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Two Shades of Seduction

Page 33

by Monica Burns

  “This is hardly an exaggeration.” If possible, he pulled her even closer to him then guided her hand down to his trousers and his erection. Startled by the feel of him beneath her palm, she shuddered as she met his intent gaze. “My cock is hard for you, Julia. It won’t be satisfied until it’s buried deep inside you.”

  The earthy rawness of his language sent excitement rushing through her limbs until need settled like a raging fire in her belly. As he encouraged her to rub her palm over his hard length, her skin tingled with the desire to hold him naked and unrestrained in her hand. The thought dried her mouth as a sudden rush of fear tried to crowd its way into the forefront of her emotions. The suddenness of his kiss drove all her apprehension out of her head, and she gave herself up to the pleasure of his caress. It was a demanding kiss, but playful too. His teeth gently nipped at her bottom lip.

  Hot and needy, his tongue swept into her mouth. Claret tantalized her taste buds as his tongue swirled around hers until her knees wobbled. A strong hand warmed the skin of her shoulder as his kiss deepened. It tugged at her, demanded a response and she gave it willingly. Her hands unbuttoned the front of his shirt, and tiny frissons slid across her skin as she touched the solid muscles of his chest.

  Despite every warning she’d ever told herself about Morgan, there was no doubt in her mind that this was an adventure she’d been longing for all her life. The skillful touch of his hands sent her dress sliding to the floor. Her corset followed the gown, but the only thing that registered in her mind was the dark, spicy scent, taste and feel of him. Cool air brushed her mouth as his lips danced across her cheek in search of first her ear lobe and then her neck.

  An instant later, a large hand cupped her and his thumb brushed across her nipple. With a low moan of pleasure, her head fell backward, giving him free access to her throat. His teeth gently nipped at her skin as his thumb continued to circle round the stiff peak of her breast. It was heaven and penitence all in the same instant. Heaven to be succumbing to his wicked touch, while the intense hunger enveloping her body was penance for every moment she’d resisted the pleasure of his caresses.

  The second his mouth captured her sensitive nipple through the thin silk of her chemise, another moan poured out of her. The wet heat of him suckling her ignited a wild need inside her body that demanded satisfaction. With a mind of its own, her body pressed into him eagerly. A sigh of bliss whispered past her lips as he massaged her other breast while his mouth devoured her stiff peak. Nothing she’d ever read or heard could have prepared her for the deliciously sinful sensations he aroused in her. Desire streaked through her veins, and the moment his teeth clamped gently down on the nipple, her insides grew slick with desire.

  Her body was on fire, and she instinctively reached for him, eager to satisfy the increasing ache inside her. Fingers flying over the waistband of his trousers, she freed his hard erection and grasped him firmly. Her touch pulled a growl of delight from him, and he moved his body so that his phallus thrust in and out of her grasp. The friction from his action burned pleasurably against her palm. He was hard and thick beneath her fingers. The thought of him sliding into her made her shiver with a mixture of trepidation and excitement.

  Not once had her husband ever aroused her desire, but with only a few kisses, Morgan had created a wild craving that made her ready to give him whatever he asked of her. Her heart pounding in her breast, she longed to feel Morgan’s skin heating hers. With shaky fingers, she tugged at her chemise, almost frantic to remove all barriers between them.

  Releasing her, he stepped back and swiftly removed the rest of his clothing as she discarded what little she still wore. Naked before him, she sucked in a sharp breath as his hand cupped her chin.

  “God, but you’re beautiful.” The palm of his hand caressed her throat before moving down across her breasts. When he reached her belly, a tremor went through her. “Are you hot and wet for me, sweetheart?”

  His lungs were on fire as he held his breath waiting for her response. When she released a soft sound of excitement, triumph surged through him and he kissed her again, lusting after the honey-sweet taste of her tongue against his. With an eagerness that pleased him, she pressed her hips into him and her damp curls teased the tip of his cock. Christ, he’d never expected her to behave with such wanton abandon. His gut lurched with desire the instant she wrapped her arms around him, her fingernails lightly razing the skin of his back as she murmured his name in an achy plea. He’d never heard a sweeter sound in all his life.

