getting used to the idea of somebody else being in charge. And I never thought he’d do something like this.” She turned to look down at Allistor. “I’m so sorry. If I had said something…”

  Helen cut her off. “You had no way of knowing. Just as Allistor couldn’t have known, either. They obviously planned this, and were good at keeping it to themselves.” She said it loud enough for everyone to hear.

  “Why is Juanita in charge now?” someone shouted.

  She looked over in that direction. “Kegan, is that you? I didn’t ask to be put in charge. You want the job?”

  “Maybe! There are others here more senior than you. We should take a vote before you’re put in charge!”

  Allistor shouted, “No! I have given the properties to Juanita, and that is final. This is not a democracy, and in this particular matter, you do not get a vote! I have rewarded her for her loyalty, good sense, and honesty. And that includes her demonstrated loyalty to Jesse when she and I first met!” He paused to let that sink in. “What she chooses to do with the facilities is up to her. She can accept advice from you, and even give the properties to someone else if she sees fit. But she is under no obligation to do so! Any attempt to force her into anything will be met with my extreme disapproval!” he growled. After seeing Jesse ripped into fractions, several of the people near the front stepped back.

  “Jesse didn’t tell us a lot of what you’ve said today!” another man spoke loudly as he pushed forward through the crowd. “He pretty much told us we were taking the oath, and that was that. Now, what if I want out of the oath, but I don’t want to leave my home?”

  “Shut up, Aaron! You heard the man. You live by the oath, you can stay. You cancel it, you leave. No harm, no foul. If you were him, after what just happened, would you let you stay here without swearing not to harm… you?” She paused as she reviewed her words, then nodded as she decided she got it right. Several people nodded along with her.

  Aaron looked confused for a moment, then opened his mouth again. “That’s no real choice. Sending us outside the wall is the same as a death sentence! He’s basically saying, ‘join us or die’!”

  Juanita looked down at Allistor, and he sighed. He was getting tired of jumping up and down, so climbed back up to stay. “Yes, putting you outside my walls is putting you at risk. But it is not a death sentence. There are other Strongholds in the city that might take you in. Or you can form your own. Let me be perfectly clear. I want all of you to stay! I want to help you grow stronger, learn and develop more skills, and thrive! We owe a debt of vengeance to the assholes who killed off our families and friends, and I need all of you strong enough to help repay that debt! But as Juanita here just said, I can’t get any of that done if I constantly have to watch my back, fearing one of you will decide to follow Jesse’s example. So if you wish to stay, the oath is not negotiable.”

  The man named Aaron shook his head, but stayed silent.

  “What about the land we each can claim?” a voice called out from the crowd.

  Allistor looked at Juanita. She said, “Jesse hadn’t let us claim land yet. He told us to wait that first day while he discussed it with other leaders. Then he told us you had forbid it.”

  “Bullshit!” Allistor shouted, making Juanita cringe. He put a hand on her shoulder and murmured an apology. Looking out over the crowd, he shouted “Jesse and I did not discuss your rights to claim your individual parcels! I did not forbid anything!” He paused and pulled up his map. “Since you asked, all of my people, other than you newcomers from today, have claimed their land. All of it outside my Strongholds. I have them set up from coast to coast now, and all of you are welcome to claim land near any of them, as long as it is not already claimed by another! As for here in the City, I cannot allow you each to claim ten acres inside the City walls. This island isn’t that large, there are thousands of you, and that would quickly eat up all the available land. But you can claim other parts of this island, or the nearby boroughs. If you are close enough, we will help defend you from our walls if necessary. Or you are free to go off and claim your own land far from any of my properties.” He waited while there was some mumbling.

  “It’s clear Jesse didn’t pass on much of what we discussed. Time is short, and more alien colonists arrive every hour. One of our Strongholds was already attacked by a goblin clan, and we had to fight them off, costing us two human lives. If you plan to claim land, you need to do so quickly. You can use our teleport system to travel to any of our Strongholds and look around. I’ll make folks available to circulate among you and answer questions to help you decide. Your choices at the moment are: Boston, Toronto, Detroit, Chicago, Florida, Bimini Island, Denver, Cheyenne, a couple small towns in Wyoming, Vegas, Santa Barbara, and Santa Cruz Island in the Pacific. I do not recommend the last two, as there is clear evidence of recent major earthquakes. We also have allies in other Strongholds across the US, in Mexico, and Canada that might accept you. But choose quickly, as land will be getting scarce.”

