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Business is Business PT 2

Page 5

by Silk White

  Danny nodded and downed the rest of his drink. He looked around and noticed that it was only him, another customer and, the bartender left in the bar.

  The bartender glanced towards the entrance when he saw Mike enter the bar along with two other rough looking men. He called Mike when he recognized the man at the bar as the hit man that was hired to eliminate, Derrick Mason. He knew the reward would be worth the mess they would make in his place of business.

  Mike walked right up to Danny Lopez and shot him in the back of his head spilling the man’s brains all over the bar top. Seconds later another gunshot rang out. Mike looked to his left and saw that one of his henchmen had put a bullet in the back of the remaining customer’s head. “Sorry about the mess,” Mike said as he tossed the bartender a small pouch that contained $10,000 in cash inside.

  “Any time,” the bartender said with a grateful look on his face. It wasn’t often that he was able to make $10,000 in one day.

  “You guys clean this mess up,” Mike ordered as he took a seat on one of the stools, reached over the counter, and poured himself a drink. He had finally gotten rid of both Lopez Twins now; Derrick didn’t have to keep looking over his shoulder. Lately, Mike had been working around the clock to find some product for the family for the last few days the, Mason family had been completely out of product and the pressure was on for them to find something quickly before some crew got brave and tried to ease their way into their territory. Mike turned on his stool as he watched his crew roll, Danny Lopez’s dead body up in a sheet of plastic and carry him out the back door. Mike had one last drink, turned and shook the bartender’s hand, then left.



  Jimmy laid on the bed as he watched Stoney’s head bob up and down between his legs. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the loud wet, slurping sounds that, Stoney’s mouth made. Jimmy held Stoney’s hair with one hand making sure to keep it out of her face. “Damn!” He groaned as Stoney began bobbing her head faster and faster, as she released loud drawn out moans like she had the devil in her. Stoney refused to release Jimmy’s tool until he filled her mouth his juices.

  “Argh!” Jimmy groaned. That was just what he needed. He loved the way Stoney handled her business in the bedroom her skills made, Kelly seem like an amateur. Jimmy switched positions and got ready to return the favor when he heard someone ringing his doorbell.

  “Don’t answer it baby,” Stoney wined she knew Jimmy had to go handle some business in the next few minutes and didn’t want to miss out on her orgasm.

  Jimmy ignored her as he grabbed his gun off the dresser and headed downstairs to see who had showed up to his house unannounced. Jimmy looked through the peephole and his whole mood changed instantly. He snatched the door open and saw Eric standing on the other side.

  “I should blow your head off right now,” Jimmy growled as he raised his gun aiming it at his brother’s head.

  “I’m here to apologize,” Eric said with his hands raised in surrender. Before he could get another word out, Pistol Pete sprang from around the corner with his gun trained on Jimmy.

  “Pete chill hold your fire!” Eric ordered.

  “Who the fuck is that?” Jimmy asked turning his gun on the gunman.

  “That’s my new body guard that ma hired to keep me safe,” Eric explained he then turned and faced Pistol Pete. “Pete put your gun down,” he ordered.

  “You two clowns got five seconds to get off my property,” Jimmy warned. Thoughts of blowing Eric’s head off crossed his mind, but the only reason he didn’t shoot him was the simple fact that he felt bad for ruining his brother’s marriage.

  “I’m here to apologize,” Eric said. “I was wrong for shooting you I reacted off of emotion and wasn’t thinking clearly.”

  Jimmy lowered his gun. “You owe me a new shirt,” he smiled and pulled Eric in for a hug. “It’s good to see you.”

  “Likewise,” Eric smiled. “Jimmy this is Pistol Pete, Pistol Pete Jimmy,” he introduced the two.

  “Pops told me you’ve been handling a few things for the family business,” Jimmy smiled. He was having a hard time believing the stories about his baby brother living and acting like the rest of the family. “You know, Millie is going to kill you and pop when she finds out that you’re getting your hands dirty out here in these streets.”

  “I know but the family needs me right now and I’m tired of just sitting around going over numbers all day,” Eric explained. “Plus right now pop needs all the help he can get.” Eric knew he wasn’t supposed to be getting involved with this aspect of the business but it was something about the lifestyle that attracted and kept pulling him in.

  “Speaking of help I think I may need you and Pistol Pete’s help,” Jimmy said.

  “What you need?” Eric asked with a curious look on his face.

  “I just got a call from Mike. He got the drop on a new shipment of cocaine that’s coming in today,” Jimmy said. “I have a few guys rolling out with me but if I had you two watching my back I’d feel a lot more comfortable.”

  “Where’s Big foot?”

