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Snake Eyes

Page 19

by Melissa Pearl

  He was tall and handsome with jet-blue eyes and a perfectly manicured goatee. His nose was sharp, his dark eyebrows dipping inward as he caught sight of me.

  Mendez leaned back and whispered something to him. The man looked me over one more time and nodded.

  Terror sputtered through me as I ripped off his mask. He had a smug smile on his face like somehow the idea of catching me out would make his day. Who the hell was this guy? I scrambled for information I’d read in the Mendez file. He did look familiar. I could picture an image, slightly blurry. He was wearing shades and a business suit, walking behind Mendez, but who...

  “Miguel.” Quella was now free of the short woman’s arms and gazing at the man with a soft smile. Her mask slipped free as she stepped toward him and I saw it all. Her gushy smile, the enamored glint in her eye. This must have been the love she was talking about.

  “Señorita.” He took her hand and gently kissed her knuckles, making her swoon.

  No one else saw this, of course. Mendez was smart enough to realize Quella liked Miguel, but he had no idea to the extent.

  I whipped the tall man’s mask off, expecting to see a secret. These two were probably planning on sneaking off together sometime during the weekend for a little tryst above ground.

  But I didn’t see that at all.

  It was an effort to keep my lips together as Miguel’s flirtatious expression became one of disgust. He had no interest in Quella Mendez. He was putting on a show, purely for her benefit...and maybe that of his boss?

  Wait. Miguel...head of security. He was Mendez’s right-hand man. That was why he was always in the photos.

  What was the bet Mendez whispered at him to look into my background, check me out? Man, I hoped Kaplan had done her job and kept my past clean. The last thing I wanted them digging up was my involvement with the Pali High cheating ring and the UCLA underground gambling/drug fiasco.

  The back of my neck prickled as Quella dragged Miguel toward me.

  “Meet my friend, Caitlyn.”

  I smiled, thrusting out my hand and wanting to get this over with. He grasped my fingers. His hand was strong and I was sure he could snap my bones if he wanted to. I forced myself not to swallow as I greeted him.

  “Hola.” His smirk was back, dark and calculating. I shoved his mask back on and caught the cool, formal exterior he presented. “Welcome to Casa Mendez, Miss Davis.”

  It looked like he’d already gotten started on that security check, because no one else in this room had told him my surname.

  I swallowed then. I couldn’t help it. He wanted me to know he didn’t trust me. He wanted me to know that he would be keeping a very close eye on me.

  My fingers crunched as he gave them a final squeeze. I captured my hand back, giving it a gentle rub before being ushered upstairs to get freshened up for dinner.

  I glanced over my shoulder as I ascended after Quella, fear ripping through me. The two men were staring after me, their unmasked expressions enough to give me nightmares.



  I wanted to stay in the bathroom for the rest of the night, but I couldn’t. Quella was knocking at the door, telling me dinner would be served in ten minutes. Glancing at my watch, I frowned. It was twenty past nine already. How did people eat this late?

  I felt sick. The idea of actually eating was incomprehensible to me. Terror-filled nerves were feeding on my stomach lining, gnawing away at my insides. I was sure any food I did eat would run straight through me.

  “Caity, are you nearly ready?”

  “Yes,” I called, pinging back my shoulders and straightening my blue button-down shirt. “Confidence,” I whispered into the mirror. “You are not afraid of these guys, because you don’t know them as anything other than Quella’s family.”

  I gave myself a few more reminders before flinging the door open and letting Quella take my hand. We skipped down the stairs together, walking down an open corridor lined with multiple archways. They looked out over a picturesque garden, another water fountain working its magic in the corner.

  The dining room was in a small atrium. I gazed at the tiled ceiling, a beautiful mosaic of aquatic life. It would be like eating in the ocean. The effect was enhanced by the blue lights shining up from the ground, lighting the plants around us with a soft, magical glow.

