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Finding More (Tiger Nip Book 3)

Page 11

by Brandy Walker

  For now, he needed to figure out what he would tell his parents when he showed up empty-handed, and he needed to do it fast.

  Pulling to a stop in front of his house, the hot unsettling weight of dread balled up in his stomach. How long did he think he could sit out there without anyone noticing? Not long probably. The entire house was on alert.

  True to that thought, his father appeared on the walkway and headed straight for him.

  On a deep sigh, Devon got out of the SUV. He nodded to his dad, who looked at him with expectation written all over his face.

  He shook his head, and his father frowned.

  “It wasn’t a good time. She’s still pretty banged up and needs more rest.”

  “She could have done that here in the safety of your home.”

  “She’s stubborn,” he commented with a reluctant smile tugging at his lips.

  His dad snorted in amusement. “That could be a good thing for you. Sasha never argued or put up a fight, even when she should have. I loved the girl, it’s that I always felt she was too meek for you.”

  “Dad,” he warned. He loved Sasha madly. Still did, even with her gone.

  “Don’t get your shorts in a twist, son. We’ve walked around on eggshells since she passed, and I think it’s time to let the poor girl rest. Yes, she will always have a place in our hearts; but you need to move on. You were all but ready to last year with Mary Jane. It shouldn’t be any different now that you have a true mate.”

  “It is though. I wasn’t prepared for this. I didn’t ever expect this to happen. This wasn’t part of my plan.”

  His father chuckled and clapped him on the back, gently pushing him in the direction of the house. “It never is, son, and that’s what makes it so exciting and special. What you need to do, since your mate seems to be rather strong-willed and reluctant to just fall at your feet, is court the woman and the tigon. One might be easier to sway than the other.”

  “It certainly isn’t going to be the human side,” he grumbled as he opened the front door. If the morning’s interaction with her was anything to go by, then the woman would be the hardest to conquer.

  Was he up for that? Did he have the time or inclination to claim what could be his? His tiger gave an overly enthusiastic chuff he was choosing to interpret as yes. It wanted what it knew to be theirs, and with it rearing to life like never before and not knowing how to handle the beast, Devon was hard pressed to go against his tiger’s nature.

  Chapter 16

  Carolline’s first day back at work was…uneventful, to say the least. The only thing greeting her when she arrived was a close parking spot, thankfully, and a locked door hiding a fairly tidy office. There were still small reminders that the place had been searched. Papers stacked into a messy pile. The garbage can off to the side, seemingly in the middle of her path to get behind the desk. Knickknacks on her desk, not where they should be, something only she would notice.

  What should have taken only a couple minutes, took much longer. Moving around was slow and torturous, with twinges of pain flaring up when she forgot herself and tried to move like she used to. In the end, she’d verified nothing was missing, added back in the files she’d been working on at home, and went to work rescheduling all the missed appointments without the reminder of what happened days before. That in and of itself was not such a small feat when she thought about it, as she dialed the last number on her patient list.

  Carolline was confirming the date and time with the husband when she heard shuffling in her open doorway.

  Looking up, she held a finger up in the universal wait a second sign to Frank while she said her goodbyes.

  She hung up and scribbled some notes before putting her attention on the older gentleman. If she wasn’t mistaken, Frank looked nervous. He shuffled back and forth, a twitchy edge shimmering around him that had nothing to do with him being a cheetah and the excess energy they naturally carried.

  “Please, come in Frank. You were next on my list to call.”

  Frank shook his head. “This will only take a moment of your time.”

  She frowned and motioned for him to continue. It wasn’t a good sign if the man refused to take a seat.

  “There really is nothing new. The Sheriff has his guys going through the security footage, and we haven’t found any witnesses to what happened here. We’re thinking they knew when this place would be empty and when to strike. I don’t expect they’ll find much on the video. Mostly blurry images and shadows.”