  “Took one in the shoulder the other day,” Jimmy told him.

  “Tell me more about this shipment,” Eric said in a serious tone.

  “There’s this truck coming in and it’s supposed to be loaded with work,” Jimmy explained.

  “So what’s the plan?”

  “We going to hijack the whole truck,” Jimmy said his tone was all business.

  “I don’t know this sounds risky,” Eric rubbed the top of his head. He was still a beginner and was scared that maybe he was biting off more than he could chew with this job.

  “This job is going to be a piece of cake,” Jimmy smiled. “Mike is going to pull the truck over kill the driver, and then we pull up and take the truck in and out.”

  “How many men in the truck?” Pistol Pete asked.

  “Just the driver.”

  “You sure?” Pistol Pete asked. If he was going on the job, he needed to know everything about it.

  “Positive,” Jimmy turned and faced Eric. “We have to take this truck we’ve been dead for the last week.”

  “Completely dead like no drugs what so ever?”

  “Completely dead,” Jimmy repeated with a look of stress on his face. “Either we get this shipment or we lose all of our territory and everything that our family has built for years,” Jimmy looked over at Eric and Pistol Pete. “Are y’all in or what?”



  For the past thirty minutes, Mike had been following the delivery truck. The family was depending on the contents in the back of that truck; Mike cruised at a decent speed. He had to wait until the truck made it to a certain checkpoint spot before pulling it over. Mike’s palms were sweaty and his stomach was doing flips. If the stuff that Mike had been doing ever got out he knew he would be finished. A part of Mike actually wouldn’t mind if the family had went legit, it wasn’t as they weren’t already filthy rich. “Here we go!” Mike said out loud trying to pump himself up, he reached down and hit his lights signaling for the driver of the truck to pull over. Mike watched as the truck driver hit his signal light as the truck began to slow down and shift over to the side of the rode. Once the truck was at a complete stop, Mike pulled out his cell phone, sent a text message, then stepped out of his vehicle and approached the truck.

  The truck driver rolled his window down and stuck his head out. “What seems to be the problem officer?”

  Mike removed a silence .380 from the small of his back, climbed up the steps that led to the driver’s door, stuck his arm in the window, and blew the driver’s head off. Mike hopped down and quickly walked back to his vehicle, hopped in, and drove off as if nothing happened.

  One minute later a black Cadillac truck pulled up and three men dressed in all black with ski mask covering their faces hopped out while the driver stayed behind the wheel.

  “I’m going to clean the blood off the windshield yo
u two go check the back,” Jimmy ordered as he headed for the front of the truck.

  Pistol Pete and one of Jimmy’s goons a man that went by the name, Joe headed to the back to make sure the drugs were there. Joe opened the back door to the truck and immediately his eyes opened wide in shock when he saw a Mexican man standing there with a machine gun in his hands. Before Joe could even say a word his body riddled with bullets.

  Eric sat behind the wheel of the Cadillac truck and watched the Mexican man murder Joe in cold blood. “Shit!”

  Pistol Pete stood on the side of the truck, stuck his Mack 10 inside, and squeezed down on the trigger. He waved his arm back and forth until he heard the sound of a body dropping to the floor. Pistol Pete turned the corner, hopped on the back of the truck, and put eight more bullets into the Mexican man’s body.

  “What happened?” Jimmy asked as he ran around to the back of the truck.

  “Nothing we good,” Pistol Pete said as he violently tossed the Mexican’s dead body off the truck.

  Jimmy spun around and saw a cop car pull up to a screeching stop. Without thinking twice, Jimmy raised his Uzi and dumped an entire clip into the squad car’s front windshield. “I think he called it in we have to move!”

  Eric pulled the Cadillac truck up backwards so the back of the Cadillac truck was butt to butt with the truck. “We have to dump as much product in here as we can. We only have about three minutes,” he announced. If the dead officer had called it in, that meant that every cop in the city would soon be looking for the delivery truck. Jimmy quickly hopped on the back of the truck as he and Pistol Pete quickly unloaded as much product as they could into the back of the Cadillac truck.

  “Come on, come on, come on,” Eric whispered with a scared look on his face. This was his first time in a serious life or death situation.

  “Fuck!” Jimmy huffed when he saw that the Cadillac truck was full and there were still plenty more drugs on the truck. “Fuck that we taking our chances with the truck.”

  “Don’t be greedy let’s go!” Eric yelled.

  “Get out of here we’re taking the truck!” Jimmy said as he hopped down from the back of the truck and ran towards front and hopped in the driver’s seat. There was way too much money on that truck for him just to leave it.

  Eric pulled back onto the highway and gunned the engine; he wanted nothing to do with that truck.