  I took my place opposite Quella and thanked the waiter as he pushed in my chair. I gave him a kind smile, wondering how much he knew about what went on in this house.

  My brain had been ticking over since arriving, wondering where Mendez’s office was situated and how the hell I was going to get into it.

  There were enough staff in this house to run a hotel. Meek bodies in starched uniforms scurried about constantly. I wouldn’t be surprised if my bed was turned down when I got to it tonight.

  The first course was laid out in front of me: a crab salad served on rings of toasted baguette. It was garnished with some kind of herb and looked so beautiful I almost didn’t want to eat it.

  Quella clasped her hands together and bowed her head. I quickly followed suit as Mendez said some kind of prayer in Spanish.

  I opened my eyes when he was finished and found him gazing at me. He pointed at my plate and smiled. “Cóme-Cóme!”

  “That means you can eat now.” Quella winked at me before picking up her cutlery.

  I kept my eye on her throughout the meal, trying to copy her ladylike eating habits and wondering what had happened to them back at UCLA.

  The meal was quiet and reserved, the conversation focused on school. I jittered my way through class explanations and the papers I was enjoying the most. Mendez really grilled me, obviously trying to figure out everything he could about his daughter’s roommate.

  For one second, I had the fear that maybe he could read faces like I could, because he didn’t seem to be buying into a word of mine. His skeptical gaze nailed me to my chair, making me want to crawl beneath the table.

  Thankfully, I didn’t disintegrate and when dessert was finally served I was able to relax for a moment. Mendez turned his attention to Quella, mentioning some family members in Palm Springs who were unable to join us for Thanksgiving dinner.

  Quella groaned. “I was looking forward to seeing them.”

  “I know, my sweet, but work has been very busy for me and I need to be here. I have some business associates visiting tomorrow and I have to be prepared for my meeting.”

  “For Thanksgiving?”

  Mendez’s smile was broad and friendly. “It will not interfere. We will have a lovely midday meal and then you can watch football with Rosa. You love that tradition.”

  Quella frowned.

  “Mija.” His deep voice soothed. “My plan was to meet you in Palm Springs, but there was a sudden change and I could not stand the thought of waiting until Christmas.” He gently touched her cheek and she forgave him with an instant smile. “It is probably a good thing you have your friend here to keep you company. She can watch the football with you while I talk boring business.”

  My insides curled as I imagined what type of business he was planning. I had to figure out how it all worked. If he did have the girls, was he hiding them here? Or did he only hold meetings here and the girls were stashed somewhere else? I had no idea where we were, but I had a gut feeling we were close to the border...certainly made smuggling humans a whole lot easier.

  The thought was so unnerving I fumbled my teaspoon as I lifted it off the table. I gave them a sheepish grin before dipping it into the dessert.

  I popped the spoon into my mouth, the delicate mousse making my senses break into a happy dance. I wanted to let out a sweet moan and tell them what I thought, but I couldn’t make my voice work. Something in the corner of the room had caught my eye. I’d seen a flash of it earlier in the meal but brushed it off, too busy trying to answer questions.

  Now that the heat was off me, I had the time to look and oh, man, what did I see?

  Miguel was standing in
the corner of the room, his eyes scanning the area like the good security guard he was. The only thing to break his attention was the appearance of the young waiter who had been looking after us. Each time he came into the room, Miguel’s unmasked face would light with a smile, his gaze traveling over the young man.

  Okay, so Mr. Head Security was gay, that was clear to see, but it wasn’t just lust that made his eyes light each time the man of his affection walked into the room. Miguel seemed genuinely in love with him.

  I scraped the remaining mousse out of my bowl, sitting back to let the waiter collect it from me. This time when I smiled at him, I whipped off his mask. He seemed sweet, genuine, nothing much to hide. As he took my empty dish, his gaze flickered to Miguel, and a warm smile quivered over his lips only shifting to a scared frown when he turned to see Mendez’s impatient glare.