  Carolline took a moment to read his body language, as she listened to him talk. He raked an unsteady hand through his hair. He barely made eye contact for longer than a second.

  There was no doubt in her mind. There was something new. She knew it in her gut. She also knew, based on his body language, he wouldn’t be giving up his secrets. The stubborn tilt to his chin and thinned lips told her as much. She could probably put the blame on Ben. Would put the blame on Ben. He liked to keep things close to his chest until he had solid evidence. Frank was just lucky she was too damn exhausted to do anything about his evasion.

  “Alright, Frank. Thanks for stopping by to give me an update. I’m sure the Sheriff will be happy to know you checked in on me.”

  He nodded quickly, then turned to leave. The man showed off his speed, as she heard him beat feet down the hall.

  A groan gurgled from her lips. Two hours into her day, Carolline was ready to call it quits. Her body ached. Her head throbbed with dull pain. Even more so now after Frank’s visit. She didn’t need people holding back information from her. She wasn’t a child. Regardless of the fact that all she wanted to do was crawl back between her nice, soft sheets on her cool, comfortable bed, in her blessedly dark bedroom.

  Leaning back in her chair, she went with her second best, and only real option. She allowed her eyelids to flutter shut and let out a shuddering breath. Silence closed in around her as she reached for a moment of rest. It was all too quickly broken by her overly-concerned office neighbor.

  “Hey, Carolline,” Jessie said, her voice floating into her space. “I wondered if you’d like to head to the cafeteria with me for some tea.”

  Carolline’s head shot up, and she winced at the jolt of pain ricocheting through her brain. Jessie magically appeared in her doorway, a huge grin on her face, to check on her…again. And make no mistake, that was what the woman had been doing all morning. Each excuse she used was flimsier and more obvious than the last.

  Carolline smirked and held up the insulated cup she’d brought from home. “You can stop with the excuses, Jessie. I don’t need a babysitter.”

  Jessie had the good grace to blush and dipped her head down. “I’m sorry. Am I that transparent?”

  She couldn’t help but laugh. “Yes. It’s like looking through a glass door, I’m afraid.”

  Jessie thrust her lower lip out in a pout and came into the room. She plopped down in a chair across from Carolline. “I told Ben it was a bad idea. You aren’t an idiot.”

  Carolline allowed a small smile to curl the edges of her lips. It was good to hear someone was on her side. Dipping her own head, she concentrated on the report in order to hide it away. “Don’t worry about it. When Ben gets something in his head, there’s a good chance he won’t change his mind.”

  Jessie harrumphed, drawing her attention. Her lips were pursed and a tiny frown marred her features. Carolline could see the woman’s head practically teeming with questions.

  Carolline pushed the report aside and folded her hands on top of the desk. “Go ahead. Start the inquisition.”

  Jessie chuckled, she didn’t demurely back off like most people would. It must have something to do with Jessie being a top Psychologist in her field. “You know an awful lot about Ben.”

  She nodded. “I do. He and I dated a long time ago. We’re just friends now.”

  “I see,” Jessie conceded. “Are you sure? He’s pretty focused on you and what happened.”

  “Trust me, I’m sur
e. He has a thing for Claire at Cuppa Claire’s. I’ve been trying to get him to ask her out for ages. Maybe now that Devon is claiming we’re mates, he’ll stop feeling guilty and do it.”

  Carolline realized what she’d said when Jessie’s eyes rounded. She hadn’t meant to tell anyone about the supposed mates thing. She hadn’t seen or talked to the man since the morning he showed up at her house demanding she go home with him. She had no idea if he was going to approach her at work and stake his claim. Silently stalk the corridors while working up the nerve to talk to her. Or if he would forget about it all together.

  No. Deep down she knew he would make an appearance. He wasn’t the type of man to let something go either. She was only partially surprised she’d gotten away with ordering him out of her home.

  There weren’t many stories flying around about anyone telling him no. The only one she knew of was in regard to MJ, and Carolline herself had a hand in that. Not directly, in her opinion, but she’d given the woman food for thought.

