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What Skylar Needs

Page 15

by Lanee Lane

  "From the sounds I was told you were making, it didn't sound like a lie to me. We both know how loud you can be." Skylar cringed on the inside at his last statement, but he needed to solidify his case.

  "Ahhhhh, son of a!" Candace's calm facade was gone. "So what does it matter if I did? What does it matter to you? He's the cheater; not me. He's the one stepping out on his wife. If she kept herself up and gave him what he needed, he wouldn't need me."

  Skylar perched on the arm of the recliner. He was pleased that she was so quick to admit everything.

  "Oh Candace, Candace, Candace. It doesn't matter one bit to me who you sleep with. You can sleep with every man in the city for all I care. I do, however, think that your mother might care."

  "What the hell, Skylar? You can't tell my mom. I'll deny it, anyway. She would never take your word over mine."

  "I don't need her to take my word for it. She can take yours."

  Candace let out a humorless laugh. "As if I'm going to admit any of this to my mother."

  "You don't have to. I have you on tape admitting to it. I can tell her for you."

  Candace's eyes were wide. In an instant, she was in front of him grabbing his arms and shaking him.

  "You're taping me? That's illegal, Skylar. I'll send you to jail."

  "Breaking and entering is illegal too." He peeled her hands from his arms. He stood up from the chair's arm and looked down at her. "Go sit down."

  Much to his surprise, she obeyed.

  "This is what's going to happen. You're going to leave me and Mel alone. I want to build a relationship with her, and I can't do that with you playing your little games. You won't contact me. You will not speak to Melanie. You won't come to any of my family’s functions. You can come down with the flu, have a work function, get the plague; I don't care. Just don't show up. If you fail to do these things, I will tell your parents that their perfect little princess is a home wrecker. I'd also be glad tell Mrs. Donovan that you've been helping her husband with his manly needs. The ones that she 'can't fulfill'." Skylar made sure to use air quotes when he said the last bit.

  Candace shot off of the couch. She snatched her purse and stomped to the door. Yanking it open, she turned to him right outside of the threshold.

  "Screw you, Skylar. I didn't want you, anyway. My mom kept pressuring me to be with you. You can have your stupid girlfriend. You'll regret this, and it will be too late."

  "The only thing I regret is wasting time on you. Thanks for the ride, but it's over now." With that, Skylar shut the door in her face. He clicked the lock in place and made a mental note to get it changed.


  Skylar called Melanie as soon as Candace left. He explained everything from Candace confessing about the affair with Mr. Donavan to breaking into his house. He'd even offered to let her listen to the recordings that they'd captured, but she'd refused.

  She said she believed him, and that she was happy that Candace was out of the picture. The best part of the conversation was when she told him she'd be coming home in two days and she'd appreciate if he would pick her up from the airport. He fist pumped the air in excitement.

  He couldn't wait to see her. He'd missed her more than he knew was possible. The inability to get a good night’s sleep and irritability were living proof. He'd never cared about anyone, other than his parents and siblings, enough to miss them when they were gone. With Melanie, he couldn't wait to wrap his arms around her and devour her lips as soon as he saw her.

  He had some planning to do and two days wasn't a lot of time. He set straight to work as soon as they hung up. Melanie deserved the best, and he was going to show her that he could give her that.

  * * *

  The seatbelt light above her head flashed indicating that it was time to buckle up. The pilot came over the intercom confirming that they would be landing soon. Melanie buckled herself in and turned to look out of the window. The clouds were so white and delicate. She wished she could reach out and run her hands through them just to know what they felt like.

  Her mind began to wander to Skylar. It had only been a week and a half since she'd seen him, but it felt like much longer. She was both excited and nervous. Things had changed so much between them since they'd first met. She'd never imagined that he would be a friend, let alone her boyfriend. It still seemed weird when she thought about it.

  She'd been happy when he told her about Candace. She'd known that there was no way Skylar would have been in the apartment that day, but sometimes insecurity could get the best of a person. She was ready to get back and start with a fresh slate. Who knew where things would go from there?

