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Hawkmoon (The Hawkmoon Chronicles)

Page 9

by Unknown

  “Wampyrhii support for the Reivers is common talk. Did you know that?”

  “Yes director”.

  “When were you thinking of telling me… Never mind….We could do with more like him. When I asked for the Lancers I had to fight to prevent that courtier… what was the name? He wanted command given to his son in law. I can smell the Queen at the back of this. Have you finished transcribing the report?”

  “Yes excellency. There is the matter of attaching your signature to each copy. I will arrange to have a copy sent to the Palace. One of the King’s staff will take it directly to His Majesty. There is a chance of it not being intercepted.”

  Melanon regarded his boss. “If it falls into the wrong hands it will be catastrophic.”

  She sat back in her seat. “Detailing the war readiness of our forces is a risk. But something has to be done. This malaise of complacency will be the end of us. There is a chance a copy might find its way to the enemy. What more can they learn? That our forces are in disarray? That our leaders have neither the will nor courage to face open war? Where is Ranger Mahan?”

  “He has gone to the library at the University. I will send him to you on his return. You have a last appointment.” “

  I remember , the Dasarian, I am going to lunch. Tell him he can dine with me”.

  “There is something else. There has been a murder. Two in fact…At the docks.”

  “Murders are a way of life down there, why has it come to your notice?”

  “One of them was a silver merchant. It was made to look like robbery, his pouch and rings were taken. But they missed a money belt. Real thieves would not have made that mistake.

  The other... That is the problem. He was a Ranger… Shardik.”

  “I knew him. A good man.

  “That makes how many dead?”

  “Twenty in the last two years. There is a natural attrition rate but this goes above and beyond. As I see it there are two options. One is that our offices are under surveillance. They take note of everyone that arrives and have them followed when they leave. The fault with that is it is difficult to follow a Ranger. With that in mind, I conducted an exercise to see if it could be done and it can . We have become careless. We criticize others for complacency but we have been prone to it ourselves. A number of those who have been assassinated have never been to this city, let alone headquarters. They were assigned directly from Holgun.”

  “The second option?”

  “We have a traitor.”

  “That was my thinking. We must carry out an investigation but the person chosen must be above suspicion. It must be someone who has the experience and who has been away for years.” Rising from the desk Morah closed the window. The students were becoming raucous.

  “Send for Chandos. He has been sixteen years in the North.”

  “Who will go?, Shardik would have been the obvious choice..”

  She looked in her records. “Everyone is assigned… Send Mahan”

  “He is young and without field experience. I

  can think of at least two more qualified…”

  “He won’t get experience sitting behind a desk. I want Mahan . I have written instructions for Chandos.”

  “May I see the letter? Perhaps I can pro…”

  “No, you may not”


  Norry got down from the pony and climbed up beside him Hawkmoon…

  “Do you still have that blade?”

  “It’s in my pack.”

  “Get it.”Mira put her head out .

  “Good evening my lady, have you slept well?”

  “What’s happening?”

  “We are about to have company. Find that crossbow and give the girl a weapon.”

  “She’s too young”

  “She’s old enough to defend herself... There is a place I passed … If we get there we can defend ourselves. If they wait until sundown the wolves will solve the problem.”

  Halting sites were bypassed as they pressed forward. Trees were thinning out. Most of the mature growth had been clear cut.

  Mira went inside. There was low talk. Reba came out and sat by him. Her face was pale but composed. She looked at Hawkmoon and smiled. Norry glanced into the shadows. Something moved. The blade dropped from his hand to the forest floor. Hawkmoon stopped the wagon, and waited while Norry retrieved the dagger.

  They stopped at the entrance to a quarry. If they could get up on the side they might be able to hold them off. Hawkmoon assembled the group at the side of the wagon.

  “Rangers tracked a nest to a village ten miles away. This part of the country has been infected for years. There have been a number of attacks in the last month. People have been taken from the highway.