  Pistol Pete pulled the back doors closed on the truck as he felt the truck take off. He quickly reloaded his Mack 10 and took a seat on one of the crates.

  As Jimmy drove on the highway, his eyes kept looking over at the side mirrors making sure no cops were behind him. He knew this was a risky move, but the pressure was on and his family needed him to come through in the clutch and he refused to let them down. He drove ten minutes away to a warehouse that his family owned. Jimmy parked the truck in the warehouse, hopped out and yelled to the top of his lungs. “That’s what the fuck I’m talking about!”

  Pistol Pete hopped off the back of the truck with a smile on his while Eric and Mike sat over in the cut smiling. The family was now officially back in business.



  Derrick paced back and forth in, Pearl’s house as he listened to her apologize over and over again. He had love for Pearl but he had to let her go because he knew she wouldn’t be able to handle playing the background.

  “Can you stop walking back and forth and say something please,” Pearl said. For the past thirty minutes, she had been apologizing and Derrick hadn’t said a word.

  “How much?”


  “I said how much?” Derrick repeated.

  “How much for what?” Pearl asked with a confused look on her face.

  “How much to make you go away forever?” Derrick said coldly. He would rather pay Pearl to leave the city than find her with a bullet in her head when Millie got released from prison.

  “Excuse me?” Pearl snaked her neck. “How dare you offer me money to get rid of me?”

  “Listen Pearl,” Derrick began. “I love you, you know I do but, Millie will be home in a few months and I don’t want to see nothing bad happen to you.”

  “I’m not afraid of Millie,” Pearl said trying to sound strong.

  “I know you’re not baby but,” Derrick paused for a second. “Millie will kill you and not think twice about it.”

  Pearl sat down on the couch and looked down at the floor. “You love her more than me don’t you?”

  “She’s my wife.”

  “I’ll leave town, and I’m not taking any money from you either,” Pearl said as tears ran down her face. She loved Derrick with all her heart and wished they could have been together but the truth was she knew Derrick’s heart was with Millie.

  “Can I get a hug?” Derrick asked with his arms open.

  “Just go Derrick,” Pearl wiped her eyes. “Just leave and you never have to see me ag...” Before she could finish her sentence, a spray of bullets ripped through her chest tossing her down to the floor.

  “Oh shit!” Derrick yelled as he dove down to the floor as bullets rained through the front door and windows. He listened closely as he heard his bodyguards returning fire on the gunmen. Derrick crawled over to Pearl’s body. He was going to check for a pulse but when he saw all the bullets holes in her body, he knew that she was already gone. Derrick heard a loud boom as his body guard Tony came spilling through the front door.

  “How many of them are out there?” Derrick asked.

  “Too many!” Was Tony’s response. “Come on we have to get out of here!” Tony led Derrick out the back door out into the back yard. With the agility of a teenage athlete, Derrick hopped the fence in point one seconds and took off in a sprint through the neighbor’s yard. Derrick spotted two shadows coming around the corner, pulled out his .38, and put the two figures down immediately. Derrick ran through another back yard when out of nowhere a gunman dove off the roof of the single-family home on to, Derrick’s back. The two men hit the ground hard. Before Derrick could make it back to his feet, the gunman landed two hard blows to his face. The gunman went to throw another punch when Derrick scooped him up in the air and violently dumped him down on his head. In the mist of the scuffle, Derrick was able to grab his .38 from off the ground and get off two shots. Immediately the gunman stopped moving. Derrick looked back and saw Tony shooting it out with three different gunmen. It was either fight or flight and Derrick chose to take flight. He sprinted around the corner out into the street when out of nowhere a car hit him. Derrick’s head bounced off the windshield as his momentum tossed him in the air. Derrick’s body hung in the air for a few seconds before it came violently crashing down to the unforgiving concrete. The last thing Derrick remembered was seeing Tony get gunned down before everything went black.



  Jimmy entered the building he was looking for, entered the staircase, and trotted up to the fourth floor. Jimmy stepped out of the staircase and slipped his hands into a pair of black gloves. He was finally getting around to taking out the witness who claimed to see his father murder two men in cold blood. Jimmy removed his silenced 9mm and shot the lock off the door. He barged through the front door with a two handed grip on his weapon. He eased his way through apartment when he came across an old lady who looked like someone’s grandmother. Jimmy quickly put the old lady down with two shots to the chest.

  Pst! Pst!

  Jimmy moved throughout the apartment until he spotted his target standing in the kitchen frying some fish. He waited until she turned around before putting a bullet right between her eyes. Jimmy was already heading towards the exit before the woman’s body hit the floor.


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