  Thirty minutes later, Melanie was at baggage claim waiting for her bag. She saw her bright pink and yellow bag coming around and prepared to grab it. But before she had a chance, someone was snatching it off of the carousel.

  "Hey-" she began to protest when she turned and her words caught in her throat.

  Standing next to her, with his hand still on her bag, was Skylar. He was giving her the most adorable smile.

  "Miss me?" he asked setting her bag down beside him.

  "I see you're still as modest as ever. How'd you even get that big head of yours to fit in the doors?" Melanie returned his smile with one of her own.

  "Gosh, I missed you," he said as he pulled her into his arms and kissing her right there beside baggage claim.

  Melanie's body melted into his. P.D.A. was not her thing, but the fact that he wasn't afraid to stake his claim on her in the middle of the airport was all kinds of sexy.

  Pulling away from her, he looked down into her eyes.

  "Ready to go home?"

  "Yep, definitely ready."

  On the way to their apartment building, Melanie told Skylar all about her visit with her dad. He asked questions about her dad and Gwen. He wanted to know what they were like, if her dad had any hobbies, what he did for a living. He seemed genuinely interested in getting to know more about her dad. He even mentioned going with her next time she went to visit. She knew that it would be a while down the road, but it made her happy to know that he was thinking of them together long-term.

  Melanie sighed in relief when they pulled into a parking spot. She had enjoyed the time with her dad, but she was glad to be home. Skylar pulled her suitcase from the trunk, and they headed inside. On the elevator ride to her floor, Skylar pulled her to him and placed small kisses down her jaw and neck. A shiver ran through her, and she felt her body responding to his touch.

  The elevator door opened to her floor. He released her and gestured for her to step out in front of him. Before putting her key into the door, she looked over her shoulder and caught Skylar staring at her butt.

  "Stare much?"

  Skylar's eyes flicked up to meet hers.

  "Just admiring my assets," he said with a smile.


  "Oh, yes; mine all mine."

  Melanie shook her head and turned to unlock her door. A secret smile took over her lips. Dang if she didn't love hearing him say those words. Melanie opened her door and stepped aside so Skylar could carry her bag in.

  "You can just leave it by the door. I'll get it later," she said as she made her way into the living room.

  She stopped when she reached the entrance to the living room. Sitting on the table was a bouquet of two-dozen red roses and a bottle of her favorite sparkling drink. Propped against the bottle was an envelope.

  Skylar's front was now flush against her back. She could feel the rhythm of his breathing.

  "Go open the card." She felt his breath on his ear.

  She walked over to the table and bent down to inhale the scent of the roses. She picked up the envelope and carefully opened it. On the front, there were two birds with their beaks touching like they were kissing. Inside, there was a cute little greeting card message. Under that in Skylar's writing it said:


  Please join me this evening at six p.m. for dinner and entertainmen
t. If you so choose to accompany me, please check your bedroom for further instructions.


  Melanie held the card to her chest and turned to Skylar. "The flowers are beautiful. What happens if I accept your invitation?"

  "You have to go to your room to find out."

  Eagar to see what was in store, she went to her room. She flipped the light switch and light flooded the room. Mel's eyes went straight to the bed and its contents. Lying there was a red bodycon dress and strappy black heels. Next to it, there was a pink Victoria's secret bag. She walked over and peeked into the bag. Her cheeks heated when she saw what was inside.

  Skylar's arms snaked around her from behind. His chin settled on her shoulder. "Do you like it?"

  "It's all so gorgeous. How did you know what to get? How did you even get into my house?"

  "I had two little helpers that were more than willing to assist me."

  Melanie turned in Skylar's arms to face him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and tilted her head back to look into his eyes.

  "I should have known. My friends are always in my business."

  "They just care about you and want to see you happy."

  Skylar bent down and pressed another kiss to her lips. "So, do you accept my invitation for a date?"

