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Two Shades of Seduction

Page 26

by Monica Burns

  “I’m sure he was simply being polite,” Julia murmured before she sought to make her escape. “If you’ll excuse me, Lady Falkenhouse, I would like to freshen up.”

  Julia didn’t give the woman a chance to invite herself along and turned to hurry out of the sitting room into the hall that connected all the rooms of the St. Claire’s suite. Once in the corridor, she saw a young girl waiting at one end. Aware that the moment of truth had arrived, Julia hurried forward.

  “Please hurry, ma’am,” the girl whispered as Julia reached her. “I don’t want to get caught.”

  “Neither do I,” Julia replied and pulled a pound note from her reticule. The girl glanced furtively over Julia’s shoulder before taking the money then pointed to the door behind her.

  “I’ll watch the door for as long as I can, ma’am, but I mustn’t be gone from the kitchen long. Henri will wonder where I am.”

  With a silent nod, Julia quickly slipped through the doorway into a darkened room. The first thing she saw was a painting of the Calcutta, one of St. Claire’s prized ships. She paused to admire the framed artwork. If there was one thing she liked about the man, it was the pride he took in his company and fleet of ships. He might be a seducer, but she knew he had integrity as well. He always dealt fairly with his customers and his staff. She frowned. She wasn’t here to consider Morgan St. Claire’s good qualities. She had a handkerchief to find.

  Closing the door behind her, she exhaled the pent up emotions that had been building inside her since she’d left the dining room. For all her bravado, the idea of being caught in St. Claire’s bedroom was a terrifying thought. There would be too much explaining to do, and she didn’t think Morgan St. Claire would find her explanations amusing. Despite her trepidation, she experienced the familiar rush of exhilaration that always flowed through her just before she was about to take a risk. It was still quite a new sensation, and she relished it.

  Blood pumped its way madly through her veins as she stared about the masculine room. It was as sensual in nature as the man who slept here. Heavy drapes framed the large canopied bed, and it was difficult to tell if they were navy blue or black. Gold tasseled cords held back the material, and a spread that matched the curtains covered the bed. The overall impression was that of an elegant decadence, if it were possible to describe debauchery in such a way.

  A small pinprick of guilt made her hesitate. Perhaps she was being unfair to the man. His flirtation with her might be unsettling, but he’d given her no reason to believe he was anything but an honorable man. With a shake of her head, she grimaced. She was wasting time. Dragging her eyes away from the bed, she glanced around for the wardrobe. The large chest was across the room, and with swift steps she crossed the floor to open the doors.

  More than a dozen suits filled the massive storage, and she shifted her gaze to the drawers that lined one side of furniture’s interior. The first drawer revealed nothing but cuff links and watch fobs. Closing it, she moved on to the next drawer.

  When it didn’t offer up the treasure she sought, she uttered a noise of frustration. She went through two more drawers before she found the prize she hunted. Triumph sailed through her as she pulled one of Morgan St. Claire’s monogrammed handkerchiefs from the drawer.

  “It appears you’ve found one of my handkerchiefs.”

  The softly spoken observation made her cry out in surprise. Whirling about she saw her host watching her with a narrowed gaze. Arms folded across his chest he studied her in silence. The quiet thickened and weighed down the air in the room until it was difficult to breathe, let alone manage to speak. She swallowed the fear threatening to close her throat. Dear lord, how was she going to explain what she was doing?

  “I…I’m sure this must look terrible to you, Mr. St. Claire. But it’s not what it seems, I can assure you.”

  “I’m listening.”

  He was listening. Of course he was. The question though was what to tell him. The truth. She could tell him the truth. No, he’d never believe her. If she were him, she wouldn’t believe her story. Stealing a handkerchief to auction off at the Society for Lost Angels would sound too fantastic, and he would immediately label it a falsehood.

  “I…I was curious…I mean I wanted to know…umm…I wanted to have one of your handkerchiefs.” Her response made him arch an eyebrow, while his expression was filled with skepticism.

  “I see.”