  Our business tonight is survival. I want all of you up in the rocks. Divide the bolts between you. You are dealing with Daywalkers. They can climb and they will get to you but you have time to deal with them .If there are vampires out there they won’t come until it gets dark .Norry I need that blade.”

  Where will you be? Mira asked.

  “Back there… I will take the horses with me.”

  Reba shared out the last of the food. Mira wished darkness would fall and bring the wolves They finished a hasty meal. While they ate Norry took the bolts of each crossbow and coated them with ointment. Hawkmoon moved out as the others started climbing. The sun hung above the horizon, taunting them. As cloud moved away it grew brighter.

  “He should be here with us” Mira complained. Norry shook his head.” No my lady, he is where he works best”

  At first it was a smell of rotting meat. It grew stronger. Norry made to speak but his mouth was dry. He had an urge to urinate. A child shuffled into view. She stopped in the clearing, vacant eyes raised to where they waited above. She wore a torn cotton shroud. She smiled at them through blackened teeth. Black fluid dribbled from her mouth. Reba began to cry, more from pity than fear.

  A man came with two others, both women. “Pick your targets and don’t miss.” Mira aimed her crossbow at the man and shot him through the head. Norry hit the woman. They had forgotten the little girl who was trying to climb at the base. Norry shot her, the bolt disappearing into her frail body. In minutes a mob had gathered at the foot of the wall with a larger group massing behind. Many bore the marks of fighting. Some had arms missing; empty holes where eyes had been.

  Mira fired at a large male starting to climb.. The bolt struck a rock , grazing the unfortunate. It shambled backwards and collapsed.

  Mira turned to Norry. “I hardly grazed him. Is that what you put on the points?”

  The halfpint nodded.

  “Well done, young man”

  A crowd gathered at the base. The more active began to climb.

  Mira told them to save the remaining bolts and use rocks. It seemed like minutes since the Daywalkers first appeared but the sun was at the lip of the horizon.. Aiming became difficult as the light faded. Below them a mound of copses had grown, proving extra height to the others…

  A long howl came from the forest.

  “Where is Hawkmoon?” Asked Mira.

  “Don’t worry, he’ll come”. A crowd approached from the trees, twice the number of all they had killed. Stooping Norry fetched a glass bottle from his pack. Standing forward to the edge he lofted it high. A flash and a wave of heat made them stumble on the rocks.. Losing his balance Norry went sliding His body cleared the rockface and fell. A thud came as his head struck. Reba screamed. The howling came again and the last of the Daywalkers retreated. Clambering to where Norry lay, they gathered round , Reba cradling his head.

  A whisper of movement came behind, Mira turned expecting to see Hawkmoon.. A cloaked figure reached for her. She was lifted onto to her toes and pulled forward. A knife gleamed in the dark.. The hand with the dagger came up. It was caught shuddering as a bladepunched through its chest. It seemed to implode, collapsing to the rock. Smoke rose as it rotted before their eyes.

  “Where were you?
” Mira demanded.

  “I was waiting for this” He flicked his toe at the cloak . “What happened to him? He asked looking at Norry.

  “He fell”

  “Of course he did” Mira glared at Hawkmoon..

  “He fought well”.

  “You all did”

  Reba stood shaking. Reaching out, Hawkmoon put his arms around her and drew her close. “Darling, you gave them release. They would thank you if they could “Reba nodded.The wolves came in. The pack leader stopped between Mira and Hawkmoon.

  “Better late than never, I suppose.”

  “We have to get the boy to a doctor. There is one in the next settlement.” The horses were brought up. Norry was moved inside.. Reba sat beside Hawkmoon and they moved out.

  She watched the wolves as they threaded their way through the trees.

  “Hawkmoon, may I ask you a question?”

  “Darling ,you can ask me anything.”

  “The wolves, their eyes are red”.

  “They are.”


  “They are mortal enemies of the Wampyrhii but their service comes at a price. When they kill they taste blood and they become infected. They never change.. Unlike humans they resist. To become a true vampire they have to be given a parasite from one of the First Families”

  “That is why they can only come at night?”

