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Paranormal Dating Agency: Shifting Fate (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Breaking the SEAL Book 3)

Page 1

by Wren Michaels

  Table of Contents

  About the Book

  Title Page

  Also by Wren Michaels


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  About the Author

  Text copyright ©2017 by the Author.

  This work was made possible by a special license through the Kindle Worlds publishing program and has not necessarily been reviewed by Latin Goddess Press, Inc.. All characters, scenes, events, plots and related elements appearing in the original Paranormal Dating Agency remain the exclusive copyrighted and/or trademarked property of Latin Goddess Press, Inc., or their affiliates or licensors.

  For more information on Kindle Worlds:

  Shifting Fate

  A Breaking the SEAL and Paranormal Dating Agency Crossover Novella

  Wren Michaels


  About the Book

  Title Page

  Also by Wren Michaels


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  About the Author

  About the Book

  Sylvia Schneider loves her some Navy SEALs, but only the ones she creates digitally for a video game she's producing with Noah Wright. Devastated by the death of her military fiancé, she hasn't dated in two years, much less left her apartment. But when Noah asks her to introduce the new game at a convention in Vegas, she's forced out of the house and her shell. To top off her already building anxiety, she's been getting nastygrams from someone claiming she stole their game design. Threats on her life send her to Gerri Wilder, owner of the Paranormal Dating Agency, for a shifter bodyguard. Sylvia is adamant that it's just for the weekend, and just for an escort—and not that kind

  of escort.

  Braxton “Brawn” O'Brien was the runt of his pack. He left home to make a name for himself as a Navy SEAL, where as even the smallest wolf, he towers among the humans, using his preternatural abilities to save lives. But lately his wolf side has been battling anger issues, and the rage inside him cannot be quelled. He's forced into medical leave to figure out what the problem is, or his military career is over.

  When Gerri hooks Braxton up with a bodyguard gig while on leave, he hopes she can also find him a mate to satisfy the beast roaring inside him. One look at his charge, Sylvia, and he knows she's the one. The problem is then convincing the spunky, yet shy human of the same. When the threats on her life turn into attacks, Braxton will hunt until his last breath to keep his mate safe. But Sylvia's got secrets of her own, that may make or break the mating bond.


  A Breaking the SEAL and Paranormal Dating Agency Crossover Novella


  Wren Michaels

  Cover Art – LeTeisha Newton of Boundless Tales Designs

  Also by Wren Michaels





  A bunch of thank yous to some special folks!

  To LeTeisha Newton and Anne Conley for giving me the nudge to write this book. BABB Forever! To Margaret, my agent and friend, thank you for your continued support. To Nicole, for always having an ear and a computer to help me in a pinch. A big thank you to Milly Taiden and her team who welcomed me and my characters into the PDA fold.

  And a huge thank you to my amazing fans.


  Sylvia shoved the last bite of cinnamon roll into her mouth and clutched her coffee mug like it would run away from her. Carbs and caffeine were old friends, her safety net in times of stress.

  The image of the sexy Navy SEAL on her screen set her loins ablaze, and she curled up in her chair to ride out the heat wave. If only he were real. But then again, most of the men she created were better than anything in real life. As a freelance graphic designer, she could make them to her own specifications, give them everything she wanted in a man. If they turned into assholes, she'd just have Noah Wright kill them off.

  She had teamed up with Noah on his latest gaming project, a new military action-packed video game franchise. The best part of the gig—working from home, in her pajamas. Her boss lived upstairs from her, but his attention was now focused on his new mate, Maya, and he gave Sylvia free rein to design the entire thing.

  She didn't quite understand the whole shifter thing, even though everyone knew they lived among the humans. But it played a big role in Noah's game designs and in his life, since he was one, a panther or something. Sylvia didn't pry, and Noah being a pretty private person didn't really offer up much in the way of info either.

  A new message popped into her inbox, skewing her back to reality. She didn't pay much attention to the emails sandwiched between penis enhancers and Nigerian princes trying to give her a million dollars. But for the third time this week she'd received a strange email. The other two she blew off thinking it was probably just a scammer, some guy claiming she'd stolen his game idea and artwork.

  They had received a few emails like that in the past, people looking to make quick cash with fraudulent claims. Which was impossible, as she drew everything by hand before adding digital rendering. She'd never used any stock photos or another artist's work. Not to mention Noah's game idea had been in production for over two years—incorporating shape-shifters in the military—for which he had a copyright.

  But this latest email sat her straight up in her chair. A tingle clawed at her spine as the words DIE YOU FUCKING THIEF lit up the subject line like a Vegas strip show. She swallowed hard and stared at it, unsure if she should even bother opening it.

  Her phone rang, and she jumped out of her chair.

  “Shit.” She clutched a hand to her heart as she answered.


  Relief slowed her speeding heart at the sound of Noah's voice on the other end. “Oh, thank god it's you, Noah.”