  Eager to assuage their need for each other, he guided her backward until she half-plopped, half-sat on the edge of the bed. Gently, he forced her to lie back on the mattress. The arousal glowing in the depths of her eyes took his breath away. His erection pulsed with need, making him realize how close he was to coming just from looking at her. Leaning forward slightly, he slid his hands under her round buttocks.

  The fleshy underside of her was soft and full against his fingers as he shifted her body upward at an angle. Surprise swept over her face, as he grabbed a pillow and situated it beneath her. Not waiting for her to protest, he wrapped her legs around his waist and pressed his cock at the entrance to her cunny before filling her to the hilt. The astonishment on her face disappeared as a sharp cry of intense pleasure broke from her.

  Gratified by her response, his body rejoiced in the hot feel of her. God almighty, she was tight and fiery around his cock. A delicious sounding moan echoed out of her as she arched her body off the bed. If possible, the sight of her so aroused increased his own desire. He looked down to see his erection coated with her hot cream. Slick with passion, her insides shuddered and clutched at his rock hard rod.

  Christ Jesus. The woman was about to make him come faster than an inexperienced youth. Another cry broke from her lips and her tight, creamy folds contracted around him with spiked spasms of pleasure. The frissons of sensation tantalizing his cock tugged a guttural cry from him as he thrust into her one last time before spilling his seed deep inside her.

  Lodged inside her, his body throbbed with a pleasure he’d never experienced before. It was as if everything that had come before Julia had been obliterated in one simple act. His hands braced on either side of her, he drank in deep gulps of air as he enjoyed the slowly ebbing waves of their climax. He knew his body wasn’t ready, but he wanted to take her again and again. Christ Jesus, what was happening to him? He’d never been this infatuated with a woman before. Luminous hazel eyes fluttered open to look up at him, and he swallowed hard. When in the hell had the tables been switched?

  Chapter 8

  With a plate of fruit in his hand, Morgan turned around and paused to stare at Julia in his bed. Lying on top of the mattress with a red silk sheet entwined between her legs and pressed against her chest, she was studying him with an expression of appreciation. As her gaze met his, he saw the flash of hunger in her hazel eyes. Satisfaction sped through his veins. It wasn’t even the midnight hour and they’d made love several times, yet his body craved hers as a drunkard did his wine.

  “I take it you like what you see,” he said with a grin.

  “Very much.” The husky sound of her voice instantly made his cock stiffen, and he looked downward before he lifted his gaze to meet hers. A slight flush tinged her cheeks at the sight of his arousal.

  “You have that effect on me quite a bit.” He chuckled as she blushed deeply. Crossing the floor, he dropped down onto the mattress beside her. “Don’t be ashamed of your power to incite desire, Julia.”


  She didn’t finish her statement as he tilted his head at her in gentle rebuke. Confident she wasn’t about to protest any further, he grinned and offered her some fruit off the plate he held. A small smile curved her lips as she refused with a shake of her head. He studied her as her gaze drifted around his room almost as if she were seeking something.

  Morgan followed her gaze, trying to see the room from her perspective. Paintings of several ships from his li
ne adorned the walls, while a few trinkets stood on the mantelpiece. The room was devoid of any items that reflected who he really was. It was the first time he’d realized how stark his bedroom really was.

  His gaze swept over his bed. The red silk sheets and black bedspread shoved down to the foot of his bed were the only things that even remotely supported the reputation he’d earned as a heartbreaker. While he’d indulged in a number of affairs, Julia was the first woman he’d ever allowed into his inner sanctum. Morgan wasn’t sure what surprised him more. The fact that he’d only just realized he’d never had a woman in his own bed before, or that Julia was the one he’d chosen to be the first.

  “You’re frowning,” she murmured as she turned her gaze back to him.