  “They cannot walk in daylight. They start to burn. I have seen it once. I will never forget it” He paused .

  He would never make it; not with an arrow in his shoulder and two broken legs.. Once inside he could lose himself in the lower depths where they would not follow. He was searching for the canteen when shouts came from the end of the valley. They were coming They had seen him Snuffling came from behind. Turning a group of wolves waited in the dark of the cave. As he looked one of them darted forward. For a moment it seemed he had another threat to face but it stopped and lowering its massive jaws sank its teeth into the collar of his jacket. As it started to pull black smoke rose. Closing its eyes to the glare, mewlings of torment came from its throat. It had dragged him five paces when it went on fire. Howling with agony it fell to one side. Another rushed to take its place. Six died before he was safe . The hunters reined in, reluctant to chance a cave full of wolves. Before his time was done the debt he bore them would be repaid in full.

  “Are all the wolves infected?”

  “Only those who hunt. The females can have pups without passing on the infection.”Hawkmoon shook his head.


  “They are the finest servants of the Land and still they are hunted. The king at the Royal City has outlawed it in his kingdom. He is not much of a king but that is one point in his favour. They are a thousand miles from their home range and still they come to fight for us …

  There is a flagon of ale in one of the water butts, be a good girl and get it for me”.Reba jumped down. Climbing back on to the seat she handed the jar to Hawkmoon and sat beside him.

  “That thing that you killed, what was it?”

  “That was a Shadow?”

  “They are assassins?”

  “They serve anyone who can pay with human sacrifice. Even the Wampyrhii are wary of them. They are impossible to kill.”

  “You killed one”.

  “With that blade. I was lucky to have it.”

  “Norry told me how he got it. There is a print of the handle on the palm of his hand.”

  The wagon moved on through the night. Dawn crept among the trees. The pack leader turned to Hawkmoon, who bowed. The White Wolves faded into the forest...

  She put her face against the leather of his coat. The buckskin smelt of leather and dust. From up ahead Mira turned in the growing light. . Seeing the girl close to Hawkmoon she turned away..

  “Go inside and see how Norry is”.

  They came out of the Old Forest in mid-morning to a hamlet of rough cottages ; burnt and deserted. Crows danced on the bloated form of a bony cow... Hawkmoon moved through the smoking ruins.

  “There is nothing here.” Hawkmoon drove the wagon out of the burning village.

  The House on Willow Lane

  The next place was a small town, defended by armed men with axes and rusty swords. Someone with a tactical mind had organized the construction of a wall of sharpened stakes.

  Hawkmoon stopped the wagon before the stockade. A team of workmen were driving sharp stakes. “Where’s Bekter?”

  “Who wants to know?” A burly woodsman shouldered his way through the group and stood in front . He carried a woodman’s axe.

  “O it’s you”. They recognized each other. Weeks before Shem had gone to the tavern. After drinking his wages he was out of funds to visit the Gypsy woman at her camp down by the river. Frustration and drink made him combative… Hawkmoon was in the back with a plate of stew when Shem lumbered over.

  “We don’t have time for strangers here”.

  Hawkmoon ignored him. “I said , we don’t have time for the likes of you.. Sticking a grimy finger into the stew he sucked appreciatively. Someone sniggered. Hawkmoon pushed away the plate and reached inside his shirt. Taking it as an excuse Shem lashed out . Hawkmoon swayed to one side as the fist went by . Shem’s head exploded as something struck him from behind.

  Bekter stood over the woodsman, a club in his right hand, an apple pie in his left. . A growl of anger came from his friends. They quietened when the Innkeeper glared at them.

  “Still making friends, I see” .He placed the pie before Hawkmoon who lit a cheroot. Two of his friends took the woodsman outside.

  The next morning Bekter called to see the woodsman. Shem sat on his stoop nursing a sore head. Between the drink, the wallop from the innkeeper and his wife screaming at him all morning his head was the size of a melon.