  So maybe Miguel had a boyfriend Mendez didn’t approve of...or maybe didn’t know about?

  Yeah, that was it. There was no way Miguel would be putting his flirt on with Quella if Mendez knew the truth. His fake charm was probably a cover to hide the truth from everyone.

  I flicked my gaze back to Miguel, his unmasked face darkening with a vicious glare as he eyed Mendez. His expression softened slightly as the waiter walked past him. He tracked the young man until he was out of sight. His attention then returned back to the room. He gave a big, exasperated eye-roll. I frowned until I realized I was studying his unmasked expression. Putting it back into place, I realized that he was smiling kindly at Quella, a playful mischief lurking in his eyes. He winked at her and her cheeks turned pink.

  I tore her mask free. She looked like a gushy-tween at a pop concert, but lurking beneath her giddy gaze was that I want it look I’d seen so many times before. She snuck a quick glance at her father who was chatting on the phone.

  When did that ring?

  Man, I needed to up my game and focus!

  Happy that he was distracted, she turned back to Miguel and ran her tongue over her upper lip. I nearly choked on my saliva.

  Miguel arched his right eyebrow, but beneath his mask I could see his repulsion.

  “Miguel, my father is taking too long. Would you mind escorting us back to our rooms?” Her attempt at a smoldering smile was almost pathetic. She really was just an innocent rich kid trying to play a grown-up’s game. I figured she and Miguel had never gotten it on or anything, and he was just playing along to keep her happy. I hoped when she did find the courage to make her move, he would let her down gently.

  I rose from the table and followed Quella.

  My mind went into business mode again. I scanned my surroundings, looking for hidden doorways or corridors that might lead me to a gold mine.

  “Can I have a tour before bed?”

  The two in front of me jerked to a stop and turned to face me.

  I smiled. “This house is so amazing and beautiful. I was wondering what the rest of it looked like.”

  Miguel gave me a tight smile. “Perhaps tomorrow.”

  “No, why wait. Let us do it now. The house is so magical at night.” Quella grabbed my wrist. “Come, let me show you.”

  Miguel shot me a molten glare as we dashed past him. I picked up my pace, skipping after Quella as she led me on a tour throughout the house, which included two living areas, a formal lounge housing a shiny grand piano, an entertainment theater, plus a lush garden that was even bigger than the entrance way. I’d never been in a place like it, and thankfully I didn’t have to hide my awe.

  Miguel kept up his banter with the rich daughter throughout the tour, growing more agitated with her as the minutes ticked by. It worked in my favor. He was expending so much energy entertaining her that I was able to look around each room closely, studying doorways. I walked toward a few and was stopped short.

  “Where are you going?”

  I turned innocently each time. “Are we not going this way? I thought this led to a new room.”

  “No.” Miguel’s head shake was tight and minimal, his unmasked expression steaming. “Some rooms are private...for business. Mr. Mendez would not appreciate you going into them.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” I hurried away from them, biting back my smile both times.

  I made a mental note of each place, making sure I paid careful attention as we walked away. It looked like I had my sneaking around work cut out for me.

  “Quella, it is really very late. You should head to bed.” Miguel tried again to end the tour.

  The girl beside me blushed, her eyes dancing with delight at Miguel saying the word bed.

  Even I couldn’t suppress my eye-roll over that one. Miguel tipped his head with a charming smile, but his expression was adamant.

  “Oh, fine.” Quella stamped her foot with a cheeky grin. “But we must go via the pool. It is so beautiful with the lights.”

  Grabbing my hand, she dragged me down the tiled hallway and skipped down the circular stairwell before Miguel could protest.

  “Wow.” I grinned.

  She was right—the pool area was incredible. Blue light shone up from the base, giving the water a mysterious, enchanting quality, but the coolest thing was the waterfall that cascaded from the top floor, over two tiers and falling into the massive pool.