  “Am I?” He immediately ended his brooding and smiled at her before popping a grape into his mouth. The fruit was sweet on his tongue, although not as sweet as she was. She sniffed at his vague response, which made him laugh. “I assure you, I’m quite content at the moment.”

  It was the truth. He couldn’t ever remember being so relaxed with any woman before Julia. While his desire for her was still strong, he was more than happy to simply sit beside her and enjoy the quiet peace he had discovered in her company. The strawberry he picked up from the platter reminded him of Julia’s lovely mouth.

  “Do you really like living in a hotel?” Her question caught him completely off guard, and tension rocked his body as he swallowed his fruit.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry,” she said gently. Avoiding her gaze, he stared at the fire crackling softly in the hearth.

  “I have no need for a house. The hotel suits my needs, since I’m hardly here except to eat and sleep.” The moment his words filled the air, he grimaced. Was there never going to be anything more to his life than work?

  “Everyone has need of a home, Morgan,” she said softly.

  “Do they? Experience has taught me that a home is far from a happy place.”

  “Was your childhood that bad?” The question made him look at her.

  “Bad enough to prevent me from making the same mistakes my parents did.” He bit into another strawberry. “My father wanted nothing to do with me until I was old enough to take over the family business. My mother…my mother couldn’t bear the sight of me.”

  “Dear lord.” Her hand reached out to touch his chest in silent consolation. Although she didn’t ask, he knew she was wondering why. He cleared his throat.

  “At first, my mother couldn’t stand to look at me because I was a reminder that she’d borne my father’s child. With each passing year, my likeness to my father only served to increase her distaste for me.”

  “She must have hated your father very much.” The sympathetic note in her voice offered him the same comfort as the warm hand pressed into his chest.

  “There was a bitterness in her that ate away at her until she died.” He shrugged. “I grew up in the care of a nanny and later went to boarding school. I was happy there, and I rarely went home.”

  “What did you do for the holidays?” she asked with a soft gasp.

  “As a rule, I stayed with school mates or remained at school.”

  “It must have been very difficult for you, not having a real home to go to.”

  There was a quiet understanding in her words that made his jaw clench. The sudden longing for a place to put down roots swept through him with the force of a herd of stampeding cattle. It had been years since he’d experienced such a sensation. Morgan looked down at her and forced a smile.

  “I survived,” he said with a firmness that indicated he was through with the conversation.

  Julia eyed him for a long moment as if testing his willingness to continue baring his soul. When he remained silent, the assessment in her gaze said she knew there was more to his tale than what he’d shared, but she made no further effort to question him.

  With a movement that reminded him of a sleek cat, Julia shifted her body until she was lying on her stomach. Every inch of her called out to him until his fingertips tingled with the urge to touch her again. He was looking forward to seeing what she looked like in the soft morning light. An image of waking up next to her for years to come flashed through his head.

  Alarm streaked through him. It was a ridiculous thought influenced by their conversation. The futile wish would vanish the moment he rid himself of this lust he felt for her. She was a tempting creature, and all evening long, he’d been amazed by her response to their lovemaking. There would be many more evenings like this before they finally parted ways. Smiling at the thought, Morgan reached out to stroke her back. Her eyes were closed, and she smiled.

  “That feels nice.”

  Immediately setting the plate of fruit on the nightstand, he set about massaging her back. Soft sighs of pleasure echoed from her, and he enjoyed her response to his touch. Giving her pleasure filled him with quiet satisfaction. Something he’d not experienced with any woman from his past. His hands slid down to the rounded globes of her buttocks. She tensed as his finger traced the line of her cleft then skated down the inside of her thigh.

  She lifted her head and glanced back over her shoulder at him. Trepidation glowed in her hazel eyes, and he leaned forward to kiss her lips. Retreating, he picked up the bowl of honey off the plate beside the bed. He grinned at the puzzled look on her face.

  “Something to make you sweeter.” Brushing her hair off her back, he drizzled a thin stream of the natural sweetener over her back and across her round buttocks. Her gasp of surprise made him laugh. “Don’t move or you’ll make everything sticky.”

