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[Fae Scandals 1]Prince of Submission

Page 9

by Jana Downs

  Corrin fell silent, hiding his face in Adrian’s chest. He pressed as close to him as humanly possible. “I can’t go back, can I?” he whispered fearfully.

  Adrian sighed and wrapped his arms around the man in his arms. “Do you really want to?”

  Corrin fell silent, contemplating the question. Blue and green gazes clashed, and he saw truth in them. “No. I spent the last year alone and miserable. I can’t go back to that. I just can’t.” Adrian gave him his gentlest smile and turned his head up for a kiss. “I think I love you,” Corrin whispered as their lips parted.

  Adrian growled, his gaze filling with an emotion that Corrin couldn’t name. Was it pride or something else? He wasn’t sure. Adrian didn’t say anything to answer his statement but poured his adoration into the most mind-numbing kiss they’d ever shared. At some point they fell to their knees on the soft underbrush and began to strip one another, never breaking the kiss. As they tangled, naked, on the forest floor like a pair of rambunctious cubs, a quiet understanding overtook him. As their wrestling slowed and Corrin was pinned beneath his larger body, Corrin made a decision. It was better to experience all of Adrian for a week than regret not experiencing him in the years to come.

  “Fuck me, Adrian,” Corrin said, nipping Adrian’s bottom lip.

  “Are you ready to take it to the next level?” Adrian asked, his eyes glowing with that peculiar Unseelie light. Corrin’s heart tripped in his chest in understanding. He wasn’t expecting Adrian to take him to the next level of submission so quickly.

  “Can we do it here?” he asked. “Don’t you need your bag of tricks or something?”

  Adrian chuckled and pushed himself to his knees. “You’ve got a lot to learn if you think I can’t dominate you without whips and restraints.” Corrin swallowed hard nervously. “If you agree to this, you’re putting yourself completely in my hands, Corrin. I’ll give you a safeword. It is a word which you are to use only if you absolutely cannot take anymore. If you use it, all play stops and we’ll talk about it. If, after that, you decide you still can’t continue, we’ll go back to vanilla play.” His eyes were sparkling with lust. It caused Corrin to shiver.

  “Vanilla play?” he whispered huskily.

  “It means regular sex completely devoid of the S&M element.”

  “Okay,” Corrin whispered. “I want it.”

  Adrian gave him another dazzling smile. “Good boy. Your safeword is violet. Now get on your knees with your legs splayed wide, hands wresting on your thighs.” Adrian crossed over to his discarded clothing and drew a silk handkerchief out of the pocket.

  “What are you doing?” Corrin asked, getting into position and eyeing the scrap of cloth nervously.

  “This is a cloth that is going over your eyes. Without your vision, you’re going to have to focus on what I am doing to your body without the benefit of seeing it first. This is another level of trust, my beauty. It’ll make the experience much more intense. I’m not going to explain to you what I’m going to do all the time, Corrin. Part of this experience is you relinquishing control. You are going to become my vessel. Your purpose from this moment on is to give and receive pleasure in whatever manner I deem appropriate. Answer me like I taught you. Tell me you understand.”

  “I understand, Master.”

  “Good boy.”

  The cloth enveloped Corrin’s eyes, and he had to take a deep breath to keep from panicking. This situation felt completely foreign to him. His knees were unused to the position, and his body was thrumming with a pent-up tension. Adrian had been right. They had just been playing the edges thus far. He heard branches snapping to his right, and he had to clench his fist to keep from ripping off the cloth to see what was going on.

  “Relax, beauty.” Adrian’s calm voice became Corrin’s lifeline. He held onto that voice, and it relaxed him a fraction. “You’re shaking from fear, yet you’re hard as a rock,” Adrian said, amusement in his voice.

  Where is he? Corrin stretched his senses out to try to find him. A warm hand gripped his erection and gave a few strokes that left Corrin gasping. He itched to reach out and hold onto the Unseelie prince.

  “Stay in position,” Adrian commanded, his voice firm. “We’re going to go slow at first to warm you up. Tell me you understand.”

  “I understand, Master.”