  When he didn’t move, she sucked in a quick breath suddenly conscious of the fact she was trembling. At least he hadn’t asked her to return the silk material she held in her hand. The best thing to do was flee. That is if she could make her feet move. She took only a step before he blocked her way.

  She’d never seen a man move so fast or so silently before. It was disturbing. He not only barred her path, but he was less than a foot away from her. Having him stand so close set her pulse pounding even faster than it had when he’d surprised her only moments before. Dear lord, what if he took her appearance in his bedroom as a sign she was interested in him? No. She’d made it clear that a liaison between them was out of the question. She bit her lip at the realization that her current circumstances did little to help support her position. Her fingers twisted the handkerchief in her hand as she struggled to keep her wits about her.

  “Surely, you’re not leaving so soon.” His voice was as smooth as the silk she held in her hand.

  “I…I’ve been terribly rude and ungracious in the face of your hospitality, Mr. St. Claire. I am deeply sorry.”

  “There’s no need to apologize, Julia.”

  “Thank you. I am deeply sorry for the intrusion, and if you’ll step aside, I’ll rejoin your other guests.” It was a struggle, but she experienced a moment of satisfaction that she’d managed to regain her composure.

  “And leave me to fend for myself?” The suggestive remark sent heat flooding into her cheeks. Despite his slight smile of amusement, she knew he wasn’t happy to find her in his bedroom.

  “You’re forgetting your guests.”

  “I’m certain they’re managing quite nicely without us.”

  “Without us?” she exclaimed. Dear lord, she’d forgotten that as one of only two women her absence would not go unnoticed.

  “I explained that an important business matter required my immediate attention, and that I would return momentarily. Eventually they’ll realize we’re both missing and come to the conclusion that we’re both occupied with the same business matter.” His voice softened as he spoke and eyed her in the same manner a wolf does its supper.

  “Unfinished business?” She frowned for a brief second before her stomach lurched violently. “But everyone will think—”

  Appalled, she struggled to suppress the panic rising up into her throat. His gaze unreadable, he folded his arms across his chest.

  “I’m not in the habit of caring what others think.”

  “Naturally. But at the moment, it’s not your reputation in jeopardy,” she snapped.

  “Perhaps you should have considered the risks more carefully before visiting my room.”

  She winced at the hint of steel in his voice. He was right. She’d been so certain it would be an easy task to steal a simple handkerchief. She’d been wrong, and it was incredibly irritating to have to admit that he was right. Well, there was little she could do about having been caught. What mattered now was extracting herself from the current situation.

  “As much as I hate to admit it, you’re correct Mr. St. Claire. I erred in my risk calculation. I apologize for intruding. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll rejoin the others.”

  In a quick movement, she tried to skirt him, but he was faster. Once more, he blocked her way, but this time there was only a hairsbreadth of space between them. Heat radiated from his hard, lean body, and it created a frisson across her skin that alarmed her. She swallowed her dismay as she met his penetrating gaze.

  “You’ve yet to explain why you need one of my handkerchiefs, Julia.”

e way he said her name sent dozens of butterflies fluttering about in her stomach. There was a possessive sound to it, and she wasn’t quite certain what it meant. Worse, she didn’t like the delicious sensation that skimmed down her spine. One thing was perfectly clear to her. The resolute line of his lips said she wouldn’t leave the room until she’d given him an explanation for her behavior. She clenched her jaw in frustration.

  “If you must know, I wish to auction off the silk at a luncheon for the Society for Lost Angels. We’re trying to raise money for a new orphanage.”

  “And you think my handkerchief would draw a large sum?” He frowned with skeptical puzzlement.

  “Yes, I do,” she said with indignation. “Unfortunately, there are a number of women who think it romantic that you offer an abandoned lover a handkerchief with which to dry their tears.”

  He studied her with that mesmerizing gaze of his for a long moment before he smiled. It was a smile of dangerous charm, and she sucked in a sharp breath at the power it held over her.