  “St. Claire, what are you up too?” She inhaled another sharp breath as his tongue lapped up a small section of honey from her skin.

  “I’m enjoying a rare delicacy. Honey-laced Julia. Delicious.”

  Laughter rolled past her lips at the wicked amusement in his voice. The man was truly a rake, but a deliciously sinful one. The teasing play of his lovemaking simply reinforced the reason why so many women had fallen for him. What woman could resist such a man? She closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation of his tongue licking the honey off her skin.

  Massaging fingertips slowly forced her legs further apart as he continued to eat the honey off the small of her back. With the slightest touch, his finger skimmed the rim of her sex, and her body gave a twitch of pleasure at the caress. His teeth scraped across one buttock before he gently nipped at her flesh while his finger slid into her in a smooth stroke.

  The pleasure of his caresses tugged a moan from her. God, but the man knew how to please a woman. His fingers slipped between her folds as he increased his attention to her bottom with gentle love bites and strokes of his tongue.

  It was a seduction unlike anything she’d ever imagined. The need for more sent her rear arching upward as she pressed back against his strokes. Familiar desire skidded wildly through her veins. For a brief instant, she wondered how she was ever going to walk away from this pleasure—from him. Desire and need flung the thought aside. She started to roll over onto her back, but a firm hand held her in place.

  “Not yet, my sweet.”

  “Morgan, please. I want to feel you inside me,” she whimpered.

  “And so you shall.”

  His finger increased its thrusts into her core, while alternating each stroke with a quick caress to her swollen nub. Unable to help herself, her buttocks arched up higher, pushing against his hand in a silent cry for fulfillment. His hand caressed her belly then helped to ease her up onto her knees, all the while continuing to stroke her with his heated caress. Her insides ached with need and she whimpered.

  “Shall I fill you now, my sweet?”

  “Oh God, yes.” Was that hoarse cry really hers? Her body was on fire, and the torment of desire crashing through her made her cry out again. “Please, oh now, please.”

  The suddenness of his possession pulled a cry of passion and surprise from her. He’d entered her from behind, and filled her completely. She wanted to
weep from the intensity of pleasure cresting over her. Stretched and full with him, it was the most hedonistic and rapturous thing she’d ever experienced. He started to retreat and her muscles tried to clamp down on him, keep him inside of her. No, she wanted him to stay inside her like this for a little while longer.

  She opened her mouth to protest, but when he pressed back into her hard and deep, her protest became a scream of delight. Once again, he retreated, but this time the delay was shorter. With each thrust, he increased the speed of his strokes until his body pounded against hers with a frenzy that matched her own decadent need for fulfillment. Hot lava rolled through her limbs toward her belly as she met his thrusts with heated passion. As the molten fire reached her belly, it erupted into a climax that rocked her entire body. Her body gripped his cock, tightening on it, squeezing it until he cried out then drove into her one last time and spilled his seed. The intensity of the moment blinded her to everything but the spasms of pleasure his possession had unleashed in her. Morgan’s hand caressed her bare bottom as he remained buried inside of her for a long moment. When he finally withdrew from her, a languid lethargy sped through her limbs and she slowly rolled onto her back to stare up at him.

  “Thank you.” Her words seemed to please him, and he stretched out beside her. Morgan’s arm wrapped itself around her shoulders and pulled her close. She yawned.

  “I think it’s time for you to take a nap.” He pushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear as he issued his order.

  “I don’t want to go to sleep. I want to make love all night.”

  “Insatiable minx.” Chuckling, he kissed her brow. “I promise to wake you as soon as my body will allow.”

  “I’ll hold you…” She yawned again, this time more widely and closed her eyes. “To that St. Claire.”

  His answer was to pull her close into his chest, and she reveled in the sensation of her cheek burrowing into his chest. With his foot, he kicked the sheet up into the air and caught it with his hand. The way he gently tucked the silk covering around them struck her as a tender gesture, and when he stroked her cheek it made her sigh with contentment.


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