  * * * *

  “Come up a little more, beauty.” The position left Corrin’s backside vulnerable, and Adrian continued the slow strokes on his cock as he caressed his ass. “I have missed this,” Adrian said, leisurely exploring the tight flesh. “The way your ass flexes and reddens beneath my hand makes me hot. I knew from the second you begged me to spank you that you and I were meant to be. You’ve been mine since we danced in that club.”

  He used his nails to lightly score the flesh of Corrin’s ass, eliciting a hiss from his companion. Adrian smiled fiercely at the way Corrin reacted to him. He eyed the sweet spot between Corrin’s ass cheeks and his thighs. He knew that a well-placed smack to that area would produce a hell of a sting and an equally entertaining reaction.

  He popped him experimentally, and the Seelie prince danced beneath his hand. The flesh turned a pale white and then an angry red. Corrin cried out and nearly pitched forward away from the hand that held onto the bruised flesh in a hard grip.

  “Ride the pain, beauty,” Adrian commanded, his voice was a husky murmur of pleasure. He petted the pain-filled flesh with reverence. “Embrace it. Take it into yourself and know that seeing your pain gives me pleasure.” He leaned forward, allowing Corrin to feel the hard evidence of his pleasure.

  Adrian’s hand fell in quick succession against his ass. Corrin cried out and whined but otherwise remained in position. “Good boy,” Adrian complimented after a few more strokes. “Hold on, beautiful. I’ll be right back.” He stood before crossing the few feet of ground between his beautiful Seelie and his discarded clothing. The small switch he’d taken off a tree a few moments before would do nicely for Corrin’s first scene. It wouldn’t be too intense, but it would sting like a motherfucker. Corrin continued to tremble on his knees, his body shaking with the effort of staying in the position. He was such a good boy.

  Adrian took the switch off the ground and tested the pliability of his chosen instrument. It made a soft swishing sound, and he nodded his approval. “Ready?” he asked as he walked back over to his lover.

  “Yes, Master.”

  Without warning, he began to softly work on Corrin’s unmarked back. Corrin jerked, more out of surprise than pain, falling out of position and onto all fours. He’d obviously never been struck there. He wouldn’t strike him hard his first scene, so Adrian knew he hadn’t really hurt him. “Tsk tsk, Corrin,” he teased. “You’re out of position. What sort of grace is that showing me?”

  “I’m sorry, Master. It startled me,” Corrin said, panting lightly. Whether it was the pain or the pleasure, his beautiful boy was enjoying this. Adrian knew that submissives’ bodies often interpreted pain differently than the rest of the population. He watched as Corrin resumed his position. He worked his back with the switch until Corrin was crying out again, moving restlessly and begging to be fucked.

  “God and goddess, you are so damn beautiful.” Adrian growled, touching the welts he’d created with pleasure. Corrin whimpered and leaned into his touch. He was right on the edge of pain and pleasure. If Adrian pushed him too far, the pain would outweigh the pleasure. If he made it too much about the pleasure, the intensity would be lost. Keeping Corrin on the edge was a delicious and delicate task that Adrian didn’t want to ever end.

  Unfortunately, he was almost feverish with want now. He’d been denying himself for too long and hadn’t released once in the week he’d been at the Seelie court. He needed to be inside his Seelie prince now.

  “Go back on your hands and knees,” he rumbled. His voice was almost inhuman.

  Corrin dropped forward. Adrian untied the cloth on his beauty’s eyes, needing to see the pleasure in those ey
es. His eyes were dilated impossibly, and the heated look Corrin threw over his shoulder took the breath from Adrian’s lungs. Adrian dropped to his knees behind him. He ran his hands over the abused flesh and sighed at the beauty of it. Corrin moaned and leaned against the touch.

  “You feel so good, Master,” Corrin said, his voice tight with need. “Please, please take me.”

  Adrian was undone by the pleading note in Corrin’s voice. The small packet of lube he’d carried in his pocket was a godsend. He hadn’t been planning on using it today but was grateful he had it on him. He slicked his cock with it before he took himself in hand and put the head of his cock against the tight ring of flesh that was the entrance to Corrin’s body.

  “I love you,” Adrian ground out through gritted teeth. “I love you so much, beauty.” Corrin groaned and pushed back against him, impaling himself on Adrian’s body. Adrian disciplined him with a hard smack to his already-bruised backside. He laughed. “I didn’t say you could move,” His voice was tight, but his words were playful.