  Melanie brought her hand to her chin and pretended to be in deep thought. "Hmmm, I don't know. I have a whole bottle of my favorite drink and loads of Netflix documentaries on standby."

  "I can assure you that our date will be ten times better than any documentary you will watch. I'll be sure to make it worth your while."

  "Fine.. You drive a hard bargain."

  "I typically get what I want, and there is nothing I want more than to spend tonight with you."

  "I'd like that too."

  Skylar took her hand and lead her to the en suite bathroom. On the counter, there was a basket full of bath bombs, body washes, body butter, and bubble baths.

  "Oh my goodness, Skylar. This is too much."

  "It will never be too much. If anything, it's not enough. I want you to be able to pamper yourself and relax before our evening."

  'This is enough stuff to pamper me for months."

  "Even better," he said. "Go ahead and get in. I'll lock the door on my way out. Just be ready when I come knocking at six sharp."

  With a smack on her butt, he left her to it.

  Melanie three-way called Jade and Claudia while she soaked in a tub overflowing with bubbles. They confirmed their part in helping Skylar but wouldn't give her any hints as to what the night held. Claudia told her to give up the P while Jade told her to enjoy being pampered and wooed.

  At six pm, as promised, there was a knock on the door. Melanie hurried to the door and swung it open. Skylar was there in black slacks, a white shirt under a gray blazer, and a red tie. He looked edible. Melanie looked him up and down. Her tongue ran over her lips in appreciation.

  "Don't do that, woman, or we won't make it out of here." Skylar stepped forward and pulled her into him placing a quick kiss on her lips.

  "What if I don't want to make it out?" Her voice was breathy.

  Skylar looked her in the eyes for several moments. His feelings for her were overwhelming.

  "I'd love to stay here and explore every inch of your body in every room of this apartment, but we've got places to be."

  Melanie poked out her bottom lip in a faux pout. Inside, she felt giddy that Skylar was going through all the trouble to take her out.

  "I promise that we will have plenty of time for me to ravish you and break in your apartment. Let's get going, shall we?"

  Skylar offered her his elbow. She smiled up at him. He had pulled out all the stops so far, and she couldn't wait to see what the night held.

  In the car, Melanie resumed her normal control of the radio. Skylar let out a loud, over the top sigh when she began singing along to the terrible pop song that blared through the speaker.

  "I have to remind myself that I signed up for these constant imitation Pop Princess renditions of awful pop songs."

  Melanie side eyed him and gave his thigh a playful snack. His face broke out into a huge grin.

  "Don't worry, I still love ya. I don't hold it against you. You have many other respectable talents."

  Melanie went still in her seat. She knew her ears weren't playing tricks on her... were they? Maybe he meant like a friend. He didn't say ‘I love you’, he said ‘I love ya’. Friends said that to each other all the time. She turned to look out at the night sky. She thought about her feelings for Skylar. If he did mean he loved her, did she love him too? The answer came easier than she had expected. Of course she loved him. No one puts up with someone who steals their food and constantly invites themselves over without loving them. Despite their rough start, her life had been much easier and more enjoyable since he'd entered it.

  She was pulled from her thoughts when his hand reached and grabbed her smaller one.

  "Whatcha thinking?"

  Not wanting to talk about such a heavy topic, Melanie went with a safe topic. "I'm wondering where we are going."

  "Wonder no longer. We're here."

  Melanie looked up and saw they had stopped in front of an upscale restaurant downtown. A man in a black suit approached Skylar's side of the car and Skylar stepped out before handing the man his keys. Melanie followed suit, and a man dressed identically to the first one helped her out of the car. Then Skylar was there taking her hand and leading her to the door of the restaurant. He stopped right outside and pulled her into him for a kiss. It was brief, but it was full of promise and unspoken words.

  Melanie pressed her hand to her lips. "What was that for?"

  "I didn't think I needed a reason to kiss my woman. I'm just happy. Happier than I ever thought I'd be."

  "Me too," Melanie whispered.