  The large, circular area looked like it belonged in a high-class resort, with huge windows making up the outer wall. I walked past the deck chairs and stood against the glass, gazing out at the night sky. I realized that this underground mansion was actually carved into the side of a mountain. We were up really high and although I couldn’t see the view due to the darkness, I could sense a long drop beneath me. I made a mental note to make sure I returned there in the morning.

  “The pool is heated, so we can swim all year round. Not that it gets that cold here.” Quella crossed her arms and shrugged.

  “Where is here?” I glanced over my shoulder.

  “Okay, you have seen the pool. It is time for bed, girls.” Miguel flicked his head toward the stairwell.

  Quella moaned but did as she was told, making her way to the stairwell. I shuffled after her, my eyes darting to each doorway.

  There were two, one a stone arch and the other a square, wooden door.

  I sensed Miguel watching me and turned to look at him, flinching as I took in his hard glare.

  He pointed at the archway. “The sauna and bathroom.”

  I nodded and forced a tight smile, noticing he said nothing about the other door. His mask was already off, making his dark eyes so much more sinister. I flicked a quick look at the wooden door.

  “Curiosity killed the cat, Miss Davis.”

  My lips parted, unable to hide my fear until Quella started giggling.

  “Do not listen to him.” She slapped his arm and I threw his mask on in time to see a light, mischievous smile. “My father used to say that all the time to try and stop me from looking through doorways, but we have nothing to hide here.” She smiled.

  I grinned, but kept my eyes on Miguel. An anxious wave crested over his unmasked expression.

  “That other door is only the maintenance room, and if you value your life, you will not go into it.” She shook her head.

  “Why not?”

  “Juan, the maintenance man, is so fussy and mean. We are never allowed to touch his things. I tried to sneak a look once and Miguel nearly chopped my hand off.” She lightly slapped his chest with the back of her hand.

  He smiled at her. “I was only trying to protect you from a greater threat.”

  They chuckled together, but I didn’t see their laughter or smiles.

  All I saw was the lie.

  A second flash of panic skittered over Miguel’s face. It was quickly overrun by a penetrating gaze that held enough threat to make me nearly pee my pants.

  That room had nothing to do with Juan or maintenance.

  I swallowed down my next few “innocent” questions and walked after Quella.

  Miguel waited for me to
pass him before we all ascended the stairs. I could feel him tearing strips off my back as he walked behind me. My heart beat erratically and I forced a quiet breath though my nose.

  There were now three doors to look behind, but I knew which one to start with.

  The very idea of sneaking down there once everyone was asleep terrified me.

  But I had to.

  If I wanted to save those girls...if I wanted to get my boyfriend back, I had to get over myself and trust that somewhere nearby, the FBI were waiting to save my ass.



  I made it down to San Diego around seven, but I went to the beach first. I don’t know how long I sat there with my toes buried in the cold sand, my gaze locked on the dark horizon. The cool air nipped at my skin, sinking into my core, but I remained a statue, unable to think or move.

  I didn’t know what snapped me out of it. Part of me felt like I could stay all night, but common sense pushed me toward Gramps’s house.

  Banging on the door with my fist, I checked my watch and saw it was ten. I was pretty sure the man would still be up; the guy seemed to exist on minimal sleep.

  After a little shuffling from the other side, the door swung open and Gramps stood there in his PJ pants and a T-shirt.

  “What in heck’s name are you doing knocking on my door at this hour?”

  “I need to stay.” I shifted sideways to step into the house, dumping my bag in the middle of the floor.

  “What’s going on, son?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it.” I sniffed and rubbed my nose with the back of my hand before looking at him. “I’m going to bed.”

  “Now, wait one second. You ain’t welcome in that bed until you tell me what’s going on. Is everything okay with Shayna?”

  “Mom’s fine.” I kicked at the floorboards, slightly ashamed that this was the first thought I’d given her in the last few days. Damn, I’d have to remember to call and let her know I wouldn’t be over for the football game like I’d planned.

  I grimaced.


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