  She half expected him to be stalking outside her office when she’d arrived. There had been a flare of disappointment when he hadn’t been. Now that the workday was clearly in progress, she didn’t know if he’d ever find his way to her. They worked on different floors, and he was constantly busy with his patients. Logically, there wouldn’t be a chance for him to visit her or run into her. Well, as long as she stayed away from the cafeteria. That was the only place they seemed to see each other.

  Carolline tapped her nails on her desk. Her mind working on a solution to the inevitable cafeteria conundrum. The simplest thing would be to stay away from the place. It wasn’t like she needed the tea or snacks. She could just bring in her own, like she kept telling herself she should do before the whole Devon thing started.

  “Wow. That’s…wow, Carolline.”

  Jessie’s surprise pulled her from her thoughts. She shrugged, not sure what to say in response. “I have doubts he’s right. I think his tiger is reacting because I protected his cubs. There have been cases where such a thing has happened. A cub’s life is saved, and regardless if the parent of the cub is married or with someone else, they fell for the person who saved their child. It didn’t matter if it was the same sex either. It was the animal’s recognition that this person would make a formidable companion.”

  “Doubtful,” Jessie snorted. “That man doesn’t do anything unless he’s sure of himself. If he’s claiming you are mates, then you probably are.”

  She snorted lightly. “Then why haven’t I seen him since he showed up at my house the morning after I checked myself out of the hospital? And, Ben is the one who made him come. There’s no way he would have done so otherwise.”

  “He showed up at your place?”

  “Yes, to try and force me to go to his place.” The roll of her eyes was automatic. The ridiculousness of the situation too much to believe.

  “And you didn’t?”

  “Of course not. He didn’t care that he’d left me alone in the hospital.” She shook her head. “The mates thing is wrong. He should have felt something and known to come to me. It’s his tiger leading him about.”

  Jessie’s face scrunched up. “I don’t know, Carolline. Everything he’s going through has to be new to him. No one thought Sasha was his mate. Not his true mate. They were too young when they met. She was very docile and submissive.”

  “Maybe he spent his weekend trying to calm the kids down from the attempted kidnapping. I would think they would take priority.” Jessie tipped her head to the side and her eyes lost focus. “I wonder if I should get hold of him and see if he’d like to bring the kids in for a mental health check. See how they are coping with everything.”

  “You might want to. I’m sure it was traumatizing, and I don’t know his situation at home. If he has someone to help him talk to the kids, or be there with them while he’s at work. The kids have been through a lot. I wouldn’t be surprised if he came to work. I’ve heard enough about his work ethic. Hell, he left MJ at a Gathering by herself in order to run off and do his job. Something I’m sure another doctor could have handled.”

  “Oh. He isn’t here today. I know that much. I heard a bunch of nurses talking about taking food for him and the kids.”

  Carolline felt a slick shot of jealousy and anger spread through her. The idea of other women providing comfort, even in the guise of food, had her tigon pushing to the forefront. She shoved the feeling down and the animal back. “I’m sure he would appreciate it,” she gritted out.

  Jessie smirked. The other woman picked up on her feelings, no doubt. “Anyway, with your being mates and all…” she trailed off.

  “I would appreciate it if you didn’t mention that to anyone. You know how gossip spreads in this place. If I’m right and it is just his tiger reacting, I’m sure neither of us wants to deal with the aftermath.”

  “Of course,” she nodded, but there was still that knowing little gleam in Jessie’s eyes that said how much she thought Carolline was wrong.

  Carolline was about to thank her when a man’s voice came booming down the hall.

  “Jessie Felicity Montgomery-Murphy, where the hell are you?”

  “Shit,” Jessie said under her breath. Her brows were drawn down in irritation, as she looked around Carolline’s office.

  “Looking for someplace to hide?” Carolline chuckled.