  “And you don’t subscribe to the idea that it’s romantic.”

  “No, I do not.”

  “Interesting, although I’m still not convinced any of your Society’s members will buy this small trifle.”

  She trembled as his fingers glided along the side of her forearm before flicking the silk square she held tightly in her hand. Even through her evening gloves, his fingertips singed her skin. The amused skepticism in his eyes infuriated her. The man knew little about the women in the Society. The handkerchief she held would bring a tidy sum to the orphanage fund.

  “Shall we make a wager on that, Mr. St. Claire?” she said through clenched teeth. His gaze narrowed at her biting tone.

  “Hmm, an interesting notion. What do you propose we wager?”

  A shiver of trepidation skated down the length of her spine. God in heaven, she was a reckless as Catherine said she was. But she was in the pond now. There was nothing for it, but to swim for shore with what little decorum she had left.

  “If I sell the handkerchief, you must offer up an equal sum for the orphanage fund.”

  Folding his arms, he arched an eyebrow. “An intriguing wager. So if you sell this handkerchief I’m to offer up the same amount.”

  “Correct.” For the first time since their conversation began, she relaxed. She would still escape with the means to increase the orphanage finances.

  “Very well, since you’ve laid the foundation for this wager, I think it only fair that I be allowed to name my terms if I should win.”

  “Of course.” She smiled at him with a touch of self-satisfaction as she waited to hear his condition of the bet.

  “Very well. My terms regard a portrait I saw quite recently. I’ve not been able to forget the woman in the painting, and I want to see her reclined in my bed, a willing participant in a night of passion.”

  The soft edge in his voice raised the hair on the nape of her neck. The glint of triumph in his brown gaze held a hint of something else that made her struggle to swallow the trepidation beginning to squeeze her throat closed.

  “I don’t understand. What portrait are you referring to?”

  “It was an exquisite portrait, erotic almost. In fact, just looking at it made my cock spring to attention.”

  The shocking words made her gasp, but words of protest failed her. She could only stare at him with a sinking feeling of horror as he offered her a wicked smile.

  “Let me see if I can describe the woman in the portrait. She was quite beautiful. Her hips were softly curved and voluptuous. Her full mouth was parted in a seductive pout. And her breasts were full and succulent looking.”

  “Oh my God.”

  “Then there was her hair—it’s a beautiful color. Not quite red, not quite brown, even the nest of curls between her legs is the same delectable color.”

  He was describing her portrait. How had he seen it? Isaac Peebles had given his word he wouldn’t show the painting to anyone. But how else could St. Claire know about the portrait. A shudder shot through her, and she clenched her fists as she struggled to maintain a dignified composure.

  She wouldn’t go through with it. She’d return the bloody handkerchief and leave his room with at least her reputation intact. No. That was impossible. If she backed out of the bet now, he’d be insufferable.

  It would be unbearable dealing with the man when it came to her financial investment. No, she had to see it through. He might have seen the portrait, but it was in her possession. She had nothing to fear in that area. More importantly, he couldn’t win this wager. She’d make sure Catherine or Alva would bid on the silk. After all, as long as one of the ladies in the Society of Lost Angels bought the handkerchief, she’d win.

  “This woman in the portrait, do I know her?” She tilted her chin at a proud angle, hoping to convince him she didn’t have an inkling as to what picture he was describing.

  His hands grasped her arms and he pulled her against his hard body. A small squeak of surprise escaped her. Heat enveloped her and made her heart race with excitement even though she tried to slow the mad pace of its beat.

  A strong arm curved around her waist, binding her close. His mouth was so close to hers she could smell the expensive wine on his breath. For a fleeting moment, she wondered what it would be like to taste that liquor on his tongue. Shocked by the traitorous way her body was behaving, she braced her hands on his chest and tried to push away from him.

  “Surely you’re not going to deny that you have the most delicious looking mocha nipples, Julia. I haven’t been able to stop imagining what it would be like to suck on them.”