  “I get that a lot.” He laughed.

  “Har. Har.” She attempted a calm voice to counter-act the adrenaline rushing her veins. Even though the email wigged her out, no one but her dad and a few close friends knew where she lived. None of her information had been made public. She kept a low profile, doing all the back-end work. There was no reason she had to be afraid. But an unrelenting itch of fear crawled along her skin, unnerving her.

  “Just checking on the graphics. Everything ready to go for the game launch at the convention?” Noah asked.

  “I think so. I just approved the last character details. We should make schedule. When do you fly out?”

  “Well, here’s the thing, I was kind of hoping you’d go in my place. The spin-off of the SEALs is all you. This is your baby, Sylvia. I think you should be the face at the launch.”

  Anxiety struck her heart, sending it plunging to her stomach. No way. She didn’t do people, let alone large groups of them. Once upon a time, but not now. Not since—“I…I don’t think that’s such a good idea, Noah. You’re still the owner, the creator of the world. I just piggybacked an idea. Speaking in large groups is no
t my forte.”

  “Oh, come on, Sylvia. You got this. This is your chance to shine. To show the world who you are.” The enthusiasm in his voice was almost infectious, or he was damn good at subliminal undertones.

  But she didn’t want the world to know who she was. She liked her bubble, her yoga pants, and her people-free environment. Sylvia was far more a beer, books, and bed kind of girl than a social butterfly.


  “Please, Sylvia. Maya and I need some time away, and this will also really help me out of a pinch.”

  Sure, just pack her bags and throw her on the guilt trip. Noah did need time with his mate. He’d been so focused on his company and business, he rarely left his own apartment. Pretty much like Sylvia. Well, at least one of them deserved some semblance of a life. If she could make that happen for him, then she would. Noah had been there for her, taken a chance on her with his company, and even gave her a friend's discount on rent in his apartment complex. She kind of owed him.

  “Okay. Fine. But you’re totally putting me up in a swanky hotel. I’m not dealing with Roaches R Us.” Sylvia punctuated her sentence with a drawn out sigh. “By the way, I received another threat over email. I’m starting to think they’re not just spam. I don’t want to go all worry-wort on you, but…” The minute the words left her lips nausea churned in her stomach. Saying it out loud made it real.

  “Again? Forward it to me. I can try and track it. But since the convention is in two days, and we’re already on the docket for the game reveal, we can’t back out. We’ve worked too hard for this. So, I’ll tell you what, why don’t I call my godmother, Gerri, and she can set you up with a shifter to escort you.”

  “Isn’t that how you met Maya, through her dating agency? I’m not looking for a date.”

  “Humor me. It’s not a date. It’s more of a bodyguard. Someone who can protect you. I’ll feel safer knowing there’s a shifter with you.”

  “As long as you swear to me there’s no underlying dating scheme, or so help me, Noah…” Sylvia’s stomach churned even harder at the thought of dating. What if the guy would be under the pretense that it was a date and expected to fool around? She hadn’t dated anyone in so long, she didn’t even know if she knew how to.

  Her life had become all about work and safe-guarding her heart. Two years since Mark died, and the hole inside her was still as wide as the day it happened—one week shy of their wedding day. Tears huddled en masse in her eyes and she closed her lids, forcing them to careen over her cheeks. She thought she’d cried everything left in her through the years. But the tears always kept coming.

  “Sylvia?” Noah’s tender voice shook her from the thoughts.

  “Yeah,” she said mid-sniff and brushed the last of the water from her cheeks. “Um, so just send me the plane and hotel info. I’ll be there.”

  “You sure? I mean, I can try and work out something else with Maya if you really don’t think you can do this.”

  “No. You go have your happy ending. I’m good. I do need to get out, and I haven’t been to a con in ages. It’ll probably do me some good. We’ll own it.” Her tone was far more reassuring than the fear skittering in her heart.

  “Thank you. I’ll send you an email with Gerri’s information. You’re the best.” Noah clicked off, and Sylvia tossed her phone to the table before scrubbing her hands over her face.

  “I’m totally going to regret every moment of this,” she said with another sigh.

  * * *

  Sylvia looked at the email on her phone and made sure it was the right address Noah had given her. Apparently, Gerri worked out of her apartment. She liked her already. At least they'd have something in common to talk about.

  Sylvia knew little of the shifter life. Over the years, she had probably run into several of them and never even knew it. It's not like they went around with a badge saying “Hello, I'm a shifter.” Even though she was hiring one for her own protection, the thought of it freaked her out a little.

  She raised her arm to knock, but the door opened before her hand ever reached it. A short woman with a sly smile as wide as Texas greeted her. Short white hair cut into a bob framed her face, and the most piercing blue eyes captured her gaze immediately.

  “You must be Sylvia.” She extended her hand. “I'm Gerri. Do come in.”

  “That was…a little unnerving.”

  “I get that a lot. Shifter you know. Excellent hearing.” She tossed her a wink.