  “Was it you that hit me?”

  “You don’t have to thank me”

  “Who is he?”

  “You don’t need to know . He gave me this for you.”

  Shem took a small leather pouch. It held ten silvers.

  “What’s this?”

  “He wants you to stay home today. Don’t come looking for him. Alone or with your friends…”

  “I knew he was a coward”

  Bekter sighed. “That is not money for his life. It’s for yours. He does not want to kill you. We talked after you were taken away. I told him about you. That you are a bit of a blowhard but steady enough when sober. He has some repairs to do on the wagon and then he’s gone. You sit here and you will be ten silvers better off”

  “I want satisfaction”

  Bekter spat a wad of tobacco. “You are too stupid to live…. Listen to me. I know this man. We used to be in the same trade. I was a soldier and good at it, but he is different. He has never been bested, with weapons or without. One way or another he always finds a way to win. You can’t stand against him and live. Leave him alone”

  Shem took Hawkmoon to a warehouse on Willow Lane. Bekter was standing by the door talking to a group of drovers. Hawkmoon nodded his thanks.

  “Here”. Shem held out a pouch. It held the money. The woodsman left

  Bekter looked at Hawkmoon “You haven’t been gone long enough to get to the Keep so I take it something brought you back”

  Arrangements were made to bring a doctor for Norry. Except for his head he had no serious injuries.. He would recover or not. There was nothing to do but wait.. Bekters’ wife was a tall redhead who stood a head above her husband She had put on weight over the years which gave her a matronly air. She disliked the Ranger and worried for her husband whenever he came around. Reba and Mira were bustled to an upper room where hot baths and fresh clothes awaited.

  Hawkmoon sat with Bekter by a blazing hearth. The afternoon had brought the first of the autumn gales. Bekter put a log onto the fire. They sat, enjoying the comfort of an old and tested friendship.

  “I am thinking of leaving this place”.

  Hawkmoon put down his pitcher. He told Bekt
er of the Daywalkers and the Shadow...

  “How odd that the very weapon that would kill one of those would fall into your path only days before”.

  “I was lucky”

  Bekter looked at him from across the hearth. You have an unnatural amount of luck Hawkmoon.

  “May I see it?”

  Hawkmoon passed him the blade.

  The hilt was covered in runic lines, traced in copper wire to help the grip. It had a ruby inset. A burst of heat made him drop the blade, It struck the floor point down , burying itself in a flagstone. Bekter reached for it but it would not yield. Hawkmoon put his hand to the hilt and it slipped from the floor.A serving girl brought food and drink.

  “I want to leave the girl here under your protection”.

  “I can do that but the way things are now I am not sure how safe she will be. We are leaving in a few weeks”

  “Is it that bad?”

  Bekter shrugged.” After you left, the town was attacked by Daywalkers, maybe the same crowd you ran into. No one knows where they came from. We are isolated here and we thought we were safe. The worst of it was that some of them were local people. Nothing like that happened before.

  I can understand why Shula doesn’t like to see you. Trouble follows you Hawkmoon” They sat, quiet, as the fire took hold. Flames leaped with the draught of air rushing up the chimney It was dark outside. Wind moaned at the eaves... A standing clock struck the hour. The voices of womenfolk came from above.

  “Maybe I follow trouble?”

  “Well you better stop following it or one of these days it will turn around and bite you”.

  “How is business?”

  “I couldn’t give the place away. It was good when we came here after the Cormalin War. The King had patrols on every road and Dhampirs to take care of the odd bloodsucker… If I had known there was a Shadow lurking I would have left weeks ago.

  Out here on the edge I hear things. The Reivers are starving. I have it on good authority that they will send an army half a million” Hawkmoon stared at his friend.

  “They want all the Kingdoms of the West. They will start with the Dasatii Their new Marshal is brilliant. He has convinced the other kingdoms to stay neutral. If they stay out of it he won’t attack them. They believe him..”


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