  Corrin whimpered, and his body tightened around Adrian. “Just want you, Master, always.”

  “You’re ready to come already, aren’t you, beautiful boy?” Adrian asked, beginning to move in a gentle rhythm designed to drive Corrin insane. It was also because the boy was so tight Adrian was afraid that he’d hurt him if he gave into the animal need to rut against him.

  “Yes, Master. Please, harder.” It was clear that Corrin was no longer a being of anything but feeling, obeying Adrian because he didn’t know how to do anything else. Adrian obliged him, increasing the tempo of his hips but not the force.

  “When I get you back to the palace, I’m going to show you my ‘bag of tricks’ as you put it. I’m going to let you hold the instruments of your future torture,” Adrian promised, his hips beginning to lose their rhythm and jerk on their own. “I’m going to lash you until you cry for more, beautiful boy.”

  “Yes, please. Goddess!” Corrin screamed.

  The words sapped out the last remaining bit of civility Adrian could muster, and he became as mindless as his lover, relentlessly pounding into the silken flesh because his instincts demanded he do so. The tight grip of his lover’s ass was pushing him closer to his own climax like nothing else.

  “Come for me, Corrin. I can’t hold back anymore,” Adrian admitted, slamming his hips deep as his cock jerked and began to spill inside his lover. Corrin’s head fell forward, and he screamed his pleasure, spilling himself onto the forest floor.

  They collapsed together on the soft underbrush of the forest in a sweaty, panting heap.

  * * * *

  “Wow,” Corrin said, his head spinning. He was cushioned against the smooth flesh of Adrian’s chest, tracing the small brown nipple in his line of vision. He was pleased to see his Master jump at the contact.

  “Wow is right,” Adrian agreed, pushing his gentle fingers away from his nipple. Corrin touched them again, and Adrian gave a mock growl. “Enough, imp.”

  Corrin nipped the heavy muscle he was resting on in retaliation.

  “Now none of that. If you don’t cease and desist, I’m going to take this as an attack on my person and it will affect our future negotiations,” Adrian threatened, tickling his lover on his ribs. Corrin giggled, rolling to his feet before shuffling over to his discarded pants.

  “Will you come for a run with me?” Corrin asked, motioning to a trail that led down the mountain. “I used to run there when I was a kid. Only royals are allowed. There is a creek at the end that we could clean up in. Join me?”

  Adrian answered by rolling to his own feet and pulling on his black, but sadly covered with dirt, pants. “Your hair is an absolute mess,” Adrian commented, picking a spare bit of twig and leaves out of Corrin’s long locks as he came to stand beside him.

  Corrin laughed and tied his hair back in a long ponytail. “It is so much upkeep. You have no idea. I get up an hour early every day just so a bunch of servant girls can wash, dry, and fix the damn stuff. I swear if I wasn’t a prince I’d cut mine off as short as yours!”

  Adrian smiled and touched one of the spare strands. “My hair was about as long as yours when I was exiled. I was very proud of it.”

  Corrin studied him. “I think I would’ve liked to see that. All that raven-black hair falling like a curtain around you would’ve been sexy as hell. It would’ve been sexier to see our hair mix together when we made love, your midnight and my moonlight.”

  Adrian smiled. “Maybe when I leave this place I’ll grow it out just for you.”

  Corrin smiled at the thought. Impulsively he grabbed Adrian’s hand and began dragging him toward the path. “Come on. I want to show you something.” He was practically bouncing up and down like a kid in a candy store.

  Adrian laughed at him. “Calm down, beauty. What are you so excited about?” he asked as they started off in a dead run. Corrin unerringly jumped over the obstacles of upturned roots, rocks, and holes in the trail, all the time leading Adrian over the unfamiliar terrain by the hand.

  “Can’t tell you. Got to show you.”

  They ran for another fifteen minutes in silence. Finally, Corrin tugged Adrian to a halt. The Unseelie looked around in question.

  “Close your eyes,” Corrin said, his voice a whisper. Adrian nodded and did so, showing how very much he trusted his Seelie lover. They walked another twenty feet with Corrin leading the way. He hoped his lover would appreciate what he was showing him. A lot of people wouldn’t understand why this was such a big deal.