  After a long pause, he added, “For my people, I provided loans for those who didn’t have the funds to establish a Stronghold. If you choose to remain and keep to your oath, I will do the same for those of you who need it. But again, I suggest choosing a place that already has significant resources, like a warehouse, retail store, or a large building filled with furniture, et cetera, as that will reduce the cost. You may also choose to establish an Outpost if your needs are less expansive. If there are groups of friends among you, you might choose to cluster several Outposts together for mutual benefit. And for those who don’t wish to live outside my walls, you can claim a field or forest section near one of my properties, and lease it back to us for a regular income. We’ll use it for farming, or lumber, or grazing. Or I’ll outright purchase your land from you for a fair amount. You can take it all at once in klax, or in monthly payments. Those are some of your choices.”

  Juanita looked out over the crowd, turning in a complete circle as she did so. “Anybody else?”

  When nobody spoke, she asked, “Anybody want to rescind their oath?”

  Allistor held up a hand, hoping to prevent anyone from answering. “It has been an emotional morning. As I said, any of you are free to renounce the oath and leave. But please, take some time to think it over. We have a meal prepared, and a funeral service to hold. I will extend my offer to release you from your oath for forty-eight hours. Take the time to explore your options, visit some of the other properties, and decide. You will be bound by the oath during that time, so any act against me or mine will be punished by the system. If, during the next two days, you decide for sure that you want out, simply notify us, and you will be escorted home to gather your belongings, given the supplies I mentioned, and either escorted out the gate here, or taken to one of the other properties so you can set out from there.”

  Nobody spoke up to say they wanted out immediately, so he added. “Thank you for listening, and welcome, again. As a show of good faith, Ramon and his team will be set up in the lobby. Stop and see one of them, and you will receive three spell scrolls to learn if you don’t already know the spells. Light, Restore, and Flame Shot. If we run out, don’t worry. More will be available in a few days. These scrolls are each written by hand, and take a while to produce. Nigel will announce when the meal is ready, and it’ll be served in several dining rooms, or the courtyard, or the lobby. We’ve got a lot of mouths to feed all of a sudden.”

  Allistor stepped down, then helped Jua
nita down. Harmon waved at him surreptitiously, then stepped inside the building. Allistor, Fuzzy, Helen, and Amanda walked inside together. They joined Harmon in their usual lobby seating area, behind a wall of orcanin that made it clear the area was off limits to others.

  “Thank you, Harmon, for the assistance.” Helen beat Allistor to it. “Your warriors diving in and grabbing the shooters kept the droids from having to shoot more innocents.”

  Harmon bowed his head briefly. “You are most welcome. I only wish we had arrived sooner.” He cleared his throat. “I hope you do not mind, but I suggested to the general that the bodies of the dead be placed in a nearby small building. The structure is brick and wood, is only two stories that have mostly collapsed, and will make an excellent funeral pyre. It is… expedient. And the rubble can then be cleared away for the space to be put to better use.”

  Allistor nodded. “That’ll work.” He wasn’t feeling very talkative after the trauma of the morning and all the public speaking he’d been forced to take on. The merchant seemed to understand. He reached out one massive hand and gently used his sharp fingernails to scratch Fuzzy’s ears and under his chin. The bear huffed with pleasure.

  Chapter 9

  Deciding to get the funeral over with as soon as possible, Allistor had Nigel alert everyone about the service and direct them to the building, which was just a block away from the spot where the attack took place. Thousands of Jesse’s people, now Juanita’s people, and Allistor’s group gathered in the street in front of the mostly collapsed building. The droids had cleared the area just inside the front door and placed the bodies in three rows on the wooden floor.

  Allistor stood in front of the building on a 3-step stoop. “My soul is burdened by the losses we’ve suffered today. I only got a chance to meet a few of these good people, and then only for a short time, much to my regret. So I’d like to invite any of you who’d like to say a few words to come up here and speak.”


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