  The source of the voice poked his head into the office. The man was tall. Muscular. He looked like he worked out a bit. Not unusual for shifters. His clothes fit him tight, and Caroline could see the appeal of the man. Aside from the narrowed eyes, thinned lips, and general unhappy demeanor. “Why the hell didn’t you tell me there was a madman running loose in this place?”

  Jessie hopped up from her chair and spun on the attractive man. She thrust her chin out and slammed her fists onto her hips. There was something going on between the two. The air between them crackled with unresolved tension and a healthy dose of lust, if her sense of smell was right.

  “Because there isn’t one and it wouldn’t be any of your business if there were, Bodie Frederick Donalson.”

  The man growled and grabbed Jessie’s upper arm. There was a restrained strength to him, and anyone with eyes could see he was as gentle as possible with the woman. “Office. Now,” he said between clenched teeth.

  Jessie scowled and wrenched her arm away. Turning to Carolline she said, “sorry about him. I’ll talk to you later, Carolline. And mum’s the word.” She mimed zipping her lips before storming past Bodie. The door slamming next door rattled the wall between their offices.

  She heard the pair argue for moments on end, followed by a sudden, deafening silence. There was a thud and a high-pitched ‘oh’. Carolline could guess what the pair was up to. The walls in the hospital were good at keeping out noises, but not that good.

  Stepping out of her own office, she locked the door behind her. A little over two hours was enough for the day. Her body was in need of rest, and experience told her that pushing wouldn’t help. As she was stuffing her keys back into her bag, the hairs on the back of her neck rose. Earthy musk rolled over her, setting her libido tumbling.

  Devon. Her tigon purred, flicking its tail back and forth.

  A quick glance down each end of the hall, but the place was empty. Could he have been by to check on her without her knowing? No. Jessie said he hadn’t shown up for work. He couldn’t have popped in just to check on her. It didn’t follow what she knew about the workaholic. It had to be her subconscious and her tigon’s wishful thinking.

  She honestly would never know unless she asked the man, and she just didn’t have the energy for that confrontation. Not yet anyway.

  Chapter 17

  He was a complete and utter idiot who had allowed his tiger to run free with his brain. That had to be the only reason he was overseeing the maintenance crew installing a reserved parking space placard in the closest spot to the hospital entrance with Carolline’s name on it.

  Devon ha
d gotten reports the day before from Frank about how slowly the woman had been moving getting from her car to her floor. Frank had tracked her with the security cameras per his explicit request. The footage was sent over to his house for him to go through, since he’d not gone to work that day.

  Well, that wasn’t true. He’d snuck in at one point meaning to grab a few files he’d locked away and somehow ended up on Carolline’s floor pacing the hallway in a futile attempt to get a glance of her. The door had been closed and he knew he couldn’t spend all day waiting, despite what his tiger said. He was also going to ignore the fact he was basically scenting the area to scare off any others who thought to head her way. It made no rational sense because it was a damn public hospital and she had appointments, with patients, practically strangers.

  Once common sense kicked in, he left and headed to where he felt he was more needed. The kids weren’t ready to be away from him. The shock of what had happened sunk in over the weekend, and he’d ended up with three little bodies joining him in bed and anywhere else he wanted to go. All unwilling to let him out of their sight. He’d understood and adjusted accordingly.

  The only reason he was at work now was because he’d promised them they could skip school, except for Sebby, and come to work with him. Miss Crabtree came at them with open arms and hugged the living daylights out of them. She promised them cookies and games. Stories and warmth and comfort. It helped that his parents came with them to make sure they were settled in.

  Only then had he been able to walk away and concentrate on other pressing matters. Knowing they were being cared for, and knowing there was additional security working in the daycare, assuaged his concerns. The Sheriff had been very accommodating with Devon’s request.

  Don’t get him wrong, there was a part of his brain completely occupied with his children’s welfare; the tiger, however, was content with their safety and focused on his mate.

  Fuck, his mate!

  Who had yet to arrive.


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