  Sylvia nodded. “Of course.”

  She followed the woman inside and let out a little puff of a sigh. She still couldn't believe she actually was going through with this.

  “Oh, come now, darling. It won't be that bad. I promise. Sit. Sit.” Gerri fanned her arm to a sofa. “Would you like some tea?”

  Sylvia forced an uneasy smile. “I'm more of a coffee girl.”

  “Well, I can make that happen, too.” Gerri disappeared into the kitchen and yelled back. “How do you like your sex? One lump or two?”

  Sylvia's eyes all but bugged out of her head. Surely she didn't just say sex. Maybe she meant sugar. “I don't like sugar in my coffee. Just cream is fine.”

  Gerri sauntered back into the living room with a cup and saucer. “No, dear. I asked how you like your sex. Would you ever consider two men? Ménage? Or are you a more vanilla kind of girl?” She eased into an adjacent chair, crossing a leg as she propped her elbow up to rest her chin on her hand.

  The hot liquid scorched the back of her throat, and she choked on the words as they hit her ears. “Excuse me?”

  “Vanilla it is. That's absolutely fine.” Gerri made a little note on a card sitting on a table next to her.

  “No, you don't understand. I told Noah I'm not looking for a date. This is purely to hire an escort.”

  Gerri's lips curled to a smirk.

  “Not that kind of escort. I mean, a bodyguard.” The coffee back-splashed acid in her throat at the thought.

  “Oh, of course, dear. Doesn't hurt to get a little more detail so I can find the perfect bodyguard for you.”

  Sylvia's fingers curled into her palm, her nails shy of stabbing her flesh. Noah would pay for this. “I just need someone who can travel with me to Vegas for a convention for a couple of days. That's it.”

  “But really, how long has it been, dear? Since you've gotten laid?” Gerri tilted her head, as if inspecting her. “Ages it seems.”

  Sylvia shot up from the sofa. “This is a mistake. I apologize for wasting your time, Ms. Gerri.”

  Gerri rose from her seat and leaned a hip against the back of her chair as she folded her arms. “You can't shut out your own happiness, stop your own life because someone else's has ended. You clearly loved him. But that doesn't mean you can't love again, or shouldn't.”

  An ache welled in Sylvia's chest, consuming her, and her body caved forward. She gripped a table near the door for support and sucked in a deep breath. “What did Noah tell you?”

  “Nothing dear. He didn't have to. It's written all over you. I certainly can't force you to fall in love again. I can't force you to use my help. But I can provide someone for your safety, and I will. I'm just saying if the opportunity presents itself, perhaps you should stop grieving and start living.” Gerri grabbed the cup and saucer and headed for the kitchen.

  “Gerri…” Sylvia took a step to follow her.

  “It's done, hunny. Your bodyguard will be at your door in two days. Have a fun trip!” Gerri hollered from the kitchen.


  Braxton “Brawn” O'Brien swung at the hanging bag and landed a solid fist against the leather. Each sting against his skin sent a wave of adrenaline through his body, aching for more. He lived for the fight. He trained for combat, for the kill.

  His long taut arm pulled back for another punch, this one connecting dead center, launching the bag across the room. He forgot to control himself, again. As a shifter, he was far stronger than any of the other SEALs on his team, or in his company. He had to keep it on
the down-low, as being a shifter in the Navy still wasn't commonplace, and he didn't want to freak anyone out.

  Some of his close team members knew, some still didn't. He wasn't really trying to hide it from them, but at the same time he never knew how to work it into conversation, especially after several years had passed. They worked as a well-oiled machine for so long under certain pretenses, it was hard to just toss a wrench in that. He never felt the time or place was right. If it came out on the battle-field to save a life, so be it. Sure, he'd used his superior sense of smell, eyesight, and preternatural strength in human form, and the guys razzed him about it. But so far, he hadn't had to fully shift on a mission. They just chalked it up to him being a freak of nature. Little did they know just how right they were.

  Malik “Steel” Thompson, his team lead, was one of two people who knew. Ezra “Jinx” Helm was the other. Mainly because Jinx picked up on it from the start, recognizing the preternatural signs, since Jinx was a witch. Something else most of the guys didn't really know, even though the entire SEAL team were practically brothers. But even brothers had their secrets.

  Steel whisked away his sunglasses and stared Brawn down from across the room before picking the bag up and tossing it out of the way. “They're gonna make you test for steroids if you keep that shit up.”

  Brawn ran a hand through his shaggy hair and let out a huff. “Just blowin' off some steam. We haven't had a mission in a couple weeks. Gettin' antsy.”

  Steel's deep-set eyes narrowed. “That's what has me worried. The last mission you nearly took out several civilians trying to get to the target. And you destroyed an entire city block worth of vehicles. You need to cool your shit. Your head's not in the game, Brawn. You're gonna get pulled permanently if you keep this attitude up.”


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