  His fingers skimmed her exposed skin at the lower edge of her bodice. The touch made her mouth go dry at the sudden longing that gripped her. What would it be like to be Morgan’s lover? Immediately, her mind careened to a halt. Sweet heaven, she needed to keep her wits about her where this man was concerned. She needed to close this wager and flee with what little dignity she still possessed.

  “I don’t deny anything, sir. But if you think you can win this wager I dare you to accept.”

  “So you agree that if I win you’ll recline yourself on my bed.” The look of satisfaction sounded alarm bells in her head, but she was in too deep to stop now.

  “It is easy to gamble when the outcome is certain to be in one’s favor, sir.”

  “Then let us seal the agreement.”

  The sudden possession of his mouth took her by surprise. The warmth of his firm lips covering hers made her stomach flip with excitement. It was like being engulfed by fire. As his tongue swept into her mouth, she relaxed into him, unable to prevent the wild reaction of her body. Hands rough with calluses scraped over her sensitive skin as he cupped her face. It was a kiss of seduction, possession and mastery all in one.

  Her body reveled in the experience, all the while her head was scrambling for clear thought. Rough fingers trailed down to the base of her neck, where a long finger slid under the edge of her bodice. A wave of sensation swept over her at the touch, and her nipples grew hard as her breasts swelled and tried to push their way out of her corset.

  Sweet heaven, no wonder women fell at the man’s feet. His touch was like a drug. As he deepened their kiss, it drowned out everything but the need for him not to stop. She found herself clinging to him with abandon, while strong, rough fingers undid several buttons at the back of her dress. In protest, she tried to push away, but her gown slipped off one shoulder before she could free herself.

  One tapered finger slid its way between her skin and corset, and she gasped as he gently eased her breast up so her nipple popped over the edge of the snug fitting garment. An instant later, he lowered his head and flicked his tongue over the taut bud. The action singed her skin and she uttered a soft cry of delight the moment his teeth gently clamped on her and tugged at the nipple in a playful manner. The world shifted beneath her feet.

  “Please…” Her voice evaporated as he began to suckle her breast. The ple
asure spiraling through her veins was indescribable. Moist heat gathered at the apex of her thighs. A moment later, she wondered what it would feel like for his hand to touch her intimately. The picture shimmering in her head shocked her.

  Wrenching herself out of his arms, she backed away from him. He looked completely unfazed by their embrace, and she was certain she looked disheveled and disconcerted. In the back of her mind, she knew all too well that the only reason she was free was because he’d been willing to release her.

  Embarrassed, she adjusted her clothing with great speed all the while fully aware of his dark eyes watching her. It was disturbing. Even more so because deep inside, she liked the way he watched her. The way he’d touched her.

  Shaken by the knowledge, she struggled to regain her composure. Her gaze flashed toward him only to see him smiling at her, the glow of desire in his eyes. “I shall enjoy having you in my bed, Julia.”

  His quiet confidence should have frightened her. Instead, it infuriated her. Her senses restored somewhat by his arrogance, she glared in his direction. “I think not, sir. You forget that I hold the upper hand.”

  Sweeping around him, she raced from the room with the sound of his laughter trailing after her. It made her heart lurch with an intense pleasure she didn’t want to feel, but the sensation spread its way through her body like a raging river. It made her want to return to his arms and experience the delight she was certain she’d find there. Sweet heaven, if only she were that daring.

  Chapter 3

  Today was the day. Morgan threw his walking stick out in front of him with a quick flick of his wrist as he walked, letting the cane briefly touch the ground before it swung outward in another clean stroke. He did it with the same smoothness with which he always pulled on the oars of his boat when rowing on the Thames. Today, Julia Westgard would have to admit defeat when she failed to sell that bloody silk handkerchief of his in her Society’s auction.

  His cane hit the sidewalk with a small crack of noise, and he frowned. What the devil was wrong with him? He’d never been this enthralled with a woman before. What was so special about Julia that had him tied up in knots? He grimaced. That was an easy question to answer. It was that damn portrait that had gotten him into this infernal mess.


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