  The inside of the place was so elegant. Melanie had never been to a place so nice. The lighting was dim and everything seemed to be made of bold, dark stained wood. The tables were lined with table clothes and equipped with proper place settings and wine glasses. There was artwork painted on the ceiling. It was gorgeous. They sat and looked over the menu. Melanie had some sticker shock with the prices, but Skylar assured her not to worry. He threatened that if she tried to order the cheapest thing on the menu, that he would order everything on the menu.

  Melanie didn't order the cheapest thing, but it still felt like Skylar ordered so much food. He ordered two appetizers, they both got entrées, and he ordered a few extra sides for them to try and topped it off with dessert.

  Melanie groaned when they had finally finished eating and the server walked away with the check and Skylar's card.

  "You may have to roll me out of here. Everything was so good, and I am stuffed."

  "I'd be glad to carry you out of here," Skylar winked at her.

  "You aren't carrying me anywhere, crazy-pants."

  "Fine, but the night isn't over."

  "It's not? You've already done so much. What more could we possibly do?"

  "I guess you'll see."

  The server came back with Skylar's card and he squared away the bill. He stood up and shoved his wallet into his back pocket and then offered his hand to help her up. Skylar led them out of the restaurant and onto the busy downtown sidewalk. Melanie craned her neck to look up and around at the surrounding skyscrapers.

  Skylar placed his hand on her lower back and started to lead her toward the street. When she focused her attention on what they were walking toward, she gasped. There was a horse with a white carriage attached. The carriage had white Christmas style lights lining the outside.

  "Oh, Skylar; I can't believe it. This is seriously like something straight from a fairy-tale. I didn't know you had it in you."

  Skylar's arm was wrapped around her waist and he had her pulled to his side. He looked down at her and kissed her forehead.

  "Somehow, you bring the best out of me."

  The man in charge of the ri
de helped Melanie into the carriage. Once she was settled in, Skylar followed close after. They rode along for several blocks with Melanie pointing out different buildings and businesses she'd never seen before. Skylar's arm was securely around her shoulder the whole time with his hand rubbing absently up and down her arm.

  Skylar pulled his phone from his pocket and turned on the music mix he'd made for the evening. As the melody of the first song played, he placed his hand on her chin and turned her face to his. They sat looking into each other's eyes for several minutes.

  Skylar wiped the hand that wasn't wrapped around Mel on his pant leg. He looked away from Melanie for a moment to gather his thoughts. When he looked back, he saw some uncertainty in her eyes. He was doing this all wrong. His nervous vibes were freaking her out. He could tell.

  He took her hand into his, took a deep breath, and began to speak.

  "Melanie, things have been insane since I first met you. I thought we were going to be archenemies, but you've surprised me. I look forward to seeing you every day. I love how you always cook enough food for me even though you swear that you made extra for your lunch. I love how you are a little sparkling cider addict. I love how, when we watch T.V., you curl your cold little toes under me to keep warm. You are my best friend, and I love everything about you, Mel. I love you, Melanie."

  Skylar felt like he hadn't taken a breath since starting his little speech. He took a breath then held it waiting to see what she said. He'd never told any woman besides his mom and Sam that he loved them. He'd never loved any other woman.

  Melanie's eyes were glassy, and Skylar was afraid for a moment until her hands were on either side of his face and she was pulling him into a kiss. Her tongue plunged into his mouth to caress his. She let out a little moan before pulling back, not releasing his face, and looking into his eyes.

  "I love you so much, Skylar. I was scared when I started to fall for you, but my heart didn't care. It went ahead and fell. I'm so glad it did."

  Skylar pulled her back into him and reclaimed her lips. His mouth was more assertive now. He took control of the kiss, moving his lips from her mouth down to her neck. He made his way down to her breast. They were on perfect display in the dress and his pants grew tight just thinking about it. His hands moved up to cup her breast through her dress. Her nipples were pebbled and ready for any attention he was willing to give them.


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