  “Go ahead and open them,” he whispered into Adrian’s ear. Adrian’s eyes came open, and Corrin held his breath as he waited for his reaction.

  They were on a small shelf made by the rock of the mountain that broke off into a sheer cliff. The Blue Ridge Mountains towered around them, and the whole of the valley was opened up below them. It seemed like they were sitting on top of the world. “When the sun comes up, the whole valley is painted in purples, blues, and yellows. I used to come and play here. I’d pretend I was a human boy going to some public school in the city. Sometimes I just came here to think. It was my special place. The only other person who ever came with me is Gael,” Corrin explained.

  “Thank you for sharing this with me, beautiful,” Adrian said, bringing Corrin into the cradle of his arms and giving him a gentle kiss.

  Corrin hugged him. “I wanted to share it with you. I wanted to give you something special.”

  “Your virginity and your submission isn’t enough?” Adrian joked.

  Corrin smacked him playfully on the chest. “Don’t be a jerk. I wanted you to see this. It’s like a secret or something. A piece of me, I guess.”

  Adrian’s expression grew serious. “Then I will treasure it, beauty.”

  They stood there arm in arm for a long while soaking up their surroundings. Adrian’s arms were around his waist, and Corrin’s head rested on Adrian’s shoulder. “We should get back to the palace,” Adrian said at last. “They’ll think I’ve kidnapped you if we don’t return soon.”

  “You’re right,” Corrin agreed. “I just don’t want this to end yet.”

  Adrian gripped Corrin’s chin up so he could put a hard kiss on his lips. “My sweet submissive, this will never end.”

  There was only one thing left to say. “I love you, Master.”

  Chapter Eleven

  It was the eve of the spring equinox. Even though the festival was Corrin’s favorite, he was unhappy. By Seelie law he was required to spend the day holding court with his family, which meant he had been sitting on his throne all damn day and hadn’t been able to sneak away to see Adrian once.

  “Would you stop fidgeting?” King DeMarco snapped, bringing Corrin out of his brooding thoughts.

  “Sorry, Father,” he muttered.

  His father glared daggers at him. “Lord Ginnis was complimenting you on your fine work with the Unseelie emissary.”

  Corrin blinked and looked to the Seelie noble on the elevate
d stage that was positioned down the steps from the three royal thrones. He pasted on his best court smile. “Your compliment is noted, and I am honored by it.” Corrin said the words with just enough kiss-ass in his tone to be proper.

  “Right you are, Prince Corrin,” Lord Ginnis said. He adjusted his light-blue suit that matched his blue cotton-candy-looking hair. “I hear he’s leaving the day after tomorrow, correct?”

  “You are very correct, Lord Ginnis. I look forward to having the negotiations finished.” The words were as close to lies as he could manage. Corrin was looking forward to Adrian not being subjected to the scorn of his people. The Seelie noble bowed, Corrin nodded his approval, and Lord Ginnis exited the stage.

  Lies. Corrin watched the courtier’s retreating back. My whole life is a lie. I am in love with an Unseelie Vampire. I hate this court’s rules, and I hate being its prince. I just want to paint and be with the man who I consider my Master. I don’t want this.

  “What is distracting you?” his father demanded. “You’re usually much more enthusiastic during the equinox. The ball is tonight after all.”

  “I can’t give a specific reason why I’m distracted, Da,” Corrin said, careful to keep the misery out of his voice. “Perhaps it’s the deal we’ve been working on, but I don’t really feel like attending the ball. Maybe I’ll just attend the bonfire at midnight.”

  “Of course it’s not comfortable, son,” his father interrupted before he could go further. “You’ve been spending every day with that monstrous pervert. Perhaps I should assign Richard and Gael to him this evening? He put in a request to attend our rites, but I thought perhaps I should deny him. I can’t, after all, give that degenerate special privileges.”

  “No,” Corrin said quickly, perhaps too quickly if his father’s curious gaze was any indication. “This will provide an opportunity to finish up our negotiations early. Allow me to talk to him through the ball and throw him a bone by allowing him to attend the bonfire with me. It’ll make him much more amenable to finish.”


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